Killer Tier List

Don't where I would put the demogorgon just yet. Probably between C and B
Michael, Trapper, Doc, Wraith, Legion too high.
Clown is definitely better than Bubba.
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Myers top 3 ? LOL.
Trapper and Doctor over Freddy !?
Plague so low ??
I disagree with many things.
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Plague without corrupt is D/C (haha) tiers while with corrupt becomes high B low A
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You can get easily Corrupt Purge by using a yellow add-on. Or you can make survivors life miserable with 4 stall perks, so you can determine them to cleanse.
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Myers down, Freddy up, Plague up.
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AHh.... I hate to say it but Legion should prolly be lower... *cries in Legion main*
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I think Wraith should be lower. Without add-ons, he's slow, weak and easily countered.
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Where's Ghostface :'(
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Why does everyone hate on Clown? His power helps in chases. His only real weakness is map pressure. He’s better than a bunch you have in B tier.
He’s Not the best but far from the worst.
This list is all wrong though, Huntress and Freddy need to be in A tier. Plague needs to be B at least.
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This tier list is veeeeeeery suspicious.
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How plague is so low and Myers in the top three like what? It don't add up sis