We deployed a fix to solve an issue preventing players from unhooking, healing or picking up Survivors. Players will need to reboot to see the change reflected in-game. Thank you for your patience!

So unhappy with those "fixed" (buffed) killers...

Am I the only one who disslikes those killer buffs?
I was biggest fan of this game before, but now... Sorry but this game pissing me off nowdays.
You keep buffing killers because what?
If you gonna do that, so start ban people who camps, tunnels others (you have no chance at ALL to play any single match).
And stream snipers (i'm a streamer and this happens too often)!!! It's a cheat! Why don't you do anything about this?
Those 3 groups of people should be seriously get a ban.

This game is no more fun because of those things.
And waiting time to play as a killers are insane.


  • Crazy91Girl
    Crazy91Girl Member Posts: 11

    I'm not gonna pay more money for this game (like i did before). I was waiting for every DLC, and bought every single DLC just right after they came out.
    But no more - until you fix those problems - because it is a problem when you playing survivor.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Crazy91Girl said:
    Am I the only one who disslikes those killer buffs?
    I was biggest fan of this game before, but now... Sorry but this game pissing me off nowdays.
    You keep buffing killers because what?
    If you gonna do that, so start ban people who camps, tunnels others (you have no chance at ALL to play any single match).
    And stream snipers (i'm a streamer and this happens too often)!!! It's a cheat! Why don't you do anything about this?
    Those 3 groups of people should be seriously get a ban.

    This game is no more fun because of those things.
    And waiting time to play as a killers are insane.

    They buff killers like hag and trapper because they are weak AF and have to be buffed to the nurse/billy level. By the way, they arent even close to that lvl.

    Camping and tunneling isnt a bad thing, in fact playing tactically in a competitive game is a good thing :wink:

    As streamer you can add a delay, that helps against stream snipers. I mean you are streaming live to the public, why are you surprised that someone gains an advantage out of that. If you remove your twitchtv from your name, that will reduce streamsniping by 99% unless you are one of the big known streamers

    Yes matchmaking is bugged currently

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Crazy91Girl said:
    I'm not gonna pay more money for this game (like i did before). I was waiting for every DLC, and bought every single DLC just right after they came out.
    But no more - until you fix those problems - because it is a problem when you playing survivor.

    After the freddy disaster I decided not to buy any more DLCs, especially if they are available with shards too

  • MinusTheBillie
    MinusTheBillie Member Posts: 349
    I play both sides and love all the changes. It's 4 on 1. They have to be strong. The game loses it's luster when survivors can just taunt and run circles til they win. No one should win every game on either side. 

    The changes are actually getting me more into the game. Trapper and Hag are scary again, and the Wraith will be terrifying. 

    Camping is a strategy. SUCKs to be camped, but the others can finish so many gens in that time. Punishes the Killer for being a camper, despite getting 1 kill.

    Gen Rush is a strategy; hell, it's the objective to finish gens and escape. Mind you, I'd love to increase gen repair time a bit to balance, but that's it. 

    Tunneling is a strategy. Get the weakest of the pride while you can. They can run and hide. I've done it. It can be tough and frustrating, but frees up others to repair. 

    Looping seems more like an unintended exploit, but it's being countered with a lot of the changes. Still, in current state, it's a strategy to burn the killers time. 

    You shouldn't have to allow survivors a 2nd and 3rd chance for them to enjoy the game. A killer shouldn't have to show mercy. Killers gonna kill. 

    I may have an unpopular opinion and this is from someone that hasn't broken into the top 5 ranks, but that's my take from someone who hovers around rank 8. 

    All the changes are getting the game closer to what they envisioned the game to feel like all along, in my opinion. It works for me! Keep the buffs and adjustments coming. Have Freddys dream transition prevent actions and he's back in business as well! Hope that's on its way. 
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited July 2018

    Nobody can stream snipe you if you're not advertising your stream in a way that they can see or add a delay to your stream. Just saying.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @RailY said:

    @MinusTheBillie said:
    I play both sides and love all the changes. It's 4 on 1. They have to be strong. The game loses it's luster when survivors can just taunt and run circles til they win. No one should win every game on either side. 

    1) The changes are actually getting me more into the game. Trapper and Hag are scary again, and the Wraith will be terrifying. 

    2) Camping is a strategy. SUCKs to be camped, but the others can finish so many gens in that time. Punishes the Killer for being a camper, despite getting 1 kill.

    3) Gen Rush is a strategy; hell, it's the objective to finish gens and escape. Mind you, I'd love to increase gen repair time a bit to balance, but that's it. 

    4) Tunneling is a strategy. Get the weakest of the pride while you can. They can run and hide. I've done it. It can be tough and frustrating, but frees up others to repair. 

    5) Looping seems more like an unintended exploit, but it's being countered with a lot of the changes. Still, in current state, it's a strategy to burn the killers time. 

    6) You shouldn't have to allow survivors a 2nd and 3rd chance for them to enjoy the game. A killer shouldn't have to show mercy. Killers gonna kill. 

    7) I may have an unpopular opinion and this is from someone that hasn't broken into the top 5 ranks, but that's my take from someone who hovers around rank 8. 

    8) All the changes are getting the game closer to what they envisioned the game to feel like all along, in my opinion. It works for me! Keep the buffs and adjustments coming. Have Freddys dream transition prevent actions and he's back in business as well! Hope that's on its way. 

    Let me burst you bubble real quick. Not that it's going to educate you at all, but it will make me feel better so here we go ~

    1) There is a VERY specific group of people that "gets more into the game" after those changes. And that Group is Killers between Rank 5-15. Killers who used to 4k will still 4k. (There is a reason why streamers like Mulder can go up to 100-150 kill streak before even 1 survivor escapes through even the Hatch.) And people who Survive With Friends, will keep making the life of killers miserable by bypassing one of the fundementall DbD rule which is communication.

