Legion mains, what do you want as a buff for them?

BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773
edited October 2019 in General Discussions

I personally want a few things too make him an actual threat, as I feel Legion has alI the pieces too be a good viable killer, but they are all in the wrong order. I have over 1500 hours in the game and a Killer Main.

1: make M1's attacks not drain power. Could you imagine if Spirit had this same problem? or Freddy? It's just an un-needed burden that really makes no sense since he is the only killer with this problem.

2: Increase the base recharge speed of Feral Frenzy. I don't know the actual number for how long it is, but it feels like 30 seconds just too get it back without the ruler addons. It should be reduced just a little bit, so it can be used more effectively with addons like the pins or Frank's Mixtape. (EDIT: accidentally said the recharge speed needs too be decrease and take longer, it's fixed now.)

3: Let all killers see the progress of Deep Wound's going down. This is just a change that really doesn't effect gameplay, because either the killer is ignoring you for someone else, or they will simply keep tunneling that person so it won't go down anyway.

4: This is just a spitball, but I would like if the current Frank's Mixtape was base, and the addon was an addition on top of that. The current Mixtape is literally pointless, and hitting people with Deep Wounds with Frenzy wastes time. IDK how many hits the current mixtape takes too down someone, but I believe it's 4 hits, so adding it base with another should make it take 3 hits instead, thus giving some use too Frank's Mixtape while not bringing back the pain of Old Legion.

These are just idea's for the poor killer who was butchered and then left too die. he never needed such heavy nerfs too everything he does, and these changes I feel would make him a strong killer, while not making him like Old Legion and ruining everyone's fun.

Post edited by BunnyTheHutt on


  • I would like if we could use it at any% like the old days. I do agree with all your changes too

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    I like these except the MS. One of my biggest problems with Old Legion was the MS since it was so easy too bully him through loops and waste a lot of time since he needed too use Feral Frenzy too take people down.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    I agree with the firing at least! The rest... meh. I'm not so sure about!

  • StarMoral
    StarMoral Member Posts: 938

    Map Pressure and Lethality, the two things he really lacks right now.

    He can stall out a game like nobody's business... But kind of like Plague, if they can do loops without needing to heal, that kind of makes his whole shtick a little pointless. Except unlike Plague, other survivors can heal without benefiting you.

    His best build right now is to slow down gens to a grinding halt so survivors are forced to waste time healing or try and do the gen anyway. Thing is, his only downing method is M1ing, and that's not great.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    Agreed, which is why I want the changes too actually make him a threat, while not making him un-fun and un-counterable.

  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378

    Better and more interesting add-ons, out of so many of Killers, Legion has the most boring and lackluster ones imo.

    The only other changes I want is for Feral Frenzy to not be immediately be cancelled on one missed attack, have it drain the power bar by a bit, only allowing like 3 Hits max. Faster vaulting when in Feral Frenzy would be appreciated...

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171

    What I really want Legion to just get a complete power rework. Freddy style.

    As for your thoughts:

    Point 1 I agree with so much. IIRC that feature was NOT supposed to make it to live because of how many people complained about it, but it did anyway because Legion.

    Point 2 would be horrible. It already takes way too long to recharge a power that can't be used to down a Survivor IMO. Spirit's cooldown is much quicker and she becomes faster than Legion, invisible, can see scratchmarks, AND can down Survivors. Why would you want the Feral Frenzy recharge to take longer?

    Point 3 I disagree with. I don't think Killers have any business knowing the progression of the Mend Timer outside of scenarios like old Legion where you'd just bypass all defense mechanics until they bleed out or you smacked them down. And those scenarios are ones I don't think improve Legion or the game.

    Point 4 I disagree with. Part of the issue with Old Legion was that they could just tunnel one Survivor with Feral Frenzy and get a guaranteed down. It's horribly inefficient from the Killer side because you have to wait for your power to recharge, and horribly unfun from the Survivor side because your counterplay is incredibly limited. IMO Legion being able to down Survivors in Feral Frenzy should just be removed and Frank's Mixtape should get an effect that's actually useful.

