Withering Blight on Oct. 29th

Next Tuesday is October 29th, you'd think that they wouldn't do this, but I'm actually so disappointed to a point were I really believe the event could start 3 days before Halloween.
looks like we all got BHVR'd, once again.
There has to be some compensation for this. There has to.
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Youd think that but the devs aren't even extending the event for us. They said it themselves
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It'd be nice to have a 4x bloodpoint event
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sweet f-all was announced as always
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this ^
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They did say tbo, they'll try to release it with the release of mid-chapter
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They just need to give us the blight nurse skin for free
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Peanits confirmed the event is still the same length
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Such innocence.
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LeaksbyDaylight said that it is going to release on the 31st October. He announced this a few days before BHVR delayed it so it's 100% true.
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Leak the Halloween event start 31 October and end 1november enjoy !
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I'm so excited about the Archives and Event, but even i can understand that these are people working on the game, not machines. People don't always have the control on everything and they had a power outage last week. It might have damaged some coding or saves of the game. We don't know and we ust have to wait and see.
I don't understand why people must be so entitled to get a compensation for waiting a little longer. We will still get free stuff out of the Rift, lot of BP with the Event.
The Event and Rift will not be shorter, the dates will just change. This delay just gives you a little more time to grind some BP to buy the petals offerings !
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smh... I need to quit reading these forums, it is worse than the post game whining after matches. Behaviour doesn't owe anyone anything, get over yourself. Delays happen everywhere and will continue due to the increasing number of characters and maps. How much money are you out because of this delay??? Zero!!
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Maybe 27th, I hope
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It's not about that they don't owe us anything, it's more about that this is the result of multiple disappointments across the entire year from beginning from the 3rd Year Anniversary.
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I get its not BHVRs fault things got held up but honestly giving people a BP boost event alongside the Halloween event doesn't hurt them and makes people happy. I really fail to see why this couldn't be a sort of "sorry this happend its not our fault but here is a little something to get us excited again".
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i mean the Halloween IS a BP boost even. You now collect the Serum from the Rift not ingame. You'll get bonus BP for completing special hooks and gens while playing.
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It’s such shame that so many were looking foward to this event, and it gets delayed.. And they aren’t even even going to extend it too, which makes it even worse.
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