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What compels people to leave comments on steam profiles?

While I do love to receive negative comments on my profile cause its funny. I never understood what would make someone so mad that they would go out of their way to post a negative comment.

They do know its just ONE match right?


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  • Member Posts: 1,936

    I have no idea. Sometimes I leave nice comments on good teammates' profiles. I don't get the point of writing mean comments.

    I only got bad comments a few times since I usually only allow friends to leave comments and those comments were usually from my teammates. They get salty when I don't save them for the third time after they get downed in 10 seconds every chase.

  • Member Posts: 2,948

    It's the feeling of not being in control, like when you think you're good at something but the context makes you do bad in it. That anger is funny AH though.

    When people call you bad names after you played killer they get the feeling of being helpless either if you camped or not, and that feeling is quite the opposite as of when they looped, teabagged and escaped in the match.

    As killer, if you send rage messages it has more to do with the feeling that you were "the guy on charge" and the others literally owned you, it's as if your little brother beated you in a fight and there was nothing you could do about it

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  • Member Posts: 859

    People get mad and need to release their anger. It's called being human.

    You can always delete the comments.

  • Member Posts: 18

    Oh no I love getting the comments, its funny to see how mad they get.

  • Member Posts: 1,224

    I set it to friends only and that solved that.

    At least they cannot invite us to groups mid game anymore.

  • Member Posts: 1,123

    I've had a few angry Survivors track me down in my Twitch channel to yell at me. Was pretty funny. :)

  • Member Posts: 798

    If you are male expect only -rep once in a while when you play bad or do something to get someone mad.

    if ur a girl well expect loads of +rep for being the ######### best player in this world

  • Member Posts: 698

    Being human. Humans are emotional. There are positive and negative, people feel compelled to leave either types. A profile that is open to the public, sometimes people want to share their experience like a rating system. (It used to be for +/- rep for trading wasn't it? ) Anyways.

    I've had people pleasantly compliment mine or even one was like I am sorry! I thought that other teammate was going for you or w.e etc. lols. But it's just a game. You shouldn't care THAT much. But people will. I think it's apart of learning and growing up. Maturing.

    Also comments are a way of being "seen" you can't ignore it. If it is on your profile you are definitely going to notice/see it. Maybe not read it all, but you still noticed it. If you left the match right away or they didn't feel like they yelled at you enough etc. That is another reason.

    For me personally, it is very rare for me to comment, if I really enjoyed the match or thought they were a really good person. I do like leaving a nice little happy message on people's profiles. Like hey thanks for the fun match! Just like a little nice karma memento. I just like spreading good vibes. We are all human after all. And I know I enjoy happy comments and I hope others do too :) and if not... there's always the delete button lol.

  • Member Posts: 86

    In my case:

    1. Rage cuz of hard tunelling.
    2. Thanks to player for Myers for the beautiful mori )
  • Member Posts: 539

    -rep tunneling camping bad nurse player who doesn't fairplay cause someone rage quit on the sound of a nurse blinking is my favorite one

  • Member Posts: 18

    My favorites are the survivors that cry cause I used a mori on them

  • Member Posts: 2,886

    Who knows, but I've set mine on Private so I don't have to bother dealing with this nonsense.

  • Member Posts: 7,779

    I guess they're trying to see who can ban them first - The Devs for in-game harassment, or Steam for out-of-game.

    I guess they 'win' when they lose access to their DBD or Steam Library O_O

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  • Member Posts: 651


  • Member Posts: 113

    Sometimes, I get the most random hate comments from other survivors.

    It blows my mind.

  • Member Posts: 1,310

    They have a big ego, over a video game. These people have serious mental issues and should seek help.

  • Member Posts: 742


  • Member Posts: 1,962

    At some point you wonder why people stop leaving you messages so often...

  • Member Posts: 1,055

    The funny thing is, that when they can't comment on your profile, they even take the time to comment on your screenshots instead. On my screenshots. Really?

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    Sodium Chloride.

  • Member Posts: 54

    Kinda like when they send friend requests to have a message with it saying " You're a loser" or " You suck at this game, #########" only to want to be your friend?!

  • Member Posts: 382


  • Member Posts: 3,022

    I just got one from a teabagger who told me to slit my wrists. Yikes.

  • Member Posts: 5

    don't get me started on it, I trade a lot in tf2/ csgo and one of the unspoken rules is that you need to leave everything on your profile public, so people find it a lot easier after a game to harass me after getting a 4k or if they die after 30 seconds into a match and I didn't throw myself on to the hook to save them, its not the worst though, its better than having to put up with the more nefarious stuff people leave/ do in my comment section

  • Member Posts: 1

    I think it's to tell someone what they're doing wrong. in the end of the day Toxicity is a valid strategy that we all dont want to accept but we have to. So we usually get upset over the bad and never care for the good because the good is when we get our way. I remember once it was a long game cause everyone was scared and didnt know what to do. We were all a bit nee to the game except for the killer who was somehow rank 1 while me and fellow survivors were rank 18-20. But the killer was wraith and followed us around and stalked us and than slapped 3 people during no one escapes death phase by unphasing in front on everyone. I escaped but I swear it was the most fun I've ever had in a game and was actually terrifying the guy was in good spirits and when I asked him why he played like that out of curiosity he simply laughed and said. It's a horror game wheres the fun in getting an easy 4k when I can terrify someone so badly they cant react.

  • Member Posts: 1,123

    I don't quite recall what had happened, but it might have been a hat. ;)

  • Member Posts: 88

    I once disabled commenting on my profile after I was getting trash comments on my profile by salty SWF groups, but that didn't stop someone from visiting my screenshots and leaving a salty comment there. I was surprised someone put that much effort to leave a negative comment.

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