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Why is the killer community so toxic and so coddled by the Devs?



  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    Yes, you will get flamed indeed. But allow me to make some logical points.

    1. Yes what you said is true, this is probably the most toxic community anyone has ever seen. However that toxicity is on both sides. Not just one. One of the reasons the community is so broken up is because of this finger pointing. People don't know how to look at things from both sides and so the community ends up divided between survivor and killer.
    2. Mettle of Man and Decisive Strike both needed a nerf. Did they kill Mettle of Man? Yes, I'll give you that one. Decisive on the other hand needed a change and is still a good perk till this day. It became what it always should have been; an anti-tunnel perk instead of a free escape. It does this well.
    3. Killers receive the short end of the stick at times too. Remember Legion? Sure he needed a nerf but they killed him because survivors requested it. Nurse just got changed as well.
    4. The devs have said multiple times that they won't put a voice chat in the game. They can't see how it will fit in. That being said, stopping the timer would just lead to some survivors abusing the aspect. They can sit around the hook for as long as they like waiting for an unhook, but if you try and stop them, you are now to close for the hook timer to go down and thus the survivor is not being punished for hook rushing. But if you don't stop them they unhook and get away. See the problem?

    They have been working to close the gap between SWF and solo players for a while now and they are still in the process of doing so. Until then, utilize what you have to counter camping (Decisive, Borrowed Time, Kindred, Adrenaline -in some cases-). I play both sides enough to know how frustrating camping can be, but look at what went wrong in the game and fix it next time. If you died to camping, say GG and move on to the next. If you died because you tried to make a save while they were camping, adjust the next time.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556
  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893
    edited October 2019

    Yes because you didn't really run MoM doesn't mean that it wasn't annoying and uncounterable for the majority of the roster.

    That would be like me saying Omega blink nurse is completely fine I didn't run it so I don't know why people had such a problem.

    Also the fact that nurse has got changes to make sure she wasn't that broken is for the name of balance is very convenient how you seem to completely forget about that.

    The changes to Legion were for the name of balance as Killers they weren't overpowered or super strong but they were annoying and uncounterable. Once again it's convenient how you seem to forget that.

    Endgame piggy was completely neutered to avoid situations where she could basically trap you and ensure that you would die even though there was suggestions of just slowing down the endgame timer. It was still considered risky enough of a possibility that they had to shut it down.

    Are you getting the theme of convenience of how you tend forget these things.

    Balance happens for both sides. However if a lot of balance changes are being focused to one side maybe it's because that side had a problem to begin with and it's being sorted out, not because the other side is being coddled

    Post edited by Volfawott on
  • TheUnendingNightmare
    TheUnendingNightmare Member Posts: 1,172
    edited October 2019

    Still there's some missing data, example;

    Do you see that weirdly at about rank 10 on PS4 there's a suddent drop in the survival rate ? And then at the end it unexplicably goes near the top just under pc. Why ?

    Or xbox seems to clearly survive more except at near rank 1-4. Again why ?

    Not mentionning pc bc the mouse make it insanely easy to turn around and they clearly made the skillchecks much larger to compensate for the kb.

  • Theoretical_Heart
    Theoretical_Heart Member Posts: 398

    Being a survivor main is why you only get Killer dailies. The dailies give you the opposite of what you play the most (if the balance is extreme) I'm going to assume you've played so much survivor that it's going to be rare for you to get a survivor daily.

  • yandere777
    yandere777 Member Posts: 728

    I believe around these stats release, the game grouped most rank ones into rank 2. Which is why rank one has a really high survival rate on pc. Not sure what to say about the dip for ps4 but that could be explained by survivors being more skilled around those ranks in general.

  • beenz
    beenz Member Posts: 10

    I will admit that some perks still need fixing. But come on killers are not that strong

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,004

    I just wish survivor perks got buffed there's so many and so many that are pointless to use

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,955
    edited October 2019

    That is absolute terrible design in a game where one position is almost entirely interchangable, gameplay wise, while the other is specialized and requires an absurd amount of grinding to make viable at most ranks.

    Killers all pool into the same rank for an account, so if you're rank 2 and you keep getting dailies on your level 5 hag or level 3 clown, they're essentially useless. especially when they're only worth like 20k points.

    And thats not even to speak of the difficulty for them. Some of them like the doctor are pretty easy, you just have to zap people. Others like Ghostface require you to use his awful stalk mechanics, and THEN hit the player BEFORE it runs out. Every survivor one is interchangeable and related to the things you're supposed to be doing anyway, they can be done with no perks/items/addons within a few games easily.

  • Plu
    Plu Member Posts: 1,456

    Excuse me what.

    Survs gets perks nerfs because perks are what can makes them truly overpowered ( Other than terrible map design) because you can technically stack a perk 4 times if everyone has it.

    Killers don't get perks nerfed because they usually are underpowered or actually balanced, they also can't "Stack perks" like survivors can, since they are alone.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    I mean, if the game was heavily survivor sided, what would you do? I think nerf survivors. Oh that's exactly what they did, big surprise.