    2) Camping is a Strategy and it sucks when you are getting camped indeed. I personally don't propose any change to it either.

    3) Gen running is not a Strategy, Gen rushing is not a thing. It's a term salty streamers started using and popularising. If you are unable to put pressure on people they will do gens. Sorry if we won't just stare at the crows.

    4) Tunneling is indeed a strategy.

    5) As it has been stated by many many people before me, Looping is the very last saving Grace a survivor has in order to survive. When Vaulting windows is pretty much broken, when pallets are getting removed every other update, when Detection perks for killers pretty much give you Wall hax these days and when Stealthy perks for Survivors are so weak, they literaly by definition have no other means of escaping. Period.
    You want to nerf pallet looping give them an alternative way of surviving. They don't enjoy looping either, trust me.

    6) Who does? o.O

    7) My point exactly

    8) That's almost a disgusting opinion. The game was intended to be a Hide and Seek. When you remove the ability of people to Hide, by adding Powerful detection perks to the game, don't expect the Rules of the game to stay the same. Now it's a PvP game. And the Killer perks is what made it that way. And It's fine I like it but, don't think that making killers fearfull again is anywhere close to the right move, unless it's been done both ways. Because hell yea, a killer with wallhacks, when you have no where to go and no where to hide is fearfull. good job.

    Remove the wallhacks, the disgusting 6 second scratch marks, and the ability for the killer to straight up HEAR me breathing when he is anywhere around me, and then sure, go ahead, remove every pallet , every window and every Flashlight in the game. I will be hiding from bush to bush. lets play Hide and Seek like it was "meant to be"

    1) mulder can play trapper/hag and 4k in a row till he has 150 kills on high rank?
    Please provide some footage because I would like to learn from him how to become a better killer, thanks

    3) genrushing is just doing the survivors objective, just like tunneling is for the killer basically

    8) maybe it was advertised as hide or seek in the beginning, but we got fooled and they actually developed another game, I dont like that either tbh

  • Crazy91Girl
    Crazy91Girl Member Posts: 11

    I'm not gonna change my mind. Camping and tunneling is only for weak and noob killers who can not even play that game.
    I'm NEVER camping or tunneling someone, and winning games with 4k (mostly).
    If you don't know how to use killer, ofc people gonna cry "buff killers". I had NEVER problems with using Hag, now in my opinion she is too OP.

  • Crazy91Girl
    Crazy91Girl Member Posts: 11

    And about streaming thing...

    I took off "twitch.tv" name, and still getting stream sniped!

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    @Crazy91Girl said:
    And about streaming thing...

    I took off "twitch.tv" name, and still getting stream sniped!

    or youre just bad at hiding.

  • MinusTheBillie
    MinusTheBillie Member Posts: 349
    Master said:

    @RailY said:

    @MinusTheBillie said:
    I play both sides and love all the changes. It's 4 on 1. They have to be strong. The game loses it's luster when survivors can just taunt and run circles til they win. No one should win every game on either side. 

    1) The changes are actually getting me more into the game. Trapper and Hag are scary again, and the Wraith will be terrifying. 

    2) Camping is a strategy. SUCKs to be camped, but the others can finish so many gens in that time. Punishes the Killer for being a camper, despite getting 1 kill.

    3) Gen Rush is a strategy; hell, it's the objective to finish gens and escape. Mind you, I'd love to increase gen repair time a bit to balance, but that's it. 

    4) Tunneling is a strategy. Get the weakest of the pride while you can. They can run and hide. I've done it. It can be tough and frustrating, but frees up others to repair. 

    5) Looping seems more like an unintended exploit, but it's being countered with a lot of the changes. Still, in current state, it's a strategy to burn the killers time. 

    6) You shouldn't have to allow survivors a 2nd and 3rd chance for them to enjoy the game. A killer shouldn't have to show mercy. Killers gonna kill. 

    7) I may have an unpopular opinion and this is from someone that hasn't broken into the top 5 ranks, but that's my take from someone who hovers around rank 8. 

    8) All the changes are getting the game closer to what they envisioned the game to feel like all along, in my opinion. It works for me! Keep the buffs and adjustments coming. Have Freddys dream transition prevent actions and he's back in business as well! Hope that's on its way. 

    Let me burst you bubble real quick. Not that it's going to educate you at all, but it will make me feel better so here we go ~

    1) There is a VERY specific group of people that "gets more into the game" after those changes. And that Group is Killers between Rank 5-15. Killers who used to 4k will still 4k. (There is a reason why streamers like Mulder can go up to 100-150 kill streak before even 1 survivor escapes through even the Hatch.) And people who Survive With Friends, will keep making the life of killers miserable by bypassing one of the fundementall DbD rule which is communication.

    2) Camping is a Strategy and it sucks when you are getting camped indeed. I personally don't propose any change to it either.

    3) Gen running is not a Strategy, Gen rushing is not a thing. It's a term salty streamers started using and popularising. If you are unable to put pressure on people they will do gens. Sorry if we won't just stare at the crows.

    4) Tunneling is indeed a strategy.

    5) As it has been stated by many many people before me, Looping is the very last saving Grace a survivor has in order to survive. When Vaulting windows is pretty much broken, when pallets are getting removed every other update, when Detection perks for killers pretty much give you Wall hax these days and when Stealthy perks for Survivors are so weak, they literaly by definition have no other means of escaping. Period.
    You want to nerf pallet looping give them an alternative way of surviving. They don't enjoy looping either, trust me.

    6) Who does? o.O

    7) My point exactly

    8) That's almost a disgusting opinion. The game was intended to be a Hide and Seek. When you remove the ability of people to Hide, by adding Powerful detection perks to the game, don't expect the Rules of the game to stay the same. Now it's a PvP game. And the Killer perks is what made it that way. And It's fine I like it but, don't think that making killers fearfull again is anywhere close to the right move, unless it's been done both ways. Because hell yea, a killer with wallhacks, when you have no where to go and no where to hide is fearfull. good job.

