what killer is the least fun to play as and against for you and why?

to play as: trapper
the main reason for me is the set up, it takes too long to go pickup the trapps and then set them where needed and is near impossible without a slow down perk like ruin or corrupt intervention.
to play against: clown
probably the most boring killer to be in a chase with, you throw the pallet then you have to abandon the loop and if the clown knows what hes doing he will immediately break the pallet with brutal strength and continue the chase until there are no pallets left and if your team has been doing no gens just looking for totems its gg
To play as: Legion. He has so much potential to be very good, but its just miserable playing and getting punished for using your power.
To play against: Freddy with maximum slowdown. Swing Chains, Thana and DL. It's just rough.
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To play as and against: Leatherface
Leatherface only has one tactic that really works for him, and that's Insidious Basement Camping.
As the killer, that's the only thing I do just to make sure I get my daily done as soon as possible. And as the survivor it's annoying knowing that you will be stuck in the basement the whole game.
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Play as: Nurse. I am on console so the reasons for that are obvious.
Against: Spirit. Just never enjoy playing against her. Very little counterplay to her mind games. If she has prayer beads then its pretty much gg.
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Least fun to play: dunno maybe Clown. I just don't find him an appealing killer and his power is boring.
Least fun against: Wraith. Wraiths tend to be campers and tunnelers. And Wraith mains generally (not always) are immature tryhards and will GG EZ you at the end of the game after tunneling and hook/basement camping. Spirit is only a close second here.
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Play as: Probably clown
Play against: Spirit
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So my list has changed it use to be:
Hated playing Old Freddy/ Hated playing against Old Freddy (because I enjoy stealth)
Now my list is:
Dislike playing Hag - This is because I'm still not attuned to being so damn small. I'm sure I will adjust eventually.
Dislike playing against Plague - Its not that I dislike the killer but sadly most of my games end up with someone cleansing, getting downed, then DCing.
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Playing as- Nurse- when you're a baby nurse life isn't fun.
Playing against - Spirit- There are a lot of annoying builds that can be tossed around to make any killer annoying however spirit has just so many instances it's baffling
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Play as: Legion. I’d like to have a power please.
Play against: Leatherface. I’d like to not die inside from seeing an insidious bubba.
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Play as: Legion he has no power
Against: Hag the killer is pretty fun and all to play as but against a skilled hag it can be annoying :3
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Against: Spirit
As: Clown
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I dislike playing as Plague: I never found her interesting and to me her ability is kinda hard to master (it also doesn't help that i mainly play on consoles and its hard to aim there)
I dislike playing against Hag: Lets be honest who likes crouching almost the whole match. Her ability is really annoying and i always want to just leave the game.
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They are all kind of annoying in their own ways - probably Plague cause she just turns the trial into an 'everyone now has No Mither' round. That and I hate the sickness overlay on your HUD which you are going to have to look at all round.
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Baby Nurse life ain't so bad. Unless you're starting her and already a Rank 1 killer.
I started life as a Baby Nurse in gray ranks. 4K on my first game. Survivors are clueless at those ranks.
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Play as and against: Plague. She's just really not fun. For anyone.
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Wraith and wraith..... boring is boring
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Play as: Spirit. I have no clue on how to control her
Play against: Myers. Yes, I'm salty about Myers still. I hate him so much.
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Leatherface sucks to play as. His power is so sluggish.
Spirit sucks to play against. I have been learning new tactics to help me face her that don't require any specific perk, but I haven't been able to try any of them out since I haven't really been playing.
If I start liking to play against her more, I'd probably have to go Myers. He doesn't suck the fun out of the game though; He's just someone I perform badly against
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To play as:
Clown. He even has some really good Cosmetics (Santa Clown and Halloween 2019), but I cannot bring myself to play Clown. At some point I have to P3-50 him with all Perks, but he is the one I am looking forward to the least, by far. I guess its because he is so bad.
To play against:
Spirit. All those TOTALLY SKILLBASED Mindgames.
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To play as: Clown, I find his kit kinda boring and not very fun.
Against: Leatherface, simply because most Leatherface players like to camp and tunnel.
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Freddy because I haven't played against him enough to know what to do when facing him. I always die pretty quick against him. Everyone else is usually pretty fun; though Clown's gas gets annoying after a while.
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To play as: probably demo or hillbilly, neither of their powers are very interesting to me and they end up feeling boring
To play against: plague, plague, and maybe plague. I hate facing the plague. Whether it’s that corrupt purge from my teammates cleansing or the a thanataphobia black incense build
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Play as: Clown. Always get genrushed, survs always dodge bottles, throw pallets early, rendering power completly useless.
Against: Probably Plague, cause you always have to stay sick and 1-shot or your team gets screwed. I also usually run Iron will and her power for some reasons always negates it.
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To play as: legion only cause I feel so slow in feral. Why not increase the vault speed a slight bit please?
To play against: trapper only cause of his damn traps
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To play as: Nurse. I find the fatigue camera really annoying and I have a hard time tracking with her
To play against: Legion. I don't like the deep wound mechanic
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To play as: Nurse
I cannot control her. Blinking is hard and I am a potato when it comes to playing Killer and Survivor.
To play against: Spirit or Freddy
Both reasons have been covered by others already here. Spirit is just rough to play against and Freddy can slow the game down so much it's not fun.
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I’m not currently enjoying playing as any killer but I hate Ghostface with a passion.
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To play as: Pig
Not really a fan of her power, too bad using it, but the traps are nice to slow down, but im just to bad with her overall
To play against: Trapper
yeah i know, sounds like a easy game. but im always the unlucky one that steps into traps xD i hate it
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I hate playing against Billy. In the occasional match where I can juke the chainsaw super well, my teammates go down in an instant and the match ends super quick. Or I just go down in an instant and die when he comes chainsawing back as soon as I get rescued. Not very fun
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Playing as: Nurse, I hate any Killer that forces you to use your power to get downs (old Legion was like this, now he is the Total opposite in a bad way)!
Playing against: Ghostface, like The Wraith, most camp, tunnel and even worse tend to Mori off the hook. They also try way too hard to double back when chasing people, which makes unsafe pallets unusable. On top of all this, he is near impossible to take out of his power which leads to cheesy 1 hits on you and your fellow survivors!
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I hate playing Billy. He's super lame nothing fun about him except nascar Billy.
I generally like playing against any non Myers
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Play as: plague. If survivors know what theyre doing and dont cleanse she just becomes an infinite tier 3 myers, which is boring.
play against: i guess clown or freddy, you usually just have to throw the pallet down early and go to the next loop.
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To play as, Trapper. I just seems like I never manage to trap anyone.
To play against I have four.
Ghostface because they always are hardcore campers/tunnelers. Also his stalk being so dodgy to break.
Myers for the same camping tunneling reason as Ghostface.
Doctor because he's annoying. His power seems to cause alot of lag or frame rate issues for me.
Lastly Plague. Like the Doctor I find her incredibly annoying.