Survivors are getting nerfed to the ground

Before I see some comments containing "git gud noob" "l2p loser" etc. you should really consider the last changes for this game. This game has become extremely unbalanced. DbD always was unbalanced but it didn't used to be losing 10 games in a row because survivor perks don't matter in the end.
It used to be: Killers hunt down the survivors, survivors try to escape while repairing gens, sabotaging hooks and escaping eventually. This game never used to be a total teamplay game, it was stated even by the devs that you can also play this game solo. NOW you are forced to play with a team and even then it doesn't really matter because the outcome is often the same.
The problem is that killers are diverse and actually have abilities, survivors are all the same and only have their own perks, which can be given to any other survivor. Those abilities should be limited to a certain amount, like the trapper or the hag has. Killers like Leatherface or Doctor are way too strong since they have an endless amount of usage of their abilities. A cooldown or a certain amount of usage would be more appropriate.
And for the love of God, could we please get stronger perks again? Like every perk is getting nerfed so hard and even add-ons like Brand New Part. BNP was in a perfect state as it was before, now they nerfed it twice, which makes is kind of useless. Killers don't seem do know, how long it takes to repair a gen alone and the excuse "then do it with someone else" makes no sense if you start the game alone. I won't stroll around the map to search for someone else, that's bs. I mean how dillusional must the devs be to listen to whiny killer mains, who lose a suvivor once in ten games? It doesn't even take much skill to get a lot of points as a killer and they get more points than a single survivor although survivors have to do way more than a killer.
It doesn't even take much skill to play a killer. How often do I see killers that miss you twenty times, don't use their abilities or actually play like blind? Still they manage to campture you because they are twice as fast as you are and you run out of pallets to drop or windows to jump through and eventually you will be caught because you cannot do anything against a tunneler except hoping he will lose you in a mess of red scratches on the floor.
STOP CRY! and adapt to changes pls.
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Not even remotely true, stop crying.
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@KillersAreWayTooOp said:
Before I see some comments containing "git gud noob" "l2p loser" etc. you should really consider the last changes for this game. This game has become extremely unbalanced. DbD always was unbalanced but it didn't used to be losing 10 games in a row because survivor perks don't matter in the end.It used to be: Killers hunt down the survivors, survivors try to escape while repairing gens, sabotaging hooks and escaping eventually. This game never used to be a total teamplay game, it was stated even by the devs that you can also play this game solo. NOW you are forced to play with a team and even then it doesn't really matter because the outcome is often the same.
The problem is that killers are diverse and actually have abilities, survivors are all the same and only have their own perks, which can be given to any other survivor. Those abilities should be limited to a certain amount, like the trapper or the hag has. Killers like Leatherface or Doctor are way too strong since they have an endless amount of usage of their abilities. A cooldown or a certain amount of usage would be more appropriate.
And for the love of God, could we please get stronger perks again? Like every perk is getting nerfed so hard and even add-ons like Brand New Part. BNP was in a perfect state as it was before, now they nerfed it twice, which makes is kind of useless. Killers don't seem do know, how long it takes to repair a gen alone and the excuse "then do it with someone else" makes no sense if you start the game alone. I won't stroll around the map to search for someone else, that's bs. I mean how dillusional must the devs be to listen to whiny killer mains, who lose a suvivor once in ten games? It doesn't even take much skill to get a lot of points as a killer and they get more points than a single survivor although survivors have to do way more than a killer.
It doesn't even take much skill to play a killer. How often do I see killers that miss you twenty times, don't use their abilities or actually play like blind? Still they manage to campture you because they are twice as fast as you are and you run out of pallets to drop or windows to jump through and eventually you will be caught because you cannot do anything against a tunneler except hoping he will lose you in a mess of red scratches on the floor.
I only play survivor as solo and my escape rate still greatly exceeds my death rate. I'm not saying "git gud" but the problem is people have become so dependent on using crutch perks that once they became nerfed they had no experience without them. Like any game that has a changing "meta" you have to adapt with it and learn what does and doesn't work. Have killers gotten stronger? Yes. Are they now "OP"? No. People just can't take the time to learn and instead get frustrated with loosing.
I've played Killer for so long during the horrible infinite/mass pallet loop days where SB had a 20s cooldown and because I kept playing and trying my best to figure out any way I could nickle and dime distance I am thriving in the new patch. Its not because I now have OP powers but because I learned and improved during a much harder time and have now become very optimal in my playstyle. Its time for survivor mains to also adapt and learn what makes for optimal play. Believe me in the higher ranks there are plenty of people who have already achieved this and can/will still bully you left and right.
If you are saying you lost 10 games (lost as in didn't escape or didn't pip?) that is a very small amount of time. Don't let a loss get you flustered. Try and see what you could have done differently to save yourself or to harvest more points for that pip. Remember the game isn't 4 lone survivors vs 1 killer its 4 teammates vs 1 Killer, its not always possible to do everything yourself. Play the hero who goes for saves and rank up with altruism points, or play the survivor who cares only for himself and rushes gens sneakily to escape. There is more then one way to "win" and you must adapt to whatever map/killer/meta changes occur.