    Remove the wallhacks, the disgusting 6 second scratch marks, and the ability for the killer to straight up HEAR me breathing when he is anywhere around me, and then sure, go ahead, remove every pallet , every window and every Flashlight in the game. I will be hiding from bush to bush. lets play Hide and Seek like it was "meant to be"

    1) mulder can play trapper/hag and 4k in a row till he has 150 kills on high rank?
    Please provide some footage because I would like to learn from him how to become a better killer, thanks

    3) genrushing is just doing the survivors objective, just like tunneling is for the killer basically

    8) maybe it was advertised as hide or seek in the beginning, but we got fooled and they actually developed another game, I dont like that either tbh

    No bubbles bursted or hard feelings. You have some good points too. Again, I play survivor and killer, but still enjoy all the changes and I don't believe it's just hide and seek. They've emphasized the chase in most of their dev streams. Maybe hide and seek tag. I

    Difference of opinion on some of these, but the devs can't please everyone. An opinion isn't disgusting just because you disagree. It's a asymetrical survival game. The 1 of 4 survivors should not be equal to the solo killer. 

    I hope you can still enjoy the game even of it's not going in the direction you'd like to see. See you in the fog!
  • MinusTheBillie
    MinusTheBillie Member Posts: 349

    I'm not gonna change my mind. Camping and tunneling is only for weak and noob killers who can not even play that game.
    I'm NEVER camping or tunneling someone, and winning games with 4k (mostly).
    If you don't know how to use killer, ofc people gonna cry "buff killers". I had NEVER problems with using Hag, now in my opinion she is too OP.

    Noones trying to change your mind. With that mindset you'll get more points and survivors will enjoy the round .bit more. Good on you. 
  • FayeZahara
    FayeZahara Member Posts: 965
    I think everyone has to take this balance like a mario party 1v3 match. There is a power role and you need to just be the last one to barely escape there terror. If you want 50/50 tournament quality balance then wait for hide or die. There called survivors you need to learn how to survive. Camping hurts killer to lose to a single kill. Cause if each 3 grab a gen they can pop 3 before the 75% death. Two after are likely to grab a gen together and finish 4th one before death is done and the other survivor can get 1/3 done. But if you are able to group up can pop all gens and be halfway opening an exit gate. Tunnelling  does the same effect if go only after one target without damaging other survivor group. Survivor can take advantage by holding the killer in a chase for the team to score.
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Crazy91Girl said:
    And about streaming thing...

    I took off "twitch.tv" name, and still getting stream sniped!

    If there's absolutely no link to your stream anywhere on your profile, including the list of past nicknames that Steam keeps, then you're not getting stream sniped. You just suck at hiding.

  • Crazy91Girl
    Crazy91Girl Member Posts: 11

    I bet most of you playing mostly killer, so i guess you dont even know how it is to be CAMPED or TUNNELED every single game. If you was in my place, you would say EXACTLY the same thing as me..

    ORION MEMBER - i can put whatever what i want in my profile, people shouldn't be a di*ks and stream snipe! Simple as that!

  • Crazy91Girl
    Crazy91Girl Member Posts: 11
    edited July 2018

    And no need to be rude to me. Because I'm saying what i think. Make your own post if you gonna be rude here. Or maybe I'm telling the truth, and your feelings hurts?

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    @Crazy91Girl said:
    Am I the only one who disslikes those killer buffs?
    I was biggest fan of this game before, but now... Sorry but this game pissing me off nowdays.
    You keep buffing killers because what?
    If you gonna do that, so start ban people who camps, tunnels others (you have no chance at ALL to play any single match).
    And stream snipers (i'm a streamer and this happens too often)!!! It's a cheat! Why don't you do anything about this?
    Those 3 groups of people should be seriously get a ban.

    This game is no more fun because of those things.
    And waiting time to play as a killers are insane.

    Stream snipers can be dealt with by adding a delay on your stream and readying up with an early group if it take too long leave lobby start again. This problem is everywhere not in DBD alone. Hearthstone players like kripparain get this crap all the time, DBD is not the only game that has this problem. As for bans for camping and tunnel lets just say we did ban tunnelers and campers. Made some safe area where killers couldn't hit recently unhooked survivors, well then survivors could exploit the ######### out of it and the unhook could body block until their invulnerability elapsed. Also tunneling a survivor has times and moments when its pretty reasonable. If you have a team of ds players then changing targets will lose you so much momentum you can easily lose the game. Not many survivors pick up on this. Because it only serves to benefit them. Finally your bans are clearly being pointed at the wrong group here how is it the killer fault for trying to kill you after being unhooked. Shouldn't the blame rest with your unhooker who ran away and left you with the aggro or simply choose a really poor time for a save. Why not ban them?

    In the end you were able to play the game you got downed once and died on first hook feels bad but if saves were free I guarantee you it would lead to serious exploitation by survivors. Nearly every asymmetrical game kills you immediately upon being caught and beaten. DBD is insanely generous with its 3 hook system. If I am behind theirs 2 gens left i need someone out of the game. I am under pressure to remove a player telling me i can't because of some arbitrary honor code is ignorance of the various strategies a killer needs to come back into the game. Imagine if I said I ban you for using hatch. That would be insanely stupid, irregardless of how unfair the hatch is towards a killer who worked hard for his 4K. Playing to your outs is important in any game provided you not deliberately exploiting the game or hacking all is fair game.

