Which killer/survivor perk do you think is in need of a buff?

I know we love to talk about nerfing this killer or this survivor perk in this forum, but I'd like to change the topic a bit. Since I recently watched a video explaining why we should buff rather than nerf:

I know the video mainly talks about Fighting Games, but really it applies to all sorts of games, Dead by Daylight included.

In the video, The suggestion that was presented was to buff the weak. In this case, almost 2/3rds of the killers in the game or almost every Survivor Perk that isn't the main 4 everyone uses.

Buffing weak perks or killers can make the game more exciting in a way that every match doesn't feel the same. Aren't you guys tired of seeing Nurses, Spirit, or Billy in the high ranks? Aren't you guys also tired that every survivor seems to be just using the same perks every match, that being Decisive Strike and Dead Hard?

Nerfing them will lead to less players using them, sure. But it also makes people more bitter if their favourite perks/killers are nerfed to the ground. At that point they're not having fun anymore, they're forced to change what they use because the next people they meet in a random match will use the new meta perks rather than using something different. It will just become a cycle of nerfing every killer and perk until they're all useless.

What I say BHVR should do is what the community seems to be in favour of in the last couple of weeks, buff weaker killers, make them viable for high rank play, make them able to wipe the floor if the player is good enough. As well as buff weak perks to allow some more diversity in survivor gameplay, make stealth actually viable so everyone doesn't just run the same 4 perks every game, gives certain perks buffs that would make it possible for a solo survivor to be at the same level of SWF teammates.

Just make the game in general more fun and exciting for everyone. Because I doubt anyone is happy seeing their favourite killer/perk be nerfed, or hearing people constantly telling BHVR to "Nerf this!" or "Nerf that!". When what we really should be doing is buff something that is weaker so both sides can have more choices on how they want to play.

I'd like to add that this isn't a call to buff or nerf any specific perks or killers, even though I mentioned some of them by name in this thread. This thread is mainly about asking which perk/killer would benefit more from a buff rather than talk about which of them deserve a buff.

Thanks for reading, and please keep the conversation civil ^^



  • UberMorpth
    UberMorpth Member Posts: 97
    edited October 2019

    I think rework would be more of an appropriate term as many perks are just straight up terrible and a buff wouldn't fix em here's some random examples I came up with.

    Monsterious Shrine: Only usable with Iron Grips and Adgitation which both aren't that great to begin with otherwise terrible perk at the moment, perhaps a new effect could be added or increase the debuffs to survivors on the basement hooks.

    Beast of Prey: The fact this only actives after getting Bloodlust negates the possible mindgames as that point unless your looping the survivor at a los loop they will still be able to look behind and see you coming at them, I'm not sure how they could improve it currently maybe make it activiable after getting Bloodlust? Otherwise I think it just needs a rework as it also doesn't fit Huntress's playstyle.

    Overcharge/Pog Goes The Weasel: I lump these both in as they do the same thing Ruin does but worse which is stalling the game out, let's not forget you have to waste time kicking a gen, is even worse with PGTW as you only have at most 30 seconds to find a gen which means not chasing anyone during that period of time. The worst part for both of these is they are completely negated by a survivor just tapping a gen to cancle out the effect, perhaps they could make it so you have to actually hold the repair action to cancle out OC or PGTW for like 5 seconds.

    Edit: Ok ignore what I said about PGTW as I was a [BAD WORD] and forgot it was buffed thanks to the lovely people here who reminded me.

    Post edited by UberMorpth on
  • UberMorpth
    UberMorpth Member Posts: 97

    Not to say PGTW is terrible I'll admit is good and better on some killers then others (I personally prefer Ruin but I understand why some think is good), my issue along with OC which is why I lump them in together is that any survivor can easily negate the effect by just gen tapping, is why I suggested that it should only stop after you start working on a gen for 5 seconds rather then just poking it.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    Better question. Which ones dont?

