Chat after the Game on Ps4 and Xbox

It could be added but typing on consoles takes much longer.
And we don't have to deal with all the toxicity after the match. I see this as an absolute win.
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Yeah hopefully they add it, easier than sending messages through PSN
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They could add it but with the option to disable it. I wouldn't mind it tsince I enjoy getting salty messages
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I am glad that they don't have this because it would be easier to flame.
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Voice to text
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Hope they never add it.
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Again, I have to ask, why take away the only good thing about the console version?
They have it on PC and there are quite a few players on that platform who wish it wasn't a thing.
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Voice to text is the best option.
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Why not? Simple a Option for Players they dont want it to take the Chat off.
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You want the devs to devert resources from fixing the framerate, sound, graphics, match making, dedicated servers, etc, etc, add a chatbox that will stay open less time than a fruit fly lives?
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But add a Battle Pass is bether or what?
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It takes no time to add this
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NO. I like getting friend requests from other salty players, makes me feel special. lul
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I hope they add a basic chat with rocket League like comments. Such as gg, unlucky, nice try, what a save and everyone's favourite #?!#!!.
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It's one of those features where you can meet new people which is nice but Its a place where ethugs thrive and I'd say you are better off without it.
End game chat is where the majority of the toxicity stems from. Beleive me if anyone thinks getting some private messages are bad imagine an option for players to be toxic that after each and every game without that extra effort 😉.
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Oh neptune, let this never happen please
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No. I play PC and console trust me u don't want it
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Yeah I want to get messages telling me to uninstall and stop being a tryhard even quicker /s