Endorsements (A effective way to REDUCE toxicity)

NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
edited July 2018 in General Discussions
Endorsements, that's basically what I want for DbD! I seen actual evidence of it reducing 20 to 30% of toxicity from a game called "Overwatch" and I noticed that people are much more nicer ever since the endorsement update for Overwatch. Now, DbD has a great community but there are people who'll do anything to ruin your day! So here's my list of everything that should be in DbD's endorsement update if they ever decide to have one!

Endorsement level:

1 level => level 2: 25 Endorsements to rank up
2 level => level 3: 50 Endorsements to rank up
3 level => level 4: 100 Endorsements to rank up
4 level => level 5: 200 Endorsements to rank up

Example: To rank up to level 2, you'll need 25 endorsements from other adventurers from the fog! SWF cannot endorse each other, people who aren't in a group with you can endorse you including the killer!

Endorsement Types:

Good Sportsmanship: This player had great manners in their win or loss!

Example: The killer got destroyed by the survivors but was nice about the loss!
"GG, that was really fun even through I didn't get a sacrifice lol!"

Good Survivor/Killer: This teammate was helpful for the team and has done a lot to support us!

Example: This survivor saved a lot of people from the hook and did a lot of generators!
"Dude, you came in clutch with the hook saves! Your such a great teammate lol!"

Leader: (Killers can't endorse survivors with leader and vice versa) This teammate helped out by calling out objectives, killer's location, and etc!
"Thank you for letting me know where the killer was at!"

Endorsements Rewards:

Reaching level 2: 250 Iridescent Shards and 500 XP
Reaching level 3: 500 Iridescent Shards and 1000 XP
Reaching level 4: 750 Iridescent Shards and 1500 XP
Reaching level 5: 1000 Iridescent Shards and 2000 XP


Every survivor will now have the option to join team chat and help communicate with the survivor team!

Endorsements reset back to level 1 after every season so you can keep earning rewards! :)
Post edited by NMCKE on


    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Not a bad idea, but I feel like rage would overcome players' lust for in game items.

    Just don't endorse them! They'll eventually learn that raging won't earn them a endorsement which means no reward for them!
  • RWoodrow
    RWoodrow Member Posts: 270
    I like the idea, but I don't see any killer making it to level 2. There's too many made up rules and it's asymmetrical.

    Example -"The killer lost and handled it well but he/she camped (fill in the blank here) so I'm downvoting!"

    Don't get me wrong, I know killers have their made up rules too, but numbers (3 up, 1 down because "they brought in a flashlight") give survivors hope of leveling up.

    Again, I like the idea, just not sure it would work in an asymmetrical game.
  • Kevvie
    Kevvie Member Posts: 175
    I like the idea of endorsements, it gives some kind of incentive to play “nice”.
    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    edited July 2018
    RWoodrow said:
    I like the idea, but I don't see any killer making it to level 2. There's too many made up rules and it's asymmetrical.

    Example -"The killer lost and handled it well but he/she camped (fill in the blank here) so I'm downvoting!"

    Don't get me wrong, I know killers have their made up rules too, but numbers (3 up, 1 down because "they brought in a flashlight") give survivors hope of leveling up.

    Again, I like the idea, just not sure it would work in an asymmetrical game.
    Again, if survivors don't endorse you because you camped then don't endorse them. It will eventually show survivors that if they want to get endorsement rewards, they'll need to be accepting of the killer strategies and vice versa.
    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    edited July 2018
    popoles said:
    I don't know. I am a nurse main and I am sure they won't endorse me.
    Actually you would get a ton of endorsements lol. You would get a lot of "Good killer" endorsements since you are a nurse main and usually nurse mains are the best at playing killer! :)
  • RWoodrow
    RWoodrow Member Posts: 270
    popoles said:
    I don't know. I am a nurse main and I am sure they won't endorse me.

    As a Doctor main I'm sure mine would be a poop emoji. lol
    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    RWoodrow said:
    As a Doctor main I'm sure mine would be a poop emoji. lol
    Doctors are kinda annoying to go against IMO but that's no reason for a survivor to have bad sportsmanship! If survivors are harassing you because you are playing doctor then don't endorse them! I won't endorse anyone who throws a fit about what killer I play because that's bad sportsmanship!
  • KillingInstinct
    KillingInstinct Member Posts: 272

    @Nickenzie said:
    Endorsements, that's basically what I want for DbD! I seen actual evidence of it reducing 20 to 30% of toxicity from a game called "Overwatch" and I noticed that people are much more nicer ever since the endorsement update for Overwatch. Now, DbD has a great community but there are people who'll do anything to ruin your day! So here's my list of everything that should be in DbD's endorsement update if they ever decide to have one!

    Endorsement level:

    1 level => level 2: 25 Endorsements to rank up
    2 level => level 3: 50 Endorsements to rank up
    3 level => level 4: 100 Endorsements to rank up
    4 level => level 5: 200 Endorsements to rank up

    Example: To rank up to level 2, you'll need 25 endorsements from other adventurers from the fog! SWF cannot endorse each other, people who aren't in a group with you can endorse you including the killer!

    Endorsement Types:

    Good Sportsmanship: This player had great manners in their win or loss!

    Example: The killer got destroyed by the survivors but was nice about the loss!
    "GG, that was really fun even through I didn't get a sacrifice lol!"

    Good Survivor/Killer: This teammate was helpful for the team and has done a lot to support us!

    Example: This survivor saved a lot of people from the hook and did a lot of generators!
    "Dude, you came in clutch with the hook saves! Your such a great teammate lol!"

    Leader: (Killers can't endorse survivors with leader and vice versa) This teammate helped out by calling out objectives, killer's location, and etc!
    "Thank you for letting me know where the killer was at!"

    Endorsements Rewards:

    Reaching level 2: 250 Iridescent Shards and 500 XP
    Reaching level 3: 500 Iridescent Shards and 1000 XP
    Reaching level 4: 750 Iridescent Shards and 1500 XP
    Reaching level 5: 1000 Iridescent Shards and 2000 XP


    Every survivor will now have the option to join team chat and help communicate with the survivor team!

