Self-Care is not a good perk.



  • rrichard023
    rrichard023 Member Posts: 10

    I always run it, as whenever I don't have it, I have to search the entire Map for my teammates, and I might not have a med kit on hand

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899

    Self-care is kind of a trap for new players. They'll have the option to either heal or do a generator and when they constantly play with Self-care they start to always go for the heal even when it isn't beneficial.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited August 2019

    Just because it isn't your choice of a perk, doesn't mean it's not a good perk.

    I personally don't use it because I would rather play with other perks, but there are legit times I wish I had it because people are too far to heal and I didn't have a medkit with me. \

    I would argue that at times healing with self care isn't optimal, but you just gotta be smart about when to/when to not heal.

  • ASAPTurtle
    ASAPTurtle Member Posts: 968
    edited August 2019

    Most survivors arent confident while being injured, thats why they run Self Care. Or other survivors rather do a healing build and revive their team instead of distracting the killer, or focussing on the main objective. As long as you arent a Meg or Kate self caring in the corner of the map while your teaming is dropping like flies, its fine.

  • Corrupted
    Corrupted Member Posts: 157

    You clearly don't get it. People aren't saying healing is bad just to say it, the point is instead of healing most of the time - do a gen instead. If all 4 people heal that's a lot of time off of gens, especially if done multiple times. When you prioritize gens over healing then the game ends sooner which is far more beneficial for survivors. Yes, a perk can be good in one patch then bad in another especially if it's nerfed. Look at MoM.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    One good thing about it is that you only waste your own time self healing but once you get multiple Survivors with it the time taken to self heal could be used more efficiently.

    Good for casuals but for not really advanced players.

  • Meme
    Meme Member Posts: 275

    Self care is decent, but people who act like it is the best survivor perk in the game clearly forgot med kits are in the game.

  • Melodys_Rhythm
    Melodys_Rhythm Member Posts: 11
    edited August 2019

    I usually use self-care while I have botany knowledge equipped as well. I’m also a solo survivor so depending on my team for a heal is a bit too reckless for me considering I’m not great at running away from a killer.(I’ve gotten better but I’m still not great)

    Although, my main survivor build is for healing purposes, I prefer to bring toolboxes, or keys as my item of choice instead of a Medkits with that build. Toolboxes help me complete gens faster if it seems my team already have people doing altruistic stuff or if we’re behind on gens. I usually only bring in a key if i feel like escaping through the hatch.

    Also, medkits don’t last forever and as someone who does their best to save other survivors I do need a way of healing that I can depend on...because my teammates a lot of times are unreliable.

    But! I do understand that self-care does have a down side to it. It does take some time to heal yourself. Which is why other survivors and I would not recommend using self-heal if it’s not paired up with botany knowledge if you ever planed to use self-care.

    Soo, self-care on it’s own I would say is a decent perk. Not great, but it get‘s the job done. But paired with botany-knowledge, knowing the appropriate time to use it when injured, and having a certain play style. It can certainly be pretty great.

  • BirdmanOwO
    BirdmanOwO Member Posts: 43

    Some of us killers who use Sloppy/Thana religiously love self-care users; Either you throw the game by healing, or you have a dead perk!

    Seriously, help your team out and use Bond; Not only will it help you find teammates to heal you, but it also:

    - Lets you find injured teammates nearby to heal

    - Helps you not lead the killer towards a teammate thats healing, working on a gen, etc.

    - Make decisions like "Should I stay on my gen, or go save the hooked person" better in some situations.


    Bond has more uses than just finding teammates to heal you, making it much more useful than self-care.

  • ScottJund
    ScottJund Member Posts: 1,115

    Self Care is one of the best perks in the game. Its especially useful to get through Sloppy Butcher so you stop bleeding so much. Be sure to heal in a corner of the map away from the killer though.

  • Watery
    Watery Member Posts: 1,167

    It’s good for solo play.

    Otherwise, just throw on a Medkit.