    As for the killer buffs you need to play around each killer. Be aware of their kit and counter it with your existing layout. If a hag is in game focus on crouching around gens and totems. Try and trigger her traps when shes in the process of bringing a survivor to a hook. If its trapper disarm the traps where you expect them to be so future chases will be hindered for the killer. All of this you would know if you played these killers but if all you play is survivors you won't advance that far, as these killers will exploit your weaknesses and lack of killer knowledge. Even the best survivors play a varied palette of killers so you can fight them.

  • Crazy91Girl
    Crazy91Girl Member Posts: 11

    And to say that i have to learn how to play? I have over 1k hours on DBD, i know EXACTLY how to play it. But if killers are noobs, don't know how to play so they camp, tunnel people.. Well.. Don't come here later and say that me, as survivor i have to learn how to play.
    This game starting to be unbalanced AGAIN, but this time for survivors side.

    And ALL my friends thinks the same as me.

  • Crazy91Girl
    Crazy91Girl Member Posts: 11

    Stream snipers can be dealt with by adding a delay on your stream and readying up with an early group if it take too long leave lobby start again. This problem is everywhere not in DBD alone. Hearthstone players like kripparain get this crap all the time, DBD is not the only game that has this problem. As for bans for camping and tunnel lets just say we did ban tunnelers and campers. Made some safe area where killers couldn't hit recently unhooked survivors, well then survivors could exploit the ######### out of it and the unhook could body block until their invulnerability elapsed. Also tunneling a survivor has times and moments when its pretty reasonable. If you have a team of ds players then changing targets will lose you so much momentum you can easily lose the game. Not many survivors pick up on this. Because it only serves to benefit them. Finally your bans are clearly being pointed at the wrong group here how is it the killer fault for trying to kill you after being unhooked. Shouldn't the blame rest with your unhooker who ran away and left you with the aggro or simply choose a really poor time for a save. Why not ban them?

    In the end you were able to play the game you got downed once and died on first hook feels bad but if saves were free I guarantee you it would lead to serious exploitation by survivors. Nearly every asymmetrical game kills you immediately upon being caught and beaten. DBD is insanely generous with its 3 hook system. If I am behind theirs 2 gens left i need someone out of the game. I am under pressure to remove a player telling me i can't because of some arbitrary honor code is ignorance of the various strategies a killer needs to come back into the game. Imagine if I said I ban you for using hatch. That would be insanely stupid, irregardless of how unfair the hatch is towards a killer who worked hard for his 4K. Playing to your outs is important in any game provided you not deliberately exploiting the game or hacking all is fair game.

    As for the killer buffs you need to play around each killer. Be aware of their kit and counter it with your existing layout. If a hag is in game focus on crouching around gens and totems. Try and trigger her traps when shes in the process of bringing a survivor to a hook. If its trapper disarm the traps where you expect them to be so future chases will be hindered for the killer. All of this you would know if you played these killers but if all you play is survivors you won't advance that far, as these killers will exploit your weaknesses and lack of killer knowledge. Even the best survivors play a varied palette of killers so you can fight them.

    Zarathos, i understand your point of view but you have to understand mine as well.. I'm playing killer as well, and if I can win matches with 4k, WITHOUT camping or tunneling people.. Well then others should be also able to.. Am i right?

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited July 2018

    @Crazy91Girl said:
    I bet most of you playing mostly killer, so i guess you dont even know how it is to be CAMPED or TUNNELED every single game. If you was in my place, you would say EXACTLY the same thing as me..

    ORION MEMBER - i can put whatever what i want in my profile, people shouldn't be a di*ks and stream snipe! Simple as that!

    Nobody said otherwise. I'm just advising you how to prevent stream sniping. You can also add a delay to your stream. It's your choice whether or not to prevent it, but complaining that "people shouldn't stream snipe" amounts to doing nothing.

  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857
    Survivors crying because of killer buffs. This is a horror game, asymetrical games are supposed to have a powerful one vs weak many. The fact that a competent survivor can run the killer for at least one gen, which is 20% of the  survivors objectives for less than 20% of the killets objective  (one hook phase) is nuts. Each hook phase is an objective, 12 objectives for killer 6 for survivor if you count the exit door, takes under 2 minutes per gen, a minute average for a competent survivor chase, not counting the searxh for the survivor, or the hook if not interrupted. And high level games end 4 minutes and under. Just a survivor main using basic math to show the game is stacked against the 1 vs stacked against the many. It isn't supposed to be impossible for the many, just hard because this is a horror game.
  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857

    Stream snipers can be dealt with by adding a delay on your stream and readying up with an early group if it take too long leave lobby start again. This problem is everywhere not in DBD alone. Hearthstone players like kripparain get this crap all the time, DBD is not the only game that has this problem. As for bans for camping and tunnel lets just say we did ban tunnelers and campers. Made some safe area where killers couldn't hit recently unhooked survivors, well then survivors could exploit the ######### out of it and the unhook could body block until their invulnerability elapsed. Also tunneling a survivor has times and moments when its pretty reasonable. If you have a team of ds players then changing targets will lose you so much momentum you can easily lose the game. Not many survivors pick up on this. Because it only serves to benefit them. Finally your bans are clearly being pointed at the wrong group here how is it the killer fault for trying to kill you after being unhooked. Shouldn't the blame rest with your unhooker who ran away and left you with the aggro or simply choose a really poor time for a save. Why not ban them?

    In the end you were able to play the game you got downed once and died on first hook feels bad but if saves were free I guarantee you it would lead to serious exploitation by survivors. Nearly every asymmetrical game kills you immediately upon being caught and beaten. DBD is insanely generous with its 3 hook system. If I am behind theirs 2 gens left i need someone out of the game. I am under pressure to remove a player telling me i can't because of some arbitrary honor code is ignorance of the various strategies a killer needs to come back into the game. Imagine if I said I ban you for using hatch. That would be insanely stupid, irregardless of how unfair the hatch is towards a killer who worked hard for his 4K. Playing to your outs is important in any game provided you not deliberately exploiting the game or hacking all is fair game.