    Endorsements reset back to level 1 after every season so you can keep earning rewards! :)

    and why do we want voice comms in-game? So you don't even need SWF to have an ez match? That way you won't need Bond, Empathy or Kindred. So, that's a no to voice comms.

  • RWoodrow
    RWoodrow Member Posts: 270

    @Nickenzie said:
    Endorsements, that's basically what I want for DbD! I seen actual evidence of it reducing 20 to 30% of toxicity from a game called "Overwatch" and I noticed that people are much more nicer ever since the endorsement update for Overwatch. Now, DbD has a great community but there are people who'll do anything to ruin your day! So here's my list of everything that should be in DbD's endorsement update if they ever decide to have one!

    Endorsement level:

    1 level => level 2: 25 Endorsements to rank up
    2 level => level 3: 50 Endorsements to rank up
    3 level => level 4: 100 Endorsements to rank up
    4 level => level 5: 200 Endorsements to rank up

    Example: To rank up to level 2, you'll need 25 endorsements from other adventurers from the fog! SWF cannot endorse each other, people who aren't in a group with you can endorse you including the killer!

    Endorsement Types:

    Good Sportsmanship: This player had great manners in their win or loss!

    Example: The killer got destroyed by the survivors but was nice about the loss!
    "GG, that was really fun even through I didn't get a sacrifice lol!"

    Good Survivor/Killer: This teammate was helpful for the team and has done a lot to support us!

    Example: This survivor saved a lot of people from the hook and did a lot of generators!
    "Dude, you came in clutch with the hook saves! Your such a great teammate lol!"

    Leader: (Killers can't endorse survivors with leader and vice versa) This teammate helped out by calling out objectives, killer's location, and etc!
    "Thank you for letting me know where the killer was at!"

    Endorsements Rewards:

    Reaching level 2: 250 Iridescent Shards and 500 XP
    Reaching level 3: 500 Iridescent Shards and 1000 XP
    Reaching level 4: 750 Iridescent Shards and 1500 XP
    Reaching level 5: 1000 Iridescent Shards and 2000 XP


    Every survivor will now have the option to join team chat and help communicate with the survivor team!

    Endorsements reset back to level 1 after every season so you can keep earning rewards! :)

    and why do we want voice comms in-game? So you don't even need SWF to have an ez match? That way you won't need Bond, Empathy or Kindred. So, that's a no to voice comms.

    Adding voice comms to the game gives the devs a foundation to balance the game off of versus trying to buff solo que survivors up to the SWF level and throwing the game further out of balance.
    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    edited July 2018

    and why do we want voice comms in-game? So you don't even need SWF to have an ez match? That way you won't need Bond, Empathy or Kindred. So, that's a no to voice comms.

    I'm going to let @RWoodrow answer your disrespectful questions and correct your assumptions on why I want comms.
    RWoodrow said:

    Adding voice comms to the game gives the devs a foundation to balance the game off of versus trying to buff solo que survivors up to the SWF level and throwing the game further out of balance.
    Basically this right here, he couldn't have said it any better! Since SWF and Solo Q have comms, the developers can have an easier time making balance changes and don't have worry about making one side too strong or too weak.

    So now that we got that out of the way... what do you think about having endorsements @KillingInstinct?
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200
    Well in the ovewatch games iv  played since endorsing is a thing, I couldn't see any difference compared to before
    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    edited July 2018
    Master said:
    Well in the ovewatch games iv  played since endorsing is a thing, I couldn't see any difference compared to before
    I'm sorry to hear that, you probably got very unlucky and got the remaining toxic players which absolutely sucks. Endorsements doesn't completely remove toxicity, it's goal is to reduce the amount of toxicity in the game. I would like to see an option called "Avoid Player" (From Overwatch) which prevents you from going against or getting put with that player. You can only have 2 players avoided on your list at any one time because anymore could affect matchmaking to a point where it takes forever to find games. However nevertheless it's worth a try @Master and hopefully it will work in the long run!
  • Badmanone
    Badmanone Member Posts: 64
    1. it would be abused 2. we don’t Need it 3. just deal with it because it was always part of the game instead of trying manipulate ppl
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200
    Nickenzie said:
    Master said:
    Well in the ovewatch games iv  played since endorsing is a thing, I couldn't see any difference compared to before
    I'm sorry to hear that, you probably got very unlucky and got the remaining toxic players which absolutely sucks. Endorsements doesn't completely remove toxicity, it's goal is to reduce the amount of toxicity in the game. I would like to see an option called "Avoid Player" (From Overwatch) which prevents you from going against or getting put with that player. You can only have 2 players avoided on your list at any one time because anymore could affect matchmaking to a point where it takes forever to find games. However nevertheless it's worth a try @Master and hopefully it will work in the long run!

    No need to be sorry, compared to DBD there isn't toxicity in overwatch at al, and they even have a ingame voice chat.
    The reason for that is that blizzard actually does something against toxicity and banns players spreading death spreads etc while bhvr simply ignores the problem

    I don't thing an avoiding option is a good idea imo

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200
    Badmanone said:
    1. it would be abused 2. we don’t Need it 3. just deal with it because it was always part of the game instead of trying manipulate ppl
    Explain how it would be abused, I am curious

  • Badmanone
    Badmanone Member Posts: 64
    Master said:
    Badmanone said:
    1. it would be abused 2. we don’t Need it 3. just deal with it because it was always part of the game instead of trying manipulate ppl
    Explain how it would be abused, I am curious

    I just say one word: asymmterical. I think now you can imagine the rest.
    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    Badmanone said:
    1. it would be abused 2. we don’t Need it 3. just deal with it because it was always part of the game instead of trying manipulate ppl
    Number 1: It can't abused because SWF can't endorse each other. If you know any other way to abuse it then tell me!
    Number 2: I think something is wrong with you when you said that because it sounds to me you want DbD to become a more toxic environment, isn't what we wanna prevent as a community?
    Number 3: Yeah @Badmanone I'll deal with the sexual/######### comments, death threats, cancer wishing on my family, and racist comments... Additionally it's not manipulating anyone, it's supposed to ENCOURAGE players to behave more civilized. Even after the endorsement update, there's literally nothing stopping you from being toxic but if you want more stuff then act more civilized.
    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    Badmanone said:
    I just say one word: asymmterical. I think now you can imagine the rest.
    Elaborate please?
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Badmanone said:
    Master said:

    Badmanone said:

    1. it would be abused 2. we don’t Need it 3. just deal with it because it was always part of the game instead of trying manipulate ppl

      Explain how it would be abused, I am curious

      I just say one word: asymmterical. I think now you can imagine the rest.