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Guys, his username...
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Survivors haven't even been nerfed that hard. They still hold a hefty amount of power.
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These threads are obnoxious, because then if anyone posts a valid complaint (the new ranking system is BROKEN to all get out, for instance) it gets the same treatment as these trolly posts when someone should probably actually hear it out instead.
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These threads are obnoxious, because then if anyone posts a valid complaint (the new ranking system is BROKEN to all get out, for instance) it gets the same treatment as these trolly posts when someone should probably actually hear it out instead.
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The op has taken the Ochido bait hook.
The truth is that survivors aren't being nerfed to the ground, just getting a much needed manicure while killers are finely getting to grow their hair out some.
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I can feel while playing survivor that killers were buffed but it made the game a little more interesting now. Honestly these changes should have arrived sooner I feel like game is way more balanced now.
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Remember, everyone there's one killer and FOUR survivors. It not like survivors are a little underpowered as to balance their numbers advantage.2
@KillersAreWayTooOp said:
.... Killers like Leatherface or Doctor are way too strong ....
ok... this is another troll post
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Seriously, this guy has a good point when was the last few updates that nerfed the killers? The survivors do get nerfed non stop, it’s fact. Add directional sound for survivor and in game comms and that will level the playing field some for the 4v1 the killer cries about so much... it’s not 4v1 it’s more like 2v1 max and the killer shouldn’t be buffed to play 4 survivors when they are really playing 1v1 and time is the enemy because the longer they stay on one survivor the less they get to catch all 4.1
@rObLoCo said:
Seriously, this guy has a good point when was the last few updates that nerfed the killers? The survivors do get nerfed non stop, it’s fact. Add directional sound for survivor and in game comms and that will level the playing field some for the 4v1 the killer cries about so much... it’s not 4v1 it’s more like 2v1 max and the killer shouldn’t be buffed to play 4 survivors when they are really playing 1v1 and time is the enemy because the longer they stay on one survivor the less they get to catch all 4.It's a 4v1 asymmetrical game, it should definitely be balanced like a 4v1 asymmetrical game should be, with the 1 being four times as powerful as any one of the 4.
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Orion said:
@rObLoCo said:
Seriously, this guy has a good point when was the last few updates that nerfed the killers? The survivors do get nerfed non stop, it’s fact. Add directional sound for survivor and in game comms and that will level the playing field some for the 4v1 the killer cries about so much... it’s not 4v1 it’s more like 2v1 max and the killer shouldn’t be buffed to play 4 survivors when they are really playing 1v1 and time is the enemy because the longer they stay on one survivor the less they get to catch all 4.It's a 4v1 asymmetrical game, it should definitely be balanced like a 4v1 asymmetrical game should be, with the 1 being four times as powerful as any one of the 4.
The game is not set up for 4 survivors to work as a team, it’s 4 survivors running solo.
It’s the 4x killer chasing the weakling survivor, and after he deals with him he chases the next weakling, or camps the hung survivor until reaches phase 2 then goes after the next. Or! even waits for that one to die then moves on. The killers worse enemy is the time it takes the map to end.
Killer will always win 1v1, it’s just a matter of time which they don’t have much of when playing a good group of survivors. What the Devs do is take away the time it takes to catch the survivor, nerf survivor perks, so they get caught quicker. If the killer is playing a group of noob survivors they feel accomplished.
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rObLoCo said:Seriously, this guy has a good point when was the last few updates that nerfed the killers? The survivors do get nerfed non stop, it’s fact. Add directional sound for survivor and in game comms and that will level the playing field some for the 4v1 the killer cries about so much... it’s not 4v1 it’s more like 2v1 max and the killer shouldn’t be buffed to play 4 survivors when they are really playing 1v1 and time is the enemy because the longer they stay on one survivor the less they get to catch all 4.4
If killers are OP, then for the love of god, play killer!
Tell us how you are stomping survivors at rank 1 and how ez it is.5 -
@MegMain98 said:
rObLoCo said:Seriously, this guy has a good point when was the last few updates that nerfed the killers? The survivors do get nerfed non stop, it’s fact. Add directional sound for survivor and in game comms and that will level the playing field some for the 4v1 the killer cries about so much... it’s not 4v1 it’s more like 2v1 max and the killer shouldn’t be buffed to play 4 survivors when they are really playing 1v1 and time is the enemy because the longer they stay on one survivor the less they get to catch all 4.
You can’t say your opinion because the community is toxic and will shut down your response. I can respectfully agree or disagree with somebody who posts something but when killer mains say “get gud” or “salty survivor” or “crybaby” they are JUST as toxic as the survivors who they complain about. The person who made this post made some valid points but nobody wants to agree with them because killer mains will attempt to shut them down by being extremely disrespectful.