  • jzinsky
    jzinsky Member Posts: 112

    No problem with anyone running self care, and I do at every opportunity. Got vindicated on this today when a claudette refused to heal me for a solid 5 minutes.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,554

    The tea is exceptionally good today, who made this? mmm, very delicious.

  • Christianwmp
    Christianwmp Member Posts: 3

    It isn't even the best healing option for solo play, just bring a med kit and the Bond perk, the med kit will give you 1 - 4 heals depending on killer perks, med kit type and add ons, Bond will allow you to easily find teammates to heal you as well as give you situational awareness at times. You save time and get a nice awareness perk, just use BOND!

  • mike2835
    mike2835 Member Posts: 83
    edited August 2019

    This my work better at high ranks, but at lower ranks a lot of players are selfish, sometimes you chase them and they refuse to heal you. I usually run self care but have been running pharmacy last week and I had to put on botany so i don't keep running out of charges. It still only good for a couple heals without add ons.

  • picigu9
    picigu9 Member Posts: 50

    In low ranks, I can't trust others to not mess up, and it can kinda keep you hidden, if the killer is not listening. And I can't reliably find medkits, and it works great for rescuing survivors from campers.

  • SourPatchJen83
    SourPatchJen83 Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2019

    I agree. I started using it at starting ranks thanks to noob3's video smh....and now its like a bad habit. I drop it if i have a good medkit but am too nervous to drop it all together. It was brought to my attention that it wasnt a necessary perk by another streamer. I trust this persons advice more than any other (bc hes intelligent and very knowledgeable abt the game). Now that inner strength is a thing im dropping it completely. Thanks noob3...thats um sarcasm lol.

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    Okay, Self Care accomplishes a lot of things that I'd argue make it worth running in just about every build.

    The first and primary focus is that it has unlimited uses. The whole, "Just use a medkit." argument seems to forget the fact that people that like Self Care use it because they find themselves injured, a lot. So just bringing a medkit is unreasonable. Not to mention, Franklin's Demise exists and we'd greatly prefer to always have a healing option regardless of what the killer is running/doing.

    The second focus is the time saved I won't go into details because @twistedmonkey has already done an excellent job explaining it, but in summary, it's faster to Self Care then try and find a teammate with Bond and hope that they don't screw up skillchecks.

    However, there's a final benefit to SC that some people dismiss, skillcheck practice. Since Self Care is healing at 50% the speed of a regular heal you're almost guaranteed to have at least one skillcheck to deal with. So I'd argue having a small chance to "get your head in the game" in the game might help people start hitting more great skillechecks later in the match.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    Using selfcare is a really bad choice though from an optimization stand point.

    It's like people using No Mither or other funky perks.

    And in many ways Selfcare is worse than a lot of the garbage perks in the game because it wastes so much time. I also see so many instances of people on the hook dying because the only teammate close by decided to self care for half a minute instead of helping him. That's not even getting to how it leaves you a sitting duck for Nurse's Calling, or waste even more time running halfway across the map just so they can Self Care because they're afraid of Nurse's.

    Most survivors don't realize how bad this perk is and how there are so many better alternatives to heal if they want to heal.

    That said I can't really complain. Half the time I run No Mither and 100% of the time I'm always running some junk perk that can hardly be called an optimal play.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    This is terrible advice.

    First off, chests are not bountiful in this game. Second, Pharmacy is a much bigger waste of a perk slot. The Green medkit doesn't last long and you only get one from Pharmacy. You will heal one person tops -- and it's getting nerfed remember? Medkits are getting a nerf/rework next patch.

    Why waste a perk slot on Pharmacy when you can just BRING A MEDKIT into the match and not waste a perk slot?

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    This is terrible advice.

    First off, chests are not bountiful in this game. Second, Pharmacy is a much bigger waste of a perk slot. The Green medkit doesn't last long and you only get one from Pharmacy. You will heal one person tops -- and it's getting nerfed remember? Medkits are getting a nerf/rework next patch.

