keep crying survivors, spirit isn't gonna be changed anytime soon

she haven't been touched for a year and nurse did had a nerf before her kit get changed, (2 blinks instead of 3)
some killers will have their add-ons reworked like for doctor and myers, she isn't in the devs radar and won't be since they believe she is in a good place, they know she's strong and she will remain this way.
cry all you want, it jsut show you simply can't git gud against her, and maybe if you'D stop DC all the time against her you could maybe learn a few tricks ;)
I think people mostly just want Prayer Beads to be dealt with.
18 -
That grammar was sad lol. Spirit isn't fully a problem, just prayer beads. Also, the problem with spirit is how you need to run iron will to have a chance of escaping, and it isnt fair to have a perk be a must because of one killer
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How can i tell so easily this """discussion""" is just going to turn into a poofest of "you vs me" "killers opie" "survivors opie"
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I’m going to assume that people who complain about gen times dc whenever survivors finish a gen?
Of course I’m not serious, but you can’t be serious about people always dcing against spirit.
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woah woah woah... No need to start this kinda crap. There is enough Survivor vs. Killer
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Yeah! 😁
Billy's first. After he gets his fuel tank they will look at Spirit.
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Wait Myers' add-ons will be reworked?
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Somehow I doubt she isn't gonna be changed.
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I didn't give a damn what they did to Spirit. Now I hope they do nerf her.
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Nope, they are gonna nerf Pig first. She's too OP. Carry slightly faster? OP OP.
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I simply want her addons reworked. Things like Prayer Beads and activation time change skilled plays into complete coin toss's. She's the most unfun killer too fight IMO.
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She is really boring on the surv side, way too strong and easy to play. She has no counters but to gen rush.
You could be a 7000 hours surv but if spirit player is using headsets you're going down.
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LOL, you wish.
I‘m not even good at killer but Spirit boosted me to red ranks because of how broken she is due to lack of information for Survivors.
She‘ll get the nerf she deserves someday.
Also, i didn‘t know people could get good when it comes to constantly having to guess.
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Welp by playing spirit you just show the lack of skill you have since only ur strong killer is doing half ur job
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Actually this has happened more then once to me, we finish the gens, killer get a few hooks, dc's as soon as we open gates.
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Yeah, no.
Most of the people around the forum here agreed that Nurse at basekit is fine and they would like an add-ons rework and we see how that played out.
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I don’t have an opinion about Spirit one way or the other.
All I can say is with a discussion title like that, you’re kinda tempting fate there buddy....
It’s kinda like saying “they’ve done enough to The Pig. They’ll NEVER nerf her again!” Then we find out some crazy new rule that her stalk isn’t “basic stealth” and therefore doesn’t qualify for “undetectable”, and to keep things consistent across killers, “undetectable” will be the only way to have no terror radius. ie, terror radius when crouched.
Ok, that was a tangent. The point is, don’t tell those who wield the “nerf gun” that they’ll never touch your killer. You’re just daring them to take a shot...
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Why do people hate it when a killer is strong?
Having killers with strong powers is fine, I guess survs just wanna be allowed to bully every single killer easily.
That being said, I ######### hate spirit.
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*Still waiting on those Legion buffs*
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Yeah, spirit won't receive any nerf yet
It's gonna be HillBilly because he have insta-down and run very fastwithout cooldown0 -
Shes been out for a long time. Why are people only recently complaining about her?
I like playing against her the way she is. I often have Spine Chill and Iron Will together, mind you. But other people could use the same perks? Replace your self-care and balanced landing for these?
If all these nerfing requests and fighting turns this game into a nanny state, it will become so boring and stale to play..
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I hope they nerf spirit so these forums will have so many salty spirit mains crying it's gonna be funny actually
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Rude! I just wish they would buff some of the lower Killers!
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yes I wish they did that but come on you gotta admit all of the crying nurse mains over the nerfs were pretty entertaining
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people crying about nerfs in any video game is entertaining
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I don't find anyone upset as being "Entertaining"! Honestly, people that do are normally #########!