His point was wrong because if you've been following the nerf's for the longest time killers were getting the short end of the stick. Do you remember when they made the nurse stuns stack or how about when flashlight didn't require timing and the pickup animation was obnoxiously long. These idiots who your talking about who say "git gud" are in both camps loud and obnoxious. Ignore them and don't give them attention its called bait, Some people enjoy trolling others.
No one wants to agree with you because for the first time in a long while upper rank survivors are seeing variance in killers. Did you know what happened once you got passed rank 10 previous to these patches. You would see nothing but nurse,billies and huntresses. 3 killers from the entire cast. My problem with some survivors arguments is their not targeting the actual broken points of killer. For example billy's instasaw or machine gun hatchets huntress which got nerfed when they changed tinkerer. Yes killers did get nerfed as well but its through more subtle elements because killers for the longest time used broken build to compete in the broken survivor meta. The recent nerfs give the weak cast of killers a chance to see higher ranked play. The exhaustion nerf had to happen so many m1 killers can see play.
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I have been playing as killer and survivor and I can say that the survivors still have a fair chance to escape/get pip, good number of bloodpoints, etc, so no, survivors are not nerfed but there are survivors who don't know how to play loud and stealth and are just too inexperienced to get anything out the game.
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Wah wah wah wah...wah0
Survivors are just as strong as before the patch and so on. Rank 15-20's constantly making these threads is getting old.
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Literally you’re saying the killer is op? All of us have been here since July and we know what it’s been like and now the survivors are being nerfed we can’t even adapt at all?? Like seriously LMAO I’m a survivor main and I still die a lot and I’m still having so much fun. You just have to adapt. We can still get rush and we can still loop. We have decisive strike. That’s all. Please, just adapt.2
@MegMain98 said:
rObLoCo said:Seriously, this guy has a good point when was the last few updates that nerfed the killers? The survivors do get nerfed non stop, it’s fact. Add directional sound for survivor and in game comms and that will level the playing field some for the 4v1 the killer cries about so much... it’s not 4v1 it’s more like 2v1 max and the killer shouldn’t be buffed to play 4 survivors when they are really playing 1v1 and time is the enemy because the longer they stay on one survivor the less they get to catch all 4.
You can’t say your opinion because the community is toxic and will shut down your response. I can respectfully agree or disagree with somebody who posts something but when killer mains say “get gud” or “salty survivor” or “crybaby” they are JUST as toxic as the survivors who they complain about. The person who made this post made some valid points but nobody wants to agree with them because killer mains will attempt to shut them down by being extremely disrespectful.
This is so true.
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8/10 Trolling. Will read next trolling post. gg.1
Zarathos said:
@MegMain98 said:
rObLoCo said:Seriously, this guy has a good point when was the last few updates that nerfed the killers? The survivors do get nerfed non stop, it’s fact. Add directional sound for survivor and in game comms and that will level the playing field some for the 4v1 the killer cries about so much... it’s not 4v1 it’s more like 2v1 max and the killer shouldn’t be buffed to play 4 survivors when they are really playing 1v1 and time is the enemy because the longer they stay on one survivor the less they get to catch all 4.
You can’t say your opinion because the community is toxic and will shut down your response. I can respectfully agree or disagree with somebody who posts something but when killer mains say “get gud” or “salty survivor” or “crybaby” they are JUST as toxic as the survivors who they complain about. The person who made this post made some valid points but nobody wants to agree with them because killer mains will attempt to shut them down by being extremely disrespectful.
His point was wrong because if you've been following the nerf's for the longest time killers were getting the short end of the stick. Do you remember when they made the nurse stuns stack or how about when flashlight didn't require timing and the pickup animation was obnoxiously long. These idiots who your talking about who say "git gud" are in both camps loud and obnoxious. Ignore them and don't give them attention its called bait, Some people enjoy trolling others.
No one wants to agree with you because for the first time in a long while upper rank survivors are seeing variance in killers. Did you know what happened once you got passed rank 10 previous to these patches. You would see nothing but nurse,billies and huntresses. 3 killers from the entire cast. My problem with some survivors arguments is their not targeting the actual broken points of killer. For example billy's instasaw or machine gun hatchets huntress which got nerfed when they changed tinkerer. Yes killers did get nerfed as well but its through more subtle elements because killers for the longest time used broken build to compete in the broken survivor meta. The recent nerfs give the weak cast of killers a chance to see higher ranked play. The exhaustion nerf had to happen so many m1 killers can see play.
I just don’t see how killers need many more buffs and survivors need many if any more nerfs. Explain to me how in the current state of the game that survivors are overpowered? A good killer who will more than likely use the meta perks (NC, BBQ, Ruin) will probably get a 4K. Not that difficult. You may struggle but the game is not supposed to be easy on either side and that is what people fail to realize. The killer is not supposed to have easy pickings. Maps like The Game are just so killer sided that it becomes impossible to even survive. Just a while ago, Myers downed somebody and they DC’ed and there was Ruin. Absolutely no way anybody was going to survive...just impossible. The swamp is survivor sided and I’ll say that much about survivor and killer sided maps.
