Devs gonna buff Demogorgon?

Other's have expressed their likeness for it..but for me, i just don't think the Demogorgon is a good killer. What's so great about it other than the lunge? I've met survivors who put that and everything the demo does to shame, with the long stun after you miss a lunge, the 2 seconds it takes for survivors to cleanse a portal. BTW WHY does it show the survivors where the portals are? It's not like amanda's traps where they'd die if they don't so boo to that.
It feels like Freddy round 2, great design but it's mechanics don't meet standards that follow experienced players along with this day and age's items and survivors perks.
I think if he were able to destroy his portals (standing over them, of course), he'd be in a better position. His addons need work as well. Maybe if one could alert him when a portal is being worked on, instead of broken. Another could turn off that global sound notification when he uses said portals.
Not to mention how lackluster his own perks are.
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That's another thing too, i got all it's perks to rank 3 and idk i can't find a use for them unless it's at hawkins. boo
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All he needs is the ability to dismantle his own portals. Then he's fine.
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what would that even do for him?
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Give him the ability to reposition after one area's gens have been completed, instead of just leaving portals in an area of the map now rarely traveled.
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At the moment, if the Demogorgon places all his portals down, he cannot get a new one until a survivor/s dismantles one. As the match progresses certain portal placements can become invalid eg when a gen is completed, when the hex totem is cleansed etc. The player may not want to 'guard' those areas and may wish to place a new portal. He could move them to cover the exit gates when all the gens are complete, for example.
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Repositioning his portals wouldn't fix his core issues though. It's not any worse than Trapper, you'll have games where you place a trap down and it never gets used. You just play without it because it would waste too much time to go change the trap/portal location. Demo suffers from the same issue as all setup killers in that you have to be able to get early pressure in order to win. Repositioning portals is just a QOL change.
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Thing is I think Demogorgon is a strong killer. Good map pressure and a handy secondary attack. I personally don't feel he needs buffing, just the ability to break his own portals.
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The difference with Trapper is that he's got an assload of traps around the map he can grab if he needs another and can't take the time to go back to one he currently finds useless. Demogorgon's portals are limited to only a few, and he can't change their position unless a survivor cleanses it. If anything, the counter to Demogorgon's map control is to not cleanse his portals if they're in a spot unhelpful to him. Demo doesn't need that much early pressure, because he can close chases really quickly with Shred if you actually know how to time it and don't fall for dumb 360s. Having time to set up portals helps a lot, but you can just place them down whenever during your gen patrol.
I think Demo is a solid killer, and allowing him to dismantle his portals would be all he needs aside from maybe an add-on rework in the future.
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He could use a little bit of love, but I don't think he is bad.
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I don’t think he’s bad at all. His lunge is pretty helpful and killer instinct actually works better than I thought. Using Of the Abyss is how I locate a lot of blendettes actually.
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I don't think he needs a buff per se. I think his teleport shouldn't give an alert universally but that's about it.
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I like the sounds, i don't think they should remove any sounds. I also wonder about Of The Abyss because does it show you where people are if they are healthy? or only injured? The Lackluster is definitely there, everything he does just requires so much time wasting lol
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I'm talking about the global call that is made when he travels via his portals. He should have an iri addon that removes it. Think of the head games you could play on survivors if they didn't have that warning? He's B tier at the most, he needs a little something extra to help him out.
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I think he's a great killer he just needs to be able to delete some portals that are no longer useful.
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It shows you where they are if they are on/near an active portal regardless of health state.
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So basically make a portal and use of the abyss randomly? lol
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If you're bad then go for it.
Instead I'll strategically place them at gens and shut down all progress after the first 2 gens. Use of the abyss for a split second ever so often and then teleport from gen to gen like a much faster Freddy with extra info. Worst case scenario someone cleanses a portal successfully and I teleport to the next closest portal to get the hit.
That or just ignore the mechanic and place the portals behind walls alongside other methods of tracking like BBQ so you can use the portals for ambushes.
Or ignore portals entirely and focus on letting Shred win you chases.
It really depends on your play style. He's pretty versatile.
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Better shred add-ons oughtta do it!