    And MoM. That perk was used very often in high ranks. It was a Dead Hard without the possibility to predict plus a sprintburst. It was op, it got a nerf.

    You are right about the swf vs solos thing. As a solo player you don't got the additional information swf get for free. So you have to "waste" a perk slot for things like "Kindred" or "Bond". At least one of the survivor aura reading perks should be build-in to bring swf near solo players.

  • ToxicDeath
    ToxicDeath Member Posts: 14

    I don't think each side is more OP than the other because I got rank 1 many times as a killer and as a survivor I think people just want too much tbh they want to be able to just sweep every killer and every survivor each and every match y'all seem like you really don't want a challenge nor a fun game but instead a game that will just hand you the win🤷🤷🤷 just my opinion from what I really be reading.

  • Johnble
    Johnble Member Posts: 175

    I honestly just want to be able to communicate in solo... Most of my friends are too scared to leave CoD to try this out so I main solo survivor. It also makes the game more immersive for me to try and survive with 3 strangers. My only real issue is not being able to communicate. So many times, I've tried to say "Don't go that way" but couldn't and ended up feeling bad because someone got hooked or I'm coming for a rescue and right as I get there, they get sacrificed because they kept trying to jump off the hook.

    I'm just wanna be able to communicate. Otherwise, I genuinely have fun whether I play killer or survivor. Maybe because I don't concern myself with rank or anything.

    ...Maybe if they made a "casual" or "practice" kind of mode where ranking up doesn't really matter?

  • SkeletonWitch
    SkeletonWitch Member Posts: 94

    I think everyone needs to chill and stop "being" the victim, yeah sure the game is still unbalanced in some way, but the point is to have fun and not take the game too seriously.

  • VoodooMan7995
    VoodooMan7995 Member Posts: 137

    Honestly, don't see what you mean... I only ever get Toxic Trappers or Michaels. I do play a lot of killer though (especially Ghost Face, Hag, Huntress, and Doctor), and I always get toxic survs as Ghost Face. A lot of the time, I T-bag them. ONLY TOXIC SURVS THOUGH! Don't T-Bag if they're casual players guys!

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,342

    I did not mean to direct what I said at you and I apologize if I made it seem that way, it was not intentional whatsoever.

    All I meant is that using stuff that's in the game isn't toxic (and that goes for stuff on both sides). Toxicity is about behavior, not the things people bring into a match, while people that rage in chat delve into bad behavior territory.

  • StrickxNyne
    StrickxNyne Member Posts: 230

    I'm survivor main and sometimes I really feel like the killers are insanely strong and survivor is nerfed until I hop on and do killer dailies and I either kill all 4 potatoes to boot or, and this happens a ton, the survivor is nearly impossible to catch. Good Ole claudette runs you and bloop just disappears into a wall. It's so bothersome that claudette is a go to. Swf, solo or killer nearly all 4 survivor weebs are claudette. I play ash and guess what, first to be found on a Gen and first to usually get harassed or mori. It blows because claudette is so hard to find.

    Also heads up for toxic, it's trash on both sides. Killers camp and message GG ez but then cry here about how bad killers have it.

    Survivors run train on you and they all 4 message about how you're a noob killer and trash even if you were just letting them live to do an easy daily.

    Bottom line, there's a ton of trashing on both sides and nice players like us get the brutal end of the toxic nightmares.

    As killer face camp the toxic ones and DC on the tea bagging survivors at the exit.

    As survivor do your best to play it out and give up the location of toxic teammates.

    You'll never come out ahead if you think anyone's going to be as nice as you. No one has the same heart you give out, same with relationships little buddy 😉

  • Theoretical_Heart
    Theoretical_Heart Member Posts: 398

    Thank you. This is something I've said to survivor mains forever. As someone who plays both sides regularly. Killer is significantly harder.

    If you think killers are op and survivors are nerfed unto the dirt, GO PLAY A FEW GAMES AS KILLER. then come on back and let's see how you did.

  • PiedPiper365
    PiedPiper365 Member Posts: 231

    I stopped reading when I read the title....

    But just by the title I get the gist of what type of person u are, and I gotta say sir that u are a toxic person who wants to win every game but can't cuz ur not as amazing as u think

    Also like alot of people have already wrote go play killer for a day and tell me if u enjoy the hate u get cuz as a killer main u either love them or they start to take a tole

  • Blackowt_9120
    Blackowt_9120 Member Posts: 300

    Just saying, it’s a 4v1 game, so shouldn’t a single killer opinion be equal to 4 survivor opinions?

  • EyeFearFoolie
    EyeFearFoolie Member Posts: 33

    I said the exact same thing lmao, they all reply with the same thing “Survivor is power role”. I bet most if not all the people saying that either aren’t rank 1 or don’t play both sides diligently. They just want it to be easy so they can restore the pride that was taken from them by a random survivor group.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535
    edited October 2019

    Real quick. Last two were confirmed by Devs to be skewed as rank 1 and 2 were lumped together. Still shows a healthy escape rate.

