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Balancing around 50% kill rate

Member Posts: 1,253

Balancing around the 50% kill rate is still a part of killer nerfs. But how does that work? A killer depips usually in a 2 kill game while all 4 survivors can pip that same game. Shouldnt escaping be a bit more rare? You can play well and not escape, while a killer has to kill. You can play very well as a killer but 0, 1 or 2 kills wont reward you in the end.

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  • Member Posts: 4,212

    And how does the pip reward you?

  • Member Posts: 1,055

    Devs shouldn't have mentioned the balancing around 50% kill rate thing too much, I think. While kill rate is an important part in the statistic stuff like variety is important as well. (You can have 50% killrate with each game beeing either a 4k or 0k).

    And other aspects are important as well. Main goal is to keep the game exciting and fair as good as possible through balancing. And I#m pretty sure, Devs have that in mind already.

  • Member Posts: 90
    edited October 2019

    the real problem isn't the game, but the players who want to "win". There really isn't a winner or loser.

    Killers don't win when they kill everyone. Survivors don't lose because they die.


    I should have mentioned that I said this as it relates to the concept of the pipping system. The current pipping system demonstrates that a "win" for a killer, which would be a merciless victory for a killer generally is not possible in a sub 6 min game (I'm talking a gen rush game, where you might get the 2 kills the OP mentions).

  • Member Posts: 3,647

    That and kill rate is hindered by so much..... DC, suicideing and other BS just ruins statistic trust imo...

  • Member Posts: 375

    I agree, balancing the game around having 2 escape means that it's by design that the gens will be completed and the gates open. So usually, survivors expecting to escape will want to do so asap knowing the more time spent on the map, the more likely you are to die, enter the "gen rush"

    This forces killers to play hard and fast because if they don't, they won't get the chases and hooks and gen regression needed to pip well. You can play and have a quick game, get 3k, and not pip. You can also play a very back and forth game with 2k and pip.

    The games in a tough spot now, seeing as escaping is to put lightly, common, and to make it something to work for, becoming a rarity or hard earned reward, probably will be met with resistance. This is a horror themed, arcade style game of tag/hide and seek, and far from the genre of survival.

  • Member Posts: 2,886

    Because even though you "can" pip if you die, many times you won't, and many times you de-pip. And while 50% is the goal, in practice the actual survival rate is closer to 40%. So there's nothing intrinsically unfair here.

    Besides, this is all moot anyway, because it is PROVEN that you can pip with 0 kills as a killer. Look at Legion. It's easy sauce for him. And he's not the only one. If you don't camp, don't tunnel, hit everyone equally, bust gens, etc. you will pip even if you don't manage to kill anyone in the end.

    I don't understand why all of a sudden there's this new killer propaganda where you need 4K's to pip. It is 100% false misinformation.

  • Member Posts: 21,270

    Because the idea that you will hook everyone twice, stop gens from popping quickly, get a ton of hits and get a ton of chases, is frankly unlikely.

  • Member Posts: 3,272

    absolute goals:

    • Survivor (solo) x 4 : escape
    • Killer : Kill all (4) survivors

    A 50% Escape chance as balance goal would mean that the killer isnt allowed/able to absolutely win unless 4 tossed coins land in his favor.

    Survivors each only need to look out for their own coin.

    Sounds rather ridiculous with this metaphor, right?

  • Member Posts: 2,886

    It sounds ridiculous because it is ridiculous.

    It's not a coin toss. The killer has far more chance of killing one survivor than a survivor has of escaping.

    It's closer to a die roll.

    • Survivor Escapes on a 6 on d6.
    • Killer must roll 4d6 and get 3-6 to kill a survivor.

    That's a much more accurate depiction than your clumsy metaphor.

  • Member Posts: 2,886

    Fair enough, but the main reason it's unlikely from my point of view is because killers keep camping and tunneling.

  • Member Posts: 21,270

    I believe we have discussed this before, however, I'll briefly restate my stance. Tunneling is a byproduct of most Killers inability to apply adequate pressure. Tunneling is the same mindset as gen rushing, "I'm going to do my objective as fast as possible so that I have a better chance of winning."

    I think the game would be better off if the Killers didn't need to tunneling to apply a lot of pressure and if Survivors felt that it was worth it to stay in the game longer.

  • Member Posts: 3,272

    Well, sad thing is I know its ridiculous, but survivors still want that 50% chance. Each of them.

    Your example metaphor is interesting tho. I totally forgot to add the hatch. "It doesnt matter what the killer rolls if a survivor gets lucky"

    Im aware its impossible to give every player involved the same "chance" to win.

  • Member Posts: 236

    This isnt the only factor they said the use as a lever for balancing though...

    And this is not actually surprising that its ONE of the things they look at. Alot of games that arent just Shooters or the like like to balance specific champions, heroes, legends (etc etc etc) for a 50 to 55%

    its the middle..

    You Should have a 50 percent chance to win or lose. But its not just that. Theres perks you can run which dictate. Theres the skill level of said real life players your up against ingame. Etc.

    My curiousity is honestly how they use their SWF data as a balance lever. Im ok with it these days. But how is that factored into the goal they are trying to achieve when creating killers. Or choosing to nerf/buff them.

  • Member Posts: 1,253

    "... is still a part of" i said. I know its not the only factor. Its still weird

  • Member Posts: 1,310

    Ok but that 40% survive rate is literally all ranks.

    At high ranks the survive rate is ridiculous.

  • Member Posts: 2,768

    They need to change the emblem system according to the survival rate.

  • Member Posts: 369

    Imagine you are the killer and you hook a Meg. You turn around and see three survivors with BBQ. 5 gens are still to be done. That’s good, you want to look for one of those survivors.

    Now imagine you hook that Meg, and during the animation you hear “dling”x3. 2 gens remaining and it’s been 120 seconds from the start of the game, and you don’t see anyone with BBQ. Because this is what happens all the time. Now either you camp Meg to find another survivor and go after him, or you wait til Meg is unhooked and tunnel Meg, or you just go and wander around the map with no clue of where the survivors are.

    Even if you do find one without camping/tunneling that poor Meg, you’re going to chase and hook him only when the gates are opened. He will probably never be hooked if he has adrenaline because he will heal and sprint at that point.

    So now you tell me I can’t chase and hook 4 people 3 times because I camp and tunnel. That’s a broken sentence. If I camp and tunnel it’s because the game is almost over already.

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