    As for the killer buffs you need to play around each killer. Be aware of their kit and counter it with your existing layout. If a hag is in game focus on crouching around gens and totems. Try and trigger her traps when shes in the process of bringing a survivor to a hook. If its trapper disarm the traps where you expect them to be so future chases will be hindered for the killer. All of this you would know if you played these killers but if all you play is survivors you won't advance that far, as these killers will exploit your weaknesses and lack of killer knowledge. Even the best survivors play a varied palette of killers so you can fight them.

    Zarathos, i understand your point of view but you have to understand mine as well.. I'm playing killer as well, and if I can win matches with 4k, WITHOUT camping or tunneling people.. Well then others should be also able to.. Am i right?

    Tunneling isn't bad if you have dying light or remember me, your point is to make sure that person dies at the beginning for dying light or by the late game for remember me. 
  • popoles
    popoles Member Posts: 831
    So what do you suggest? You just typed here that you are unhappy with the current state of the game. Tell us some of your thoughts.
  • inkedsoulz
    inkedsoulz Member Posts: 93

    @Crazy91Girl said:
    Am I the only one who disslikes those killer buffs?
    I was biggest fan of this game before, but now... Sorry but this game pissing me off nowdays.
    You keep buffing killers because what?
    If you gonna do that, so start ban people who camps, tunnels others (you have no chance at ALL to play any single match).
    And stream snipers (i'm a streamer and this happens too often)!!! It's a cheat! Why don't you do anything about this?
    Those 3 groups of people should be seriously get a ban.

    This game is no more fun because of those things.
    And waiting time to play as a killers are insane.

    This guy is obviously trolling or trying to create some flamewar, just move along.

  • Someone
    Someone Member Posts: 11

    Everyone has their own weak points and strenghts and basing on that they choose their strategy. For some people camping or tunneling will be very effective for others it'll be waste of time. Maybe you can get 4k without these strategies but it doesn't mean others also can (If someone can speak 30 languages does that mean anyone can? No) nor that they're weak players. It's as if you said that survivors who focuses mostly on gens instead of looping the killer are noobs.

    I'm survivor main and I know well how it is to be camped or tunneled. It sucks but it doesn't change that tunneling and camping are not bannable offenses. Not to mention some of the killer perks are made specifically for that. Also camping and tunneling is not something you can't counter. Eveything has its weak points, you just have to observe and learn.
    You can have even 1m hours in this game but if you can't adapt to these changes that means you don't have much experience.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    @Crazy91Girl said:

    Stream snipers can be dealt with by adding a delay on your stream and readying up with an early group if it take too long leave lobby start again. This problem is everywhere not in DBD alone. Hearthstone players like kripparain get this crap all the time, DBD is not the only game that has this problem. As for bans for camping and tunnel lets just say we did ban tunnelers and campers. Made some safe area where killers couldn't hit recently unhooked survivors, well then survivors could exploit the ######### out of it and the unhook could body block until their invulnerability elapsed. Also tunneling a survivor has times and moments when its pretty reasonable. If you have a team of ds players then changing targets will lose you so much momentum you can easily lose the game. Not many survivors pick up on this. Because it only serves to benefit them. Finally your bans are clearly being pointed at the wrong group here how is it the killer fault for trying to kill you after being unhooked. Shouldn't the blame rest with your unhooker who ran away and left you with the aggro or simply choose a really poor time for a save. Why not ban them?

    In the end you were able to play the game you got downed once and died on first hook feels bad but if saves were free I guarantee you it would lead to serious exploitation by survivors. Nearly every asymmetrical game kills you immediately upon being caught and beaten. DBD is insanely generous with its 3 hook system. If I am behind theirs 2 gens left i need someone out of the game. I am under pressure to remove a player telling me i can't because of some arbitrary honor code is ignorance of the various strategies a killer needs to come back into the game. Imagine if I said I ban you for using hatch. That would be insanely stupid, irregardless of how unfair the hatch is towards a killer who worked hard for his 4K. Playing to your outs is important in any game provided you not deliberately exploiting the game or hacking all is fair game.

    As for the killer buffs you need to play around each killer. Be aware of their kit and counter it with your existing layout. If a hag is in game focus on crouching around gens and totems. Try and trigger her traps when shes in the process of bringing a survivor to a hook. If its trapper disarm the traps where you expect them to be so future chases will be hindered for the killer. All of this you would know if you played these killers but if all you play is survivors you won't advance that far, as these killers will exploit your weaknesses and lack of killer knowledge. Even the best survivors play a varied palette of killers so you can fight them.

    Zarathos, i understand your point of view but you have to understand mine as well.. I'm playing killer as well, and if I can win matches with 4k, WITHOUT camping or tunneling people.. Well then others should be also able to.. Am i right?

    Whats your killer and rank the way you play is heavily affected by the environment your playing in. Right now i can 3k without ruin at rank 9 but that will change as I climb. Also some maps will mess you up pretty bad. The thing about camping is it pulls survivors into an unfavorable position which is really important if your wraith or pig as pulling survivors to pallet less areas will be mandatory if you want any chance of victory. Also well
    coordinated teams Achilles heel is altruism. The knowledge they pass to each other will make victory nearly impossible unless you can turn their greatest strength into a disadvantage. Camp the hooked survivor with a patrol soft camp or hard camp depending on the boldness of the team and they will still try to save. This forces additional team members off gen which slows the game down.

