Solo VS Plague

Zixology Member Posts: 1,062

Honestly, what am I really expected to do here?

She's running Thanatophobia and Ruin, so all of my teammates are cleansing themselves, giving her corrupt purge.

Vomit isn't able to be dodged so she can just fling it around however and get hits.

Even without cleansing, I have to deal with broken status and the green smoke giving away my position, so stealth isn't an option.

Sure, you're gonna say "just loop her!" But that only works for so long.

I never thought I'd say this, but I'd rather face a Doctor than a Plague.


  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    Good that people are finally realizing that Plague is not a weak killer. She is a strong killer.

    But the propaganda rhetoric here likes to say Plague is weak and a worthless killer at the mercy of survivors. Probably to avoid getting her nerfed, and to ask for buffs later down the line. That or they're just drinking all the Streamer Kool Aid.

  • Zixology
    Zixology Member Posts: 1,062

    I never once thought she was weak. I only don't complain that much about her because it's so rare to see her. I've never escaped one.

  • Eleghost
    Eleghost Member Posts: 1,118

    Plague is not a bad killer, she never was. The problem is from my perspective while playing her you don't really get as many points, Survivors are basically given a 5 second insta heal, and corrupt purge isn't an extremely great power enhancement.

  • Rin_is_my_waifu
    Rin_is_my_waifu Member Posts: 963
    edited October 2019

    So let's nerf all viable killers to legion level instead of buffing the weaker ones. How about no?

  • Zixology
    Zixology Member Posts: 1,062

    So what would be your advice for me to counter her? Give me your wisdom, oh great one who thinks this game is perfect.

  • Clockso
    Clockso Member Posts: 853

    her only problem is the tremendous lack of map pressure. maybe if she had an add on that allowed her to get corrupt purge from afar would be good

  • Zixology
    Zixology Member Posts: 1,062

    I love how no one has been able to help me in terms of how to play against her.

    Just people saying she needs buffs.

  • Centrum
    Centrum Member Posts: 160

    Plague is not weak, but I'm against Survivor-controlled Killer powers.

    Killer is supposed to be in a power role to be the, you know, scary killer. So when Survivors get to control fully half a Killer's power, I think it's badly designed.

    It would be like..If Bubba & Billy had to refuel their chainsaws, but Survivors could put sugar in the gas cans to make the chainsaws backfire; it would be terrible.

    Or if a Survivor could sneak up on the Wraith and remove the clapper from his bell so he could not uncloak for <x> seconds. Yuck.

    Or if you could splash water on The Doctor & make him short out.

    'But Centrum! What about Trapper & Hag? Survivors can disarm their traps! That's Survivor control!'

    True! But in the case of Trapper, you still get the sound alert. The Plague does not get a notification of which Pool was used. Plus disarming the Trapper's traps does not bleeping HEAL YOU ONE HEALTH STATE, which means the Plague's power actually works AGAINST her ability to down people.

    As for Hag; you need to be prepared (bring in a flashlight), alert enough to find the traps, and waste flashlight charge disarming them. And again disarming them does not HEAL YOU, thus Hag's traps don't work against her ultimate goal of killing Survivors...Unlike the Plague's power. Which heals. Why? Freaking why?

    So yeah; Plague is not weak, but her power is 50% Survivor controlled, and also HEALS Survivors a health state. It works against the Killer's ultimate goal. So this makes her a terrible Killer, in my book. Just horribly over-tuned to the Survivors favor in a game where the Killer needs power to be a threat.


  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    She's mid tier to be honest. Being T3 Myers without the speed, but with more notification where the survivors are is not particularily good. And additionally to that can the survivors decide when to cleanse

  • Zixology
    Zixology Member Posts: 1,062

    Still absolutely no one knows how to counter her in solos. G hecking G

  • hiC
    hiC Member Posts: 217

    If your team is cleansing there is no counter as a solo. You need to hope that your team aren’t dummies giving her free downs via Corrupt Bile.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886
    edited October 2019

    To counter plague, depends. If you can loop, don't cleanse. And that's all you need to do really. Gen rush the gens, if she finds you loop. lather rinse repeat.

