should tbagging at the exit gate bannable? or at the very least be punished?
Get Ghostface and t-bag them back ;)
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Is this OP trolling guys?
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Just t-bag them back by not gong to the door.
And "watch" as they desperately try to get your attention by vaulting over and over.
Tbagging a spirit at the exit gate while injured...
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I know! at least he should've done it close enough to the exit! I was shocked he didn't DC though, LOL
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Second thread I see from this person that looks to instigate discourse between the survivors and killers.
I'm starting to believe it's just all about the bait... But I'll bite.
Answer is: No.
Is it kinda rude and toxic? Sure, but it shouldn't bother you unless you let it.
It's not different from face camping or hitting people on the hooks for BM.
Banning for any of these actions is petty and not worthwhile.
Just take the L and next time you see them in lobby be sure to bring a shinny Mori along ;)
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Just push them out.
Or turn your favorite jam on and watch a good twerk fest!
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I’ve said it once I’ll say it again this community is waaaaay to sensitive.
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This. I love when this happens.
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I'd rather some sort of counter to survivors waiting on that threshold of escape, that won't leave until you hit them and they fall through to saftey
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“And now your butt dancing! Very Mature I’m leaving!!”
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I mean, then you get BPs for the hit soo...
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Yes, but I'd rather the sacrifice. Just one of them things that really grinds my gears. If a downed survivor couldn't crawl through for 5 seconds after being downed, I'd be happy
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I remember using BW on a survivor who was doing a lot of butt dancing, and she (and a few others) were doomed to the EGC. 😂
Blood Warden is the tbagger's worst nightmare!
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All i want in this game is for my killer to be able to lift one leg and do a Micheal Jackson spin.