  • Frosty
    Frosty Member Posts: 375

    I think everyone could agree that monstrous shrine is in the running for most unused perk going. They could increase the existing values, or even make the rescue time longer

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    No Mither needs a rework. Or a change. Frankly I think the "get up again" part should be removed and transferred entirely to Unbreakable. Unbreakable is "Unbreakable" for a reason. Not, "Unbreakable Once."

    Then No Mither should get another suitably good ability that is similar in "wow" factor to offset the severe penalty of being broken the entire game. One of the suggestions that's been offered by several members of the community is to remove scratchmarks altogether when you run No Mither. Powerful, "Wow" ability and opens up a totally different way to play, and justifies the ridiculously bad drawback.

    You can't stop the gen regression by tapping. When the killer kicks it the damage is done. No amount of tapping will undo it. It is not a Damage over Time perk. It happens in one fell swoop.

  • Yung_Slug
    Yung_Slug Member Posts: 2,238

    Gen tapping doesn't negate the 25% though, and that instant regression is why Pop is so strong. Miles better than Overcharge.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Would you rather have 1 overpowered combo and 1 overpowered killer or 5 overpowered combos and 5 killers?

    I hope you're getting to what I want to argue with here. I hear a lot of people complain there isnt enough diversity in how people play. They all run the same killers/perks. The same addons/tools.

    So rather than make Spirit/Nurse be nerfed to the ground, why don't we buff killers like Trapper and Wraith to make them be able to fight off survivors better?

    Why don't we buff/rework perks like No Mither so it isnt just a broken status effect the whole game? I'm sure more people would run perks like Boil Over if it effected the wiggle timer.

    Point is, rather than make people just choose from one powerful killer/perk. Make them choose from a variety of them. So that there will be more to see for either side forcing both sides to think on their feet.

  • UberMorpth
    UberMorpth Member Posts: 97

    Alright my mistake, haven't played in couple months but it is nice to know PGTW was made actually useful

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Killer: Monstrous Shrine

    Survivor: Diversion

    "is even worse with PGTW as you only have at most 30 seconds to find a gen which means not chasing anyone during that period of time"

    That is wrong. You have a full minute to find a gen with Pop.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    ALOT of Lower Tier Killers (Legion please) need alot of help. SO I agree with that AND the perk buffing idea too.

  • tehshadowman33
    tehshadowman33 Member Posts: 939

    Boil Over is complete trash. It actually HELPS the killer in the majority of cases.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    all hex totem perks. I'm getting tired of wanting too use a hex totem only too have a survivor spawn on it and destroy it within 10 seconds of the match. This is completely unfair and has no reason too still be in the game.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    Obviously Devour Hope's 2-Token bonus needs to see a small buff. 🤭

  • Corrupted
    Corrupted Member Posts: 157
    edited October 2019

    I'm gonna have to agree with OP. It also doesn't matter how many nerfs and buffs are issued, there will ALWAYS be a meta. Even if said meta perk is just a wee biit better. For sake of argument let's say Spirit and Nurse are nerfed more, they will still be #1 and #2 (unless butchered) but just harder to use effectively so you'd still see them at high tiers of play. But if you were to buff other killers and non meta perks, you'd see much more diversity and different builds which is what red ranks need tbh. A breath of fresh air.

    No matter how much nerfing you do, all perks and killers won't be equal. If you do buffing, killers could be much more inline and you'd see much more variety at high tiers of play. I'm pretty sure some people just play Nurse and Spirit just to win, but if you buff other killers then people could play with other killers based more so on their playstyle and design (same with perks) therefore everyone is happy. You probably wouldn't even see Nurse or Spirit often if Wraith or Doctor could potentially handle a death squad.

  • Glory
    Glory Member Posts: 241

    Buffs are more important than nerfs. Not saying that prayer beads/yakuyoke amulet shouldn't be looked at, but even deleting them wouldn't change a thing in regards to clown, bubba, legion, etc...

    If some killers are, by default, significantly weaker than their counterparts, then the obvious solution is to send help, not assassins lol

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    I do get what you're trying to say, but also understand my point: when you have too many overpowered things, the entire game just breaks.