    If you can't loop, cleanse, then hide when she drinks the puke. Use the sound effects to judge when to genrush and when to hide. be smart about your cleansing, don't cleanse when you're about to touch a dirty gen or unhook a survivor, and cleanse in faraway pools so she has to walk a long way for her powerup.

    As for Plague's power being Survivor-controlled, that is not entirely true. PART of her power is survivor-controlled: Corrupt Purge. Everything else? Is entirely in her power.

    That includes:

    • Shutting down all healing. The entire healing mechanic is chucked out the window. Oh you brought Selfcare and Botany knowledge? Useless. Oh you brought a medkit? Inner Strength? Hahahhaa. Not even the mighty Auto Didact works. All Useless!
    • Shutting down stealth. Oh you want to Iron Will and Urban Evade around the map? Sorry, can see your green glow from a mile away, and you're coughing so loud it wakes the neighbors.

    Basically her power reads: "All survivors are Broken the entire game. They also cannot stealth. Survivors may opt out of this power by giving Plague a machine gun."

    It's nothing like Billy and Leatherface not being able to rev because survivors put sugar in their gas. Billy and Leatherface don't have anything BUT the chainsaw. Plague does so many things without Corrupt Purge.

  • Centrum
    Centrum Member Posts: 160

    If that's true; why does the game force Corrupt Purge on the Plague?

    Try it some time; you are NOT ALLOWED to not ingest corruption. You CAN NOT play the long-game and just allow every Pool to get corrupted so no player can cleanse.

    If you try, the game will force Corruption on you and cleanse EVERY POOL. Hell, since it cleanses EVERY SINGLE POOL, the game actually PUNISHES you for having the danglers to try for a long con.

    This also means the Plague shares control of her power between herself, the Survivors, and the game itself.

    It just makes her a terrible Killer, because the Killer player is 1 of 3 inputs on Plague's power. You're not allowed to do anything besides let people cleanse and eat the corruption. No big brain plays. No long cons. Enjoy being hand-held even if it becomes a detriment!

  • JetTheWaffleCat
    JetTheWaffleCat Member Posts: 284

    Plague is in fact a viable killer. There's an issue on her side and the survivors side.

    Killer, her strongest state is in the hands of survivor ignorance.

    Survivor ignorance (mainly solo) is the death of them.

    Smart survivors will ignore the infection and power through everything as a perma expose, which can be rather boring for the Plague.

    One cleanser can be the end of the team, giving the Plague a ranged ability that can be swung around like a fire hose. Which can sabotage the other three teammate's efforts to survive.

    Best you can do is avoid her as much as you can when she has her Corruption.

    I'd be fine if the survivors had more incentive to cleanse such as hindered while vomiting and/or decreased action speed, but make Corrupt Purge duration last a shorter amount of time since survivors may cleanse more often.

  • ZahmZaddy
    ZahmZaddy Member Posts: 54

    As a solo survivor, who has faced her multiple times in red ranks, there is no counter. You still have those teammates who touch a hooked survivor to get a little vomit on them to run straight to cleanse at 5 gens. It is ridiculous!

    My advice. If someone is hooked, just stay on a gen. 99% of the time another survivor will go and unhook them. I will absolutely not go unhook if I haven't been infected by vomit. I will simply mind my own business and stay on a gen until I am found.

  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,203

    I was watching Salgu and I remembered this post. He's pretty smart and uses an interesting build. I'm sure it's partially a reason why he cleansed in the middle of the match but he does some fancy plays so give it a looksee.

  • MisterCremaster
    MisterCremaster Member Posts: 614

    If your teammates are playing stupid, you need to play smarter.

    Notice the Wells right away so you know it's plague to start adapting.

    You should know when they cleanse by watching their status. Plague is a slow killer and you should play slow too. Watch for infected things and stay stealthy more than you do again other killers because while she may have little map pressure her vomit can be bad news.

    You need to adapt. Almost every other killer you can loop and being found isn't s big deal. It is with plague.

    I don't know what rank you are but I'm guessing you'll see less cleansing as you get higher.

    And I think a big gong noise goes off when she drinks from a red well. That'll let you know to start extra stealthy. (I haven't played survivor against her in a while, so I could be wrong here)

    As one who plays her quiet a bit, I can assure you there are ways to counter her, and at higher ranks you'll see less cleansing.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,971

    be a big brain and use resilience atleast that shaves off 9%