What map should be reworked next?
The Game
Voted The Game because no coldwind farm option tbh.
Haddonfield is a close second for me though!
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Lerys Memorial Hospital
Where’s an option for Yamaoka Estate??
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Backwater Swamp
swamp this map is complete garbage on both sides
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that was my B, i completely forgot about Yamaoka. but as for Coldwind farm, because they said they wanted to focus on realms with only one map, or licensed maps, i didn't include it.
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I personally want Temple of Purgation just deleted. The Temple has 2 staircases right next to each other and in front of the killer. It also infamously contains the unsafest pallet in the game.
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Azorrovs is second place for me
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Crotus Prenn Asylum. It literally feels like nothing special in the map + they need to move that one totem in the middle of nowhere that says f you
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Shelter Woods
Wow I’m the only one that thinks Sheltered Woods needs a rework? All the other maps up here only need minor tweaks to them.
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Or the farm... why is it not an option?
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Where are “Disturbed Ward” and both of Red Forest maps? The most huge maps in the game.
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Haddonfield got infinites. With "Balances Landing" the whole map is an infinite. It's the worst map by far right now.
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Any Coldwind Farm. Godloops and the corn need to go!
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They confirmed that the next reworked map is a lincenced map. So the game and haddonfield, and obvously haddonfield because everyone knows why.
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[ ] Other
ALL OF THEM (that haven't been. Seriously there is like.... 3 maps that are KINDA Killer sided)
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but from the poll this one.
It's called "Had No Fun" for a reason.
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have you played Killer on most maps?
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Then why did you include Swamp and Shelter Woods? :P
Neither of those fit the constraint of 'licensed or single map realm'.
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Shelter Woods
I most certainly have, and I can say that besides 2 of the maps up here (obviously Haddonfield and Sheltered Woods), the rest just need a few tweaks. Lery’s needs the flickering lights like The Game and Hawkins to help find gens easier, The Game needs more vault locations as there are literally just pallets and like 6 vaults in the entire map, and the swamp needs better RNG, as you can get set ups with 8 pallets maximum on the entire map with vaults only on the set pieces and logs on the corners of the map.
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Well, I will respectfully disagree with you.
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Vote 1: Haddonfield, for more configurations and less absolute bullshit.
Supplementary vote: Mother's Dwelling, Rotten Fields, and probably a few other similar sized maps I'm forgetting. They need the Swamp treatment of being compacted to a smaller size.
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If it has field, it needs to be reworked
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I like Azaraov's.
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I do too, as survivor.😈
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Haddonfield is just an utterly disgusting map. Way too long/big, loads of unmindgamable loops, lots of clutter, every 2floor house interior basically being an invicible safe zone against non-teleporting Killers, and thats not even counting all the absurd stuff you can do with Balanced Landing.
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Nostalgic but... Worst map..
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I hate Coldwind Farm so much, as both killer and survivor. Haddonfield is definitely 2nd, though.
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I agree with the Coldwind Farm (corn is annoying). I didn't think about it until I saw the comments. Haddonfield is quite often a nightmare for killer, though.
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Shelter Woods
Half the time I go to Haddonfield I don’t even get looped that bad, I just get gen rushed lol!
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Haddonfield and any Swamp map. These need to be changed, as they are not fun for either role (Except BL abusers).
I don't mind corn maps as much, since I've overcome my corn blindness.
The Game and Lery's don't need changes, I think they're good... as long as people play smart, they'll win. Doesn't matter what side. If people seperate the gens, then the killer will lose, and if they don't, the survivors lose. It's that simple.
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Sheltered doesn't need a lot of tweaks. I think it's a balanced map. If survivors play smart, they won't get downed... and I admit this map is killer sided, but with all the survivor sided maps, I think having one or two be the opposite is a nice change.
I think the problem with the Game is that the vaults are all on the bottom floor, making them seem like there are only a few, when there are many.
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The Game doesn't need reworking. It's great.
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Shelter Woods
You’re right, there are 7 actually on The Game. Being serious though I guess you’re right, most of my hatred for Sheltered Woods comes from the near nonexistent use for BL the map has, and my awful experiences I have on it.
Same for Rottenfields, most of my games end up with me or someone else getting camped in the basement because everyone gravitates to the middle there. I ironically had some great games on Sheltered Woods recently (although I got lagged out of one of them and the Killers were both pretty bad lol).
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Well, that'll be the reasoning. They can always add a hill in the map, since that map and rottenfields were designed before BL was even in game.
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Balance landing...EVERYWERE!🎃
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Shelter Woods
Ironically there was a thread about this made in May which Peanits, I think responded to. Unfortunately as you can see nothing was done to improve Sheltered Woods for better or for worse as of yet.