    Boil Over affects the wiggle timer? If it goes too far you will have games where the killer can never get a hook because everyone just wiggles out of their grasp.

    It would be like how sabo was so broken 3 years ago and killers couldn't hook anyone at all.

    That is the danger of power creep.

  • Glory
    Glory Member Posts: 241
    edited October 2019

    Now, on the topic of buffs:

    On the Survivor side we have slippery meat, no one left behind, the two "if you're injured" perks, small game, deja vu, and hope. And those are just the neutrals 0.0

    -Slippery meat and small game should be one perk. It's painful how bad and narrow they are alone. If you can't, at least make small game show auras of nearby relevant articles, there's no need for the timer.

    -No one left behind is a disaster. Combine it with hope, make a perk that really shines in the endgame. If you can't, remove the timer on hope. The collapse is an effective timer, we don't need an internal one anymore.

    -Resilience and this is not happening need the same treatment. These general perks are not only weak, they're offensively bad. If that's not an option, remove the need to be injured.

    -Deja vû has a duration. Who thought "this is too powerful, I need to limit it somehow." Why are they allowed to make decisions?! Have it scale with gens remaining for levels instead scaling how long they're revealed for (i. e. it reveals auras when you have 3/4/5 gens remaining before the gates are powered)

  • TwistrBlitz
    TwistrBlitz Member Posts: 91
    edited October 2019

    Predator, just not enough of an effect to be worth running.

    Vigil, same as the above.

    Thanatophobia I can’t believe people run this, one of the weakest killer perks in the game. Buff values very slightly.

    Overwhelming Presence, rework entirely. Just useless.

    Fire up, rework or buff so it’s worth using ever.

    Autodidact, rework.

    Buckle Up, rework, totally useless atm.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    Monstrous Shrine: instead of what it currently is, make it so that perks like DS, Babysitter, Camaraderie, and BT no longer proc if a survivor is in the basement. The basement is supposed to be dangerous; this would make the basement a lot more dangerous, but the killer still has to equip a perk to do it rather than just outright buffing the basement.

  • ItWasLitFamJFK
    ItWasLitFamJFK Member Posts: 6

    Many perks need to be buffed, and many of them can in very simple ways. Survivor perks should be around botany power level or higher. That is to say: useful, but not game-warpingly powerful. If it is game-warpingly powerful, it needs to be a counter to certain "less admirable" strategies such as camping and tunelling. Here's a list of survivor perk buffs I would make that I compiled with a friend. (This doesn't include all bad survivor perks, as some of them we were quite conflicted on.)



    No One Left Behind: Gain 50/75/100% bonus bloodpoints for actions I'm the Altruism category. Gain a token for each completed heal, safe unhook, or protection hit (up to 4 tokens). Each token increases the speed of altruistic actions by 4%. [While increasing altruistic action speed end-game is a cool idea, we felt that having it increase in power the longer the game goes makes it more flexible and useful. And who doesn't love bloodpoints? This also promotes survivors to not sit on gens, as they would be getting points from healing, so this is good for killers as well]

    This Is Not Happening: Great Skill Checks are 10/20/30% bigger when injured, exposed, or in the killer's terror-radius. [Having to be injured is cool, but it's too niche. Including the exposed effect and in terror radius as alternative conditions also fits the feel the perk is going for (Which is working on gens while panicked, and in a dangerous situation)]

    No Mither: Grunts are reduced by 50/75/100% while injured. You do not spawn pools of blood while injured. Grants the ability to fully recover from the dying state. Upon becomimg injured, you gain the broken status effect. The status effect is hidden from the killer. You gain 50/75/100% bonus points in the survival category. [I think this is honestly a no brainer. Starting in the injured state and showing the broken effect is too much of a give away, to make it viable, and if this is supposed to be a hardmode perk, it absolutely needs to have extra bloodpoint gain of some kind as a reward.]

    Deja Vu: All generator auras are shown for 40/50/60 seconds at the start of the trial and after a gen is completed. Generators that are being worked on while Deja Vu is active become highlighted in white. [This makes it like a reverse Better Together, and promotes objective completion, while not directly increasing the speed of repairs.]

