We deployed a fix to solve an issue preventing players from unhooking, healing or picking up Survivors. Players will need to reboot to see the change reflected in-game. Thank you for your patience!

Killers DCing

Yesterday and today killers have been DCing left and right when the exit gates open and they haven’t gotten a kill. It usually happens once it a while but these past two days it seems like it’s every other game. I think survivors should at least get their escape points if the killer manually dcs, because it’s getting unfair and annoying. It’s just me and my boyfriend then two randoms every game, so we can’t even try to be toxic, so it’s not even for that reason, it’s just because the killer is playing bad. Just felt like I should put this concern out there because I’ve missed out on so many escape points because of killers rage quitting.

(Also, hope I’m putting this under the right category, don’t post on here much) :)


  • MisterCremaster
    MisterCremaster Member Posts: 614

    I think this would happen less if survivors didn't always feel like the killer needs to see them out the door. I'm not saying you are doing this, or would, but its a problem.

    The killer already is losing, likely had terrible luck, and now your wasting his time. He may not be getting many points, so just wants to start into the next game.

    I think this could be solved if survivors could see the auras of other survivors in the exit gates, and the hatch was actually worth LESS points than a gate escape. (Note, you can only see auras of others in the OPPOSITE gate - so both survivors need to be basically about to head out. If they're running the field, no aura is shown).

    I understand the desire to make sure everyone exits safely and isn't being chased etc, but often times everyone is safe, but there is that one guy who feels the need to get extra points for the hatch escape delaying EVERYONE if they don't have coms, or they're waiting at a different gate.

    I know - its not a lot of extra time - but its basically a waste and its just adding insult to injury.

  • MisterCremaster
    MisterCremaster Member Posts: 614

    To answer your question though, I do think you should get gate-level escape points for a killer DC. Just like a killer should get full sacrifice points for a survivor who DCs.

  • martin27
    martin27 Member Posts: 696

    I don't ever see killers dc, survivors are almost every game.

  • ForgiveMyEngrish
    ForgiveMyEngrish Member Posts: 23

    I don't think waiting for the killer even matters. 3/4 the time I encounter a DC killer it happens either:

    1) Early on because he is losing a chase badly. Ragequit DC.

    2) Early on because he didn't like the map for the killer he picked.

    3) Mid-late game because of losing multiple chases and gens popping. Ragequit DC.

    4) When the exit gates pop so the survivors can't get credit for escaping.

    The only reason there are more survivor DCs than killer is because:

    1) Many survivors are stupid so they die more often.

    2) There are more survivors than killers.

    3) Less incentive to stay. As a survivor you need to work your ass off to get BP. As a killer? Not really, even if you lose heavily you'll still get points as long as you tried.

    If I play a few hours I encounter multiple DCs like this.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,775

    Play more survivor then. When I'm regularly playing I get 2-4 killer DCs a day. Maybe slightly more survivors (most just suicide on the hook).

  • VexTheHex
    VexTheHex Member Posts: 1,009

    There's always those awkward moments the Killer disconnects cause they loss Ruin early on. Like come on, you know a Perk is a crutch perk when people rage quit the second it goes down even if they have a hooked survivor and still 5 gens left. But too many Killers think Ruin getting popped is the end for them.

    That being said, I see more Survivors disconnect when they are downed than than Killers disconnect. Then again... I play solo and most matches the Killers ROFL stomp the team, so they really don't have much reason to DC against easy wins.

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    So, it's survivors fault now that killers dc? How about both sides handle losing and not get mad over stupid things?

  • VincentRedfield
    VincentRedfield Member Posts: 285

    Survivors deserve bonus points if killer dcs. Same as ther quitter bonus killers gwt for survivor dcs.

  • MisterCremaster
    MisterCremaster Member Posts: 614

    That is an interesting and defensive way to read my post...

    I'm simply pointing out a reason why I know killers (myself included) have DCed late game. Just get out, you beat me. I don't need me to see you out, I'm not going to give you an opportunity to tea-bag and get clicky with the flashlight. If I know everyone is going to make it to the exit gates, then I go around the map smashing any left over palettes. But you better believe it, if a survivor shows up to goad me into a chase, click their flash light, etc... There is a decent chance I'm going to DC especially - if the majority of my points were simply chase and destruction points. You're wasting my time.

