Dedicated servers have killed Michael Myers

Played three games today as myers. All three games whenever i reached evil tier 3 it reverted back to tier 2 immediatly, BUT! the last time it happened i couldnt even stalk to gain it up again making me a m1 killer with no power...

So all in all you have a 100% guarante of missing surprise tier 3's. and a 33% chance of completely losing your power completely...

This has been in the game since they introduced dedicated servers. Would think it be fixed by now...

PS. this is just Myers i know alot of other killers are struggling aswell, but Myers is maybe the most affected by them all since, you know, it removes his power completely. (Huntress is pretty bad to)



  • Karltastisk
    Karltastisk Member Posts: 529

    And not to mention the countless grab animations that cancels out without even giving you a hit...

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    He seems fine to me, yes I have had that thing were you get knocked out of Tier lll into Tier ll and back into Tier lll.

    But that was during the first test, and it hasn't really happened to me since... Of course to others it does often or sometimes, but since the first test I haven't seen it.

    I didn't play myers every time after that happened, but I did play him 3 or 4 more times during the 2nd test (Aka where we are now) and he's been doing ok in terms of the delays or roll backs happening...

  • EldritchElise87
    EldritchElise87 Member Posts: 628

    I only played a couple of games as Myers on dedicated, but I noticed a distinct delay in stalking too, it made it very difficult to gain stalk during a chase, and stalking just felt incredibly.. off.

  • TheShape78
    TheShape78 Member Posts: 712

    Well, I guess we finally know what really kills him 😉 but in all seriousness though, this really needs to be fixed, asap.

  • will_i_am_14_85
    will_i_am_14_85 Member Posts: 489

    Well whatever they have done to the servers helped me get my Daily, I had to tier up 4 times, I only did it 3 times but it still said I finished the daily :-D

  • RaptorJesus
    RaptorJesus Member Posts: 18

    I seem to have been doing fine as Myers

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,161

    I am so glad we don't have dedicated servers on console.

  • Chewy102
    Chewy102 Member Posts: 613

    The game for some hellish reason has a needless double check system. But only for some things and not others. Killer powers are one of those things.

    To use gen grabs and why they often fail as an example. The Killer needs to click M1 to trigger the grab and checks if the Survivor is currently working on a gen. If true the Killer starts the grab animation and then sends ANOTHER check to see if the Survivor is STILL holding M1.

    That is why gen grabs can fail even after you started the animation. The game has a double check system in place for Killer actions. First check is to see if the Killer is able to do that action and the second check is to confirm it. In P2P that double check system was rather good. Prevents host advantage on gen/totem/hook grabs and didn't interfere with anything else with the Killer being host. The worst it got was Billy failing to land his chainsaw. The first check was to stop his sprint and the second check to deal damage. His chainsaw failed due to the Survivor running out of range in that short window of time. This is even what gives Sprint Burst or any other speed boost their supposed I-frames. Those perks do NOT give I-frames at all in truth! You are just running out of range of an attack due to the double check system. Killer starts a lunge and checks for a Survivor, if so the lunge stops. Then an attack is done and checks again for if a Survivor is within range. If so deal damage, if not do nothing. Speed boosts allowed you to run out of range in the short window of time.

    That system worked in P2P. It fought against host advantage rather well in my opinion. But we aren't using P2P anymore, we are on dedicated servers.

    The double check system is ######### over Killer powers thanks to it working on them for some ungodly reason.

    Shape is the clear case you can see in near any game. Your client hits EW3 and either the game forcibly stops your from stalking, as you can't stalk in EW3, or you end it right there yourself. But that makes the double check FAIL from you no longer holding M2! Reverting your EW3 back to EW2 exactly like you can start a grab animation and still have it fail. This happens for every, single, Killer in the game as well. Setting a trap, charging a chainsaw, blinking, going for a shred lunge, ANY Killer power that needs M2 to be held takes longer to do as you must pass the entire double check before the game allows it to happen. This also effects other charged actions like kicking gens. Even single click actions like breaking pallets or vaulting windows takes longer due to the double check slowing things down.

    It isn't even a bug at all! This system is working perfectly as intended and it is BUILT INTO the game due to DbD being made for P2P. Likely can't be removed either. The devs knew that host advantage would be a problem with P2P. So they made DbD like this to prevent the Killer from abusing it too much and it works, in P2P. On a server it just breaks Killer actions or delays them past reason.

    There is a sloppy fix for this though. You need to hold your power for longer than normal based on your ping to the server. ######### with muscle memory to high hell, but it lets you use your powers. Most of the time. It also means you will never be able to learn a muscle memory for Killer powers either as it is based on your ping. The timings for one server will not be the timings for another server, or the timings can change it your ping changes for some reason. So the timings can change without any warning at any time meaning you likely can never learn them at all.


    This isn't a bug and is just a double check system for Killer actions built for P2P that's been in the game since it launched working as intended. One who breaks when forced to run on a server adding a delay to any/all Killer actions.

    DbD wasn't built for servers, it was built for P2P. You all got what you asked for when demanding servers without knowing what the hell you was asking for in the first place.

  • CaptainCastle
    CaptainCastle Member Posts: 536

    You can for sure stalk in ew3 except where explicitly stated otherwise, you just don't gain meter.

  • Chewy102
    Chewy102 Member Posts: 613

    That can be the problem though as to why the Shape can have his power fail more often than other Killers.

    You can't drain a Survivor while in EW3, so you aren't building your EW meter when the second check happens even if you are holding M2. Leading the game to reverting you back to EW2 as it can't confirm the entire double check exactly like starting a grab animation without getting the grab or worse in getting stuck in that animation and just standing there with your arm out.

    Demogorgon, Trapper, Hag, Cannibal, Huntress, Doctor, almost all other Killers have powers that allow you to over charge them. Most Killers don't have powers that "turn themselves off" or slowly regress. Only Billy, Shape, and Nurse has such a power and all 3 have problems when on servers.

    Billy can't flutter his chainsaw as easy or risk getting a cooldown stun. This happens from the double check messing with charge times.

    Shape can revert from EW3 back to EW2. This happens from failing the second check by not stalking long enough, but EW3 stops you from draining a Survivor.

    Nurse can rubber band backwards after a blink. This happens due to you charging an exact amount to blink an exact distance, but as you failed the second check by not overcharging a blink you rubber band back to where you would have landed based on the last known charge level.

    Id bet Ghostface has the same deal the Shape does. But I haven't played him in a good while and can't say. Got sick of servers ######### with me and just quit DbD till they are gone.

    All of those share the same problem. The double check system failing the second check and reverting you backwards or canceling the power thanks to servers acting as a P2P host when the game was built for the Killer to be host.

    Can't fix this without remaking the entire game most likely. It isn't a netcode problem, it is just how the game is hard coded to work.