Red paintbrush and swing chains Freddy is not as bad as you think

You aren’t actually spending too much more time on gens and you can camp pallets since he has snares.
I was solo, we did all the gens and three of us escaped. (One screenshot isn’t proof of something being op, I know but it isn’t op imo.)
I think people tend to hate the build when he combines it with dying light and thanatophobia.
Combine that with Pop Goes the Weasel and it can make the game go painfully slowly
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I suppose that could be more difficult
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He didn't stack slow down Perks as many do and your team had a key + map. There is little proof here.
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I didn't see a single soul claiming that this combo of add-ons is OP, I only saw people saying that playing against full slow down Freddy is boring, which is understandable.
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It isn't problematic in itself. Like Thana and Dying Light isn't problematic either. Thana is even quite weak alone. It's the fact that these stack, which is the problem.
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Add PGTW, Thanataphobia and Dying Light onto them and it gets very annoying
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that with slow down perks I just give up
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We still did all the gens though and I admitted in the post that it wasn’t proof.
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It’s probably because of his build. Most of the complaints I see are against Freddys that also bring PGTW, DL, and Thana. Some of them are also using the rope add-ons instead of the Paint Brush + Swing Chains combo.
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i got to know the addon combination with dying light, ruin, sloppy, thana. i swear it was my longest match ever. there was i point i thought bout dc'ing because it was just a pain dealing with it. its not op vs a decent team but one thing for sure, its not fun.
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The build everyone is complaining about is Dying Light, Ruin, Sloppy, and Thana alongside chains and brush.
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If he isn’t running tracking perks then you can use stealth against him.
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Evading him is not a problem it's the fact that once he gets the snowball going it's a pain in the ass to actually do objectives.
As long as he starts reliably getting stacks you're going to be in trouble.
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stealth? lol you joking right? i mean you dont know what killer you are facing or what perks he has while chillin in the lobby. i dont think everyone like to run a stealth build just for the case to get freddy with such a loadout. also stealth is dependent on the player not the killer. how carefully he searches, listens and pays attention. imo not really viable in red ranks.
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I play in high ranks and stealth is viable, you’ll know it is Freddy and you still have the lullaby to use.
Still kinda depends on a lot of factors though.
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Nobody is saying Freddy with Swing Chains is unbeatable. I've beaten them before.
But you weren't even going up against a high rank one and he wasn't even stacking Thana, Dying Light, Ruin and Pop.
When you go up against one of those you just want to tear your hair out.
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I play at rank 1 on PC with a stealth-based loadout; it doesn’t make the build any less oppressive in the hands of the better killers in my opinion.
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I only use two stealth perks and in my opinion, it can usually work if you know what to do if you get caught.
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Look at his perks, he isn’t a noob.
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He isn’t unbeatable by any means. It’s just incredibly boring and tedious to sit on generators for an incredibly long time.
I personally just don’t like Freddy in general. Going against him makes me wanna sleep IRL. I snooze. Him and Ghostface are the only two killers I find boring to face.
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Only killer I hate is Ghostface
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I noticed your loadout. I highly recommend pairing Fixated with Spine Chill if you haven’t tried it yet. Super underrated perk combo.
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He didn’t look like a noob due to perks. But he was a lower rank than all the survivors and didn’t use optimal perks for the build. He could’ve been a decent killer but the build would’ve been better if he swapped NOED and STBFL.
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I used to despise Billy but I’ve grown to find him very tolerable. He’s not a huge threat against good survivor.
I don’t like Spirit but she’s not boring to face. At least I like her character.
Ghostface is just not fun to me. Ghostfaces’ power is so cheesy and buggy. His stalking mechanic is just to cheese an instadown and be a buggy hot mess. You either can’t reveal him in plain sight or he gets revealed behind a wall. He is so inconsistent.
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Not saying he's a newb, but a red rank killer is generally better than a green rank killer. He's in green for a reason, though agreed that might simply be because he doesn't play much.
But again, he's not running the slow-stacking build which is what really ticks people off.
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I’ve tried it but I decided it wasn’t for me.
The build could’ve been better, I’ll agree with that.
Dunno why but I hate Ghostface, spirit is my favorite to face. :)
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As others have said, you need to see those two add ons with Thana/Dying Light/Sloppy Butcher.
I don’t think it’s OP. It’s a real drag and annoying when they do things like camp and slug on top of all that.
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Thank the entity that I'm on switch and haven't seen this but the closest I gotten is 2 separate 3 gen Overcharge, Distressing and Unnerving Presence Doctor's, as others had said I don't think this or the slow chain's Freddy is broken or powerful, in fact this one is more effective then the doctor one cause Freddy ain't hot garbage like Doctor is lol.
By fair my biggest grips is these games can become absolutely boring where half the time they won't commit chases, kick gens and then eventually win by the survivors being bored out of their minds and giving up or, they will lose 30 minitues later from not being able to juggle all 3 gens forever.
On a side note I hope to [BAD WORD] god this Doctor rework makes him more interesting then this.
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Slow Chain/Jump Rope Freddy is many times worse than 3-Gen Doc, because Freddy is actually a dangerous killer. Doc is more annoying than dangerous.
Freddy is both, especially with the Blood Pallet thing which can end a chase easy. Coupled with his teleportation power Freddy is a really powerful killer and makes defending the already super-slow gens really easy.
Not unbeatable, but strong, and more than anything annoying to go against.
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At least two people on your team were swf considering that they had a map with the hatch add-on along with a key with the hatch and death add-ons. Additionally, he didn't have any other slow down perks other than ruin which your team was probably able to take out pretty quickly considering that they had a totem add-on on their map as well. The add-ons themselves aren't too OP when they aren't combined with other slow-down perks and the rest of your team brought items that are specifically very useful against this type of freddy.
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Of course it isn't. These add-ons are overrated.