How to not be a bad survivor from a 50/50 player.

Tohmo Member Posts: 248
  • In a chase, if you see someone working on a gen, do NOT run over to where they are.
  • Do everything you can to prevent a teammate's death, even if it means risking one hook state from yourself. 1 survivor down can be crippling.
  • If you are not in a chase, do a gen.
  • Do not steal chases from others, its rude and annoying. Unless they are in critical danger and taking the aggro will save them. But if its just so you can get chased, just don't.
  • Make the most out of every pallet. They're the most important resource during a chase. A mediocre survivor and an amazing survivor can keep chases for the same amount of time, the major difference is amazing survivors use far less pallets.
  • BMing isn't cool and it doesn't make you look cool. If you're doing it to keep the killer's attention on you, honestly it could be a legitimate strategy in persuading a killer to commit to you so your teammates can get generators. Just don't complain about tunneling afterwards.
  • Only heal if you really need to. Especially against stealth killers, because they can get the jump on you for an easy down. However, against killers with Sloppy Butcher, Legion, or any instant-down Killers healing is less worth it than doing generators.
  • Do not make dumb and risky saves unless you're gonna hook-trade. Forcing a survivor down a hook state because of your stupidity is not only a dick move, as stated earlier, a survivor death could be crippling to the team.
  • Hiding is generally not worth it unless you're in a dead zone with no safe spots, or unless you're not confident in chase.


  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,971

    I always accidentally run to people on gens wish teammates ran better together so I'd know

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,971

    object of obession and no mither is a good way to get tunneled sometimes it allows my team to get 2 or gens

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    If you suck in chases, then that pretty much makes you a bad survivor.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,971

    The way I see it even if your ######### at chases atleast make up for it by being useful I hate teammates that don't do the objective

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    Play Responsible, Don't Drink and Survive...

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    That's nice, but any decent killer is just going to steam roll the weak links in the group. By not being good in chases, you're liable to get killed quickly, which basically dooms the rest of the team.

    If the team is lucky however, there might be one or two god-tier survivors who can keep the killer busy long enough for gens to get done. But of course you have to be lucky enough to get matched with twitch streamers.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,971

    I'm on xbox everyone is equally bad from my experience

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320
    edited October 2019

    Ahh... I'm gonna put some counters in there....

    • In a chase, if you see someone working on a gen, do NOT run over to where they are.

    You bet you do... You don't want to die... It is better if the killer chases someone else, since they need to keep the pressure on. Bond works good here.

    • Do everything you can to prevent a teammate's death, even if it means risking one hook state from yourself. 1 survivor down can be crippling.

    Never... You are a survivor... Your goal is to survive. Don't risk your neck unless you'll get out of there unscathed.

    • If you are not in a chase, do a gen.

    Don't worry... There is the hatch. The hatch spawns even if no gens are done. There might be a key in that chest, which means you get to leave early.

    • Do not steal chases from others, its rude and annoying. Unless they are in critical danger and taking the aggro will save them. But if its just so you can get chased, just don't.

    Be annoying to your fellow teammates... make sure to block them at the window they need to jump through... or the pallet they need to throw. Best just to throw it for them, even if it is on them. The killer needs some hooks, you need survivors to die so you can get hatch.

    • Make the most out of every pallet. They're the most important resource during a chase. A mediocre survivor and an amazing survivor can keep chases for the same amount of time, the major difference is amazing survivors use far less pallets.

    Throw them right away, then tbag on the otherside, in front of the killer so they continue to chase you to the next pallet you can throw.

    • BMing isn't cool and it doesn't make you look cool. If you're doing it to keep the killer's attention on you, honestly it could be a legitimate strategy in persuading a killer to commit to you so your teammates can get generators. Just don't complain about tunneling afterwards.

    TBag, point and spam "come over here" as much as you can, make sure to giggle each time you do it.

    • Only heal if you really need to. Especially against stealth killers, because they can get the jump on you for an easy down. However, against killers with Sloppy Butcher, Legion, or any instant-down Killers healing is less worth it than doing generators.

    Heal whenever possible, since you leave blood behind. You don't want the killer to find you. If you see a survivor on a gen while the killer is chasing someone else, make sure to goto the gen and refuse to work on it until they heal you. Empathy works good here. Why take self-care when your teammates can heal you.

    • Do not make dumb and risky saves unless you're gonna hook-trade. Forcing a survivor down a hook state because of your stupidity is not only a dick move, as stated earlier, a survivor death could be crippling to the team.

    Bring in We're Gonna Live Forever (WGLF) you need points, remember... There is the hatch, just get out of there as fast as possible, you don't want to killer to start chasing you. Don't worry about Borrow Time, it is a wasted perk slot.

    • Hiding is generally not worth it unless you're in a dead zone with no safe spots, or unless you're not confident in chase.

    Hatch Play is a viable strategy... You won't be the last survivor unless you hide, especially in lockers.

    There we go, if you need more info let me know!


    See You In The Fog!

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320
    edited October 2019

    It isn't bait... At least to my Hatch Playing friends out there!