People will complain about the smallest of things which all eventually add up. Nobody ever thinks about just enjoying the game as it is.1 -
@Orion said:
@rObLoCo said:
Seriously, this guy has a good point when was the last few updates that nerfed the killers? The survivors do get nerfed non stop, it’s fact. Add directional sound for survivor and in game comms and that will level the playing field some for the 4v1 the killer cries about so much... it’s not 4v1 it’s more like 2v1 max and the killer shouldn’t be buffed to play 4 survivors when they are really playing 1v1 and time is the enemy because the longer they stay on one survivor the less they get to catch all 4.It's a 4v1 asymmetrical game, it should definitely be balanced like a 4v1 asymmetrical game should be, with the 1 being four times as powerful as any one of the 4.
The problem is the changes that happen make the killers feel like its 12 vs 4 because they got simply way too much buffed. Its to oeasy for them to camp. I agree that survivors should get free escapes but at the same time killers should not get free kills either, and thats what they have now after the recent changes.
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@Grimzy said:
@Orion said:
@rObLoCo said:
Seriously, this guy has a good point when was the last few updates that nerfed the killers? The survivors do get nerfed non stop, it’s fact. Add directional sound for survivor and in game comms and that will level the playing field some for the 4v1 the killer cries about so much... it’s not 4v1 it’s more like 2v1 max and the killer shouldn’t be buffed to play 4 survivors when they are really playing 1v1 and time is the enemy because the longer they stay on one survivor the less they get to catch all 4.It's a 4v1 asymmetrical game, it should definitely be balanced like a 4v1 asymmetrical game should be, with the 1 being four times as powerful as any one of the 4.
The problem is the changes that happen make the killers feel like its 12 vs 4 because they got simply way too much buffed. Its to oeasy for them to camp. I agree that survivors should get free escapes but at the same time killers should not get free kills either, and thats what they have now after the recent changes.
You mean shouldn’t get free escapes right? Just to clarify
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@Grimzy said:
@Orion said:
@rObLoCo said:
Seriously, this guy has a good point when was the last few updates that nerfed the killers? The survivors do get nerfed non stop, it’s fact. Add directional sound for survivor and in game comms and that will level the playing field some for the 4v1 the killer cries about so much... it’s not 4v1 it’s more like 2v1 max and the killer shouldn’t be buffed to play 4 survivors when they are really playing 1v1 and time is the enemy because the longer they stay on one survivor the less they get to catch all 4.It's a 4v1 asymmetrical game, it should definitely be balanced like a 4v1 asymmetrical game should be, with the 1 being four times as powerful as any one of the 4.
The problem is the changes that happen make the killers feel like its 12 vs 4 because they got simply way too much buffed. Its to oeasy for them to camp. I agree that survivors should get free escapes but at the same time killers should not get free kills either, and thats what they have now after the recent changes.
No such thing as free kills. For a Killer to camp, they had to work for it, to get the Survivor on the hook. For a Survivor to be rescued from the hook by a Killer who willfully leaves it unguarded, someone else just has to hold M1 for 2 seconds.
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Orion said:
@Grimzy said:
@Orion said:
@rObLoCo said:
Seriously, this guy has a good point when was the last few updates that nerfed the killers? The survivors do get nerfed non stop, it’s fact. Add directional sound for survivor and in game comms and that will level the playing field some for the 4v1 the killer cries about so much... it’s not 4v1 it’s more like 2v1 max and the killer shouldn’t be buffed to play 4 survivors when they are really playing 1v1 and time is the enemy because the longer they stay on one survivor the less they get to catch all 4.It's a 4v1 asymmetrical game, it should definitely be balanced like a 4v1 asymmetrical game should be, with the 1 being four times as powerful as any one of the 4.
The problem is the changes that happen make the killers feel like its 12 vs 4 because they got simply way too much buffed. Its to oeasy for them to camp. I agree that survivors should get free escapes but at the same time killers should not get free kills either, and thats what they have now after the recent changes.
No such thing as free kills. For a Killer to camp, they had to work for it, to get the Survivor on the hook. For a Survivor to be rescued from the hook by a Killer who willfully leaves it unguarded, someone else just has to hold M1 for 2 seconds.
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If the Killer plays how Survivors want (leaves the hook unguarded, goes after the rescuer and not the rescuee), it is a free escape, and I dare anyone to pretend otherwise.
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@Orion said:
If the Killer plays how Survivors want (leaves the hook unguarded, goes after the rescuer and not the rescuee), it is a free escape, and I dare anyone to pretend otherwise.If a killer plays stupidly you mean and doesn't go bash gens, doesn't go look for survivors, doesn't do anything but no skill camp at 1st hook. You may want to play badly that way but at rank 1-2 most killers leave the hook and don't have an issue getting kills.
It's only a free escape if you let it be a free escape IE that person makes it out of the match alive. Why no try not using excuses and semantics and insults in your posts for once. You might actually have some good points for once.
In case you failed to realize the somewhat sarcastic nature of the last 2 sentences.