    Up the Ante: For every injured, downed, hooked, or dead survivor, gain 2/3/4% increased healing, sabotaging, and gate opening speed for all remaining survivors. [This is the counterplay to Thanatophobia that we feel is needed in the game, while not making Thanatophobia useless.]

    Open-Handed: Increases range of aura reading for all survivors by 10/20/30 meters. Auras last 5 seconds longer.

    Saboteur: Sabotage hooks at 25/50/75% speed without a toolbox. Hooks stay sabotaged for 30 more seconds. 20% increased effeciency at sabotaging with a toolbox.

    Buckle-Up: Recovery progress of dying survivors can be determined by the intensity of their auras up to 128 meters. When put in the dying state, all other survivors can see your recovery progress by the intensity of your aura. After healing someone from the dying state or being healed from the dying state, all survivors who participated in the action see the killer's aura for 4 seconds.

    Flip-Flop: While in the dying state, 100% of your recovery progress is converted to wiggle progress. This perk deactivates upon stunning the killer by wiggling-off. [Currently, it's an anti-slug perk; however, it's too weak. Making it a much stronger, but 1-time use perk makes it feel more powerful and fun, while still being niche.]

    Hope: When a gen is completed, gain a 2/3/4% haste effect for 10 seconds. When exit gates are powered gain a permanent 4/5/6% haste effect. [Don't like NoED but are too lazy to do totems (or playing solo)? Well have we got a perk for you! With this haste effect, you shouldn't be getting hit at all!]

    Wake Up: Every 30 seconds the perk will activate, cleansing you of Hemorrhage, Blindness, Mangled, Hindered, Cursed (Cursed = Hex perks. This doesn't affect ruin, as that is reapplied upon every skill check.), and wakes you up. You are immune for 1 second to these affects after being cleansed.[We decided that it would be better to just scrap its old effect as the gate opening speed would either do nothing, or feel bad to play against. We preferred to give it the flavor of waking up from microsleeps like in the movies (those microsleeps being translated into certain status effects).

    Vigil: You and all allies within 8 meters recover from the exhaustion and exposed status effects 100% faster. Effect persists for 15 seconds upon exiting the range.

    Calm Spirit: You overcome the urge to scream. You do not scare crows. Your breathing and footsteps are 50/75/100% quieter.

    Technician: Reduce gen repair noise by 10 meters. Upon failing a skill check, a second skill check appears. If you succeed in hitting the second skill check, the generator does not blow up. [This makes the perk less rng, and more about allowing survivors to get good at skill checks, rather than sometimes not being punished for missing one]

    Autodidact: Now works with medkits. Starts at a -15% progress penalty instead of -25%. You have a 15% increased chance of triggering a skillcheck while healing others.[(The description is too long for such small changes, and as such, I didn't write it out.) It shouldn't take 3 skill checks to then finally get a benefit out of this perk. Healing is already time not spent on gens. The downside is too harsh to make the stacking worth it. This also gives a use to all the "increased skill check odds" add-ons for medkits.]

    Pharmacy: You search chests 50/75/100% quieter and faster. Every chest searched yields an emergency med-kit. [I don't see why this perk only works once. If this is supposed to be an alternative to perks like self-care and botany knowledge, it needs to be more consistent. Making every chest be a green medkit allows you to always have a medkit at the ready, and because you need to search chests instead of doing gens, it is completely fair.]

    Solidarity: Works with medkits. [This is probably the only change the perk needs. You could increase the conversion rate, but that might push it over the edge by shaving off too much time from healing.]

    Poised: After a gen is completed, you leave no scratch marks for 6/8/10 seconds. If you completed the generator, you also gain a 2% haste effect (this stacks with the hope haste effect) for 6/8/10 seconds.

    Resilience: When injured, exposed, or in terror radius, increase action speed by 3/6/9%. [This honestly might make the perk too strong at red ranks, but the percentage might be too small, and promotes aggressive play rather than hiding.]

