I am pumped for the Archives and Premium Rift - Are you?!

Claudette and Trapper Cinematics, Challenges, Lore, and PR3M1UM 1T3MS?!
I'll never be excited to stuff in games that requires me to open up my wallet in order to have the full experience.
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Claudette is a super sweet heart of a character, so I'm excited for some lore on her. I just hope they don't ruin her character to appease the "All Claudettes are horrible people" meme. She is probably my favorite of the female cast and it's not cause she can blend into the dark better.
Trapper was my boy for awhile, but I never cared much for his personality and lore. He's just a rich jerk gone murderous. Most of the male Killers have almost 0 sympathy factors going for them unlike the females who get the sob stories.
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You must have really been upset when they added licensed characters :(
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I'm really only excited for the bloodpoint rewards.
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I used to main Claudette before I started playing with some of my friends (they've only recently gotten into DBD), but now I'm a Steve (Default outfit with Scoops Ahoy shirt..I have the full outfit, but prefer this).
I've also just finished getting every perk for Trapper, so I'm pretty stoked about his inclusion in this set.
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Free BP is Free BP :D
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I am excited and very apprehensive. Every time we get an update for new stuff we get a plethora of bugs and glitches with it.
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Excited for challenges from the Archives. We'll see how the rift pans out.
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Not quite pumped, cause i might over-hype it for myself.
I don't view it as a negative implementation so far, though.
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Actually pretty hyped about the upcoming stuff. It gives me more objectives while playing the game and not just only doing gens and bla. I'll definitely gonna use some perks i never usually use so yeah looking forward to that :)
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My hype is dying. I'm hearing a lot of concerns that I want answers to. I thought the stream would clarify some concerns but it was just a cool trailer and info that was already said. :/
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Im not that hyped after loosing the howling grounds cosmetics ive earned (still waiting for response om the ticket) wich makes me afraid to pay 10 euros, earn premium stuff and later find them gone.
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I wasn't. A Claudette cinematic I would be excited for. She was my OG main.
@Peanits one of the main concerns I've seen is being able to complete the rift won't be feasible without a serious grind. Also some of the challenges looked nearly impossible without alot of luck. Not sure if those were Boosted Dwight's concerns. But those seem to be the most talked about.
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Yes I’m excited despite all the negativity on here.
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how most killer have 0 sympathie did you even read some of their backstory
the first victim of the entity are the killer expect of course clown ghostface frank that are kind of psychphatic/violent character
(talking only of the original killer that aren't film/series rehash)
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I'm not. I like the concept but not the rewards.
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Those are stored differently; it won't happen for stuff from The Archives. We've improved the way we handle rewards since those early events.
Between the challenges and casually playing, with the daily first match bonuses included, you should be able to finish the Rift without having to grind. As long as you play regularly, you should have no problem. You don't have to play a ton, even just playing a couple matches per day will do.
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I have my energy sixpack ready to sweat tomorrow in swf oof.
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Yeah those were my concerns :P
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I'm super excited. Always excited about new content in this game. I think the charms are really cool.
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the reward look like reskin for the most part hope it will get better with time beceause the first batch don't make me wanna put money in it
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I'm excited for the game to receive new content but I just spent $95 on Total War 2 Warhammer and all the DLC for it and from part 1 I was missing (weekend sale) plus I'm currently into Dark Souls so I don't think I'll have the time to dedicate to it. I'll play the free path and see how far I can get and whether buying premium afterwards is worth doing so. It's not that it's expensive but I can get carried away with my expenditures on video games.
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Excuse me? I won't cover the License killers besides Ghostface for obvious reasons.
Trapper - Rich daddy's boy who started killing anyone who didn't meet his demands.
Ghostface - Serial killer who does it for giggles
Frank - Always had a dark side to him, was the first to strike the man and got the others involved even forcing Susie to do it.
Joey - Was the most willing of the Legion crew to stab the guy after Frank.
Clown - Serial killer since he was young, loves to torture.
Doctor - Likes to torture and do horrific experiments on people and see what he can achieve in it.
Hillbilly - Feral like, doesn't know better but it very brutal and disgusting. Could have some sympathy if he wasn't such a monster.
Wraith - Only male killer with a sob story since he didn't realize his murderous deeds for a long time and snapped at the evil man who had him do it.