    Again if you hate this kind of game play stay in the fun ranks. 15-8 but if you want to play competitively you need to be able to respond to this game-play in a smart manner. Its is still quite possible to run a killer around the map for at least 2 gens. This is a game of capture the flag when you go for a survivor rescue assuming the killer has no interest in protecting his objectives is ignorance plain and simple. This assumption that your strat work on every team is the height of arrogance. Survivors will adapt to your play-style by unhooking fast and pushing for fast gen completion. A hooked survivor puts pressure on survivors to get off a gen. If you alleviate the pressure by allowing saves to be made easy then your going to get annihilated. Every competitive game has the player form a offensive and defensive measures an offense and defense If you formulate no defense you leave a blatant exploitable gap that survivors will use to beat you.

    If the killer you play is Leatherface you shouldn't shame the player for playing his killer the way he was intended a defensive killer who's chase is weak but defense is devastating. A killer like billy and nurse you can go on a full offensive due to powerful massive mobility.

  • Mrrgle_the_Mediocre
    Mrrgle_the_Mediocre Member Posts: 346
    edited July 2018

    @Crazy91Girl said:
    Am I the only one who disslikes those killer buffs?
    I was biggest fan of this game before, but now... Sorry but this game pissing me off nowdays.
    You keep buffing killers because what?
    If you gonna do that, so start ban people who camps, tunnels others (you have no chance at ALL to play any single match).
    And stream snipers (i'm a streamer and this happens too often)!!! It's a cheat! Why don't you do anything about this?
    Those 3 groups of people should be seriously get a ban.

    This game is no more fun because of those things.
    And waiting time to play as a killers are insane.

    Did you seriously just say campers and tunnelers should get a ban?
    Before I respond to that, I need to know.
    Do you have a mental disorder? This is a serious question, are you mentally challenged?

    You think they should completely remove all players who play their game that use a basic strategy that the devs have said is a strategy?
    Also, tunneling isn't a thing, it's a made up term for Survivors who are mad that they died. If you're right next to someone unhooking, it's common sense to hit the one that is injured so they're down instead of starting a chase with one person and letting the other get away, not a bannable offense. And while I agree facecamping is scummy, any other type of "camping" is not only easily counterable but also completely fair. Just because the killer doesn't let a Survivor walk up to you and unhook on a golden platter doesn't mean they should have their money on the game wasted and have it removed from them.

    Also, while I've never come into contact with a stream sniper so I can't really comment, from what I know it's kind of your fault for putting ttv in your name. And if you want to advertise, than just type it in the chat while by the campfire.

    You are so entitled, you think everyone has to play one way, everytime, so you can always win. Unfortunately, you aren't the most important driving force of the world. Unfortunately, because you passive agressively complained about it on the forums doesn't mean that we must kneel down and say "Oh of course, we're so sorry for competently playing the game, next time I'll be sure to give you back off the hook on a golden platter, and then go stare at a wall for 7 hours to let you complete gens and leave from the gates!"

    This has to be a troll thread, it just has to be.

    Post edited by Mrrgle_the_Mediocre on
  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    @Crazy91Girl said:
    Am I the only one who disslikes those killer buffs?


    @Crazy91Girl said:
    I was biggest fan of this game before, but now... Sorry but this game pissing me off nowdays.

    This game's pissed off everyone at some point, join the club.

    @Crazy91Girl said:
    You keep buffing killers because what?

    Because they were in a place with too little power, which was silly because they're the ones who have 0 teammates.

    @Crazy91Girl said:
    If you gonna do that, so start ban people who camps, tunnels others (you have no chance at ALL to play any single match).

    Unfortunately for you, you're not one to decide who gets banned for what. And i just played 3 Survivor games in a row with lots of chances to escape, so idk what you're talking about it being impossible.)

    @Crazy91Girl said:
    And stream snipers (i'm a streamer and this happens too often)!!! It's a cheat! Why don't you do anything about this?

    Using voice communication to avoid having to equip Bond, Object of Obsession and Empathy sounds like cheating to me, and it happens WAY WAY WAY more often than stream sniping.
    But hey, you wouldn't mind that kind of cheating, right?

    @Crazy91Girl said:
    Those 3 groups of people should be seriously get a ban.

    That's your opinion, not necessarily what should be.

    @Crazy91Girl said:
    This game is no more fun because of those things.

    That's your opinion, not necessarily what is.

    @Crazy91Girl said:
    And waiting time to play as a killers are insane.

    Gonna have to agree with this one on a personal level: I always play my music playlist in the main menu and lobbies, and never have i had to listen to an entire song before at least 1 Survivor joins my lobby.
    While an outsider, like someone reading this, might chalk it up to not enough people playing in my area at the time, i deny that theory wholeheartedly, since i've never had to wait longer than 5 minutes in my 1800 hours.

  • Crazy91Girl
    Crazy91Girl Member Posts: 11

    Do you have a mental disorder? This is a serious question, are you mentally challenged?

    Are you freaking kidding me? Coming to MY post, and call me sick in head, dude that's so low.. Go and learn about respect to others!
    Because i have much different opinion than others, so it means im sick in head?

    Leave this post please.

  • Crazy91Girl
    Crazy91Girl Member Posts: 11
    edited July 2018

    This guy is obviously trolling or trying to create some flamewar, just move along.

    First of all, Im not a GUY. And no im not trolling. I have different opinion than others, if you can't accept that and talk normal, do me a favour and leave this post

  • Mrrgle_the_Mediocre
    Mrrgle_the_Mediocre Member Posts: 346
    edited July 2018

    @Crazy91Girl said:

    This guy is obviously trolling or trying to create some flamewar, just move along.

    First of all, Im not a GUY. And no im not trolling. I have different opinion than others, if you can't accept that and talk normal, do me a favour and leave this post

    Man how was he supposed to know you're a girl? Actually, I guess the name might have given it away, but still, it can be hard to say for sure sometimes. But trust me when I say Men are usually much more offended when called a girl because it insults our fragile manliness. That is just a general assumption, it varies from person to person on both sides. My point is, we usually assume it's a guy because guys are usually the ones more upset if you get it wrong, but again, it varies. I dunno, I don't really have any argument for that, it isn't the main topic at hand here.
    TL;DR: Just skip this part and read the next paragraph.