    Comraderie: While on hook, push the active ability button to pause the hook timer for 20/25/30 seconds. The perk can only be used once.

    Kindred: (Make current kindred base.) Upon reuniting with a survivor, see their aura up to 128 meters away for 15/30/45 seconds. The timer does not deplete until you are 16 meters away, and is refreshed upon reuniting once again. [Current Kindred should be added if they ever nerf survivors again, as solo survivors should be buffed to have the same info as SWFs if they wish to balance the game around SWFs. This new idea gives a fun mini-game of refreshing it by regrouping with fellow survivors and promotes cooperative play.

    Lightweight: Your scratch marks disappear 1/2/3 seconds faster and you slow vault 20% faster. [This cements the perk something for stealthier survivors while adding another use.]

    Breakdown: Upon unhooking yourself or another survivor, or being unhooked, the hook is immediately sabotaged.

    Stakeout: Being in terror radius or looking at the killer gives you a token, up to 6/8/10. Upon hitting a good skill check, a token is consumed, and the good skill check becomes a great. [Stakeout is fun to use, but it doesn't have a high enough maximum, and is countered by stealth killers or being on a large map. Adding the "looking at the killer" option allows you to continue to use the perk, but requires more aggressive and dynamic positioning.]

    Aftercare: Remove the downside from being hooked. [This would make it a viable alternative to Empathy and Bond, as it's more powerful, but you have to work for it.]

    Better Together: Increase generator aura from 32 to 64 meters. [Currently lackluster, but increasing the range to be larger than a terror radius will actually give survivors information.]

    Distortion: Increase stacks from 3 to 5. [It's an interesting niche, it just needs to work more often for it to be good.]

    Fixated: Remove the uninjured condition. [It's Urban Evasion all over again].

    Second Wind: Changed to require completing a heal action rather than getting the equivalent of a heal. Now works with Deliverance. [Deliverance and Second Wind would be a fun combo but not broken at all, as it would require unhooking and completing a heal.]

    Inner Strength + Small Game: Adds a totem counter next to your perks. [This either needs to be base, or be on every perk that interacts with totems now and in the future.]

  • SeducedByDaemonette
    SeducedByDaemonette Member Posts: 300

    Unrelenting : they should revert 2016 nerf and just make it so it doesn't stack with STBFL (it should've happened in the first place)

    Hangman's trick : no one runs sabo , even 4 men no mither sabo squads are more like a myth , to make it useful it should increase hook/bear trap rescue time by 1.0/1.5/2.0 seconds .

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    Resilience is actually a good perk and is too strong if it works while uninjured.

    I agree though that No One Left Behind is the worst perk in the survivor arsenal.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    Poised - after completing a generator you leave no scratchmarks and become undetectable for 6/8/10 seconds. Negates rancor, bitter murmer, and any other aura reading perks that may proc at the time

    Iron maiden - survivors exiting a locker are exposed for 15 seconds and their aura is visible for 1/2/3 seconds

    Overcharge - prompts a difficult skill check after breaking a generator and increases regression by 2/4/6%

    Hex ruin - remove the hex part and just remove great skill checks while decreasing skill check zones by 5/10/15%

  • Glory
    Glory Member Posts: 241

    If you kick a gen with overcharge, it should regress faster. The skill check only bullies weaker or less experienced players, it's no issue for people when you're in the rank 6 and better range. Maybe have the passive regression jump to 1% per second?

  • BloodyBunny
    BloodyBunny Member Posts: 114

    Wraith they could just make the bone clapper add on part of his ability instead of an add on and that would Probably be a decent buff

  • Groxiverde
    Groxiverde Member Posts: 767

    I think ghostface's power recovery rate should be buffed. Without addons it takes soooooo much time.

  • xllxENIGMAxllx
    xllxENIGMAxllx Member Posts: 923

    As killer i think those need some buff for sure

    1). Clown while his power sound powerful well he does not because of.

    • Self-slowdown while throwing bottles
    • Long bottle reload time at base (5s)
    • Bottle toss have no effect except bonus BP (I think he should double the effect or something like that)

    How would i fix clown here below is how i think will make him more then decent.