  • StarMoral
    StarMoral Member Posts: 938

    He also needs to vault faster than survivors ffs. Do you know how many times I fail a chase, going 125% movement speed mind you, to a survivor circling a window?

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535
  • StarMoral
    StarMoral Member Posts: 938

    I wouldnt mind him having 110% movement speed again, that way they can balance him to actually be a threat around loops... Almost like that's THE THEME OF THIS KILLER? To be relentless, feeling like you're surrounded. I mean yes, his ability is called FERAL FRENZY.

    Ugh, rant done, I just want my boy to be buffed.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    Point 2 was meant too make decrease the amount of time, not increase it, that's bad wording on my part.

    Point 3: It really wouldn't be that much a change because you'll be either tunneled or left alone, so it doesn't change anything if someone like Trapper saw the Deep Wound timer, and Legion needs the info the most if he uses Frank's Mixtape because otherwise there is no way too tell how low someone is.

    Point 4: Old Legion was unfun because he could do it in 2 hits, but those addons aren't in the game anymore. And being tunneled can happen with any killer, not just Legion, so it really wouldn't be that bad a change on paper since it's nothing any other killer can do.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    Same, he's got cool cosmetics and more coming down the line, and I want him too now be bullied.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    Yeah alot of this is talked about in my thread (sorry to bring it up so much but its relevant and has about 6 pages of this)

    Mob Mentality is an interesting Idea there. I think myself that removing TR during FF and making KI be on a radius would help, as well as buffing FF speed in vaults and just in general. Also getting rid of the stupid things like "Lose 50% of your power for m1ing" Which is a punishment FOR DOING WELL. "Can not see blood in FF." WHY?! it's a FERAL Frenzy.

    But yeah, buffing Legion as they hit people in FF was another idea... its all there take a look, give feedback KEEP IT ALIVE SO DEVS SEE THAT WE WANT IT!

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    Thing is, the devs DO know what people want, they've commented on multiple discussions about legion, and it's always the same. "he get's lots of kills so we feel he is in a good spot and won't be touched." My fear is the they'll do Legion like Freddy, where it'll be years before he gets touched and when it finally happens he becomes top tier.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    Decrease vault speed, it just feels awful when not running bamboozle on them.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    Agreed, but it isn't the worst which is why I'd be fine if it was left alone. If they do add Frank's Mixtape base it would kinda suck if Legion jumped vaults and pallets like Sonic and downed you with no way too counter it.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,970

    buff add ons to be not ass revert vault speed to old version

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    Honestly, I don't care if it takes years. I will keep that thread alive till it happens. As long as they keep the Rush Down playstyle, i'm fine.

    Also, how they can think he's FINE when the WHOLE COMMUNITY thinks they suck is beyond me.

  • Exerlin
    Exerlin Member Posts: 1,352

    They need some way to use their power to help get a down.

    Maybe they could get a charge attack available in Feral Frenzy that lets them leap/lunge forward after a ~2 second charge, taking away 1 health state. You could start the charge by holding down the attack button instead of tapping it. Letting go of the attack button before it's fully charged could instantly reduce the charge bar to zero, but not remove any FF charge.

    I think something like that would make Legion less of a laughing stock, while still not being too powerful since the long charge time should give good survivors enough time to find a window or pallet.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535
  • Star99er
    Star99er Member Posts: 1,447

    Make missed Feral Frenzy attacks deplete 33% of his power while it’s active instead of completely depleting it.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    I would like to see them get some of rework to see that power makes the become more impactful the only thing I like about it currently is vaulting pallets.

    If that's not the case then these will be some suggestions


    Revert the blood-stained restriction moonwalk exploit is no longer a thing there is no need to have this.

    Killer instinct

    Can we have the orange outline back for killer instinct the pulsing in the corn is not helpful I have no clue where it was removed in the first place.