    Anyway, I'll admit I had just finished a series of salt-inducing games before finding this post so I was much more inclined to be a salty piece of ######### when I wrote my response. But your opinions just don't match up to me and many others. I know they're opinions and you're entitled to them, but the thing is it's a game, and just as much as you are inclined to have fun when killers don't "camp" or "tunnel," killers are inclined to have fun camping and tunneling, so it's not a bannable offense. That's just ridiculous and overly harsh. Following that logic, looping and stealthing are also bannable and Survivors should just walk up to the Killer and let themselves die. I incline you to go back to my previous reply and ignore the beginning part about you being mentally ill. And maybe some of the other insults I hurled; just maybe.

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    What rank Killer and what Rank Survivor?

    Whats your twitch, and what time do you usually play? 

    I would like to see your gameplay of both sides before I take you opinion into consideration. 
  • Crazy91Girl
    Crazy91Girl Member Posts: 11

    @SovererignKing said:
    What rank Killer and what Rank Survivor?

    Killer is: rank 14 i guess, Surv: rank 2 (was rank 1 but yeah...)

    Whats your twitch, and what time do you usually play? 
    Twitch is: twitch.tv/crazy91girl
    I would like to see your gameplay of both sides before I take you opinion into consideration. 

    The thing is.. I stopped play it right now, taking break from that game... Guess its best way like that.

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273

    @SovererignKing said:
    What rank Killer and what Rank Survivor?

    Killer is: rank 14 i guess, Surv: rank 2 (was rank 1 but yeah...)

    Whats your twitch, and what time do you usually play? 
    Twitch is: twitch.tv/crazy91girl
    I would like to see your gameplay of both sides before I take you opinion into consideration. 

    The thing is.. I stopped play it right now, taking break from that game... Guess its best way like that.

    You see that’s the issue. I’m not sure, but have you ever been High Rank as Killer? These changes and buffs are geared to help High Rank Killers. It’s still not enough because the developers are failing to address the real issue : Gen Rushing. 


    Fact is this : Gens are just too quick and easy to complete. I don’t blame Survivors, it’s their only objective, however Killers are completely powerless to stop it. It’s why so many Killers tunnel and camp. We just don’t NOT have time to “play nice.” If we do, we lose. End of story. All Killers have really is Hex : Ruin. 

    Once you hit the High Ranks, If Survivors don’t “mess around” you basically lose as Killer. Games last less than 6 minutes. Even on average, most games last 11 minutes at most. Unless the Killer gets some massive amount of momentum that completely halts Gen progress. 

    These buffs and nerfs are helping, but not addressing the core issue of gameplay. Until the developers pull their heads out of their asses, and fix the actual issue, expect camping and tunneling. Killers lose if they don’t. 
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Crazy91Girl said:
    I'm not gonna change my mind. Camping and tunneling is only for weak and noob killers who can not even play that game.
    I'm NEVER camping or tunneling someone, and winning games with 4k (mostly).
    If you don't know how to use killer, ofc people gonna cry "buff killers". I had NEVER problems with using Hag, now in my opinion she is too OP.

    Can you please provide footage such that the noob killers (like me) can learn from you?
    I would love to be teached by you such that I can 4k mostly on high rank

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200
    edited July 2018

    @Crazy91Girl post some of your twitch videos where you show how to 4k in most games in high rank with hag e.g.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    I'm not gonna pay more money for this game (like i did before). I was waiting for every DLC, and bought every single DLC just right after they came out.
    But no more - until you fix those problems - because it is a problem when you playing survivor.

    All around me are familiar faces
    Worn out places, worn out faces
    Bright and early for their daily races
    Going nowhere, going nowhere
  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    I'm not gonna pay more money for this game (like i did before). I was waiting for every DLC, and bought every single DLC just right after they came out.
    But no more - until you fix those problems - because it is a problem when you playing survivor.

    Their tears are filling up their glasses
    No expression, no expression
    Hide my head, I want to drown my sorrow
    No tomorrow, no tomorrow
  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913
    Boss said:

    @Crazy91Girl said:
    Am I the only one who disslikes those killer buffs?


    @Crazy91Girl said:
    I was biggest fan of this game before, but now... Sorry but this game pissing me off nowdays.

    This game's pissed off everyone at some point, join the club.

    @Crazy91Girl said:
    You keep buffing killers because what?

    Because they were in a place with too little power, which was silly because they're the ones who have 0 teammates.

    @Crazy91Girl said:
    If you gonna do that, so start ban people who camps, tunnels others (you have no chance at ALL to play any single match).

    Unfortunately for you, you're not one to decide who gets banned for what. And i just played 3 Survivor games in a row with lots of chances to escape, so idk what you're talking about it being impossible.)

    @Crazy91Girl said:
    And stream snipers (i'm a streamer and this happens too often)!!! It's a cheat! Why don't you do anything about this?

    Using voice communication to avoid having to equip Bond, Object of Obsession and Empathy sounds like cheating to me, and it happens WAY WAY WAY more often than stream sniping.
    But hey, you wouldn't mind that kind of cheating, right?

    @Crazy91Girl said:
    Those 3 groups of people should be seriously get a ban.

    That's your opinion, not necessarily what should be.

    @Crazy91Girl said:
    This game is no more fun because of those things.

    That's your opinion, not necessarily what is.

    @Crazy91Girl said:
    And waiting time to play as a killers are insane.

    Gonna have to agree with this one on a personal level: I always play my music playlist in the main menu and lobbies, and never have i had to listen to an entire song before at least 1 Survivor joins my lobby.
    While an outsider, like someone reading this, might chalk it up to not enough people playing in my area at the time, i deny that theory wholeheartedly, since i've never had to wait longer than 5 minutes in my 1800 hours.