    • A second ability i would call The Afterpiece rage this secondary power will allow the clown to drink a bottle which increase either Movement speed or action speed for 10s. Once he hit someone the effect stop and goes on cooldown (20s as usual) (As on Add-ons Maybe ?).
    • As for the bottle itself i would remove the self slowdown, reduce the reload time to 3,25s , Make Flask Of Bleach basekit.

    2). Doctor his power is weak at base here some thing i would to see added to his base kit for more viability.

    • Mouldy electrode/Polished electrode added at base kit will definitely make his treatment better.
    • Most of his add-ons changed because most is bad. + he doesn't have the standard BHVR has established (2 Ultra Rare - 4 Very Rare - 5 Rare - 5 Uncommon - 4 common add-ons).

    3). Leatherface we all know what is the issues his power are not helpful in loops.

    • Most add-ons are mostly the same then Hillbilly and both need the new standard (2 Ultra Rare , 4 Very Rare , 5 Rare , 5 Uncommon , 4 common).
    • Adding two additional swing would help a bit , acceleration add-ons is pretty much useless.

  • Sinful_Dreams
    Sinful_Dreams Member Posts: 53

    I would like to see We're Going to Live Forever buffed so that healing others would also give a stack. I can't tell you how many times (red rank here) I've been farmed off hook and downed right after since they didn't have borrowed time because someone had WGLF and wanted some stacks or went for an unhook too early.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Can I just say? Reading this made me jump for joy excited because most of these ideas sound like they're geared more towards having fun powerful perks rather than boring "balanced" perks that no one will use. I love it.

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982

    Never forget that buffs are a double-edged sword. Buffs lead to powercreep. I've seen firsthand what happens when powercreep gets out of hand, and it isn't pretty. I don't want that to happen to DBD.

    There are a lot of non-meta perks that could easily break the game if they were buffed just a little too much; I'd rather we just nerf the outliers whenever possible.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Oh, I understand completely. Powercreeps are not fun and I would agree if they go too far with this idea it will definitely happen. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't look at the perks almost no one uses and give them a couple of buffs to make them appealing to not only new players, but old ones too.

  • Star99er
    Star99er Member Posts: 1,452
    edited October 2019

    In order of which perks should be prioritized to get buffs.

    1. Monstrous Shrine: needs a rework, should effect all hooks.
    2. No Mither: no injured state music plays when the perks is equipped, Killer can’t see the broken status effect.
    3. This is Not Happening: Should additionally increase great skill check bonus from 2 to 3%.
    4. Camaraderie: increase the distance a survivor has to be from you for it to activate.
    5. Beast of Prey: Removes blood stain completely.
    6. Baby Sitter: numbers changed to 6/9/12 seconds.
    7. Wake Up: numbers changed to 15/20/25%, you can see all survivor auras when standing inside the exit gate.
    8. Lightweight: in addition to what it already does make it reduce grunts and noises made when jumping off a cliff or 2nd story house by 20/25/30%.
    9. Resilience: numbers changed to 6/9/12%.
    10. Buckle Up: increase the distance from 48 to 56 meters.
  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    I really really like this idea.

    Also, for buffs.... well yall know what I will say. But I have a huge thread on Feedback about Legion. I think we should work on Buffing the lower end first, then worry about cutting off the top.

    Some of these other ideas as nice too

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535


    And since we ARE talking about buffs here.... Shameless plug go! (But no really, good ideas from alot of people for Legion here and I can't put them all in this thread)

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    I'm cool with a totem counter being on small games but I don't feel like inner strength needs it however I would suggest inner strength be given a stackable system so that way if you want to go on a totem cleansing spree you can actually get benefits from it rather then having to purposefully leaving totems not cleansed so you can use them later

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Monstrous Shrine should just be base kit.

    Beast of Prey: I think it's fine right now, but should get some attention in the future. I'd rather other perks get looked at first.