    @Badmanone said:
    Master said:

    Badmanone said:

    1. it would be abused 2. we don’t Need it 3. just deal with it because it was always part of the game instead of trying manipulate ppl

      Explain how it would be abused, I am curious

      I just say one word: asymmterical. I think now you can imagine the rest.

    Explain please, I understand that DBD is an assymetrical game but I dont understand how that would cause any abuse of a potential endorsing mechanic

  • Badmanone
    Badmanone Member Posts: 64
    Nickenzie said:
    Badmanone said:
    1. it would be abused 2. we don’t Need it 3. just deal with it because it was always part of the game instead of trying manipulate ppl
    Number 1: It can't abused because SWF can't endorse each other. If you know any other way to abuse it then tell me!
    Number 2: I think something is wrong with you when you said that because it sounds to me you want DbD to become a more toxic environment, isn't what we wanna prevent as a community?
    Number 3: Yeah @Badmanone I'll deal with the sexual/######### comments, death threats, cancer wishing on my family, and racist comments... Additionally it's not manipulating anyone, it's supposed to ENCOURAGE players to behave more civilized. Even after the endorsement update, there's literally nothing stopping you from being toxic but if you want more stuff then act more civilized.
    1. think a Minute about it and imagine what will most likely happen
    2. What is wrong with you? You’re playing a game with the job hook survivor. What you imagine will happen. They wont like it. btw you can already dodge harassment and all these #########. Game is over, just leave it, done. It’s your own fault if you always stay in lobby to catch such a ######### and then you come here into Forum to cry how bad these survivor are. I can’t hear this anymore. Harassment was always part of DbD and it will always be but theirs already a counter for it. JUST LEAVE and stop crying.
    3. Better watch your attitude
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Badmanone said:
    Nickenzie said:

    Badmanone said:

    1. it would be abused 2. we don’t Need it 3. just deal with it because it was always part of the game instead of trying manipulate ppl

      Number 1: It can't abused because SWF can't endorse each other. If you know any other way to abuse it then tell me!
      Number 2: I think something is wrong with you when you said that because it sounds to me you want DbD to become a more toxic environment, isn't what we wanna prevent as a community?
      Number 3: Yeah @Badmanone I'll deal with the sexual/######### comments, death threats, cancer wishing on my family, and racist comments... Additionally it's not manipulating anyone, it's supposed to ENCOURAGE players to behave more civilized. Even after the endorsement update, there's literally nothing stopping you from being toxic but if you want more stuff then act more civilized.

      1. think a Minute about it and imagine what will most likely happen
      2. What is wrong with you? You’re playing a game with the job hook survivor. What you imagine will happen. They wont like it. btw you can already dodge harassment and all these #########. Game is over, just leave it, done. It’s your own fault if you always stay in lobby to catch such a ######### and then you come here into Forum to cry how bad these survivor are. I can’t hear this anymore. Harassment was always part of DbD and it will always be but theirs already a counter for it. JUST LEAVE and stop crying.
      3. Better watch your attitude

    Will you enlight us and explain how it can be abused or are you just trashtalking?

  • Badmanone
    Badmanone Member Posts: 64
    No but itMaster said:

    @Badmanone said:
    Nickenzie said:

    Badmanone said:

    1. it would be abused 2. we don’t Need it 3. just deal with it because it was always part of the game instead of trying manipulate ppl

      Number 1: It can't abused because SWF can't endorse each other. If you know any other way to abuse it then tell me!
      Number 2: I think something is wrong with you when you said that because it sounds to me you want DbD to become a more toxic environment, isn't what we wanna prevent as a community?
      Number 3: Yeah @Badmanone I'll deal with the sexual/######### comments, death threats, cancer wishing on my family, and racist comments... Additionally it's not manipulating anyone, it's supposed to ENCOURAGE players to behave more civilized. Even after the endorsement update, there's literally nothing stopping you from being toxic but if you want more stuff then act more civilized.

      1. think a Minute about it and imagine what will most likely happen
      2. What is wrong with you? You’re playing a game with the job hook survivor. What you imagine will happen. They wont like it. btw you can already dodge harassment and all these #########. Game is over, just leave it, done. It’s your own fault if you always stay in lobby to catch such a ######### and then you come here into Forum to cry how bad these survivor are. I can’t hear this anymore. Harassment was always part of DbD and it will always be but theirs already a counter for it. JUST LEAVE and stop crying.
      3. Better watch your attitude

    Will you enlight us and explain how it can be abused or are you just trashtalking?

    I won’t because Iam not Jesus explain you every single #########. The ppl should use her own brain. Then most threads won’t be created like this one. Their is not such a thing like unintentional harassment. In DbD it’s perfectly solved. Their is no attack surface. Their is only 1 game chat after game is done, leave it. It’s more you that try to troll/trashtalk and want maybe some free shards. Their is no other reason to support such a idea.
  • Badmanone
    Badmanone Member Posts: 64
    Ok i explain it: just because I want to see your stupid face and how you try to type something against it to be right. People will abuse it by put on a fake personality, so not the real nice person get endorsed only the one with the best (fake) attitude for others. Playing SWF is less rewarding and put you in a slight disadvantage. But that’s what the game made for. If you look to other games that already used such System far before overwatch you gonna find a lot other problem bonded to it. So you want to create a system that is not nessecary, just to create a lot more problems that devs have to fight instead of doing their job and balancing the real problems like DS? Ok...
  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    edited July 2018
    Master said:

    @Badmanone said:
    Nickenzie said:

    Badmanone said:

    1. it would be abused 2. we don’t Need it 3. just deal with it because it was always part of the game instead of trying manipulate ppl

      Number 1: It can't abused because SWF can't endorse each other. If you know any other way to abuse it then tell me!
      Number 2: I think something is wrong with you when you said that because it sounds to me you want DbD to become a more toxic environment, isn't what we wanna prevent as a community?
      Number 3: Yeah @Badmanone I'll deal with the sexual/######### comments, death threats, cancer wishing on my family, and racist comments... Additionally it's not manipulating anyone, it's supposed to ENCOURAGE players to behave more civilized. Even after the endorsement update, there's literally nothing stopping you from being toxic but if you want more stuff then act more civilized.