    Not exactly sure how voice communication is on the same level of “cheating” as stream sniping. Stream sniping is a way for the killer to get a kill and tunnel and probably camp because it’s too easy to know their location. People still use Bond, Empathy, and Object of Obsession in SWF groups. Not every single SWF is toxic you know.
  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    From one smalltime streamer to another, do yourself a favor and take the TTV out of your name if your using it.

    My life got 5X easier in this game when I took it off while playing survivor.

    There are a lot of people who dislike streamers in this community for various petty and stupid reasons. If you play this to advertise your stream, you're in the wrong game - go find something else.

    Not being rude - just telling the truth of the situation.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    From one smalltime streamer to another, do yourself a favor and take the TTV out of your name if your using it.

    My life got 5X easier in this game when I took it off while playing survivor.

    There are a lot of people who dislike streamers in this community for various petty and stupid reasons. If you play this to advertise your stream, you're in the wrong game - go find something else.

    Not being rude - just telling the truth of the situation.

    Ah yes the time honoured DBD tradition of moriing the streamer. In all honesty I try to avoid ######### like that because streamers do tend to get it bad. However as players like truetalent and other youtuber's will point out if you got twitch in the name ya probably got ds and flashlight. I have played far too many games where this was the case. I'm betting its because they want to spend less time hooked and more time entertaining the audience still doesn't make it right that you have to so harshly mess up the killer with ds.
  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    @Crazy91Girl said:
    And about streaming thing...

    I took off "twitch.tv" name, and still getting stream sniped!

    Use deductive reasoning and add a delay.

  • HermanTheDoctor
    HermanTheDoctor Member Posts: 212

    I really like the Killer Buffs. Makes a lot more fun to play weaker Killers :)

  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @Boss said:

    @Crazy91Girl said:
    Am I the only one who disslikes those killer buffs?


    @Crazy91Girl said:
    I was biggest fan of this game before, but now... Sorry but this game pissing me off nowdays.

    This game's pissed off everyone at some point, join the club.

    @Crazy91Girl said:
    You keep buffing killers because what?

    Because they were in a place with too little power, which was silly because they're the ones who have 0 teammates.

    @Crazy91Girl said:
    If you gonna do that, so start ban people who camps, tunnels others (you have no chance at ALL to play any single match).

    Unfortunately for you, you're not one to decide who gets banned for what. And i just played 3 Survivor games in a row with lots of chances to escape, so idk what you're talking about it being impossible.)

    @Crazy91Girl said:
    And stream snipers (i'm a streamer and this happens too often)!!! It's a cheat! Why don't you do anything about this?

    Using voice communication to avoid having to equip Bond, Object of Obsession and Empathy sounds like cheating to me, and it happens WAY WAY WAY more often than stream sniping.
    But hey, you wouldn't mind that kind of cheating, right?

    @Crazy91Girl said:
    Those 3 groups of people should be seriously get a ban.

    That's your opinion, not necessarily what should be.

    @Crazy91Girl said:
    This game is no more fun because of those things.

    That's your opinion, not necessarily what is.

    @Crazy91Girl said:
    And waiting time to play as a killers are insane.

    Gonna have to agree with this one on a personal level: I always play my music playlist in the main menu and lobbies, and never have i had to listen to an entire song before at least 1 Survivor joins my lobby.
    While an outsider, like someone reading this, might chalk it up to not enough people playing in my area at the time, i deny that theory wholeheartedly, since i've never had to wait longer than 5 minutes in my 1800 hours.

    the devs confirmed it to be a bug. Also how are you boss?

  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @Crazy91Girl said:

    @SovererignKing said:
    What rank Killer and what Rank Survivor?

    Killer is: rank 14 i guess, Surv: rank 2 (was rank 1 but yeah...)

    Whats your twitch, and what time do you usually play? 
    Twitch is: twitch.tv/crazy91girl
    I would like to see your gameplay of both sides before I take you opinion into consideration. 

    The thing is.. I stopped play it right now, taking break from that game... Guess its best way like that.

    Its quite unfun to at least camp the hook. Tunneling is a basic war strategy (so is camping but lets ignore it). You think it is done to offend you or ruin your game . It is not its so they ( the killer) has a chance of winning.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @FrenziedRoach said:
    From one smalltime streamer to another, do yourself a favor and take the TTV out of your name if your using it.

    My life got 5X easier in this game when I took it off while playing survivor.

    There are a lot of people who dislike streamers in this community for various petty and stupid reasons. If you play this to advertise your stream, you're in the wrong game - go find something else.

    Not being rude - just telling the truth of the situation.

    From my own experience playing as killer, about 99% of twitchtv survivors are toxic AF, so I simply avoid them now, Claim whatever you want, that you are a special case or sth, I only talk about my own experience playing against your kind^^

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    Funny fact about stream sniping apparently with killer lobbies being bugged the only game many streamers can get is with stream snipers. Talk about going from a negative to a positive. Don't get me wrong its still awful when you queue up as hag and get 4X urban evasion but its just a hilarious situation i wanted to point out.

    FIEND8LOODED Member Posts: 336

    @Crazy91Girl said:
    Am I the only one who disslikes those killer buffs?
    I was biggest fan of this game before, but now... Sorry but this game pissing me off nowdays.
    You keep buffing killers because what?
    If you gonna do that, so start ban people who camps, tunnels others (you have no chance at ALL to play any single match).
    And stream snipers (i'm a streamer and this happens too often)!!! It's a cheat! Why don't you do anything about this?
    Those 3 groups of people should be seriously get a ban.

    This game is no more fun because of those things.
    And waiting time to play as a killers are insane.

    If you're unhappy then quit the game! No one needs you here!

    And you kind of ask to be stream sniped with that tag in your name. Deal with it.