    Overcharge: I like the idea of having two difficult skill checks instead of one. But Pop shouldn't be combined into it since Pop is powerful on it's own. Especially at T3, when it regress 33% or so of a gen's progress.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    Beast of Prey: exactly as it is now, except add "Gain 50% more Bloodpoints for actions in the Brutality Category."

    There. Perfect. Then, between the Brutality and Hunter categories, it adds up to a 100% gain (Distressing has a gain of 100% in Deviousness). I mean, it's really more of a farming perk than a mind games perk, might as well embrace that.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    I know. I'm just saying it shouldn't be a priority compared to other perks which need attention... like Insidious. That needs a major rework. Or Huntress Lullaby, which is supposed to be a swap out for Ruin, which it'll never be...

  • hiC
    hiC Member Posts: 217

    I would like to see Autodidact guarantee the first two skill checks at 50% and 75% of the first full heal you perform.

    For killers make monstrous shrine spawn a second set of basement hooks outside the basement.

  • kcwolf1975
    kcwolf1975 Member Posts: 651

    They should give monstrous shrine stacks like BBQ. It could be a great farming tool for blood points and wouldn't really hurt survivors because I don't think they really want survivors to die faster.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    It would make the basement more appealing for Killers than it already is, plus if it stacked with BBQ it would be a great farming perk

  • MysticAdvisor
    MysticAdvisor Member Posts: 453


    No Mither: You leave no blood trail, you make 50/75/100% reduced noise, you will not appear broken on the hud, you start the trial healthy tho perk activates once injured.

    You may recover from the dying state 2/3/infinite times.

    Monstrous shrine: For every survivor you hook in the basement gain a stackable 10/15/20% blood points bonus at the end of the game and 1 stack.

    2 stacks: While a survivor is hooked gain a 10% movement speed increase for as long as they are hooked( gain an additional 5% movement speed for every survivor hooked).

    3 stacks: hooking a survivor anywhere will offer a 5% blood point bonus and 1 stack/ after hooking a survivor all vaults are blocked for 30/60/90 seconds in the hooked survivors proximity of 30/40/50 meters for 30/45/60 seconds.

    5 stacks: When a survivor is unhooked all vaults will be blocked for 30/45/60 seconds in a 50/60/70 meter radius/ If a survivor is rescued while the timer for vault blocking is active 3/4/all downed pallets in the area will be broken by the entity.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    A ton of perks need buffs.

    And honestly, I'm not worried about power creep.

    The actual reason why power creep is an issue is due to how it usually happens. Devs add a new thing which is stronger than the old thing, now the old thing is useless by comparison. Repeat when they add a new thing again.

    Buffing an existing perk up to the level of other existing perks is not power creep (although it can result FROM power creep). And the perks being used as our top level are perks that have existed for most of the games lifespan.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    I can appreciate that there really are bad perks that need some attention in the game.

    But at the same time I do not think buffing all perks to the level of some of our meta perks is a good idea. There are some meta perks in the game today that frankly are too strong and need to be nerfed, reworked or toned down.

    It seems a little haphazard or even irresponsible to want to buff everything to their level.

    Imagine a survivor with four perks each as powerful as Decisive Strike. That's not going to be fun for anyone. Four perks as impactful as Ruin. No thanks.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    That depends on what you are using as a reference.

    For example regarding Killers I'd say Hag is a good reference Killer with a an acceptable range surrounding her that we can call balanced with Spirit at the high end of that range and Freddy at the low end.

    Regarding perks I'd put Unbreakable as the Survivor reference perk with the range being Adrenaline at the high end and Botany at the low end, and for Killers Nurses Calling is a good reference with BBQ at the high end and Dark Devotion at the low end.

    Of course comparing perk strengths is pretty hard when they have incomparable effects so take those ranges with a grain of salt. But the point is that there are many MANY perks that are just bad and declaring power creep is just unhelpful for making good perks that people wont just ignore.

  • not_Queef
    not_Queef Member Posts: 820

    Iron Will should counter Stridor.

    DS should be disabled if the killer hooks someone else while the timer is active. However, it should be usable more than once. This would be fairer for non-tunnelling killers and truly punish the ones that do.