      1. think a Minute about it and imagine what will most likely happen
      2. What is wrong with you? You’re playing a game with the job hook survivor. What you imagine will happen. They wont like it. btw you can already dodge harassment and all these #########. Game is over, just leave it, done. It’s your own fault if you always stay in lobby to catch such a ######### and then you come here into Forum to cry how bad these survivor are. I can’t hear this anymore. Harassment was always part of DbD and it will always be but theirs already a counter for it. JUST LEAVE and stop crying.
      3. Better watch your attitude

    Will you enlight us and explain how it can be abused or are you just trashtalking?

    It’s easy to abuse 
    1. All survivors will vote each other up regardless of toxic chat, survivors are more likely to get 3 votes per match while killer is likely to get non, of cause it will be abused and it will mean nothing.
    2. Remove chat and it’s instantly reduced, apart from those who have to go out the way to send you abuse and an endorsement won’t stop them.
    3. The benefit of paying people to be nice, doesn’t make a person nice, it’s a false economy that will not last.
    4. Get max endorsements and go back to being toxic.
    5. If you try to add a sown vote to combat 4 that will be the new way to be toxic.
    People who want to send abuse will do so regardless of encouragement not too.

  • This content has been removed.
  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    popoles said:
    I don't know. I am a nurse main and I am sure they won't endorse me.
    Though we’re Nurse Mains on console Popoles. Some Survivor’s appreciate the variety that we actually put the time into play Nurse on console, so I wouldn’t count us out. Now on PC, yeah, Nurse Mains are going to get massive hate though. 

    I really like the idea though. It think it really would lower the toxicity levels. Never underestimate the capacity for human greed to overcome the need to be salty. 
  • Badmanone
    Badmanone Member Posts: 64
    Glad to see that here are some ppl that see how it is. It will be just a abused system and provide no further value. Apart from this theirs nearly no toxicity, only ingame and theirs no chance to fix this. Survivor will tbag as long they want and killers will shackle their head for 5 minutes if they want it. Same ######### every day but that’s DbD. In my opinion most are greedy for shards. Then ask directly for a increased reward.
  • deadwolfwalking
    deadwolfwalking Member Posts: 624

    there are too many children who would abuse this simply because they got outplayed. it would horrible trying to level up as a decent killer....

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Badmanone said:
    No but itMaster said:

    @Badmanone said:

    Nickenzie said:

    Badmanone said:

    * it would be abused 2. we don’t Need it 3. just deal with it because it was always part of the game instead of trying manipulate ppl

    Number 1: It can't abused because SWF can't endorse each other. If you know any other way to abuse it then tell me!

    Number 2: I think something is wrong with you when you said that because it sounds to me you want DbD to become a more toxic environment, isn't what we wanna prevent as a community?

    Number 3: Yeah @Badmanone I'll deal with the sexual/######### comments, death threats, cancer wishing on my family, and racist comments... Additionally it's not manipulating anyone, it's supposed to ENCOURAGE players to behave more civilized. Even after the endorsement update, there's literally nothing stopping you from being toxic but if you want more stuff then act more civilized.


    * think a Minute about it and imagine what will most likely happen
    * What is wrong with you? You’re playing a game with the job hook survivor. What you imagine will happen. They wont like it. btw you can already dodge harassment and all these #########. Game is over, just leave it, done. It’s your own fault if you always stay in lobby to catch such a ######### and then you come here into Forum to cry how bad these survivor are. I can’t hear this anymore. Harassment was always part of DbD and it will always be but theirs already a counter for it. JUST LEAVE and stop crying.
    * Better watch your attitude

    Will you enlight us and explain how it can be abused or are you just trashtalking?

    I won’t because Iam not Jesus explain you every single #########. The ppl should use her own brain. Then most threads won’t be created like this one. Their is not such a thing like unintentional harassment. In DbD it’s perfectly solved. Their is no attack surface. Their is only 1 game chat after game is done, leave it. It’s more you that try to troll/trashtalk and want maybe some free shards. Their is no other reason to support such a idea.

    Maybe you should use your brain to type.
    And yeah, you just confirmed that you are just a troll, fine :wink:

  • Badmanone
    Badmanone Member Posts: 64
    Master said:

    @Badmanone said:
    No but itMaster said:

    @Badmanone said:

    Nickenzie said:

    Badmanone said:

    * it would be abused 2. we don’t Need it 3. just deal with it because it was always part of the game instead of trying manipulate ppl

    Number 1: It can't abused because SWF can't endorse each other. If you know any other way to abuse it then tell me!

    Number 2: I think something is wrong with you when you said that because it sounds to me you want DbD to become a more toxic environment, isn't what we wanna prevent as a community?

    Number 3: Yeah @Badmanone I'll deal with the sexual/######### comments, death threats, cancer wishing on my family, and racist comments... Additionally it's not manipulating anyone, it's supposed to ENCOURAGE players to behave more civilized. Even after the endorsement update, there's literally nothing stopping you from being toxic but if you want more stuff then act more civilized.


    * think a Minute about it and imagine what will most likely happen
    * What is wrong with you? You’re playing a game with the job hook survivor. What you imagine will happen. They wont like it. btw you can already dodge harassment and all these #########. Game is over, just leave it, done. It’s your own fault if you always stay in lobby to catch such a ######### and then you come here into Forum to cry how bad these survivor are. I can’t hear this anymore. Harassment was always part of DbD and it will always be but theirs already a counter for it. JUST LEAVE and stop crying.
    * Better watch your attitude

    Will you enlight us and explain how it can be abused or are you just trashtalking?

    I won’t because Iam not Jesus explain you every single #########. The ppl should use her own brain. Then most threads won’t be created like this one. Their is not such a thing like unintentional harassment. In DbD it’s perfectly solved. Their is no attack surface. Their is only 1 game chat after game is done, leave it. It’s more you that try to troll/trashtalk and want maybe some free shards. Their is no other reason to support such a idea.