  • StupidPallets
    StupidPallets Member Posts: 395

    Don't tell me how to play.

  • Tohmo
    Tohmo Member Posts: 248

    If you struggle with that, run Bond! It'll make it so much easier.

  • Tohmo
    Tohmo Member Posts: 248

    Just suggestions my guy, how you play is up to you. This is just how to be the most effective during the game.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    I wish more people would steal chases from me. I hate being chased.

    You have 100% my approval to steal chases from me. Come at me!!!

  • Psychopathy
    Psychopathy Member Posts: 21

    I agree with almost all of the advice, except...

    • Only heal if you really need to. Especially against stealth killers, because they can get the jump on you for an easy down. However, against killers with Sloppy Butcher, Legion, or any instant-down Killers healing is less worth it than doing generators.

    I can understand why you wouldn't want to, but I'd personally heal whenever I could, as long as it's a safe heal. In the event that you want to survive, heal when you can, if it's safe.

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    I'm prob about to be a drunk survivor...poor anyone who is on my team...

  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454


    i don’t see don’t cleanse on plague....

    im assuming I can cleanse often and your ok with it cause it’s not listed?

  • Rin_is_my_waifu
    Rin_is_my_waifu Member Posts: 963

    I love it when they run to another teammate and they both end up on a hook xD

  • bigbeefynacho
    bigbeefynacho Member Posts: 351

    Run Left Behind and crouch around the perimeter until everyone has died except for you.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    There are times when you shouldn't heal, usually when you need to finish a gen quickly or you need to do a save to prevent a teammate from dying.

    Too many survivors are too afraid to go for an unhook when they are injured and instead of doing the right play which is to go for a safe unhook, they hide in a corner on the other side of the map and start self-caring. Way to hand the game to the killer.

    So many survivors are so paralyzed by fear when they are injured that they miss obvious opportunities to do a safe unhook (like when the Obsession is being chased).

  • Alphaphalt
    Alphaphalt Member Posts: 259

    I come to these forums to read terrible advice and ideas not genuinely good advice that is 100% correct #########.

  • Tohmo
    Tohmo Member Posts: 248

    Really depends on your build/the killer. If its a killer that excels at keeping you injured or has an easy access instant down, its not usually worth it. However, you usually always want to heal against Killers that excel in chases such as Spirit, Huntress, Hag, Nurse, or stealth killers like Ghostface and sometimes Pig.

    Also your perks has a lot to do with it. If you're running Botany, We'll Make It, Autodidact, or any other altruism centered perk that can get heals done quick, go for it as long as its safe. Or if you're running perks where you can be comfortable injured like Dead Hard, Resilience, Iron Will, etc. you can go long periods of time being injured and even benefit from it.

    Learning when and if to heal is a skill that comes by just assessing the situation and your own playstyle.

  • Tohmo
    Tohmo Member Posts: 248

    The reason people say "don't cleanse against Plague" is because Corrupt Purge is absolutely brutal. Injured survivors can keep a good chase with a killer for minutes while healthy survivors will be lucky to keep a chase with a Corrupt Purge Plague for 30 seconds.

    It also can ######### your teammates over, usually forcing them to cleanse too in their desperate attempt to not go down, leading to more and more Corrupt Purges. And if they don't cleanse, they risk dying and losing the game.

    Also perks like Dead Hard are pretty common so they still have defensive options, but the only way you're gonna survive a Corrupt Purge Plague is if you have a really, really good setup and constantly break LOS.

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,531

    "Make the most out of every pallet." is the biggest one, in my opinion, but that goes beyond just "loop the pallet as much as you can". If you can have a minute long chase using only windows and maybe a single pallet, that's way better than a two minutes chase where you burn through 8 pallets.

    A pallet makes an area much safer and gives you an opportunity to mindgame. With that pallet gone, all the killer has to do is brute force it. Taking a hit to save a pallet in a really good spot is worth it sometimes (not just shack).

  • Tohmo
    Tohmo Member Posts: 248

    Oh definitely, but it's a bit tougher for newer players as you really need to know the maps and how they can spawn. Plus you need to know how fast a killer moves and if you can make the window, small stuff like that that just add up. Real fun stuff.

    Also to anyone who drops shack pallet when you're on your first hook you should be ashamed.

  • ArrowTheGreat11
    ArrowTheGreat11 Member Posts: 306


  • Lost_in_the_Fog
    Lost_in_the_Fog Member Posts: 452

    I disagree. You could just be new or have a different play style. I'm not good at chases so I'm stealthy and I make sure I am working on an objective while the killer is elsewhere. If there's someone in your lobby who is several ranks higher than you, they will generally be able to handle a chase far better than you and the killer my get sucked into pursuing them. Try to stay out of site and get things done. Of course you will still get chased but you will get better over time. It seems like the expert lopers are the ones with tons of hours of gameplay under their belt.

  • Tohmo
    Tohmo Member Posts: 248

    I did say "Hiding is generally not worth it unless you're in a dead zone with no safe spots, or unless you're not confident in chase."