how to play against a chainsaw (most OP killers in the game)

for me and i played over 900 hours.. is one of the chainsaws (billy/LF) my absolutly nemesis and a safe offering.
why do so many people say they are easy to block? i play a stealth dwight (not the claudette cheat) and always when they chase me they win because of their power. i dont do 360 moves and just try to use the structures and map awareness to run away. my rekord was surviving 16 seconds.
what else can i do to improve my skills against hillbilly? many times i just surrenderd on the hook because a dc is not fair for the killer but i wanted to end the horror trip.
in my opinion a chainsaw is too OP because he can use his power to instadown you without any working for it...
i hope some people can help me..
see you in the fog
steam acc: Gerrit ( joker pic.)
360s are useless. I can't believe you have 900 hours and think 360s work. Are you a console player or something?
These two are easy to beat or run in a chase. You might get caught but you can waste a lot of their time.
If they force the chainsaw you can avoid them easy. It's harder if they use M1.
The wind up gives you a big opening to dodge. But you can't dodge in an open field. You need obstacles like trees to run them around. If they are good they can hit you but generally if you know what you're doing you can dodge the chainsaw for a long time.
The only thing that is OP is Billy's travel speed with us chainsaw. Not the chainsaw itself. Good Billy's and Leather faces use a mix of their M1 along with their chainsaw. Bad ones do nothing but chainsaw and are easy to deal with. You will sometimes get caught in a bad spot and go down, but if you are focused on looping you can avoid that.
Stealth players usually end in bad spots because stealth is an all or nothing thing. Looper make distance when they spot the killer so they can find a safe spot. Stealthers stick to their guns and try to avoid.
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Leatherface is simply a joke. He cannot use his chainsaw unless you're right in front of him. Just use a window and he'll have to use his hammer. Billy can do it from a distance, but he cannot turn very good. If you refuse to use 360 moves, then it's your own fault for dying.
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360s are useless against competent killers, you might catch a baby killer out with it.
VS billy never give him a straight line, use corners of things like loops and jungle gyms, also his chainsaw always comes from from the right, so you have more time to dodge if you sharp turn left.
VS LF as someone else said, windows. Without range addons he won't catch you across a window unless you hug it, and if he's running range addons then his charge up will be too slow to catch you vaulting.
Also, don't ever get greedy at loops vs chainsaw killers. Always drop the pallet, it's better for them to get the pallet break than you getting knocked down.
Post edited by Lucama on2 -
Wut. 360's absolutely do not work against Leather faces chainsaw. Well they don't work in general unless the killer is bad, but LF's chainsaw specifically attacks in a 360 arc, it's literally impossible to dodge it with a 360.
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Precisely this.
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Rename this post rn before the devs take the title seriously.
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Look, I'm sry but your stealth play is causing that you don't improve. Don't be wrong, the most important asset as survivor is to learn how to chase.
First of all start looking behind.
Don't get caugh on a tree in the middle of nowhere
Start chasing killers.
You have 900 hours, you should at least be decent at it. For the way you speak I assume you play like a 100 hours player. So you have work to do.
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- Don't stand in dead zones (empty parts of the map with no loops or stuff to hide behind)
- Don't let him get close
- Break line of sight
- Loop him like any other killer
- Make sure you know where the killer is at during a chase
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180 arc*, not 360 (the chainsaw doesn't hit behind him). It is technically possible to "360" a Leatherface (source: done it myself once by sheer luck), it's just incredibly difficult because of the chainsaw hitbox. (and will never work against a competent killer, as you said, unless they are having a very bad day).
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Sounds like you hide in bushes and don't look behind you.
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You should learn to read, I already said that Leatherface was a joke. I was talking about Billy.
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Leatherface is pretty simple to avoid. He slows down when he charges his chainsaw giving some time to put distance between you. Try to use windows to avoid it. Always make sure you have a bit of distance between you, or an object like a pallet or tree. If you are stuck between a rock and a hard place, run around a box and hope that he hits it while trying to turn. A 360 will rarely work on the Cannibal because of the chainsaw hitbox.
As far as Billy, I main him, and I can tell you his biggest weakness is turning. You get to a spot where he can't use his chainsaw (typically a loop) then he will be forced to use his hammer. Some Billy's will only use their chainsaw and if this is the case, loop them. If you happen to find yourself in an open field with him revving up the saw behind you, your actions should depend on how good he is. If he is bad, he will expect you to run straight. Cut to the side and do not give him a straight line. Do not fake one way and cut the other against a bad Billy because when he goes straight you will run right back into him. If he catches on, change it up and go the opposite way. A good Billy will anticipate your turn. This is the time to fake one direction and cut back the other way as he will not chainsaw straight, but to the side where he thinks you'll go. If they catch on, change it up once again. A good tactic against a good Billy is to run straight. They will expect you to play smart and cut to the side, so if you play dumb and run straight it will catch them off guard. This has limited uses though and should only be used when you have no other option.
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I'll be honest I find Billy and Nurse are the hardest to learn to play against. It isn't even so much about their strength as it is the variance of players. There's no middle ground. Either you get someone you can run around to the point of being sad, or you get someone who can crush you in 10 seconds or less.
There never seems to be a medium skill level player on them to be able to practice what works and what doesn't.
Billy usually just feels more like a coin toss, either you guess right, or you don't and BLAM chase over.