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Just for the record, when I said I dared anyone to pretend otherwise, it wasn't a real dare. Still, thanks for taking it, powerbats.
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@Orion said:
Just for the record, when I said I dared anyone to pretend otherwise, it wasn't a real dare. Still, thanks for taking it, powerbats.Thanks for taking my bait since you always change what you meant when someone challenges what you said. You just proved it yet again and do in every post where you say one thing then pulled a Sarah Sanders and said that's not what you meant.
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Orion said:
If the Killer plays how Survivors want (leaves the hook unguarded, goes after the rescuer and not the rescuee), it is a free escape, and I dare anyone to pretend otherwise.
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@Orion said:
If the Killer plays how Survivors want (leaves the hook unguarded, goes after the rescuer and not the rescuee), it is a free escape, and I dare anyone to pretend otherwise.No. My last 20 games as Freddy I walked completely away from the hook and still got a 4k/2pip in 16/20 games, the rest being a 1k, 2 2k's, and a 3k (shoulda been a 4k but the third guy on his first hook killed himself so his buddy could hatch, which was a smart play by him) [NOTE I'm counting games where I gave hatch as a 4k because they technically were]. Best part is in each of those games I still pipped easily. No camping. No tunneling. I would come back to a hook if I couldn't find someone but if the guy that was just saved was on his last hook I go for the other guy.
Killer mains make it out like it's so hard to outplay people, get kills, and pip. Dude, I've literally just carried the last guy to the hatch and gave it to them and still got a 2 pip with a few extra points to spare. Killers that leave hooks will pip more often than not, even if they only get 1 kill.
Saying you need to camp/tunnel is complete and utter bullshit. They don't need to, they do it because they aren't good enough and it's the easiest way to play the game. If you really think it's necessary you must not be a very good killer.
Again I play FREDDY, currently at rank 4, and I consistently get kills and easily pip without playing like a total scrub. No NOED or Ruin either. Killers act like what they do is so hard, it's really not. The only thing about killer is that some things are frustrating, particularly thick mist, flashlights, and loops. FL are a lot harder to do now with fast pickup, and if it's really a problem just run Lightborn and eat up all that juicy light (used it in a game with 3 FL, they tried SO HARD to blind me, I would just stare them down and smack them in the face). Purple mist needs to go, I will say that. And there are a few maps with really REALLY bad loops. Outside of that though, killer is quite easy IMO. You just have to make good decisions and not chase 1 person all game.
Post edited by thesuicidefox on3 -
@Orion said:
@Grimzy said:
@Orion said:
@rObLoCo said:
Seriously, this guy has a good point when was the last few updates that nerfed the killers? The survivors do get nerfed non stop, it’s fact. Add directional sound for survivor and in game comms and that will level the playing field some for the 4v1 the killer cries about so much... it’s not 4v1 it’s more like 2v1 max and the killer shouldn’t be buffed to play 4 survivors when they are really playing 1v1 and time is the enemy because the longer they stay on one survivor the less they get to catch all 4.It's a 4v1 asymmetrical game, it should definitely be balanced like a 4v1 asymmetrical game should be, with the 1 being four times as powerful as any one of the 4.
The problem is the changes that happen make the killers feel like its 12 vs 4 because they got simply way too much buffed. Its to oeasy for them to camp. I agree that survivors should get free escapes but at the same time killers should not get free kills either, and thats what they have now after the recent changes.
No such thing as free kills. For a Killer to camp, they had to work for it, to get the Survivor on the hook. For a Survivor to be rescued from the hook by a Killer who willfully leaves it unguarded, someone else just has to hold M1 for 2 seconds.
Work hard? LOL tinker 2 and its done. Or bitter murmur now and its a wrap. Thats not work, thats a free kill.
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@powerbats said:
@Orion said:
If the Killer plays how Survivors want (leaves the hook unguarded, goes after the rescuer and not the rescuee), it is a free escape, and I dare anyone to pretend otherwise.If a killer plays stupidly you mean and doesn't go bash gens, doesn't go look for survivors, doesn't do anything but no skill camp at 1st hook. You may want to play badly that way but at rank 1-2 most killers leave the hook and don't have an issue getting kills.
It's only a free escape if you let it be a free escape IE that person makes it out of the match alive. Why no try not using excuses and semantics and insults in your posts for once. You might actually have some good points for once.
In case you failed to realize the somewhat sarcastic nature of the last 2 sentences.
Just to get this straight...
If the killer camps, he´s a bad camping killer.
If the killer leaves the hook, he´s a bad killer who relies solely on BBQ.
If the killer goes for the freshly unhooked survivor, he´s a tunneler.
If the killer does ignore the freshly unhooked survivor, he gives him a free escape, which he shouldn´t. He´s also stupid.Are you sure about the "on rank 1-2 (or do you mean rank 12?) most killers leave the hook and don´t have an issue getting kills"? Because if the killer tries to get 12 hooks on rank 1, he´ll surely have some time problems. Because the match has been over after 3-4 minutes.
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The game has always been survivor sided, and still is.
