An interesting DCing solution

Way to many people DC and it gets aggravating for survivors and killers alike since people dip out at the first sign of trouble usually. So my solution/suggestion, is something from Dark Souls for their cheater problem. You stick people with others you have committed a similar crime or whateverfor x amount of games, and if they continually DC it could end up being a ban. What do you guys think of that?


  • foochill1
    foochill1 Member Posts: 109
    edited October 2019

    I belive the game already does that, except the ban part, down vote players get put with downvote players

  • Huntress4Life
    Huntress4Life Member Posts: 48

    Well that's good to know, hope the devs kinda see this idea though, cause it would give them a generally easy time during dedicated servers

  • T2K
    T2K Member Posts: 635

    Imo the downvote is really bad. I dont know who likes to get rated by other people. you can just downvote someone for playing quentin. seems not that good of an idea.

  • T2K
    T2K Member Posts: 635

    Also i forgot, let dc'er play wirh other dc'er? imo also bad idea. if i dc because i dont want to play against an ebony mori prayer beads spirit that Tunnels off the hook im forced to play with players who dc coz they played toxic and didnt want to lose their purple flash? no thanks.

    also what if the killer dc? he gets lobbys full of dc'er? no fun for no one

  • Huntress4Life
    Huntress4Life Member Posts: 48

    It's not supposed to be fun, it's supposed to be a kick in the balls essentially

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,446

    I don't think the problem is a lack of punishment, the main problem is that the disconnect detection mechanics are all awful and need to be changed.

    If it's possible to properly detect people who disconnect a lot, why bother putting them in a low priority queue or the like when instead you could just ban them? That seems like an easier solution.

  • Huntress4Life
    Huntress4Life Member Posts: 48

    True, but it's still better to give them a swift kick in the balls so they learn to not be an ass

  • T2K
    T2K Member Posts: 635

    sure but the difficulty is to seperate. i dont think its good to throw them all in one cell and let them devour themselves just to get them isolated and punished. i would try to reward not dc'ing. like a stacking bloodpoint bonus for every match you see through.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Really? I haven't heard of this at all.

    Can i get a source on this?

  • LilBunBun
    LilBunBun Member Posts: 7

    I would love punishments for people that DC early on in the game, but recently I've been suffering a game breaking bug where I just randomly disconnect almost every other game. It's not my internet, I've run tests, I can play other games just fine. I've verified integrity of game files and reinstalled the game to no avail.

    If we were to put punishments for people that disconnect, everyone else that experiences this issue would do so though no fault of their own.

  • Huntress4Life
    Huntress4Life Member Posts: 48

    Rewarding people hasn't made things better in this community, all it did was worse

  • Huntress4Life
    Huntress4Life Member Posts: 48

    Thats unfortunate honestly, but the punishment would only be a few games of dealing with quitters, like 3 or something

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,339

    Theyre currently working on a "timeout" system for once dedicated servers hit. The problem however is that ppl who dont want to play will just suicide on hook instead of DCing. Already had a case this morning of someone who ran up to me so I could easily down and hook them. While this DOES still give me some points and BBQ has the same affect on the game in that the rest of the match becomes pretty killer-sided with a 3 vs 1.

  • T2K
    T2K Member Posts: 635

    well we all want less dcs and theres no easy solution to it. mby i just dont get the point here. if you punish dcer with forcing them to play with other dcer it kinda feels like: okay so what. i play some matches with other dcer and then im back.

    i think mby the dcer should just recieve an info that they get into an unhealthy state of where they can get banned soon. so he can change his playstyle accordingly. but i wouldn't dare to tell them they are out of that "unhealthy state"

  • Huntress4Life
    Huntress4Life Member Posts: 48

    That sounds much better, I hope the devs add a sneaky punishment with the dedicated servers

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Id also vote for the timeout. The more often you DC, the longer the timeout is. Works fine in Rocket League, as far as I can judge

  • Neverdweller
    Neverdweller Member Posts: 14
    edited October 2019

    I feel like DC isn't even a real issue at this point and I don't feel it should be punished.

