We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Consecutive win bonus.

What if we had a bonus in game that applied post match and lasted for a day : one that granted more xp/bp but only applied if you won a certain amount of matches in a row

for survivors this would apply to escapes. escaping a certain amount of matches in a row would temporarily increase postgame bloodpoint/xp generation. dying or dcing would rid you of said bonus. going above and beyond and surviving even more matches past that, would increase the bonus.

for killers this would apply to their emblems/how many survivors they've killed. if they kill all survivors thats an automatic "win" but for example if one escapes early through the hatch with a key, their emblems will come into account to supplement and dictate how well they did in the match. if they didn't do well enough they lose their consecutive game bonus, and if they dc they lose it as well. winning multitudes of matches would increase the bonus.

this would encourage continous play and people attempting to play their best at all ranks. yet it wouldn't be so intrusive to be considered neccessary by either side thus being bad if they lose.