It's just slowly reaching a better balance and people that are bad at the game are just afraid of getting actually bullied by killer players that are actually better than them.3 -
@Tsulan said:
@powerbats said:
@Orion said:
If the Killer plays how Survivors want (leaves the hook unguarded, goes after the rescuer and not the rescuee), it is a free escape, and I dare anyone to pretend otherwise.If a killer plays stupidly you mean and doesn't go bash gens, doesn't go look for survivors, doesn't do anything but no skill camp at 1st hook. You may want to play badly that way but at rank 1-2 most killers leave the hook and don't have an issue getting kills.
It's only a free escape if you let it be a free escape IE that person makes it out of the match alive. Why no try not using excuses and semantics and insults in your posts for once. You might actually have some good points for once.
In case you failed to realize the somewhat sarcastic nature of the last 2 sentences.
Just to get this straight...
If the killer camps, he´s a bad camping killer.
If the killer leaves the hook, he´s a bad killer who relies solely on BBQ.
If the killer goes for the freshly unhooked survivor, he´s a tunneler.
If the killer does ignore the freshly unhooked survivor, he gives him a free escape, which he shouldn´t. He´s also stupid.Are you sure about the "on rank 1-2 (or do you mean rank 12?) most killers leave the hook and don´t have an issue getting kills"? Because if the killer tries to get 12 hooks on rank 1, he´ll surely have some time problems. Because the match has been over after 3-4 minutes.
- Sarcasm was highly intended because the persons was being their usual idiot.
- At ranks 1-2 most matches the killers have had no issue leaving the hook and getting 2-4 kills.
- If you're matches are all over in 3-4 minutes then that's your own fault.
- Most matches that end that quickly are because the killer usually a Billy nailed everyone because of good map rng.
- The occasions where matches end that early are rare and are almost always because it's someone doing their dailies.
- If the killer lets the freshly unhooked person get away he isn't being stupid that's you putting words out there I didn't say. Why not try reading that again and notice who actually said that. :HINT IT WASN'T ME.
- I never said a killer who leaves the hook is a bad killer who only relies on bbq. You're as bad as the others with the Logical fallacy crap.
Lastly you killers that throw out the Straw Mans, Red Herrings and other logical fallacy crap just make yourselves look that much more idiotic each time. This is especially pathetic coming from some who actually usually have good discussions. But for some reason decide to defend someone who's being a jack arse and playing with semantics trying to sound cute.
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@powerbats said:
@Tsulan said:
@powerbats said:
@Orion said:
If the Killer plays how Survivors want (leaves the hook unguarded, goes after the rescuer and not the rescuee), it is a free escape, and I dare anyone to pretend otherwise.If a killer plays stupidly you mean and doesn't go bash gens, doesn't go look for survivors, doesn't do anything but no skill camp at 1st hook. You may want to play badly that way but at rank 1-2 most killers leave the hook and don't have an issue getting kills.
It's only a free escape if you let it be a free escape IE that person makes it out of the match alive. Why no try not using excuses and semantics and insults in your posts for once. You might actually have some good points for once.
In case you failed to realize the somewhat sarcastic nature of the last 2 sentences.
Just to get this straight...
If the killer camps, he´s a bad camping killer.
If the killer leaves the hook, he´s a bad killer who relies solely on BBQ.
If the killer goes for the freshly unhooked survivor, he´s a tunneler.
If the killer does ignore the freshly unhooked survivor, he gives him a free escape, which he shouldn´t. He´s also stupid.Are you sure about the "on rank 1-2 (or do you mean rank 12?) most killers leave the hook and don´t have an issue getting kills"? Because if the killer tries to get 12 hooks on rank 1, he´ll surely have some time problems. Because the match has been over after 3-4 minutes.
- Sarcasm was highly intended because the persons was being their usual idiot.
- At ranks 1-2 most matches the killers have had no issue leaving the hook and getting 2-4 kills.
- If you're matches are all over in 3-4 minutes then that's your own fault.
- Most matches that end that quickly are because the killer usually a Billy nailed everyone because of good map rng.
- The occasions where matches end that early are rare and are almost always because it's someone doing their dailies.
- If the killer lets the freshly unhooked person get away he isn't being stupid that's you putting words out there I didn't say. Why not try reading that again and notice who actually said that. :HINT IT WASN'T ME.
- I never said a killer who leaves the hook is a bad killer who only relies on bbq. You're as bad as the others with the Logical fallacy crap.
Lastly you killers that throw out the Straw Mans, Red Herrings and other logical fallacy crap just make yourselves look that much more idiotic each time. This is especially pathetic coming from some who actually usually have good discussions. But for some reason decide to defend someone who's being a jack arse and playing with semantics trying to sound cute.
Oh i just made a resume of the different logic traps survivors actually do, with a strong amount of sarcasm.
