What killers do you play?
I am tired of Spirit and Nurse, almost every game you can easily win as them even without Ruin and especially without camping and tunneling (probably it will be better if Spirit will also be nerfed).
Now I main Legion (I love him though his is underwhelming) and Pig, sometimes I run Freddeh, Demo and Wraith, I find gameplay as these killers pretty pretty fun.
So, what killers do you play?
I mostly play Doctor, Wraith, Michael and Clown.
I used to play Hag/Bubba quite a bit when I first got the game but I don't play them quite as much anymore.
I've been playing more Freddy recently though and am really enjoying him so he'll probably join the others as people I generally play.
I very rarely play Nurse or Billy as I'm god awful.
Everyone else I play for dailies or if I'm feeling adventurous.
I wouldn't really consider any of them my main though. I don't like to play any killer for more than 2-3 games at a time unless I'm going for a trophy.
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Legion clown demo and huntress
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I play every killer but spirit until I reach red ranks. Then only spirit and occasionally billy, Freddy and plague
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Clown primarily, but also Trapper and Doctor.
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Leatherface/Bubba, play him like a normal person, not the basement camp meme.
I also really like Freddy, Clown, and Trapper.
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Trapper mainly. I've been dabbling in Ghostface and attempting to get my Hag play better, but I don't like to grind for add-ons on more than one character.
Trapper can scare survivors off of or mitigate absolutely horrendous loops. You just need to hide from the survivors more than they hide from you, because if they see you plant a trap, you don't have a power.
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I play any killers i have with no add-ons.. kind of want to see if i can get to rank 1 or not
Ps: so far i only reach rank 8 once..
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Leatherface, Ghostface, Freddy, Legion
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I main Legion and am proud of it despite there over nerfing. Ghost Face and Freddy are two of my other favs for different reasons, but Legion is the one I keep coming back too.
I got a big rework Legion thread in feedback, hoping the Devs see the ideas there. Used to main Trapper back in 2016-17, got rather good with him but left cause of the crap in that time. Legion pulled me back in with how fun FF looked and is.
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My mains are Ghostface, Demogorgon and Legion. I like them the most and they are fun to play (even though Legions power is almost trash now).
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Freddy and the doctor.
Is not about the 4k, is about playing with survivors mind.... Fear, constant unsafe, laughter and blood tier...
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Been only playing Freddy after his rework as he just has everything what every m1 killer needs. On other killers I do reasonable dailies to have some variety.
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Spirit and Ghostface!
Well, Spirit because she's fun and satisfying to play as (though I can understand why some survivors might have a problem with her) and Ghostface because it makes me feel like a sneaky bugger ^^
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Mostly Huntress because I love everything about her.
Occasionally Pig because she's cute and I have fun outplaying people with the dash.
I am trying to get into Nurse because she's so different from any other killer and has awesome cosmetics. (I should add that I'm on console so that no-one's tired of seeing just Nurses all day, rather the opposite). I still need more practice, but I'm already beyond the "get bullied instead of hooks" stage despite the controller disadvantage, and I am looking forward to her add-on rework landing tomorrow. I currently try to play her every day to keep practicing.
I also like Spirit but rarely play her, partly because she's currently a bit overused by the "I am a real gamer, therefore I only play meta" part of the community.
I play the other killers only for the dailies, most of them are still level 10 (for the adept) with no useful perks.
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Ghostface, Michael, Trapper, and been starting to get back into playing the Plague
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I switch when i hit P3, so far i've done, trapper, wraith, billy, nurse, shape, cannibal & currently working my way through the doctor
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Every killer. No exceptions. I love nurse and legion tho.
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Trapper main but I've been dabbling a little with the Doctor.
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Spirit (main) but when I want to play chilled games and feel there are not many tryharding survivors out then Trapper and Plague
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Wraith and Spirit 90% of time. Occasionally Michael, Freddy, Billy, others I only play if I get a daily for them except Nurse.
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All but Huntress.
Currently i am also avoiding Spirit and Nurse since i want to win, not to stomp.
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I play mainly nurse and plague. Sometimes I play legion
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I'm a Legion Main. I see people hate on Legion and they say not to play him because he's bad and annoying, but Legion is fun to play as and against.
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Piggy: She is my primary main since her release and despite me getting a game around the time of Freddy's release she was the first killer I got to prestige 3. Being a massive saw fanboy it was pretty obvious.
Legion: My secondary main I pretty much play them almost as much as I do piggy. I really do like the theme of the killer and and the kill themselves. Also Joey best Legion member don't @ me
Demi Logorgon: My newest favourite killer and the killer that complete my trifecta of mains. Also it's so satisfying to mori a Nancy and then send them a message saying Justice for Barb
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Plague, Spirit, and Hag are the three I play the most.
I will play any killer though besides Nurse and Huntress (I only play them for rituals)
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Huntress: High skill ceiling, but fun to play and learn.