    Why waste a perk slot on Pharmacy when you can just BRING A MEDKIT into the match and not waste a perk slot?

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    Theoretically you'd think that not healing is better because the game ends earlier for survivors. But it's a double-edged sword. By not healing the game can also end earlier for the killer -- it's a lot easier for a killer to down and hook an injured survivor than a healthy one.

    Not healing is actually bad, it's just that healing was nerfed so bad that it makes sense to heal less, and this is especially true with Self Care. Self Care is a junk perk nowadays, that's what people are saying.

    If for instance you are using Inner Strength healing by jumping into a locker for 8 seconds isn't a big deal and is a good thing. But spending 40 seconds healing through Sloppy Thano? There are MUCH better uses for your time.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886
    edited October 2019

    How does Selfcare help keep you hidden? If you are saying it takes you out of the action and keeps you immersed, you can do that without selfcare. All you need is to be a selfish player. You don't need a perk for that.

    Also how does Self Care rescue other survivors from campers?

    I don't follow your though process.

    If anything, Self Care is the perk that ENABLES CAMPERS. The reasoning behind that is simple. When a killer camps, the number one way to punish him is to do gens. Survivors who are self-caring while the killer is camping are basically handing the killer a free dead survivor. You waste all the time you should have been doing gens healing yourself. Now the survivor is dead and you have no gens to show for it.

    Self Care is the reason campers thrive in this game.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886
    edited October 2019

    Self Care was a god perk before the healing nerf. Nobody is saying it wasn't. The 84% usage was justified because it really was that good at the time.

    But Self Care is most definitely a trash tier perk today after the healing nerf. And especially in this slow down meta where killers run Sloppy Butcher and Mangled Addons like it's going out of style.

    Bond is infinitely better than Self Care, and the trick is not to be afraid of being injured and be USEFUL to the team while injured. Do some gens for crying out loud. Even just breaking totems is fine if you're feeling too much heat to go to a gen. Anyone who is just running around for 16 seconds doing nothing is just as bad as a Self Carer.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238

    Wow didnt expect an answer to a ~2month old post.

    While I agree that the time spent selfcaring could be better used if that survivor doesnt want to get full health asap, I still stand by my opinion that selfcare is a timesaver when playing solo or being unable to find others quickly.

    Im just annoyed when it's called trash because of the healing nerf. ALL healing got adjusted except instant heals or those new delayed instant heals that dont scale with healing speed.

    Yes bond can be better than selfcare, but that entirely relies on your fellow survivors. Obviously it'll be faster to get healed by your swf buddy who you can yell in the ear to turn around and heal you. But then there are those randoms who will either fail to notice you or downright ignore your buttdance next to them.

    (Not implying bond players crutch on swf, but its a huge factor in its effectiveness)

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    Well.. someone necro'd it. I have been known to have undead tendencies.

    Selfcare might be a timesaver if you're just running around like a headless chicken doing nothing and hoping you run across a teammate.

    But nobody plays that way. Well except may be newbs.

    People with Bond can easily find a teammate in under 16 seconds, if they really wanted to be healed. I run Bond all the time but I don't always look for someone to heal me. I only usually do that when I'm on deathhook. I just keep myself busy and useful to the team doing stuff -- like gens. Usually from a safe distance from the killer (the knowledge you get from Bond actually helps you figure out when the killer is near or if you are in a dangerous spot).

    If you want to really heal yourself, it is much better to bring a medkit. And here's something that puzzles me: nobody is bringing up Inner Strength, which is just so much better than Self Care it isn't funny.

    And yes, totems and medkits run out. But if you are being injured more than two times in the match (and you're not fighting Legion) something has gone wrong. Imagine self caring yourself 3-4 or more times during a match? That's like 2 minutes wasted doing nothing. Some matches don't even last 5 minutes. The limited number of times you can heal is not an argument against medkits/innerstrength and it doesn't support Self Care at all. If you are self caring yourself more than 2 times in a match you have basically handed the killer the game.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886
    edited October 2019

    Skill check practice isn't really a valid argument. If you want to practice skill checks, make it useful to the team and do it on generators.