    Post edited by UlvenDagoth on
  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    I agree

    That would be like me saying Old Legion was fine, cause I didn't use the exploit.

    Guess what everyone? Old Legion was bad.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    NEVER DC. you will lose your blood points AND you can be reported here for encouraging DCs.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    I do not understand why people don't seem to understand this.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    First one is mine. Made by me on the first site I found that does it. Using data I collected

    And heres the source for the others

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    yeah cool, the Devs still said the last two were wrong.

    And No offense, but im not trusting something someone random on the internet threw together.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    Where have they said that?

    And you don't have to believe me. It's irrelevant.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535
    edited October 2019

    Don't mind me. I got all of the backwards.

    I, for one, would like a good back and forth match and not a stomp either way.

    Post edited by UlvenDagoth on
  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    I gave you the most up to date data avaiable.

    My personal one from this last rank reset and the last one released by the devs.(to my knowledge)

    Most of the issues you said are minor. They affect specifics but not the general point. So it's not relevant when we are talking about the general idea.

    Which killers were used? The ones being used are the ones people were playing on that rank. Who cares which ones? It's not important when we are looking at the general survival rates.

    If you want to see which killers are the most deadly theres one image on that post showing that. But it's not relevant here.

    You seem to be under the impression I think the devs are coddling the killers... why are you assuming that?

    But hey, since you apparently know what my idea is "good job finding outdated data that half supported your idea"

    what is my idea? What do you think I'm trying to say here? Go on... tell me. I'll fact check

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    Huh, well i'll admit I could be wrong. I do think that those "Specifics" are important, but whatever.

    In the context of your post at the time, you never SAID your point. You just asked if it was "clear enough". So, having looked at the %s you gave and all, it seemed like you were siding with OP.

    But hey, context is hard to get across in text. So lets try this: You tell me what your "Idea" was in clear terms instead of being vague, and I'll tell you if your context seemed like that at the start.

    Like i said, I could be wrong, I admit that.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    Op said the game is too killer sided and he dies 80% to 85% in all his solo games. Also that killers always get 4ks around that same amount.

    So I showed the data to show that's not the case at all. In any ranks.

    That was my point. Show that the op was just overreacting and that his experience does not reflect the game as a whole.

    Sorry if that wasn't clear. :)

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535
    edited October 2019

    Oh okay! Yeah that was both missing context and likely a bit of the meds i'm on for my Pneumonia. Sorry! Cool, yeah I was WAY Wrong!

    I also, with some thinking, want to add that I wonder if DCs counted as deaths there. If so, then the numbers would be even HIGHER for survivors escaping cause the "Deaths" would be off.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    Thank you Level headed Survivor friend. See you in the Fog!

  • HamdaN
    HamdaN Member Posts: 343

    its barely a nerf, watch all the vids she accomplishes just about the same as before just with very little downtime

  • Rav
    Rav Member Posts: 3

    Prologue: I'd like to put my 2 cents in, But just some preamble: I am a survivor main, and often play killer in between like 5 or so games of survivor to switch it up.

    Point 1: The Devs dont "side" with either killer or survivor. Most devs probably figure most players play both, infact its instructed to play both sides to understand how the game works, I.E scratch Marks, pallets, etc. The thing is these types of questions always manage to make me cringe, not because of the question but because of the mixed results. The Devs are on the side of their game. Not killer or survior. They dont coddle either. I agree nerfs can be annoying but in the name of making a game more balanced which is something this community consistently cries about makes sense to me. MoM did infact need a nerf maybe not as much as it go but it was insane. They balanced their game. DS was a problem and was used for max toxicity, not all players used it that way, but guess the games closer to being balanced.

    Point 2: It bothers me when some people say " killers are always getting buffed and survivors nerfed" did you see the way this game was when it first came out? Survivors had literal infinites, no windows were boarded up, killers had no bloodlust. Theres a reason survivors are "constantly being nerfed" because survivors were infact OP for lack of a better term.

    Point 3: Both sides have toxicity. Someone mentioned to play both sides, in which you should take their advice. I havent experienced 3 or 4 man SWF with flashlights etc that everyone is saying they verse but it helps to know that in this type of game some people take it too seriously. Not just killers.

    Point 4: people have different definitions of being toxic.Some killers think flashlights are toxic and will face camp over a flashlight save, pallet save. But survivors define toxicity as killing an injured survivor after they got off the hook when they were saved right in front of them, or patrolling the hook as toxic. Each "side" has their own rules that they want eachother to follow.

    Your classifying ALL killers as toxic, which infact some go out of their way to let people go, farm, or not tunnel. But the thing is killers arent their to make your job easy, and let you win. They are there to play with you, and murder your face.

    I hope you can understand what I'm trying to say, TLDR: Survivors and killers both have their moments, and the devs are on the side of their game, trying to make it fair for both sides to have fun and enjoy a GAME.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600
    edited October 2019

    Yah.... killers are totally never nerfed

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