    Maybe you should use your brain to type.
    And yeah, you just confirmed that you are just a troll, fine :wink:

    Based on my arguments you had at least 4 options left. 1. write nothing 2. trashtalk and try to discredit me 3. say that Iam right 4. tryhard and deliver some low arguements. While 3. was the most brave and also respectful path you decided to be like joe average toxic player. So you show your real face and Proof for everyone that I hurt you hard. 2. was your Choice. Thank you salty kid and now get the ######### off from my lawn!!!
  • Baphomett
    Baphomett Member Posts: 394
    I like the idea in spirit, the intent it good.  Bit tbh, I think this would backfire and essentially just become another way to try and make killers give free saves, hatches, etc.

    The responses to this post should show you just how anxious some players are to be toxic.

    Unfortunately, carrots rarely work when it comes to influences online behavior.  Sticks are far more effective.

    If BHVR doesn't enforce their own rules about conduct, this will never change.  So many other games have learned this lesson and so many others have died on the vine because they didn't.  Blizzard had a real problem woth toxicity for a while and look at thier policies now - they use the ban hammer liberally when it comes to this kind of thing and the difference is night and day. I hope BHVR will eventually follow their example.
  • Vortexas
    Vortexas Member Posts: 757

    Wouldn't work cause survivors are babies.

    They would never give props to a good killer.

  • Doom_Punk
    Doom_Punk Member Posts: 371

    @Vortexas said:
    Wouldn't work cause survivors are babies.

    They would never give props to a good killer.

    Sad but true.

  • Badmanone
    Badmanone Member Posts: 64
    As a ex-WoW player i know that toxicity was far worse then DbD. They fixed it with banning but what most ppl forget is about the economic factor. In WoW have a much higher income per player. In DbD bans will never work.
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Badmanone said:
    Master said:

    @Badmanone said:

    No but itMaster said:

     @Badmanone said:
    Nickenzie said:

    Badmanone said:

    * it would be abused 2. we don’t Need it 3. just deal with it because it was always part of the game instead of trying manipulate ppl

    Number 1: It can't abused because SWF can't endorse each other. If you know any other way to abuse it then tell me!

    Number 2: I think something is wrong with you when you said that because it sounds to me you want DbD to become a more toxic environment, isn't what we wanna prevent as a community?

    Number 3: Yeah @Badmanone I'll deal with the sexual/######### comments, death threats, cancer wishing on my family, and racist comments... Additionally it's not manipulating anyone, it's supposed to ENCOURAGE players to behave more civilized. Even after the endorsement update, there's literally nothing stopping you from being toxic but if you want more stuff then act more civilized.

    * think a Minute about it and imagine what will most likely happen
    • What is wrong with you? You’re playing a game with the job hook survivor. What you imagine will happen. They wont like it. btw you can already dodge harassment and all these #########. Game is over, just leave it, done. It’s your own fault if you always stay in lobby to catch such a ######### and then you come here into Forum to cry how bad these survivor are. I can’t hear this anymore. Harassment was always part of DbD and it will always be but theirs already a counter for it. JUST LEAVE and stop crying.

    • Better watch your attitude

      Will you enlight us and explain how it can be abused or are you just trashtalking?

      I won’t because Iam not Jesus explain you every single #########. The ppl should use her own brain. Then most threads won’t be created like this one. Their is not such a thing like unintentional harassment. In DbD it’s perfectly solved. Their is no attack surface. Their is only 1 game chat after game is done, leave it. It’s more you that try to troll/trashtalk and want maybe some free shards. Their is no other reason to support such a idea.

      Maybe you should use your brain to type.

    And yeah, you just confirmed that you are just a troll, fine :wink:

    Based on my arguments you had at least 4 options left. 1. write nothing 2. trashtalk and try to discredit me 3. say that Iam right 4. tryhard and deliver some low arguements. While 3. was the most brave and also respectful path you decided to be like joe average toxic player. So you show your real face and Proof for everyone that I hurt you hard. 2. was your Choice. Thank you salty kid and now get the [BAD WORD] off from my lawn!!!

    I only see a troll bashing an idea saying that it can be abused. When requesting what he actually means the troll refuses to give details and starts insulting

    I am done with this conversation btw :wink:

  • Cetren
    Cetren Member Posts: 988
    The idea that this would help toxicity seems very misguided. Just look at when on one dev stream they counted the players who had the lost thumbs up from the report system. Top survivor had almost thirty, top killer had 7. Do you see the problem?
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Cetren said:
    The idea that this would help toxicity seems very misguided. Just look at when on one dev stream they counted the players who had the lost thumbs up from the report system. Top survivor had almost thirty, top killer had 7. Do you see the problem?

    No, what is the problem?
    Taking other games as an example, there would be different types of endorsment, one type you earn from survivors and the other type from killers.

    And even if they were treated the same and all upvotes would be thrown into the same pool, there still wouldnt be a problem because you dont actualyl gain anything from that system

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    Badmanone said:
    1. think a Minute about it and imagine what will most likely happen
    2. What is wrong with you? You’re playing a game with the job hook survivor. What you imagine will happen. They wont like it. btw you can already dodge harassment and all these #########. Game is over, just leave it, done. It’s your own fault if you always stay in lobby to catch such a ######### and then you come here into Forum to cry how bad these survivor are. I can’t hear this anymore. Harassment was always part of DbD and it will always be but theirs already a counter for it. JUST LEAVE and stop crying.
    3. Better watch your attitude
    Number 1: Why aren't you telling me and @Master how this system can be abused? Go ahead, I dare you to and I'll shoot it down as fast as you post it.
    Number 2: That's the point @Badmanone, why should I have to skip the end game lobby and put my profile on mute so no one doesn't give me hate mail? Doesn't that tell you how much toxicity is in this game? Additionally, I didn't...
    Badmanone said:

    come here into the forums to cry how bad these survivors are.
    I want you to re-read my OP and quote parts that talks about me whining about survivors being bad, good luck :+1:
    Badmanone said:
    JUST LEAVE and stop crying.
    Also I think your the one crying about crying, so much irony in that statement! Can you stop acting so immature and have a civilized conversation please? I can't make changes to the endorsement system if all your going do is say it's bad and that's it. I need actual feedback and no hate mail... please?
    Number 3: Attitude, you serious? I gave you an attitude because your being disrespectful towards me, not understanding how bad toxicity is in DbD, and your not taking this seriously!