    Self Care was actually a lot more useful during the old Freddy days. You could wake yourself from the dream world by failing a self care skill check. I remember a lot of the trouble I had against Freddy back in the day was because I refused to use Self Care.

    I never used or liked this perk, even during its heyday. Now that it's been nerfed it's even not even worth considering on its own. The only time I bring self care, is if I have both Botany Knowledge and a medkit on me. That makes the self heal pretty fast. I like to focus on builds sometimes and sometimes I focus on healing builds. But ever since Inner Strength came out I have seen absolutely zero need to run Self Care, at all. Inner Strength is just superior.

  • silverwolf4455
    silverwolf4455 Member Posts: 496

    Yes self care is a great perk.. everyone should run it and always use it... and it in no way may makes my killer games way easier... everyone run SC please :)

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616
    edited October 2019

    You spend more time finding a Team Mate for healing you than self-healing, some of them even ignore you when you want to be healed.

    The medkits are not infinite and can be lost if the killer use Franklin's Demise.

    This perk is permaperk in survivors for me. Nobody will change my mind.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105


    Self-Care is definitly not a top tier perk, but decent nevertheless.

    Many people dont like to stay injured for a long time period and how can you blame them for that. Also not everybody is a fan of Adrenaline (in my opinion a better perk then Seflcare tho)

    Sure, you can bring a medkit, which does a better job, but then you cant have any other item.

    Also; you dont really gain anything being healed by a teammate, since it takes two persons to do the job at 100% while Selfcare does it solo with a speed of 50%.

    Last but not least, you get points.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790
    edited October 2019

    Self-Care has its uses and it also has an efficiency bonus with medkits. If you run solo it can be comforting having a pocket heal when you need it without scouring the map injured looking for someone. It's nice in end game when you might be injured, but killer is watching the exit - you just heal up and run out. You may be more likely to take a hit for others knowing you can heal up after you both get away.

    Definitely people who take it should know when to use it and when not to use it, and I would never use it without Botany, it is too slow otherwise.

  • lynelmane
    lynelmane Member Posts: 549

    I use Iron Will instead of Self Care.

  • Corrupted
    Corrupted Member Posts: 157
    edited October 2019

    Um, I'm already fully aware of how it works but one thing you aren't keeping in mind is that red rank survivors are usually good loopers, so not being entirely healthy isn't as punishing especially since healing takes so long due to self care nerf. It isn't worth it so in red ranks it's mostly good not to heal. But a point I was making is that for lower ranks (green, brown) they should heal because it's far more punishing for them to be injured since they can't loop as well. Not healing for them is nearly a death sentence. Half of the time they should heal because they aren't good at looping and the killer is likely to tunnel and camp at that elo.

  • Rattman
    Rattman Member Posts: 1,088
    edited October 2019

    Who need self-care if you have Inner strength?

    Like, you still have healing, but also you can counter NOED, Sloppy Butcher and Nurse calling. And heal for 8 secs instead of 32.

    BuT yOu CaN oNlY hEaL 5 TiMeS

    Count how many times you self- healing at the match. I usually use Inner Strength like 2 or 3 times, since my team, medkits and chests are exist.

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    Hey! SHHHHHHHHH! Let them waste time in slow healing! It's an amazing perk!

  • Phox
    Phox Member Posts: 206

    Playing solo means you never know what kind of people/potatoes you’re pairing with. I’ve learned I can’t rely on randoms for anything in this game. I still sometimes die on first hook in red ranks ffs. So yeah, if I don’t have a medkit I’m bringing selfish care.

  • Alonzo
    Alonzo Member Posts: 151

    What if you don't have Inner Strength? Not everyone paid to get Nancy. Also if you got a guy like me running around for totems then Inner Strength is useless.