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the only valid nerf complaints are legion
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People don't like change. I bet you don't either!
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At least I agree with you there! I'm still working to get my Rework Legion Idea thread seen by the Devs!
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You know the usual nerf recipe!?
1) Abuse the DC mechanic (which they won't be able to do when dedicated servers are turned on)
2) Cry here for nerfs
3) Show the devs that the killer is op
4) Devs eventually nerf them
I'm afraid her nerf is closer than we have imagined
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And even prayer beads are fine atm, just annoying. You can hear her footsteps and start gentapping after you found out it's the gengrabber build. Its hardcounter is "Spine Chill" btw.
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It doesn't matter if people complain or not. If some killers are significantly outperforming others, there has to be a rework. It's like if there would be one survivor you have to hit 3 times to down him, nobody would play the others any more.
It's just funny how people pretend that Nurse and Spirit don't need nerfs - while they are constantly 4k with them.
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Oh fret not, Spirit's big nerf is well underway. The survivor mains have spoken.
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some people don't want to climb mountains to have a good time, spirit still has to track to collect a hit.
Are you saying people shouldnt be rewarded for their tracking skills?
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Tracking skills? More like Headsets Skills, yeah because you need ears to be good as Spirit, not everbody can.
But yes, I think you need to climb the mountain to be able to use top tier killers that can be very strong and still be vulnerable because the killer still has some counters.
Spirit has no counter, and Spirit has the equivalent of a fast food learning curve.
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It may take a while, it may take a month or two or slight changes could be done in weeks who knows.
Nurse took a long time and Legion took 5 months.
The devs change things when they feel it's warranted and anything and everything is subject to change at some point.
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Never say never.
Nurse took a long time but Legion took 5 months nd Freddy took a week. There is no set time frame for changes it hapoens when it happens.
Anything and everything is subject to change and the devs do it when they feel it's warranted.
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This thread is bait. Not for players, but for devs.
But honestly, I really hope they don't nerf spirit beyond rebalancing Prayer Beads a bit. She's a tad strong in chases, but lacks the cross-map mobility and ability to find survs that other killers have. Perhaps make it so that Stridor doesn't work in phase, that's about the only change that might be warranted to base kit.
I just don't see what's so bad about having strong killers. Killer is solo vs 4 people, their characters need to be strong to warrant the survs having the numbers. Right now most killers aren't strong enough to do much against a competent team of 4 survs and rely on survivors to make mistakes.
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spine chill destroyes her prayer beads. according to that logic, nothing is fair lol.
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Spine chill doesnt destroy anything, that perk is overrated as hell. And im talking about normal spirit
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I think too think Prayer Beads are the only issue.
Combined with Nurse's Call, they're extremely powerful.
I myself enjoy using them just to be an absolute swine, but I do fully support them being altered to have a downside.
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How old are you?
You can't even use basic punctuation, let alone grammar yet you tell others to stop crying whilst your still being breastfed?
As a person who plays half survivor and half killer AND has spirit as his main killer I can safely say that your delusional. Spirits powerful sure, but most people don't complain that she is massively overpowered, they really mainly complain about prayer beads as they are downright broken (as opposed to the pink ultra rare glasses add-on that completely sucks)
I honestly can't tell if your trying to taunt a reaction out of players by telling them to stop crying on a public forum or doing what the more likely thing of just being yourself. With everything you have stated it's a wonder who boots up dead by daylight and plays it for you... Is it the man on the TV? Because I'm pretty sure your mental capacity would be vastly exceeded by the very thought of playing yourself, you. Maybe if "you'D" stop being such a ######### stirer on the already toxic dbd forums you could work on improving your social skills? Just a thought.
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The FOX News equivalent of substance. There is nothing of me to be offered here, as you've offered nothing.
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More like a whiny spirit main thats gonna cry when she gets changed
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You're crying about survivors crying lol