What is passive phasing?


I'm practicing the Spirit and I found some of her add-ons increase the frequency of passive phasing. Can anyone please explain what passive phasing is and how it is useful? Thanks in advance.


  • Catastrophe
    Catastrophe Member Posts: 86

    Thank you guys for the useful info. :)

  • ChaosMaster130
    ChaosMaster130 Member Posts: 24

    Though from comments I got postgame from survivors after using those addons, the effect is not very noticable from what they said.

    Would need someone to test it out in KYF to get some hard data though.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,761

    I'd say from the video provided it's very noticeable.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    The difference is extremely obvious actually, it's just that most survivors are too busy running away to really pay attention to it.

    The effect is not that powerful, but it could mess with the survivor's mindgame at just the right time. It's just one of the many reasons why Spirit is the ultimate mindgamer in DBD. She holds pretty much all the advantages when it comes to mindgaming. There is only one advantage she doesn't have: the red stain.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    Damn, did not realize just how much the add-ons actually affected her passive phase.

    Also that Nea is so damn good at looping, can we please get the Haddonfield sidewalks nerfed when they redo the map? ^.~

  • Quol
    Quol Member Posts: 694

    I believe the hard data in regards to Spirit's passive phasing is:

    • Base Phasing: It activates randomly every 0 to 5 sec where Spirit will then spazz out for a duration of 0.5 sec
    • Juniper Bonsai reduces the time it takes to activate by 1 second
    • Dried Cherry Blossom reduces the time it takes to activate by 1 second and increases the duration Spirit spazzes out by 50%

    So if you use Juniper Bonsai and Dried Cherry Blossom Spirit will activate passive phasing randomly every 0 to 3 seconds for a duration of 0.75 seconds.