3-4 matches on rank 1 are not the killers fault. Or please enlighten me on how 1 killer can keep 4 people off gens at the same time? If the killer chases 1, the other 3 do gens. If the killer breaks the chase to go for a easier target, there are still 3 survivors doing gens. Maybe it´s different on consoles, but on PC, survivors usually don´t ######### around and get out. Of course, there are some people which don´t belong to rank 1, but somehow play at that rank and don´t unhook or use meme builds. But a killer can´t count on those things every match.
Maybe take a look at Marth88 and tell me, what all the rank 1 killers did wrong.
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MegMain98 said:Orion said:
@Grimzy said:
@Orion said:
@rObLoCo said:
Seriously, this guy has a good point when was the last few updates that nerfed the killers? The survivors do get nerfed non stop, it’s fact. Add directional sound for survivor and in game comms and that will level the playing field some for the 4v1 the killer cries about so much... it’s not 4v1 it’s more like 2v1 max and the killer shouldn’t be buffed to play 4 survivors when they are really playing 1v1 and time is the enemy because the longer they stay on one survivor the less they get to catch all 4.It's a 4v1 asymmetrical game, it should definitely be balanced like a 4v1 asymmetrical game should be, with the 1 being four times as powerful as any one of the 4.
The problem is the changes that happen make the killers feel like its 12 vs 4 because they got simply way too much buffed. Its to oeasy for them to camp. I agree that survivors should get free escapes but at the same time killers should not get free kills either, and thats what they have now after the recent changes.
No such thing as free kills. For a Killer to camp, they had to work for it, to get the Survivor on the hook. For a Survivor to be rescued from the hook by a Killer who willfully leaves it unguarded, someone else just has to hold M1 for 2 seconds.
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@rObLoCo said:
Orion said:@rObLoCo said:
Seriously, this guy has a good point when was the last few updates that nerfed the killers? The survivors do get nerfed non stop, it’s fact. Add directional sound for survivor and in game comms and that will level the playing field some for the 4v1 the killer cries about so much... it’s not 4v1 it’s more like 2v1 max and the killer shouldn’t be buffed to play 4 survivors when they are really playing 1v1 and time is the enemy because the longer they stay on one survivor the less they get to catch all 4.
It's a 4v1 asymmetrical game, it should definitely be balanced like a 4v1 asymmetrical game should be, with the 1 being four times as powerful as any one of the 4.
The game is not set up for 4 survivors to work as a team, it’s 4 survivors running solo.
It’s the 4x killer chasing the weakling survivor, and after he deals with him he chases the next weakling, or camps the hung survivor until reaches phase 2 then goes after the next. Or! even waits for that one to die then moves on. The killers worse enemy is the time it takes the map to end.
Killer will always win 1v1, it’s just a matter of time which they don’t have much of when playing a good group of survivors. What the Devs do is take away the time it takes to catch the survivor, nerf survivor perks, so they get caught quicker. If the killer is playing a group of noob survivors they feel accomplished.
The game might not be designed for 4 survivors working as a team
BUT the devs ruined that by introducing the SWF mode, now we gotta deal with it and since SWF is a thing, the game must be balanced around that.0 -
@Orion said:
If the Killer plays how Survivors want (leaves the hook unguarded, goes after the rescuer and not the rescuee), it is a free escape, and I dare anyone to pretend otherwise.It isnt a free escape on rank 20, there you can actually 3 hook everyone, just saying
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Yeah, but then you rank up. Besides, I don't derank on purpose. On the rare occasions that I do derank, it's because I had several games in a row against SWF with heavy loopers and just lost.
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@Orion said:
Yeah, but then you rank up. Besides, I don't derank on purpose. On the rare occasions that I do derank, it's because I had several games against SWF with heavy loopers.
Then you are rank 19, have your daily quest finished and switch to survivor again. This is how survivor mains play, just saying
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Op has never played a single killer match...
First off - survivor perks are MUCH stronger than killer perks. If a killer perk is good, its because its a hex, which can (and is) taken out of the game in 2 minutes. Meanwhile survivors get perks like self care that give them free infinate jeals for no cost or desisive strike for a get out of jail free card which rewards bad play. Or how about sprintburst because using your eyes to counter stealth snd ambush killers was too hard.
Its honestly about time killers get attention. Does this seem familier?
Survivors: The machine gun build stops me from body blocking and winning every game so it needs to be nerfed because its not fair to me and im a majority.
Devs: By Jobe, your right. Lets fix that right away. *nerfs machine gun build to the ground within 4 months*
Killers: Hey, we think self care is op because it gives the survivors free infinate heals at no cost which has no place in a horror game.
Devs: Yeah, I mean I guess you have a point. We could look at that. *2 years later.. Ok we really understand now.. lets take away some bonus medkit efficiancy*
Killers: Well that was certainly a good QOL change, we thought we were very specific when we said our bone to pick was the free infinate heals at no cost
Devs: Ooohhh I get it now. 8 months later.
*ok very soon we will implement our new fix! If the survivor stops, they will lose progress!
Ok now lets talk about the movement speed - You dont seem too familier with the numbers, but let me break it down! A sprinting survivor moves at 100% movement speed. Most killers move at 115% movement speed. Now I dont know where you stopped elementary math, but moveing 15% faster than someone is not the same as moveing 2x as fast..
