New matchmaking is actually going to make me quit playing survivor

I am currently at rank 3 and I legit cannot get any red rank or even purple rank teammates in my lobby. Almost every survivor is around rank 9 - 10 and I very, very rarely get purple or red rank survivors. Doesn't help that most lobbies are also filled with rank 15s thanks to the swf changes. They go down instantly and play like garbage. I almost never have a good match with decent survivors now and it's not enjoyable anymore.
Solo Survivor is fun!
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I'm currently purple after rank reset and i keep getting green and yellow mates. I mean i pip but i never escape or got the possibility to escape.
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Solo survivor was always annoying but this is honestly the new low. I started playing a lot more killer now because I can't stand solo survivor anymore.
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solo matchmaking is great I love being rank 5 and playing with people 10 to 15 ranks above me
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Ikr right? I dont mind it at all, im rank 5 but get matched often with 10-16, they're not bad, they just dont know how to run a killer, so i do it myself and they actually get gens done, there are exceptions where I get one hooked so that sucks but I'm not salty about it. cant get mad at other players for being scared
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I get one of 2 teams.
First team, literal mongoloids with gen allergies. God forbid they touch a gen lol. And if there is a Ruin totem it becomes a game of hide & seek for them while I loop the killer because of course I'm the first one found because I'm the only one that was on a gen.
Second team, navy seals who do every gen in 2 minutes flat. And we are out the gate with like only 9k bp.
Its always either 4 die or 4 escape now.
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It can be hard. So much so that I wonder if I'm trying to escape from the killer or my teammates. A little band-aid I've used is be the Gen Jockey and let your teammates do the saving and getting chased. Nothings worse than when you're on the hook and you see your whole team crouching by waiting to rescue you or everybody running around doing squat nothing. Pretty much what I'm saying is Kindred is you're best friend.
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Not that it's a contest but I'm a rank 6 and I keep running into rank 17 matches
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i cant play with any of my new friends either because it matches them with rank 1 killers which is awful
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I hate this so much. EVERY SINGLE TIME. If I'm hooked I finally get to see what everyone else was doing while I was doing gens. Someone is in the basement (not even looting the chest) just in the basement for no reason, someone is urban evasion-ing around the outskirts of the map, or they can't even be seen because they are STILL in the FREAKING locker even though BBQ expired ages ago...
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I sometimes run bond and it legit makes me depressed to see my teammates doing nothing while I'm getting chased for ages.
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Welcome to the club!
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Bond, it's a curse!! You can see how pathetic your teammates are every step of the way!
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My goal when I play survivor is not to escape, but to earn as much bp as possible before being sacrificed. Escaping is a bonus.
If your teammates are going down hard it is an opportunity to save them and to heal them before the inevitable end. Many times you can avoid a depip and maybe even pip in these situations.
I make the most of the random match and do not feel bad if I get to move on to the next match fast.
Low rank teammates give me the opportunity to teach and to be a hero. I'll take that over never seeing the killer and gates being powered with no one ever being hooked.
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yeah, in my previous thread I was talking about dcs but you can also see the mm is on point, and it isnt even that bad since I usually get from green to rank 20
Btw, I aim to have a fun game, if I cant have it I aim to black pip
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i swear mm is a joke atm. most of the time i play solo so i rushed to rank 1 right after reset to get better mates. jokes on me im almost every game the only red rank. i wouldnt even mind but im left alone with 5 gens while the others do farming simulator.
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I wasn't here for that. What happened?
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rank 1 survivors being paired with rank 20-18 Killers.
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This must be a PC thing or something bc the only change in matchmaking for me ( on xbox ) is I get killer lobbies faster at night and faster survivor lobbies at day.
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Hey man, you can't be too careful.
So what's your excuse for not carrying your team to victory? Oh that's right, you're just as prone to mistakes as everyone else. Well lemme tell you something, Christopher Columbus didn't come to America to give small pox to everyone and then they died.
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What rank are you? I'm rank 6 and my matchmaking is all over the spectrum on Xbox.
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Rank 4 survivor rank 6 killer
Very rare that I get survivors that are rank 9+
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Rank means nothing.
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WhAt Is WrOnG wItH pEoPlE wAnTiNg To PlAy WiTh ThIeR fRiEnDs?
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Not everybody has the time to get high ranks calm down
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Just thought of this when thinking about "navy seal" teams, lol
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Then what is the point of the ranking system if I can't play with people close to my rank?
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unfortunately, the match ranking system isn't entirely the best right now, and i do hope that it can be adjusted soon.
but as of right now, it's better to not take it as seriously and just play the game how you would normally play for yourself. it makes it more fun and lessens the frustration.
after all, it'd be better to improve your own experience by doing what's entertaining for you. this is a game, after all. <3
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Meh, since matchmaking changes, I now play to have fun and blackpip... Because if I try really really try it's not fun right now...
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Hell yeah new killer main incoming!
Tbh though you shouldn't be getting anything Crazier han rank 6 teammates at rank 1. Unless they're a rank 6 in a 3 man swf with even lower ranks.
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I played against a rank 13 nurse with rank 5-8 teammates (I was rank 3) recently. Matchmaking is absolutely broken. I have no idea how they broke it this badly.
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It’s been a week since the reset so it’s understandable. Not everyone grinds as hard as you do so it’s going to be a bit before you’re matched with purples or reds
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I'm a rank 7 and I keep playing with green ranks and for some odd reason a single rank 13.
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I'm having the same experience, most of the times I get paired with people 8-10 ranks below mine.
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Same tbh. I'm in green ranks, and I get nothing but purple or red ranked killers and survivors. It feels as though the ranking system is a bunch of hoo ha.
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There is no reason to go to red ranks. The quality of survivors doesnt get any better thanks to a useless ranking system and the killers only get sweatier as if it were still 2017.
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It especially hurts when you face so called 'balanced killers' .
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It especially hurts when you face so called 'balanced killers' .