What killer has the worst cosmetics?

MedicSpirit7 Member Posts: 689

I made a poll about what killer gets the best cosmetics, but what about who gets the worst?

What killer has the worst cosmetics? 93 votes

The Wraith
The Trapper
fly_172 1 vote
The Hillbilly
WeederickBossWhite_OwlArk_the_BonsaiGibberishAdelooPigNRunMister_xDzacmangamingCrtKazzJetTheWaffleCatNickMiriamGSpacingLlamasbrokedownpalaceanarchy753Micheal_MyersElkantgnsteaPrincessPoop 43 votes
The Hag
VolantConch1719Spartagone45Miss_BritanniaAmaranth035seagl3eRaven014ZackAndCodyC_895895Phoenix_Wright 9 votes
The Spirit
pichumudkipNoOneEscapesNancy 2 votes
The Plague
Science_GuyDarkside84Luigifan64CamoRangerJoelux10h_DoctorAcesthetiicarslaNJacoby2041Aven_FallenDreskiNescau_FernandoohheyitsbobcatCarlosyluCreepingcam1070ahandfulofrainYung_SlugAluxNeonIcewhisperSinisterDog 23 votes
The Ghostface
[Deleted User]Rullisi 2 votes
The Doctor
InnCognitoDustyDan31 2 votes
The Demogorgon
PluTheLegendDyl4n1KnucklesrihckPandiferGrootDudePhoxDrybones 8 votes
Fibijeanpleasedontbetoxic117Kenshiro84 3 votes


  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,656
    The Plague

    I have to agree on Billy, he gets all the Joke-Skins. Thats why I would probably never bother to buy a Hillbilly-Skin and stick with the P3-Skin.

    I choose Plague. Her cosmetics are not bad looking, but they all look the same to me. Therefore, I like Default Plague (or P3) the most.

  • Acesthetiic
    Acesthetiic Member Posts: 1,077
    The Plague

    Exactly my thought process on the Plague! ‘‘Tis why she is the only killer I haven’t bought a cosmetic for xD

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616
    The Hillbilly

    I don't really find any lacking, but i've heard the most complaints about Hillbilly actually, so i'll do that one.

  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929
    The Hillbilly

    Billy's outfit aren't any scary, just meme at this point. Plus only the body/head pieces are actually cool, most of the legs pieces aren't barely worth the purple rarity (like ranger billy, shotgun billy)

  • Walker_of_the_fog_96
    Walker_of_the_fog_96 Member Posts: 1,238
    edited October 2019
    The Hillbilly

    The hillbilly cosmetics =jokes

    (Except the hallowed blight skin)🎃

  • PrincessPoop
    PrincessPoop Member Posts: 919
    The Hillbilly

    He seriously does not have one good skin

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616
    The Hillbilly

    I don't think they're terrible, but the only piece that makes me go "Yes!" is the blue jacket & hat from Bloodstaned Sack.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669
    The Hillbilly

    i dont think they are all bad, but i am getting really annoyed when i see he has like 5 purple skins, yet not a single one of them is obtainable for free!

    the only one you can get for free would be the green one, which is just ugly.

  • MedicSpirit7
    MedicSpirit7 Member Posts: 689
    The Hillbilly

    I think all his cosmetics are so similar nothing really crazy

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246
    The Hillbilly

    I don't know why but always when a "funny" skin comes, it goes to billy. Honestly his prestige looks best.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669
    The Hillbilly

    yeah, that too...

    imo some of them are too goofy - like the summer one. others like the car mechanic are ones i really like...

    but yeah, they all kinda have the same theme to them. would be cool to see an "undead monster" themed skin for billy imo (similar to the Trappers "Neptunes Failure" skin.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188
    The Hag

    As of right now, I'd probably say Hag... but withering blight changes this. A lot of cosmetics just don't look good on console... and that's my main issue. Although, her common cosmetics can actually help her blend in to her environment on darker maps...

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,783
    The Plague

    Plague. Her skins are super boring; even the new halloween one is pretty lackluster imo.

  • Gibberish
    Gibberish Member Posts: 1,071
    The Hillbilly

    I really like the idea of Hillbilly wandering the country side and stealing outfits from people he kills, but I dont think any of the outfits look very good. The facial hair just looks terrible.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Myers is the only one who currently has no cosmetics at all, I believe. Of course, that is about to change, but even taking the new cosmetic into account his are still the worst. I don't think they could have dressed him in anything less intimidating than a nightie if they tried.

  • Other?

    Freddy has the worst since he doesn't have any outside of prestige levels. On top of that, his base skin is garbage since it's not Robert England's Freddie's. I want Dream Warriors, Freddy vs. Jason, or New Nightmare skins.

  • tinytoxin
    tinytoxin Member Posts: 15
    edited October 2019
    The Plague

    I love cosmetics in the game they just add a little something for me, I feel like plague could have gone so many ways but it was all so similar, nurse has some really aesthetic cosmetics and fun too.

    Hag is also a little under looked in my opinion, I think the ladies might need a little more love.

  • JetTheWaffleCat
    JetTheWaffleCat Member Posts: 284
    The Hillbilly

    Please no more Dollar Tree costumes for Billy.

  • cralo
    cralo Member Posts: 10
    The Hillbilly

    The only good thing Hillbilly has is weapons.

  • Kenshiro84
    Kenshiro84 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 26

    F R E D D Y

    K R U E G E R

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,259
    The Hag

    Lisa has been in the game for a VERY long time, and she barely has any cosmetics. And, discounting her new Halloween one, the ones she does get are mediocre at best.

    For those complaining about Krueger, seriously? He's licensed, and licensed skins take a while, cut them some slack.

  • Gibberish
    Gibberish Member Posts: 1,071
    The Hillbilly

    Y'all who are saying Plague are crazy.

    They both look great and still fit her character, unlike a bunch other cosmetics in the game.

  • Luigifan64
    Luigifan64 Member Posts: 1,124
    The Plague

    The plague by far, all of her stuff is super unmemorable and looks the same. It might just be because I don’t play her (at all) but I think her stuff is just bad.

    I also don’t understand all these people saying Billy’s stuff is bad, it looks great. A little goofy sure, but that’s partially why I love his stuff.

  • MedicSpirit7
    MedicSpirit7 Member Posts: 689
    The Hillbilly

    all of billy’s are completely bland and have little variation for $10.

  • Luigifan64
    Luigifan64 Member Posts: 1,124
    The Plague

    But the Plague’s stuff is even blanderer (in my opinion) and isn’t even worth $1. At least all of Billy’s stuff looks vastly different and unique even if the colors are fairly similar for some of the cosmetics.

  • TheLegendDyl4n1
    TheLegendDyl4n1 Member Posts: 1,493
    The Demogorgon

    he was just released and the first thing they do is throw some chains on him?

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188
    The Hag

    Yeah, I was hoping for more for her anyway. : /

  • Miss_Britannia
    Miss_Britannia Member Posts: 165
    The Hag

    They just are boring and this coming from a Hag main.