    Oh, if they are faking being nice to get endorsements then that completely fine as well! That's better than having people who'll trash talk you at the end game chat! Keep going and I'll keep shooting them down for you!
    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    SovererignKing said:

    Though we’re Nurse Mains on console Popoles. Some Survivor’s appreciate the variety that we actually put the time into play Nurse on console, so I wouldn’t count us out. Now on PC, yeah, Nurse Mains are going to get massive hate though. 

    I really like the idea though. It think it really would lower the toxicity levels. Never underestimate the capacity for human greed to overcome the need to be salty. 
    Basically this here as well, if people see how much rewards they get for being a better player then they'll likely sacrifice being toxic just to receive more stuff. Even if they fake their personality like @Badmanone said, that's still better than having someone trash talking you IMO and can make DbD a better place for everyone!

    Additionally if everyone is complaining about people abusing it then you make a valid point but that's very unlikely. For example: It's like asking a stranger for money and he for some reason gives you money. Not everyone will just give you an endorsement, especially if you weren't acting civilized.
  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442

    @popoles said:
    I don't know. I am a nurse main and I am sure they won't endorse me.

    Hardly any killer will be endorsed. Unless we play the friendly bing bong wraith :p

  • Cetren
    Cetren Member Posts: 988
    The problem is that people didn't do it before, and they're not going to do it after. I'm not even sure how you thought the overwatch endorsement system wasn't a mess lol.
  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051
    edited July 2018
    Badmanone said:
    Ok i explain it: just because I want to see your stupid face and how you try to type something against it to be right. People will abuse it by put on a fake personality, so not the real nice person get endorsed only the one with the best (fake) attitude for others.
    Having a fake nice attitude is just as good as a real nice attitude. It's not a thought policing system, it's to encourage positive *behavior*. You don't get banned for thinking "wow screw that survivor" and then typing Gg instead.

    Your poor behavior and name calling puts a damper on everyone else's experience in game. Any less of that is a good thing.

    I don't know why everyone keeps throwing "abuse" around. It's like no one knows what it means anymore.

    Although I do think players should get a few shards for endorsing players, plus a few bonus ones for endorsing the killer (because they have no teammates to be endorsed by.)
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Visionmaker said:
    Badmanone said:

    Ok i explain it: just because I want to see your stupid face and how you try to type something against it to be right. People will abuse it by put on a fake personality, so not the real nice person get endorsed only the one with the best (fake) attitude for others.

    Having a fake nice attitude is just as good as a real nice attitude. It's not a thought policing system, it's to encourage positive behavior.

    Your poor behavior and name calling puts a damper on everyone else's experience in game. Any less of that is a good thing.

    I don't know why everyone keeps throwing "abuse" around. It's like no one knows what it means anymore.

    Although I do think players should get a few shards for endorsing players, plus a few bonus ones for endorsing the killer (because they have no teammates to be endorsed by.)

    I dont think there is a point arguing with that guy :wink:

  • Badmanone
    Badmanone Member Posts: 64
    Master said:

    @Badmanone said:
    Master said:

    @Badmanone said:

    No but itMaster said:

     @Badmanone said:
    Nickenzie said:

    Badmanone said:

    * it would be abused 2. we don’t Need it 3. just deal with it because it was always part of the game instead of trying manipulate ppl

    Number 1: It can't abused because SWF can't endorse each other. If you know any other way to abuse it then tell me!

    Number 2: I think something is wrong with you when you said that because it sounds to me you want DbD to become a more toxic environment, isn't what we wanna prevent as a community?

    Number 3: Yeah @Badmanone I'll deal with the sexual/######### comments, death threats, cancer wishing on my family, and racist comments... Additionally it's not manipulating anyone, it's supposed to ENCOURAGE players to behave more civilized. Even after the endorsement update, there's literally nothing stopping you from being toxic but if you want more stuff then act more civilized.

    * think a Minute about it and imagine what will most likely happen
    • What is wrong with you? You’re playing a game with the job hook survivor. What you imagine will happen. They wont like it. btw you can already dodge harassment and all these #########. Game is over, just leave it, done. It’s your own fault if you always stay in lobby to catch such a ######### and then you come here into Forum to cry how bad these survivor are. I can’t hear this anymore. Harassment was always part of DbD and it will always be but theirs already a counter for it. JUST LEAVE and stop crying.

    • Better watch your attitude

      Will you enlight us and explain how it can be abused or are you just trashtalking?

      I won’t because Iam not Jesus explain you every single #########. The ppl should use her own brain. Then most threads won’t be created like this one. Their is not such a thing like unintentional harassment. In DbD it’s perfectly solved. Their is no attack surface. Their is only 1 game chat after game is done, leave it. It’s more you that try to troll/trashtalk and want maybe some free shards. Their is no other reason to support such a idea.

      Maybe you should use your brain to type.

    And yeah, you just confirmed that you are just a troll, fine :wink:

    Based on my arguments you had at least 4 options left. 1. write nothing 2. trashtalk and try to discredit me 3. say that Iam right 4. tryhard and deliver some low arguements. While 3. was the most brave and also respectful path you decided to be like joe average toxic player. So you show your real face and Proof for everyone that I hurt you hard. 2. was your Choice. Thank you salty kid and now get the [BAD WORD] off from my lawn!!!