    If anything I feel that it should reward not only the killer but the survivors who remain in the match.

    Also why does it cause survivors to De pip when a killer leaves before a match starts AND causes you to lose any offerings?

    Come on.

    This should have never been a thing.

    The game should feel rewarding without being obnoxious because someone leaves.

    Someone left so what lets keep going should be the attitude of the game and it should enable everyone to feel that way on both sides.


    Also if you are in a party and your friend leaves, naughty naughty no bonus for you so no abuse.. disconnects do happen sometimes though, oh well.

  • T2K
    T2K Member Posts: 635

    well but reward others for a dc is kinda difficult. im no game programmer but i think its really difficult to do this the way that swf cant abuse it.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Are you serious? Just go on? You know the progression rate and what it means to the survivor game as soon as the first one is killed? If that happens before the second gen is done it is in average games almost impossible to escape other than using the hatch. The game is done if you don't face a bad killer, you may just try to grind some points until the 4k.

    Also I totally disagree that DCs are not an issue. I have at least one DC every third game some days. For various reasons. Playing against Legion, against spirit prayer beads, when being tunneled or camped 'just once', when bodyblocked by Plague to puke until broken for the ez insta down, even against hags or doctors when downed within 30 seconds there comes the DC before even picked up.

    It is not always that bad of course, but it DEFINITELY is a real issue. And I think a personal timeout is a common punishment in several games and is fine here too.

  • Neverdweller
    Neverdweller Member Posts: 14

    Sounds like you take the game way too seriously. I think ranked needs to be removed from the game for just that reason.

    If someone wants to leave it shouldn't be a huge impact on you negatively.

    It has never really been an issue for me.

  • Marcurie
    Marcurie Member Posts: 79
    edited October 2019

    Problem is this is all reactive. There's already a soft-ban system for this supposedly...

    Folks will push the limits and test the waters, just like 5-year olds w/ a hot stove (Don't touch that!).

    We need proactive methods to change perception that this is an okay practice and that, even simply giving up on hook w/o struggle, will not benefit you or get you into a lobby sooner.

    I do feel there needs to be a 3, 5, or 10-minute wait after a disconnection (to include non-struggles, say within 3 minutes of the game starting) within a certain threshold of points (using an algorithm based on points/actions and time elapsed in-game, or something some math guru might come up with).

    If a person simply lags out, they get a moment to re-join, but if do not log back into the game (log-in, not load the map...just long as they log back in), they have a timeout. If they do log in, or already are logged in, then they must re-join the same game or if they were sacrificed, etc. then they must wait until the current game is complete (regardless if they are in the game, or not) before they can join any other game.

    This would stop folks from d/c just to find another game faster because it either didn't suit their liking or they wanted to "spite" the killer, etc. Of course, if they're going to go offline it wouldn't help or affect them, but then they're offline--and won't be bothering anyone else for a while.

    I'm sure this would cut down on a lot of BS simply from folks "refusing" to play against certain killers or judging other survivors, or even just trying to squeeze in "one more game, mom!"

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Why do I take the game too serious with what I said? When on boardgames someone flips the table in rage, do you say "hey, let's play the game with what is left on the ground, and you just leave"? I just would like to play the game as it is meant to be, 4v1 not 3v1

  • Huntress4Life
    Huntress4Life Member Posts: 48

    You're missing the point here. I laugh when people DC since it shows they are a sore loser. I'm talking for other people who struggle with consistent DC's and #########

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    This has worked for other games... but what if the person keeps getting disconnected for reasons other than quitting on their own will? What if it was constant crashes, or other issues? Until dedicated servers go live, they can't actually tell, which would make this solution... bad for those unjustly punished.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    The game should be able to detect that. You get an audio cue at the moment when someone leaves on purpose, but not when there is a real connection loss.