    Missed attacks

    With the restriction that you need a full bar to activate frenzy again there's no point in having a missed swing completely delete the bar but it can still cancel you out of frenzy but have it either cancel you out and half your current progression or just cancel you out of it and keep the remaining progression.

    Double tapping

    Have an incentive for double tapping a survivor ( no the add-ons don't count)

    Firstly they're are add-ons the incentive should be baseline second the benefits they give aren't worth the add-on slot.

    Pins: blindness, pseudo sloppy Butcher and even broken are not worth the amount of extra time I waste double tapping you then chasing you with a distance advantage on your side when I could just cancel my power and down you normally

    Frank's mixtape: There is very little point in smacking someone with this if you're just going to chase them anyway. ( At least with the pins you can make the excuse of activating the condition and leaving to do something else)

    Also considering all the things that will pause the timer it's unlikely you'll ever going to run into a survivor who is just about collapse from Deep wounds

    As I said before you waste more time giving them a speed boost whilst going into fatigue then having to catch up and initiate the actual chase than you would if you just cancelled out frenzy and initiate the chase without the speed boost from the second frenzy hit.

    So Bassline they need something to incentivise a choice between cancelling a frenzy and risking the double tap.


    I've already made posts and comments about their add-ons before so I don't feel like fully going into it again.


    Fuming mixtape

    Frank's mixtape

    Stab wounds study

    These need to be reworked they don't really work that well with the new kit

    Get rid of all the add-ons that increase the killer instinct detection range and just replace increasing movement speed again. If I wanted a larger detection range I could just bring monitor and abuse or distressing

    Also if a survivor starts running in advance you're not going to hit them so the last thing I need to do is just see more survivors I won't hit.

    Make the pins either proc better effects or just have them proc on the first frenzy hit not the second I've spoken above about how ineffective double tapping is.

  • Chaotic_Riddle
    Chaotic_Riddle Member Posts: 1,953

    Rework Deep Wound and revert vault speed changes.

    That's all.

    Seriously, just do those two simplistic things and we'll all be happy. :)

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535
  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535
    edited October 2019
  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    Not really, since his power would still be complete garbage tbh. Deep Wounds is bad and probably should be reworked, the vault speed IMO is fine as is. Survivors make it blatently obvious when they are trying too sneak by you, so you always get a free hit anyways, and if they do make Frank's Mixtape base then having faster vault speed would make Legion a little too overwhelming and unfun too fight.

  • PistolTimb
    PistolTimb Member Posts: 1,413

    Revert movment speed to 110 percent, and TR to 24 meters. Remove deep wounds from the equation altogether. It was a poorly thought idea out and should be recognized as such. Feral Frenzy buffs speed to 115 (maybe 120, kinda pushing it) percent, and does 1 health state of damage; similar to Demo's Pounce/Pig's Dash. FF lasts for say 15 seconds max, and has a 30 second cooldown, reducable with addons. FF ends on first hit, and legion is fatigued for a duration comparable to a successful hit cooldown.

    Just my idea. I'm not a game designer so take it with a grain of salt.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    It's a nice concept, but the problem is that Legion's power is suppose too give information on survivors, where this change would completely destroy that part of his kit. Plus he would be incredibly overwhelming in chases, since chases usually take longer then a minute, and if you get a basic hit off, you can pretty much guarantee a free down if you simply catch up, make him drop the pallet, then vault over it and get the free down.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    Sadly I have to say no to this. It would ruin the Rush Down style of Legion. The main part I love about Legion. Can't agree with it.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    You need to come to my thread and give feedback. You think about everything with it. We need that over there XD

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125
    edited October 2019


    This is a man of culture! Love that, I would love that and Main Legion again.