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I pray this is sarcasm
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Your best weapon against chainsaws are windows. If you use them well you'll force the killer to m1 you, after that he will play like any other m1 killer.
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well i know that running into corners and using the structures seem to be the case but, i´m soo bad in chases because i´m always confused when i hear a chainsaw..
nurse, spirit, which killer it is is not a problem if you plays them out. i play them out very well the only killers i cant stop are the chainsaws.
ofc i have over 900 hours but on surv(300) and killers(600) side together... chasing is still my big problem. i was 2 times rank 1 as killer, but the role is much more different then the survivors if you know what i mean. i play tactical and stealth killers like clown,freddy,pig and hag.
as survivor i cant reach above purple rank...
i know some trolls like Pistoltimb or pistolkiller post bullshit but my question is very serious.
i cant believe that iám the only one who cant fight against billy or LF... (btw. i dont do their killer daylies i always skip.. the will be untouchable forever^^)
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Well, what I'd suggest is you pick up Billy and LF for a little bit, learn how they handle. Coming from being a killer main to now playing split killer/surv, I feel like I know how to deal with them. I know the timings, I know what I'd do as the killer in that situation.
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On console, 360's are very good. Hard to deal with considering the low sensitivity and the damn aim assist.
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Possible, I admittedly don't consider consoles in my posts because I only play on PC, and the OP seems to be a PC player too so console based advice wouldn't be helpful. But I see your point, I can imagine 360ing working pretty well when the killer can't flick the mouse.
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I've seen it work, but it's very unreliable.
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Holly's chainsaw is good in the open and if he is semi close to you. If they are at a distance it's easier to avoid by moving left or right with the right timing which can be dependant on turning add-ons and the reactions of the killer but highly doable none the less.
With both killers being close to objects is a big weakness. Billy unless it's Insta saw will have to charge which allows you to look more.
Leatherface well good players can do well with him but he is highly susceptible to looping and doesn't have great map pressure. If you are out in the open and he gets close accept your fate. Yes a 360 can at times avoid his chainsaw but any competent players will generally follow your movements and down you.
Always try and keep a distance with these killers as that is when they are at their weakest and the powers are avoidable.
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I agree bubba is way too op especially in red ranks so let's nerf him, right?
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It's only a matter of when.
I wonder how the people here defending current Billy will fair? Will they stand with what they currently believe or turn tail? It will be an interesting time.
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I have no problems wtih Billy other than his synergy with BBQ. I've always complained about BBQ. Probably the #1 biggest BBQ hater in this community.
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Ofc you are
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I wouldn't count "360s" out when trying to dodge a point blank chainsaw. If the option is run in a straight line at point blank or go for a 360 "jittery" movement ALWAYS take the 360 against a Billy chainsaw. If its a Leatherface chainsaw then yeah 360s hold no power and tight turning obstacles are your best bet.
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And when Killer FPS is atrocious. Survivor FPS hovers around 45 on console. Killers chill around 25. That's on an normal map like Autohaven. On something like Ormond or the Red Forest, that Killer FPS drops to like, 15.
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You don't DC cuz it's unfair to killers but you still ######### making it nigh impossible to win for the other survivor? like even if you aren't great against him at least you buy a partial amount of time or get some gen progress done, whenever I see someone disconnect I always lose hope, I'll still try my best but I know in all honesty (assuming it's the beginning of the game, I don't get people who insta DC after getting mindgamed and downed for first hook)
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I nvr mastered 360's for console. I like LoS breaking to end chases more then looping. XD sadly I'm way too efficient at it and somewhat good at looping some days while God tier on others. So most killers will abandon me quite quickly once they realize how I am wasting there time.
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360's are very popular and useable on console due to its high sensitivity limit and how it relates to the joy stick. Also, console players are more casual. Ya, we actually dont care very much for "ironing out the bits of our betterments." I know if you're on the forums you're more of a tryhard, but really, to insult the OP is ungracious and shows folly and pity of your character.
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Leave gens early and find a safe spot like a jungle gym or pallet. The best thing for chainsaw killers is overconfidence
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If billy is far away bait him the turn right or left and then switch directions and use trees and corners and vaults if you have enough time. Leatherface is garbage just use vaults if you have distance which you don't need much against him it's an easy way to prevent chainsaws. I love to go against chainsaw killers personally because they don't have crazy movements like teleporting or phasing like a ######### (######### spirit)
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Wait... Leatherface is op? Last time I checked the forums people were still saying he was the weakest killer in the game. Can people make up their minds?
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Firstly, I can't 360. If I do. It's cause the killer is terrible or its the first attack of the game and he isn't expecting it.
LF is far slower with his attack and running around him is incredibly risky if impossible. Best odds are run like heck. Or loop or just run him around something and hope he bumps it. Depending on his add ons, hiding in a locker to avoid him is useless, as he can simply bump into the locker and trap you.
Billy is alot faster, problem with Billy is he as complete control until he actually starts running (meaning he can make last minute turns in a pinch if you juke too early) 360 can work but only to confuse him during charge up. He can hit you over windows unless you've completely cleared it fully. But running him around can be a good idea as this reduces his range considerable or he risks hitting somthing. You can hide in a locker to avoid his attack, since unlike LF he can't cancel his attack, he either has to complete it or let it drain so he can attack you. This mainly works on Billy's that only want to chainsaw you. And should only be used if you have no choice as a delaying tactic.
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Say that now about leatherface....i dare you
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Who is this Billy peole keep talking about? I only see M1lly's