How can 4 rank 11 survivors fail to complete a single generator?

Because that's what happened in one of my games last night.
We played a very good ghostface but when I was on the hook I could see what the fellow survivors were doing - basically just walking around aimlessly. No-one doing gens. At all. I think we were all spooked because the killer got 3 early hooks.
Still though its ridiculous. How is it even possible not one gen got done....
Because rank ultimately doesn't really matter. You can be Rank 1 and not even get close to finishing a single gen. Or you can be Rank 20 and finish every gen before the killer lands a single hit on everyone.
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That's solo life. Run Kindred to give them needed info.
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Depends on the map if it was a smaller one it isn't worth wasting time on a gen when you can just get wglf unhook stacks on a match you've essentially already lost.
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Well there are potato survivors at every rank. I have had games like that in Purple ranks.
In Red ranks haven't quite had a game where all four survivors were braindead like that, but even in Purple it's not uncommon. I've played a few games like that myself where the survivors were just hiding around scared. And I don't want to generalize, but when it happens it's usually Nea and Claudette mains I'm playing with.
It's also not that uncommon to have games where no survivors did any gens, usually that happens when Ruin is active and nobody can find it, and the killer is just good at map pressure. It also sometimes happens when stupid things happen, like every gets slugged by the hook due to dumb plays that sounded good at the time but in hindsight weren't.
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Rank 11 is very easy an quick to hit. Infact all ranks are easy to get too it just takes time.
Around rank 11 is still where a lot of the new players will sit until they get better at the game and learn not to overly fear doing the objective.
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You could've very easily said "How can 4 rank X survivors fail to complete a single generator" and it'd still be true. Like someone said above, the best way to at least get them to do something is to run Kindred. Also, if the Killer was using Hex:Ruin, then it's pretty much guaranteed at that rank that no one's going to finish a gen. So in that case, you'll have to be the MVP and either find and destroy Ruin or get chased long enough for someone to eventually wander into it.
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Thanks for the input everyone.
I think there is a point in a game where you realise 5 gens aren't getting done and at that point you know you are in horrible grindy game where you have to outlast the fellow survivors.
Morale drops pretty quickly and people go for cheap points or try to escape from the hook etc because they don't really care..
That point came pretty quickly in this game. Ghostface was running Ruin and also Nurses Calling which is a pretty potent perk for a killer with no terror radius.
I hate Ghostface!
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I think Noob3 had a video of a facecamping hillbilly rank 2 soooooooo yeah.
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Was it on PS4? Because I was playing Ghostface yesterday and the same thing happened to me. Do you remember the other perks?
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I'd rather die with my hands on a generator then sipping tea with Claudette in the grass.
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Doing gens,you?
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I only remember Ruin and Nurses. I think the map was Shelter Woods or Groaning Storehouse. I was Kate with a white event T-shirt and got caught twice in the basement.
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Just do your numbers to safety pip and proceed to fool around, that's what I do when I see others not doing S. 2 totems + 2-3 full gens and you can do as you please in terms of piping.
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I think it was me. If the ruin and nurses were green and the Ghostface teabagged, it was definitely me
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After getting my safety pip I love running towards the players who ain't doing S just to get the killer to chase them, LOL. "You don't feel like working, ok, then let us work whyle you get owned"
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If it was you I applaud your Ghostface! Very good.
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But how did I match with you? I was rank 7 or 6
Matchmaking broken again
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Oh I also had pgtw if that helps. Anyway it was a fun match xD
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I don't remember but I do know that matchmaking was all over the place last night. Next match was a rank 20 killer...
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I love dueling Ghost Face in stealth battles.
I like to bring Ninja Feng with No Mither, Urban Evasion and Iron Will. Sometimes when I am not particularly serious and messing around I try to stalk Ghost Face and creep up on him all game long. He finds me eventually though when I screw up.
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You can match with players 6ranks +/- your rank.. so you're actually in the green there.
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I've done this as killer. I had just prestiged legion and went into a game to do a challenge and ended up getting 31k blood points with 4 kills and there were 5 gens left at rank 7. I'm pretty sure it was a swf too because one of them was rank 20 and the other three were 5 or 6. It's a good day when you 4k with 5 gens but that day was even better with no perks. I don't know how they didn't get any done but it was a fun game nonetheless.
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That happened to me today too with a ghostface. I guess survivors get all scared when people play ghostface
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Spine Chill, with all the Oblivious coming, it may become meta. Who knows?
Not saying you SHOULD run it, but it has helped me tremendously in red ranks. FYI. :)
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it mostly happens when killer keeps getting everybody so dam quickly. so all you get chance to do is rescue heal chase on and on. which is anoying sometimes and boring. it just gets to a point where " nope i'm not gonna go again, surely there must be somebody closer than me" maybe killer is near by at least two but they are creeping away not to be seen.
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exactly, sometimes some games just get messed up and theres nothing you can do😴