    I only see a troll bashing an idea saying that it can be abused. When requesting what he actually means the troll refuses to give details and starts insulting

    I am done with this conversation btw :wink:

    Instead of just trying to discredit me why you don’t deliver any valid arguments? If you would read correctly that I already delivered valid arguments for abuse. Apart from this you find a massive amount of abusing methods from other player here. So the only Troll i see is you. Your whole sentences are meaningless phrases. You still didn’t answered my question. Is it worth to create a new system that with a high probability add no further value but create a massive amount of new problems?

    for you again: Ok i explain it: just because I want to see your stupid face and how you try to type something against it to be right. People will abuse it by put on a fake personality, so not the real nice person get endorsed only the one with the best (fake) attitude for others. Playing SWF is less rewarding and put you in a slight disadvantage. But that’s what the game made for. If you look to other games that already used such System far before overwatch you gonna find a lot other problem bonded to it. So you want to create a system that is not nessecary, just to create a lot more problems that devs have to fight instead of doing their job and balancing the real problems like DS? Ok...
  • Badmanone
    Badmanone Member Posts: 64
    Badmanone said:
    Ok i explain it: just because I want to see your stupid face and how you try to type something against it to be right. People will abuse it by put on a fake personality, so not the real nice person get endorsed only the one with the best (fake) attitude for others.
    Having a fake nice attitude is just as good as a real nice attitude. It's not a thought policing system, it's to encourage positive *behavior*. You don't get banned for thinking "wow screw that survivor" and then typing Gg instead.

    Your poor behavior and name calling puts a damper on everyone else's experience in game. Any less of that is a good thing.

    I don't know why everyone keeps throwing "abuse" around. It's like no one knows what it means anymore.

    Although I do think players should get a few shards for endorsing players, plus a few bonus ones for endorsing the killer (because they have no teammates to be endorsed by.)

    Badmanone said:
    Ok i explain it: just because I want to see your stupid face and how you try to type something against it to be right. People will abuse it by put on a fake personality, so not the real nice person get endorsed only the one with the best (fake) attitude for others.
    Having a fake nice attitude is just as good as a real nice attitude. It's not a thought policing system, it's to encourage positive *behavior*. You don't get banned for thinking "wow screw that survivor" and then typing Gg instead.

    Your poor behavior and name calling puts a damper on everyone else's experience in game. Any less of that is a good thing.

    I don't know why everyone keeps throwing "abuse" around. It's like no one knows what it means anymore.

    Although I do think players should get a few shards for endorsing players, plus a few bonus ones for endorsing the killer (because they have no teammates to be endorsed by.)

    Badmanone said:
    Ok i explain it: just because I want to see your stupid face and how you try to type something against it to be right. People will abuse it by put on a fake personality, so not the real nice person get endorsed only the one with the best (fake) attitude for others.
    Having a fake nice attitude is just as good as a real nice attitude. It's not a thought policing system, it's to encourage positive *behavior*. You don't get banned for thinking "wow screw that survivor" and then typing Gg instead.

    Your poor behavior and name calling puts a damper on everyone else's experience in game. Any less of that is a good thing.

    I don't know why everyone keeps throwing "abuse" around. It's like no one knows what it means anymore.

    Although I do think players should get a few shards for endorsing players, plus a few bonus ones for endorsing the killer (because they have no teammates to be endorsed by.)

    Badmanone said:
    Ok i explain it: just because I want to see your stupid face and how you try to type something against it to be right. People will abuse it by put on a fake personality, so not the real nice person get endorsed only the one with the best (fake) attitude for others.
    Having a fake nice attitude is just as good as a real nice attitude. It's not a thought policing system, it's to encourage positive *behavior*. You don't get banned for thinking "wow screw that survivor" and then typing Gg instead.

    Your poor behavior and name calling puts a damper on everyone else's experience in game. Any less of that is a good thing.

    I don't know why everyone keeps throwing "abuse" around. It's like no one knows what it means anymore.

    Although I do think players should get a few shards for endorsing players, plus a few bonus ones for endorsing the killer (because they have no teammates to be endorsed by.)

    Badmanone said:
    Ok i explain it: just because I want to see your stupid face and how you try to type something against it to be right. People will abuse it by put on a fake personality, so not the real nice person get endorsed only the one with the best (fake) attitude for others.
    Having a fake nice attitude is just as good as a real nice attitude. It's not a thought policing system, it's to encourage positive *behavior*. You don't get banned for thinking "wow screw that survivor" and then typing Gg instead.

    Your poor behavior and name calling puts a damper on everyone else's experience in game. Any less of that is a good thing.

    I don't know why everyone keeps throwing "abuse" around. It's like no one knows what it means anymore.

    Although I do think players should get a few shards for endorsing players, plus a few bonus ones for endorsing the killer (because they have no teammates to be endorsed by.)

    Badmanone said:
    Ok i explain it: just because I want to see your stupid face and how you try to type something against it to be right. People will abuse it by put on a fake personality, so not the real nice person get endorsed only the one with the best (fake) attitude for others.
    Having a fake nice attitude is just as good as a real nice attitude. It's not a thought policing system, it's to encourage positive *behavior*. You don't get banned for thinking "wow screw that survivor" and then typing Gg instead.

    Your poor behavior and name calling puts a damper on everyone else's experience in game. Any less of that is a good thing.

    I don't know why everyone keeps throwing "abuse" around. It's like no one knows what it means anymore.

    Although I do think players should get a few shards for endorsing players, plus a few bonus ones for endorsing the killer (because they have no teammates to be endorsed by.)

    Badmanone said:
    Ok i explain it: just because I want to see your stupid face and how you try to type something against it to be right. People will abuse it by put on a fake personality, so not the real nice person get endorsed only the one with the best (fake) attitude for others.
    Having a fake nice attitude is just as good as a real nice attitude. It's not a thought policing system, it's to encourage positive *behavior*. You don't get banned for thinking "wow screw that survivor" and then typing Gg instead.

    Your poor behavior and name calling puts a damper on everyone else's experience in game. Any less of that is a good thing.

    I don't know why everyone keeps throwing "abuse" around. It's like no one knows what it means anymore.

    Although I do think players should get a few shards for endorsing players, plus a few bonus ones for endorsing the killer (because they have no teammates to be endorsed by.)

    Badmanone said:
    Ok i explain it: just because I want to see your stupid face and how you try to type something against it to be right. People will abuse it by put on a fake personality, so not the real nice person get endorsed only the one with the best (fake) attitude for others.
    Having a fake nice attitude is just as good as a real nice attitude. It's not a thought policing system, it's to encourage positive *behavior*. You don't get banned for thinking "wow screw that survivor" and then typing Gg instead.

    Your poor behavior and name calling puts a damper on everyone else's experience in game. Any less of that is a good thing.

