Since we have seen a Spirit almost every game when will we getting Spirit rework or nerf?

Thats a funny reason to want a rework. "This character is TOO popular, you should definitely change that", lol.
32 -
Whos "we"? I pray for her every match because I rarely face her. rank reset kinda helped :D
7 -
I guess you didn't undestand what i mean :)
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I guess you are not playing in high ranks that's why you don't see :)
12 -
I can't even remember the last time I faced a Spirit... or lost to one.
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I think this post was a vague attempt at being snarky.
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No, but I'm certainly tired of the amount of billys and ruin I deal with at high ranks :c
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Wrong, just wanna know if they have somethings in their mind, before a new Legion incident pops.
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*cries in Legion main*
But I don't think Spirit is THAT bad.
6 -
Then we need to wait a bit more for it, you will understand what i mean.
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Other killers need attention first. If more were viable at high ranks, then maybe there would be some diversity. Instead of "this one killer is really good at shutting down A+ survivors and I'm tired of it so make her worse" we could nurf survivors into the ground so even clown and Legion are wrecking balls. Then maybe you'd see less spirit ;)
10 -
spirit is mostly fine as is.
i could get behind them increasing Prayer Beads Bracklet's rarity to ultra rare and maybe make the passive phasing less often, though thats all i would change for her.
3 -
you wanted base kit nurse nerfed, so you made the coffin in which you lie in. you complain about killers being OP and changes happen till only so few are viable 1 is to crop up to be the best among them, after the nurse NERF that the survivor mains have been crying about, spirit will be the best. YOU CAUSED THIS
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Buffing up lower Killers is what we need!
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You can easily outrun a non phasing Spirit. When she starts to phase, her glass shards glow and her animation resets.
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Ugh. #Anotherone
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We only need to be able to hear the phase emission sfx even in TR
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Give survivors a clue that she's phasing after the charge time is complete when activating her power (standing still guessing games are boring and anyone that calls this a mindgame has no mind) and give her a vault animation. Boom, the game's health gets better and she's still really strong.
All of her add-ons are fine except prayer beads.
Post edited by Rizzo on7 -
DBD actually has a killer thats well designed and requires more skill to face than running in a circle, and people wanna cry for a nerf. Now if they do nerf her, and killers start insidious camping with leatherface cuz all the fun killers get nerfed, i dont wanna see no more forum posts cuz it will be yall own fault lol leave spirit alone and just adapt like the high rank players do.
9 -
What not happy with the Nurse "rework" we just had? Already setting your sights on another killer?
Just waiting for all the killers to be "reworked" at this point and all the killer Mains slowly trickle away to another game after thousands of hours invested.
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Wait what? An actual spirit main admitting what’s wrong with her? Will probably be ignored by everyone!
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I don't own the spirit (yet) so I can't speak from her side, but as survivor I run spine chill and feel your "fixes" would remove any of her ability's mind game? "Is she vaulting, or powering?" yes because now she has vault animation and she didn't use her now-obvious power. "Is she standing still or powering?" Powering because you now always know when she's using it. If the only mind-games a killer can do is looping around safe pallets then she'll need a boost in movement speed (both regular and power now that that's no longer a mind-game) to make up for loss of her ability's strengths.
0 -
I don't understand how Killah Main Spirits don't get this...
Hide a coin in one of your hands, put your hands behind your back, and asking someone to choose which hand has the coin. They picked left when they should have picked right -or- they picked right when they should have picked left.
3 -
You're missing the third hand of going over the vault which is a choice if you run a counter perk to her. but of course can't remove one of the 6 meta perks (counting exhaustion all as 1)
0 -
Seem to have deleted my comment while editing: You forgot the third hand of going over the safe pallet because you chose to run a perk besides the 7ish meta ones (counting all exhaustion perks as one).
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How funny you are trying to ingore the truth, everyone complains especially some killers complain and cry too, not only survivors do it. You can only fool yourself like that.
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Asking the wrong questions. Should be asking when other killers can be raised up so people want to play them and not get constantly tbagged the full game
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We need more people like you <3
I also wouldn't mind a vault animation.
3 -
So people in high ranks use Spirit because she is one of the best/most viable killers and instead of buffing weaker killers to open up a bigger variety for high rank players your suggestion is to nerf Spirit so only sub-optimal killers can be played?
Just need you to clarify your logic please.
1 -
Funny, I saw nothing but Ghost Faces last night....
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Since we have seen "nerf spirit" threads almost every day when will you stop asking for nerfs and start learning her counters and eventually git gud against her?
6 -
Nothing is planned for spirit atm.... the doc, Michael and then the chainsaw killers are next..... also it would be bad for business if they devs were to change a character because the character is popular.... it's always better to build around that character.
2 -
Hide a coin in one of your hands, put your hands behind your back, and asking someone to choose which hand has the coin. They picked left when they should have picked right -or- they picked right when they should have picked left.
Did I miss any other Spirit Counter-Play?
5 -
Of course she has counter play you just refuse to learn them!!! Just use spine chill, iron will, lightweight and urban evasion every match and bring a flashlight too!! Git gud entitled survivor main /s
3 -
Hillbilly is easy to beat. You're probably being too greedy with loops, or you get drooler teammates. And as for Ruin, if it gets nerfed but nothing is done about gen speed, people will leave the game.
1 -
Check out this thread
and the git gud advice goes to you, too ;)
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How about we buff some trash killers like Clown, Bubba, Legion, Doc so we get some diversity that way?
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Incorrect. Her glass shards glow when she is phasing and her animation resets. Not only that, but it takes time for the power to recharge. Without it, she is a Huntress without hatchets. She is soooo slow. Don't mindgame yourself, if you vault a window, commit to it.
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Some games dev do that so im not surprised really
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Mix up your gameplay, don't always do the same thing twice against a spirit. If you dropped a pallet and stayed on the far side, next time drop it on the near side. Don't go out into the open, don't run and leave scratches everywhere, slow vault to throw her off.
0 -
Nurse nerf was a pebble that started rolling down a snowy hill. Soon it will be an avalanche of nerfs but by then it will be to late to get away.
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Out mind game the mind game
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Well, I was struggling with spirit a lot but I learned how to play Vs her and now I only think that Prayer beads should get a small change but spirit is fine. I like playing Vs her. Makes my brain work a bit
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Michael Myers is getting looked at? First I've heard of this....not sure if I want changes...I absolutely love and have loved Mikey's playstyle and kit for 2 years now.... Sources?
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there is 0 counter to her bullshit ability or any spirit who is tunneling with crazy addons. nothing about her is healthy. people are dc'ing vs her as much as they did with old legion and its at the point with these horrid server hitboxes that alot of people are just done with the game.
6 -
Oh I love those.
So long as it's done in real time (and thus no random number generator is available) it doesn't take long for you to successfully start figuring out what the pattern is and from there you can actually point out the correct hand way more often than random chance says you should.
2 -
Now, calm a little bit down. Against spirit there isn't much skill involvement as survivor besides knowing what perks are gonna counter her. Its mostly a guessing game and the hope that she messes up. And you can't really force a GOOD Spirit to mess up, it's totally up to her (or bugs lol).
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Glass shards are glowing? Are you only able to see that on Ultra settings? Cuz on low I can't see anything, just tried it against a spirit I versed a few ago.
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Dcing against prayer beads only shows that you don't want to adapt. It's just another guess in all the reads you have to make against spirit.
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So, you really are telling him to adapt against prayer beads? Lmao, nice bait I guess. The onky thing you can adapt as survivor is gen tapping. And who in the world enjoys gen tapping the whole match?