    Post edited by BenZ0 on
  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    You are missing alot of things and your franks mixtape idea is not good because trying to bring the old Legion "tunnel stabbing" only makes sense when you bring back the old Legion, that means,

    -Waaay faster movementspeed in frenzy, maybe even back to old frenzy speed, 5,6 if i am right with the memories

    -Faster vaulting

    -Able to activate the frenzy whenever you want

    -Most importantly, shorter frenzy fatigue, 5sec is waaay to much

    Without those changes it would be anyway a timewaste aswell trying to stab ppl again with frenzy. And you compensate the "lethality" of frenzy you have to make them slow base speed, yay you have the old Legion back.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    i don't want old Legion back, but there are aspects from old legion that I feel should be reimplemented. And draining Deep Wound time is not meant for taking people down 100% like old legion, but if you see someone's timer who is low and you find them, Feral Frenzy stab would be a nice balanced change too make sure you get the down. It's meant too be niche, not free.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125


    Well since you will not lose any Deep wound time while mending this change wouldnt make any sense.

  • matt6996
    matt6996 Member Posts: 82

    I feel as though they need to revert a few of legions nerfs such as giving them faster vault speed since you can literally get your power looped at a unsafe pallet, make the power recharge 15 sec again since the power isn't even that crazy compared to other killers like spirits where hers is 15 sec and it can win her the game, bring there fatigue back down to 3 sec because your literally eating a DS each time you get out of your power, and finally they need to rework a few of their add ons. A good portion of their add ons are pretty bad since they really don't help you example being the KI range increase, this doesn't help to much since a good portion of the time you won't even reach the person in the far distance. So it'll probably be best if they reverted it back to MS add ons since sprint burst can screw you over with the 5.0 speed we have now and it'll help to deal with that. They also hinted at the button add ons getting changed to actually work effectively but they need to increase the time on the effects to make them actually usable. Finally they need to make it so we don't lose our whole power gauge on a missed FF attack since it's punishing the killer for way to much for common issues like ping, aim assist, and etc. My idea to change it is that we only lose like 50% of the gauge on a miss but still get taken out of the power. If BHVR doesn't want to rework legion they can at least give us these QoL changes including a few add ons changes so the killer can actually feel better to play as while keeping there rush down identity.

  • chrupek
    chrupek Member Posts: 37

    smaller cooldown...

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    That took me a moment to read. I think there is something like that one my thread in feedback. Over all a decent Idea though.

    I don't want the Old Legion back either. Something... new needs to be done. You can reuse bits of the Old but... a rework isn't "Revert with a few changes".

    As long as they keep Rush Down I'm happy, but maybe doing something like "Mob Mentality" over on my thread is needed too.

  • Nickywoowoo
    Nickywoowoo Member Posts: 4

    Been playing legion quite a bit lately. I was noticing that since Feral Frenzy seems pretty pointless past the first hit, would it be too strong to cut the stun from a second hit down a couple seconds. Then it could be used to gap close and be useful after the initial hit and encourages double tapping for the addons.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    That would kinda work, but feels against how Legion should work. Though I will admit, i've seen people start to mend INSTANTLY after I hit them in FF

  • Spooky13
    Spooky13 Member Posts: 1,471

    I mean, if we simply make vaulting pallets and windows quicker while in Frenzy, and please god lower the stun time after Frenzy, Legion would be a lot better. I shouldn't have to eat a DS everytime I try to use my power, thank you.

  • BlueFang
    BlueFang Member Posts: 1,379
    edited October 2019

    Spiderman 3 Dance Emote

    It will make Legion Top Tier

  • Jb94
    Jb94 Member Posts: 209
    edited October 2019

    Not a legion main, but I do miss going fast as ######### boyyyy. As a killer, leigon should excel in mobility at the expense of lethality. As things stand they're not quite mobile enough to justify how very very non-lethal they are.

    Around half the addons need to be reworked--ie. The idea of inflicting status effects on a second hit isn't bad, they just chose some of the leat useful ones possible. Mangled and broken are baffling choices given the context of leigons power. Inflicting exhaustion on the other hand would counter dead hard/balanced which would actually validate the time taken to land a second hit and actually be a scary thing to face (though also very avoidable).