    I don't know why everyone keeps throwing "abuse" around. It's like no one knows what it means anymore.

    Although I do think players should get a few shards for endorsing players, plus a few bonus ones for endorsing the killer (because they have no teammates to be endorsed by.)

    Badmanone said:
    Ok i explain it: just because I want to see your stupid face and how you try to type something against it to be right. People will abuse it by put on a fake personality, so not the real nice person get endorsed only the one with the best (fake) attitude for others.
    Having a fake nice attitude is just as good as a real nice attitude. It's not a thought policing system, it's to encourage positive *behavior*. You don't get banned for thinking "wow screw that survivor" and then typing Gg instead.

    Your poor behavior and name calling puts a damper on everyone else's experience in game. Any less of that is a good thing.

    I don't know why everyone keeps throwing "abuse" around. It's like no one knows what it means anymore.

    Although I do think players should get a few shards for endorsing players, plus a few bonus ones for endorsing the killer (because they have no teammates to be endorsed by.)

    Badmanone said:
    Ok i explain it: just because I want to see your stupid face and how you try to type something against it to be right. People will abuse it by put on a fake personality, so not the real nice person get endorsed only the one with the best (fake) attitude for others.
    Having a fake nice attitude is just as good as a real nice attitude. It's not a thought policing system, it's to encourage positive *behavior*. You don't get banned for thinking "wow screw that survivor" and then typing Gg instead.

    Your poor behavior and name calling puts a damper on everyone else's experience in game. Any less of that is a good thing.

    I don't know why everyone keeps throwing "abuse" around. It's like no one knows what it means anymore.

    Although I do think players should get a few shards for endorsing players, plus a few bonus ones for endorsing the killer (because they have no teammates to be endorsed by.)

    Master said:

    @Visionmaker said:
    Badmanone said:

    Ok i explain it: just because I want to see your stupid face and how you try to type something against it to be right. People will abuse it by put on a fake personality, so not the real nice person get endorsed only the one with the best (fake) attitude for others.

    Having a fake nice attitude is just as good as a real nice attitude. It's not a thought policing system, it's to encourage positive behavior.

    Your poor behavior and name calling puts a damper on everyone else's experience in game. Any less of that is a good thing.

    I don't know why everyone keeps throwing "abuse" around. It's like no one knows what it means anymore.

    Although I do think players should get a few shards for endorsing players, plus a few bonus ones for endorsing the killer (because they have no teammates to be endorsed by.)

    I dont think there is a point arguing with that guy :wink:

    Nice that you gave up. You lost that anyway
  • Badmanone
    Badmanone Member Posts: 64
    edited July 2018
    Badmanone said:
    Ok i explain it: just because I want to see your stupid face and how you try to type something against it to be right. People will abuse it by put on a fake personality, so not the real nice person get endorsed only the one with the best (fake) attitude for others.
    Having a fake nice attitude is just as good as a real nice attitude. It's not a thought policing system, it's to encourage positive *behavior*. You don't get banned for thinking "wow screw that survivor" and then typing Gg instead.

    Your poor behavior and name calling puts a damper on everyone else's experience in game. Any less of that is a good thing.

    I don't know why everyone keeps throwing "abuse" around. It's like no one knows what it means anymore.

    Although I do think players should get a few shards for endorsing players, plus a few bonus ones for endorsing the killer (because they have no teammates to be endorsed by.)
    fake good attitude is not as good as a real one . Their is mutilple Problems attached to fake good attitude. I explain it on a real match. I joined a match with 3 SWF: they started to flame me even before game started with the reason to grief (you gonna be the sacrifice for killer etc). At this point I already leave because I know it’s getting real worse ingame. With endorsement system the survivor now try to start the match without flaming. They want to safe the endorsement points in case they have no chance (no pallet block, no hook farming...) to grief or kill you. So you’re in a very dangerous situation because they can grief you hard before you even know. And yes, with over 3k playing I know this is not even a rare case. Imagine 2 tax consultants for your business: 1 have a really good attitude and wants to help you and 1 have a fake good attitude and want help you as long he can maximize his profit. One guy will backstab you in the next best situation. You can’t know what’s fake or real but which one would you prefer?
    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    Cetren said:
    The problem is that people didn't do it before, and they're not going to do it after. I'm not even sure how you thought the overwatch endorsement system wasn't a mess lol.
    The Overwatch endorsement system isn't a mess IMO, everyone at the end of the game gives out endorsements. I play a ton of Mercy and I get a lot of "Good Teammate" endorsements because no one in my team wants to play healer, it's boring for them. It's the same with nurse mains, they'll get a lot of "Good Killer" endorsements because nurse mains are usually the most skilled.
    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    Badmanone said:

    People will abuse it by put on a fake personality, so not the real nice person get endorsed only the one with the best (fake) attitude for others. Playing SWF is less rewarding and put you in a slight disadvantage. But that’s what the game made for. If you look to other games that already used such System far before overwatch you gonna find a lot other problem bonded to it. So you want to create a system that is not nessecary, just to create a lot more problems that devs have to fight instead of doing their job and balancing the real problems like DS? Ok...
    Okay, thank you for being nice about it! Allow me to explain to you, if you could endorse your SWF then the system can be abused. Example: "Hey y'all, this time I'll receive all your endorsements! I only need 3 more until I reach level 5" "Okay, who are we going to boost next?" "Let's get our Nea to level 3 next!"
    SWF can just focus on one person and give them false endorsements which isn't how the system was supposed to function. That's what abuse is @Badmanone

    I'm not saying we absolutely need an endorsement system right now because there are bigger problems currently. However later down the line the DbD team will need something like this because this game is so toxic, this community is great don't get me wrong but there are just too much people who are willing to ruin others games.

    Not everything will be perfect @Badmanone and that's why the developers have been changing the emblem system to help put it in a better place. The endorsement system will need to be changed and tweaked over time just like the emblem system to help put in line with everything else. However when the developers do perfect the endorsement system, it will be the best edition to DbD history IMO.

    Faking personality isn't abuse, that's actually better than the person being toxic IMO. Read @Visionmaker post about that, he says it perfectly and explains why faking a personality is much better than the person being toxic.