How do I stop getting hit through pallets?

Every time I run to a pallet and drop it, I always get hit through the already dropped pallet, how do I stop this from happening?
Drop it sooner.
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Learn when you can let swing the killer and when you can’t, the nearer to you is the killer, the higher chances you’ll get a through pallet hit. If you’re playing on pc with dedicated servers i’ve seen these kinds of hit much more frequent, so it’s not you fault.
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If you're not 100% sure whether a hit is going to go through the pallet rather lean against the wall and hope the killer swings through it. That's an option.
The other option is to just throw it a little more quickly even when you could have run another lap.
If you run to the pallet (start of a chase) and you're not sure whether you'll get hit due to the drop animation just take the hit anyways without dropping the pallet at all and use the speed boost to loop somewhere else.
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Lunging into a pallet always gets cancelled if you drop and are already on the opposite side of the pallet.
The devs changed the pallet to reward stuns/cancel hits as long as the survivor has passed completely through the pallet and is on the other side.(otherwise we get that one new animation)
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When I'm not sure if I'm going to get hit through the pallet or not I just don't throw it and I just take the hit.
Be careful against a Freddy tho, his lunge animation is weird asf.
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Thanks guys
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Recently, I've been having the same issue, I swear I'm way too far ahead to get hit when dropping the pallet, I don't even think I'll stun the killer, but I just get hit anyways. In some cases against Hillbilly, and Demogorgon. I've dropped the pallet, gotten hit, and the killer destroyed the pallet all in one attack.
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It is a recent thing for me too
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You can’t. It’s only possible on PC for some reason.
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Dead by daylight death rate:
Open field: 0,1%
Locker: 0,2%
Through pallet or window: 99,7%
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don't you get hit through pallets easier cause of the throwing animation?
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Stick with safe drops, lol.
Unless you just really really want stun points. Safe drops are always better. And actually more annoying than stuns. Safe drops mean I HAVE TO deal that pallet. I LOVE greedy survivors who want stuns (because no joke between 75% and 80% of the time I trade you hit for stun.)
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On a more technical side. You have to anticipate the swing. You have to drop the pallet before they swing. If try to react you will get hit everytime because their swing animation will end before the drop animation which results in a hit.
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Are you on console? I always found hitboxes on PS4 to be much more inconsistent than on PC. Possibly because of the framerate on top of the latency. Pallets feel much more reliable on PC.
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Play killer 4head
In all seriousness though, the only things you can really do are:
Drop it early
Only play in low ping lobbies
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I have the opposite issue. I get stunned alot for things I think I should have hit with. Or even stunned by the VERY EDGE of the pallet hitbox!
But yeah, it's basically everything everyone has said.
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I have the same issue. You just have to take slightly more caution when playing at a lobby ping of 100+ which is unfortunately the ping in a large proportion of Console matches.
One way to know when you did pull the pallet down in time but the hit still registered is if you go down at the pallet you'd start doing a crawl and being sucked back toward the pallet as if you were still doing the pallet interaction.
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Dont use pallets. if you dont drop any pallets, you cant get hit through them
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If you get hit through a pallet, it's usually your fault. You made a mistake and got too greedy, learn to guage how far you can go, and if you can make another loop.
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I’m on PS4
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You're supposed to unless you drop it sooner.
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Just don’t be on the other side, instead stay on the killer’s side so you get hit directly instead
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I find it's more dependent on the type of killer your facing. Do they respect or do they not? If they respect you don't have to be safe with it. If they don't then you should probably be safe with it.
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If you’re playing against Freddy you need to drop the pallet from at least a 32 meter radius.
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I laughed.
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Its starting to make sense.
You are getting hit because the delay between you and the killer. You throw the pallet and at the same time the killer swings. Since the killer is the server the hit is registered first. Across the network the client tells the server the pallet was thrown. The pallet drop still occurs because it still happened on your screen. Server sends back to the client that you were hit.
Same will occur once dedicated servers are in place. Only difference will be who has the better connection to the server.
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Thanks, that does make sense.
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Just don't be boosted lol
On a serious note, don't let the killer get too close. If you're at hit range when you reach the pallet.....