I think Ive made my point but if you're still confused, give me a call!1 -
@Tsulan said:
Oh i just made a resume of the different logic traps survivors actually do, with a strong amount of sarcasm.
3-4 matches on rank 1 are not the killers fault. Or please enlighten me on how 1 killer can keep 4 people off gens at the same time? If the killer chases 1, the other 3 do gens. If the killer breaks the chase to go for a easier target, there are still 3 survivors doing gens. Maybe it´s different on consoles, but on PC, survivors usually don´t [BAD WORD] around and get out. Of course, there are some people which don´t belong to rank 1, but somehow play at that rank and don´t unhook or use meme builds. But a killer can´t count on those things every match.
Maybe take a look at Marth88 and tell me, what all the rank 1 killers did wrong.
Apologies since that was on 3 hours of sleep but some things to point out.
You should've specified you were generalizing there for the logic trap since it looked like you were referring to me. Also killers do the same thing but on both sides it's the outliers that do that.
If 3-4 minutes matches are the norm then yes that's the killers fault since bnp fix that doesn't happen hardly ever.Around 95% of my rank 1-2 matches that end early or with no to 1 sac are because someone was doing a daily.
3.What does Marth play on anyways same as some of the others? I'm wondering if perhaps consoles the killers are at a more serious disadvantage perhaps.
- Yes on pc most survivors don't tend to screw around at rank 1-2, but even when they don't most games don't end that quickly. The few that do end that quickly on killers not doing dailies on champs they suck at the map rng isn't good. I've had games where Freddy's just destroy although it helps on wide open maps Cough Cold wind any Cough. The same is true for some others as well that normally you wouldn't think are good but hen well played combined with map rng it's a slugheterfest.
5.I totally agree that some at rank 1 don't really belong there and hopefully once they start going after all the baddies that hack/lag switch on both sides etc the ranks will really thin out.
Craaap forgot to ask this but what region does Marth play in as well as platform?
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This is the survivor section of the forums? Oh god it stinks here...
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@powerbats said:
@Tsulan said:
Oh i just made a resume of the different logic traps survivors actually do, with a strong amount of sarcasm.
3-4 matches on rank 1 are not the killers fault. Or please enlighten me on how 1 killer can keep 4 people off gens at the same time? If the killer chases 1, the other 3 do gens. If the killer breaks the chase to go for a easier target, there are still 3 survivors doing gens. Maybe it´s different on consoles, but on PC, survivors usually don´t [BAD WORD] around and get out. Of course, there are some people which don´t belong to rank 1, but somehow play at that rank and don´t unhook or use meme builds. But a killer can´t count on those things every match.
Maybe take a look at Marth88 and tell me, what all the rank 1 killers did wrong.
Apologies since that was on 3 hours of sleep but some things to point out.
You should've specified you were generalizing there for the logic trap since it looked like you were referring to me. Also killers do the same thing but on both sides it's the outliers that do that.
If 3-4 minutes matches are the norm then yes that's the killers fault since bnp fix that doesn't happen hardly ever.Around 95% of my rank 1-2 matches that end early or with no to 1 sac are because someone was doing a daily.
3.What does Marth play on anyways same as some of the others? I'm wondering if perhaps consoles the killers are at a more serious disadvantage perhaps.
- Yes on pc most survivors don't tend to screw around at rank 1-2, but even when they don't most games don't end that quickly. The few that do end that quickly on killers not doing dailies on champs they suck at the map rng isn't good. I've had games where Freddy's just destroy although it helps on wide open maps Cough Cold wind any Cough. The same is true for some others as well that normally you wouldn't think are good but hen well played combined with map rng it's a slugheterfest.
5.I totally agree that some at rank 1 don't really belong there and hopefully once they start going after all the baddies that hack/lag switch on both sides etc the ranks will really thin out.
Craaap forgot to ask this but what region does Marth play in as well as platform?
Marth plays PC with a controller. Don´t know which region tho.
Just a example. Yesterday i had a match, where 3 gens poped by the time i downed the first survivor as Freddy. It wasn´t a long chase or looping. But simply the size of the map (swamp).
If survivors are dedicated to finish the gen, then it takes less than 80 seconds for a single survivor to do it. Most chases take longer than 80 seconds, IF the survivor starts looping.0 -
@Tsulan said:
Marth plays PC with a controller. Don´t know which region tho.
Just a example. Yesterday i had a match, where 3 gens poped by the time i downed the first survivor as Freddy. It wasn´t a long chase or looping. But simply the size of the map (swamp).
If survivors are dedicated to finish the gen, then it takes less than 80 seconds for a single survivor to do it. Most chases take longer than 80 seconds, IF the survivor starts looping.He might be EU then like a lot of others are at least pc side and yeah sometimes matches go really quick but in most cases it's either the killer does it or survivors do based on map rng and killer choice. Freddy on Swamp I've never run into and that seems like a really bad map for him due to lOS issues.