    Same for medkits. If the killer brings Franklins Demise you get screwed. Obviously if you are a very good survivor and can loop a killer that won't bother you but most people can't loop the killer for a very long time and they are going to get injured. Again same with getting healed by others. You have to find someone which takes time and that other survivor is proly leaving a gen to heal you its not like time is not wasted somewhere else.

    I think selfcare is actually a pretty good bet.

  • S_Panda
    S_Panda Member Posts: 539

    Maybe if I had rank 3 iron will I'd switch it out for that, but if I get unhooked + ditched w/o a med kit then I'm a giveaway stealth wise and handicapped in mind gaming as well

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,547

    Honestly it's useful a lot of times

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886
    edited October 2019

    Sure, I understand not everyone bought Nancy.

    But even if someone is hunting totems it's almost impossible he'll get them all before the Inner Strength user gets at least one. You bank one at the start of the game and you have an 8-second on-demand heal later in the game. If nobody was doing totems you may be able to do it again once or twice more.

    I have never had problems using Inner Strength. The only exception I can think of is if I got found early and didn't get to cleanse at the start, and spent a lot of time on hook and in chase while someone else broke all the totems. Hasn't happened so far yet and I've been bringing Inner Strength in a lot of games.

    Now if you want to argue Franklin's screws medkits. Well guess what? Sloppy Butcher screws Self Care. Worse than Franklin's I might add. And Sloppy Butcher is a lot more common than Franklin's (and they usually run Thanatophobia with it to boot). You know what else screws Self Care? Plague. Though to be fair Plague screws the entire healing mechanic, period.

    Self Care is not a good bet. It's convenient on demand healing, but at the expense of pretty much losing the game if you don't understand how and when to use it.

  • StevePerryPsychOut
    StevePerryPsychOut Member Posts: 190

    Self care can be good or bad depending on a lot of different factors. Rank, killer, perks other survivors and killers are running, etc. It can be useful if you can run the killer around for a minute or so. If you spent 1 health state on 3 gens, 30 seconds to get it back isn't too bad of a cost. If you suck at chases you're probably just wasting time with it. It's a gamble like many survivor perks tend to be.

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,553
    edited October 2019

    Runs up for borrowed time save. Self cares procs instead of unhook proc. Gets downed.

    Welp, not using this perk again.

  • tortrader
    tortrader Member Posts: 539

    "I really don't think this is a good perk."

    It pairs very well with Nurse's Calling.

  • Elegant
    Elegant Member Posts: 443

    It used to be a really good perk and then it got nerfed. Bad players are incredibly slow to adopt meta/understand changes to games. They lag behind what the better players are doing and don't understand why something is good nor what makes it good or bad. This is present in most multiplayer games. For a long time every guide and video for new players encourages them to use self care. Since this game doesn't have a pro scene, a lot of the popular content creators aren't that intelligent game sense wise. Compared to other games it's significantly easier to get rank 1/top ranks than anywhere else. DBD doesn't require a high game IQ to do well. SO, you have a lot of streamers/youtubers who don't necessarily have high game IQ and don't understand the game that well. So, they continue to recommend bad things to new players and those players just take their advice as high game IQ advice.

  • TigerKirby215
    TigerKirby215 Member Posts: 604

    Being injured is never a good thing. That being said there are faster ways to heal yourself other than Self Care. Medkits go without mention, but there's also Inner Strength now from Nancy and all the ways to get your teammates to heal you faster. (Leader primarily.)

    That being said Self Care is still the most reliable way to get healed. It always works regardless of situation. If you're playing against a Killer who hits-and-runs constantly (and isn't playing something like Legion) or have a team that can't get their ######### together it can be good to have a reliable way to save yourself.

    That and, you know, sometimes the game bugs out and you're literally unable to heal people...

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    It's actually crazy how they still haven't fixed that "can't heal" bug.

  • bomb1720
    bomb1720 Member Posts: 428

    i bought nancy and i managed to get at least 3 skulls in one game when it was crazy, that too was when st first came out.