Ghostface: Sneaky boi
Spirit: Hella fun to play as, not fun to go against unfortunately so I only play her a few times every killer session.
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Michael Myers is my main, being the whole reason I got the game. I also like to play as Ghostface, being my second favorite horror movie killer just behind Myers.
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All except for Nurse and Demo since I have not bought it yet.
I only play Huntress for daily challenges for now.
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Typically I run whatever killer I have dailies for, but if I am just playing for my own fun/sense of enjoyment my top 5 are
1) Hag
2) Myers
3) Huntress
4) Doc
5) Wraith
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I mostly play Freddy. I just wish he had a better end-game, since once all the generators are done he doesn't have the mobility he needs. Putting snares around the gates helps, but usually you can't get there in time anyway.
Would love it the entity allowed him to always teleport to generators covered with testicles. (you know what, I'm just going to ignore that autocorrect) This would give him the end-game pressure he needs.
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All of them! But Hag will always be my love ❤️
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I play Pig, ghostface, Demo and spirit....
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Trapper, Freddy and Nurse mostly but I do rotate and play all killers. I only recently got into PC Dead by Daylight and I've never learnt how to play Nurse so learning her has been fun and satisfying when it works. I have always thought of Trapper as my favourite character. He's an OG and his look, sound and walk are honestly menacing. He's great fun but what I REALLY play Trapper for is the abuse I get in post game chat from [EXTREMELY BAD WORD, LIKE BORDERLINE BANNABLE] survivor mains who, getting a victory over one of the 'easiest to toy-with' killers, proceed to tell me just how much I suck and that killing myself is probably the best option given the situation. Nothing quite beats the feeling of having a group of 4, pre-pubescent ooze spewing, future school shooter bully victims, feeling a sense of accomplishment from beating an obviously mid/mid-low tier character and just HAVING to dribble about it after the match. I LIVE for that stuff. I also accept 'GG'...but that's not very fun I guess.
What a tangent!
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Wraith, just like you.
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i like Trapper a lot. I rarely play killer but when I get those “catch three survivors in bear traps” daily challenges then I jump for joy lol
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Every single killer , used to main Billy in the past .
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I play a lot of the killers. I first mained Doctor (finding immersed survivors was hard as a baby rank 20), then moved to Michael who I still like to play frequently. I used old Freddy a lot, and I love new Freddy too. Hag is really satisfying to play, but I feel like I get a 4k black pip in red ranks every time, and I definitely get the least points with her, so I don't play her as often now. Trapper and Wraith when I feel laid back, and always bring Spirit when a 4 man swf spawns in.
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Michael Myers main. Once in a while I'll play a bit of Clown, Plague and Wraith.
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I can't stand playing killer only fun ones imo are legion and myers
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Ghostface, Freddy, Hag, Plague are my main ones
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I'll play every killer at least once a day but not spirit, I never play spirit
And I'm usually red ranks so people who say not every killer can be played at red ranks are just bad
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I play everyone except Nurse and Spirit.
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I Main Doctor and The Plague. I would religiously spam those 2 for a looooooong time.
Now in my quest to unlock Teachables ive discovered how fun Leatherface can be, even if its not an ideal match most of the time. I find i enjoy him even in losing more so than any of the other killers and even my mains.
I have literally probably played a bit of everyone at this point and I despise playing as nurse and only do so when im looking to Depip.
Legion is probably the only Killer ive not touched and it's mostly due to both the wall of text that is his power (I play on console and it cuts off screen. So how am i supposed to get a sense of what he does if i cant even read his power prior to purchasing) and the mixed threads i constantly see of people who do play him asking for buffs/add on changes/rework. I do hear he is fun to play as regardless.
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Doctor, Freddy, and I’m trying to learn Demogorgon. I’ve also been thinking about trying to pick up Plague and Leatherface.
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My favourite to play is Wraith, I've loved Bob since I started playing the game in 2016. I also like playing Trapper a fair bit, I get a lot of satisfaction when someone steps in my traps! Freddy is also another favourite of mine.
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Spirit, pig, Ghostface, and Demi-gorgon
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Most experience playing: Doctor
Secondaries I enjoy dusting off and playing from time to time - especially for rituals: Myers, Pig, Spirit, Plague
Killer I'm thinking of making a new main: Plague
Killer I like to goof off with: Wraith (if you die to my wraith, that's just pathetic man)
Killers I use when I'm feeling really mean and sadistic: Doctor, Pig, Hag
Killer you'd have to put a gun to my head to play - Legion
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Main ghostface been playing alot of clown lately
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Mostly either Trapper, Myers, or Demogordan Ramsay. I used to play Bubba but people kept bullying me when I’d play him
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Got any tips for Huntress on console? What ranks you play her at? I've always been interested to learn her on ps4 but i dont know if she is worth it bc she can be map dependent and framerate.