Gen Rush

Why didn't they solve this problem after 3 years of play?
Playing killer against a good SWF IS NOT FUN, they make the generators at the speed of light.
What should I do?
Just gonna let you know, alot of people will say they are just doing there objective, which is true. It is silly fast at times though. Lots of topics talking about what to do. Read through a few and give some feedback.
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Believe it or not, the only answer to gen rush is spirit. Just learn how to play her and you'll be destroying every SWF team. Trust me I'm a spirit main.
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you saying this will only fuel the "Spirit has no counter play"
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when I play killer, the first gen is fixed before I even get there in first minute..
pErfEcTlY bAlaNce
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I felt the spirit, but I love the nurse, I'm waiting for the new pacht to come out to see what it will be like, hoping that those 3 seconds will be taken away.
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Nurse is also an answer even after her changes are live she'll be #1.
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Addons are worth it.
The 3 seconds make it boring.
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Gens can go extremely fast, I agree. But increasing survivors objective time will cause loads of new balancing problems in the game's current state. There are already a fair amount of killers that are viable against really good survivors, as long as the map and it's rng isn't too extremely survivor sided. Nurse and Spirit, if anything, need a nerf and not a buff. And increasing objective time would do exactly that, buff them. Luckily Nurse is already getting her nerf now.
Map reworks is the best solution to this. More counterplay especially for the weaker killers once the majority of pallet loops can be mindgamed by both killer and survivor, and smaller maps so that killers have a better chance of applying map pressure.
The number of pallets on a map will also increase, and hopefully stealth and juking potential of survivors will be strengthened a bit as well.
This will allow many killers more actual counterplay to deal with the fast gen speed, but also make this counterplay more skill based, which is good. Simply increasing objective time with a second objective for example will just straight off buff every killer no matter the skill level of the killer player.
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In my opinion, there are two ways to handle this:
- Take it as a challenge: Play to win really hard, apply a lot of pressure, don't be afraid to use controversial tactics - While hardcamping encourages gen-rush, softcamping can be quite effective against SWF - and, if you're getting matched against good survivors, play proactive killers.
- Play casually: Just play for fun and feel free to use suboptimal builds. Just don't expect to win every match and you can't get frustrated when you don't.
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Playing survivor against a good killer IS NOT FUN either.
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The amount of sarcasm here.... I love it.
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There are perks to prevent that from happening, you know?? If that is a big issue for you, just use the right perks.
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Yeah.. that's why ruin is popular.. but killer shouldn't have to use perks to prevent that..
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Good swf make me gen even with ruin.
I myself from surv do the gen with ruin.
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To prevent the rush, it is necessary to ADD A NEW OBJECTIVE.
Increasing the duration of genes would make the game boring.
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I would like for the survivors to have to worry about more then just the killer.... more dangerous terrain, traps or maybe zombies from previous survivors that died in that realm....... like the entity's realm is supposed to be dangerous and right now it's not.....
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I would say good killers are fun, those that don't feel the need to tunnel camp or have the ability to snowball a 4k seconds into a match. Good killer players are fun - but not many killer players are what I would call good.
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Worry about Killer ? I don't see any danger when I see a Killer coming near me, neither does the Survivors I face. First the Killer should be feared then we can do such a thing.
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I really have to wonder about the psyche of people making posts like "the killer should be feared" or such.
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Playing against killers who camp , tunnel etc is not fun either but it's still in the game too.
Just use your ruin and thanatophobia or whatever.
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So, in other words, Spirit needs nerfing.
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You must just be really bad with other killers then because I have seen successful killers other than Spirit doing quite well in red ranks.
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There's a lot of context being left out. You could be going to all the wrong gens in your first patrol, thus giving enough time for that gen pop. Or all four could have spawned together. Or two with decent toolboxes. Or even Leader. A lot going on at the time.
With that said, there are a lot of games where gens just pop left and right, especially in higher ranks. Sometimes it doesn't even feel worth the effort with them going in under a few minutes.
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I'm good with them till I reach red ranks. Then Rin does the hard job of fighting those toxic, unbalanced and genrushing SWF teams
And I think the "successful" killers you saw, were versing red rank potatoes or solos.
There is no way you can beat a good SWF team with a loopable killer
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@Rin_is_my_waifu No they weren’t SWF... and I was solo.
It was a close call , but in the end one mistake can end up costing you the game on either side.
I don’t understand this notion that just because a group is SWF they are automatically “toxic” or “unbeatable”. Maybe that is the real problem is that you believe that so therefore your mind is made up that you’re always going to lose unless you bring Spirit which in reality isn’t the case.
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For me makes sense that a normal human being with mediocre skills in repair/healing fear some of the deadliest serial killers from the movies.
If I was one of the Survivors and knew that Michael Myers is in the forest with me I'd probably just cry on a corner and wait to die.
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after awhile the killer just isn't scary or fearful
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News flash: this isn't real life with a terrified victim. this is a videogame with xbox 360 graphics, played by someone who has probably played survivor for over 10 hours.
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Spirit isn’t the only viable killer to compete with gen rushing.
I do fine with Plague. Billy is good. Hag is GREAT. Nurse is STILL and will probably always be the strongest killer. She is able to deal with all of survivors defenses.
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If you have a hard time against really good survivors, use a high mobility killers and unlimited slowdown perks like PGTW or "Corrupt Intervention".
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I love how you say that she is balanced, say git gud to everyone complaining about her and then say things like "you will destroy everyone with her".
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She is balanced against SWF teams, but not for solos. And the devs shouldn't balance the game around solos but SWF
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I am actually really surprised to hear this from you. I agree that she is balanced against swf but I don't agree with killers being balanced for swf's since the majority of players play solo.
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- stay close to their hooks, use their altruism against them
- No One Escapes Death
- play ez killers
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Wait you’re telling me I can’t play trapper at red ranks with no gen slow down perks and still get a 4K??? Wow so unfair darn this gen rush!!!
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Spirit is balanced against a GOOD SWF group. I have run into many SWF groups in my time playing and I can tell you that 85% of them are just friends playing to have fun and chill together. It’s not like every SWF is a de-pip squad wanting to bully the killer and even if they do that’s usually not an issue. They bring in flashlights and try to BM you and flashlights are a very weak item.
Overly altruistic SWF will basically give you the kills because they’re overly altruistic
It’s mainly the gen-rushing “I don’t care about my teammates I’m only doing gens” kind of groups you have to worry about.
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First you should do is, learn that there is no such thing as "gen rush".
Survivors have 1 objective, do gens to get out.
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lol call it whatever you want. And the speed of gen.
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Tunnel the 1st kill then you'll have a fair 3 v 1 game. Proceed to down one, don't hook search for teammates, there you'll have one slugged, one healer and one chased all the time. You're welcome.