Hag - Captured and tortured by cannibals. Joined the Entity for revenge/survival.
Nurse - Loss her husband and suffered horrible mental stress till she snapped.
Plague - Tried to keep the peace and hope of plague victims till she fell to it herself.
Spirit - Horribly murdered by her father after he did it to her mother.
Julie - Her boyfriend started the act protecting her/did it for love.
Susie - Frank forced her hand.
Huntress - Similar to Hillbilly, doesn't know better but is very brutal. She however has the "saw her mom die" sob part.
The ladies very clearly get sob stories compared to the more "evil" males.
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i nevr said that the ladies didn't get the sob stories, i said for a lot of killer you can have sympathie for what happen to them and dispise what they become, and remember taht the entity can influence futur killer or even event in their life before they are taken to the realm (aka rin father)
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Are you really just now asking this
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lol no.
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It will definitely take you quite a while if you decide not to do the challenges. You would be skipping the main way to progress through The Rift. At that point, you're opting not to progress as fast as you could be. It'd be like playing one of the old event hook/generator events and not trying to go for the marked hooks/generators or using an offering. You'll still progress, just way slower than if you had tried to complete it.
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Are the Claudette and Trapper lore at least unlocked early on in it? I know I could probably watch it on youtube, but I'd rather have their little lore fragments unlocked for myself to admire. xD
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Ouch! :o
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Nope, It doesn't interest me that much.
If anything it has me concerned with the difficulty of the later tier challenges and the impact that's going to have on matches with People DCing. It's bad enough already but it's going to get a lot worse when people start to DC everytime they cant complete a challenge or want to prevent others from completing theirs.
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What kind O_O?
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The husk mechanic should've been released before these challenges, or there should be no challenges that have no other way to be completed except within one match.
If the Master challenges at least had two options, it wouldn't be so bad. Like, either sacrifice 4 survivors in the basement in one match or sacrifice a total of 9 survivors in the basement. That way, if you get 3 games where you sacrifice 3 in the basement and the last one DCs, the game at least takes pity on you.
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I just think it's BOOORING. Happy for the people who are entertained by it and can't wait to grind it out. Good luck to you guys!
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Is there a release date?
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I wonder if the delay is to secretly address these difficult challenges...
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Hello darkness my old friend...
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I wonder what the issue was O_O
AFAIK, the event was more or less built into The Rift.
Perhaps it has to do with the recent 'vanishing cosmetics' issue.
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So, you don't buy games? Jk, I know what you mean and I can relate to that. It's not hyping me much either. Remember back then the real event exclusives? That was some really good hype man, just playing and grinding for the cosmetics. Was a great feeling
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10 matches per day is hardcore. Seriously nowhere near casual. How much does it take to play 10 matches? Assuming one match takes 10 minutes om average you would spend 100 minutes purely playtime. This isn't including lobby time, matchmaking, loading screen, leveling your bloodweb etc.
I personally see a casual player as someone who spends like 4 hours just on the weekend and that's it.
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I get two, maybe three matches an hour.
A casual player, according to the devs, is someone who plays about one hour a day. What's required to complete The Rift is a lot more than that.
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Nope. Not pumped at all. I could care less what's on the other side of the wall. And by wall I mean INITIALIZATION ERROR.
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Good thing there's time-gates in place to stop us from doing challenges. And that there's challenges in there designed to be too hard to complete.
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Not really. It makes sense to me. I've even bought a few of them.
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No :/
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LORE ! I'm so excited about it ! dhqzodhaBa
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I'm excited about the Lore and the BP that come with the Archives. I did not see the later levels of the rift on PTB, but I heard of near impossible Challenges like "Flashlight save X Survivors in one Trial." or "Unhook yourself as last Survivor from the Basement."
I'm really no person for flashlights let alone save with it. I only use it in chases. And how am I supposed to get the basement thingy when playing solo? (I know Deliverance etc etc) I mean I play pen&paper but I'm not rolling a D20 on this one. Sorry, but no...
And all the grind that has to be done.... Wow! Even as kind of a DBD addict (4-5hrs a day) I'm unsure to get the rift done.
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I hope that at least one of the reasons for the delay is that they're tweaking some of the hardest missions and maybe the xp progressing