    That is not necessarily the case OP is seeing, since it sounds like she isn't even getting INTO the gates when the killer DC, but like I said, its a problem of the game design, and I feel like I outlined pretty realistic solution to solve the problem.

  • Nunya_Nunyabiz
    Nunya_Nunyabiz Member Posts: 30

    I mean all the times I d/c are cause toxic survs and because mom asked me to put up the groceries... I'm not kidding its once in a lifetime for me to get angry and DC

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    The main thing that agitates me with DC'ing killers is the loss of offerings. Same when a player decides to DC in loading and again, lost offering. It sucks, especially when it's a rare offering that isn't the easiest thing to obtain. There needs to be fixes in place to give players points for a Killer DC, since killers get a quitter bonus. So why do survivors get nothing?

  • StarMoral
    StarMoral Member Posts: 938

    I had a game where it was a Baby Spirit on Lery's, and I became the obsession(Rancor) after using DS.

    I was mid chase when the last gen triggered, and ahe was right behind me. I panicked ran into a locker and she opened the wrong one. I ran off and... DC.

    I gelt kinda bad. Especially after making sure nobody broke her totems since they were obviously Haunted Grounds.

  • S_Panda
    S_Panda Member Posts: 539

    If it's in loading I believe you don't actually lose your offering (and killer their addons) they're just removed from the pane so it looks like you used it.

    Survivors are getting some points in the next update I believe...something like 600 altruism?

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    Tools and Add-ons, yes, you keep, but the offerings that are consumed before a match begins are lost for good when the game ends because someone DC'd in loading

  • Phox
    Phox Member Posts: 206

    If the match doesn’t start then you do keep them, they go back into your inventory instead of staying equipped. I have had I glitch once or twice, but that’s not intended. You are meant to keep them.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    For once I agree with you (other than the first part. Not sure how you got the "Survivor's fult for Killer Dcs" thing). DCing is a cowardly and stupid thing done by both sides. Both should be punished for it. If a Survivor DCs then the Killer should get full Sacrifice points. If a Killer DCs, then the Survivors should get full escape points.

    Killers that DC at the end of the match make no sense, as they won't get BPs either. I think it's a stupid waste of time that gives Killers a bad name. Just like Survivors DCing. There is no good excuse for DC'ing other than Real Life issues.

    That being said, when the game is done, don't just fast vault that window a billion times to get "Senpai Killer" to notice you so you can taunt him or whatever. I'll either come hit you out the gate on my own time, or wonder the map and think about how i could have done better.

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    They are saying that they dc because survivors wait at the exit gate and don't escape(blaming survivors).It's a stupid reason to dc and it's not justified whatsoever.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    As I said, to me at least.... 99% of the reasons people DC are not justified whatsoever. I will say, that if you DC cause they are at the exit gate, that's stupid. You would lose your BPs for no real gain. It would be a huge waste of time for all involved. Though, if you fast vault a window a billion times i'mma Alt-tab and read while I wait.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I’ve seen ten killers dc in the past week and one survivor. They always close their application instead of hitting “leave game” so we don’t get any bloodpoints.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886
    edited October 2019

    I had tons of killers DC'ing yesterday too.

    I am giving them the benefit of the doubt and assuming it's a Dedicated Servers issue, and not an epidemic of tryhards who can't stand not hooking anyone in the first minute.

    Also yesterday something amazing happened. DBD crashed on me. Hasn't happened in like 10 months? And it happened just as I got hit by a Trapper. I never DC so I hope he didn't think I DC'd just because I got hit... but that is probably what it looked like.

  • dinocat2
    dinocat2 Member Posts: 23

    You must not play a lot of survivor

    Either that, or you always lose, because I see a ton of killer dc’s

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,985

    I think it sucks ,but if they changed it for killers or survivors you’d see more dcing and more people leaving matches instead of seeing it through , and like Killers being able to opt out early , or slugs being able to bleed out faster, it would just turn into a bigger issue honestly so it’s fine as is imo.