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Halloween event after Halloween??

before i start, i'm not intentionally being rude. i'm just providing feedback in a frustrated manner. how could anyone not be frustrated by a highly anticipated PLANNED event? there should have been much more inspections pertaining to this event and ensured that it would be stable for release. last minute (day before release), you guys tell us it’s postponed and no clarification or specific reason?? how are we not supposed to be dissatisfied? you know that there has to be a specific time line for the release of this event, meaning that it shouldn’t be too close to Halloween or after; therefore, why not make sure everything is entirely ready prior? please don’t get your community falsely hyped up with inaccurate information. truly disappointing and never thought my expectations would be so low. i would never make such a big deal of something that isn't a reoccurring issue; however, there have been too many constant various delays, issues within game, missing content, etc.


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  • Member Posts: 1,347

    we are all humans mistakes happens atleas they trying to give as an event they could simply cancel it

  • Member Posts: 1,347

    i get the flustration about it but pointing out it to devs wont bring us closer to event

  • Member Posts: 4,225

    They found a really bad bug in the final iteration of the update they had to fix. An this can take lots and lots of time.

  • Member Posts: 8,816
    edited October 2019

    They already had their Thanksgiving. It was on US' Columbus Day.

  • Member Posts: 6

    completely agree with what you said, it really is irritating especially because they’ve been hyping it up for an extended amount of time.

  • Member Posts: 162

    so accurate. i haven’t noticed one event or patch that has had no problems, delays, issues, bugs, etc. these devs should be investing much more if their time into these updates.

  • Member Posts: 162

    i’ve noticed that as well, the devs are really just creating more problems by rushing these things and fitting them close together.

  • Member Posts: 2,047

    Yeah, Summer doesn't "technically" end in in September, it DOES end in September. And it is the Blight, not Halloween. Thematically it's more Fall than Halloween.

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    eh I personally don't care because I didn't experience the last Halloween event

  • Member Posts: 83

    While I upset after taking the week off, I'll have my Halloween event with or without devs. I have a ton of tombstones, ebonys and glass mirrors for you all Halloween night. Lol

  • Member Posts: 4,212

    Sorry but I'd rather have a delayed event than a game that isn't fun to play due to gamebreaking bugs.

  • Member Posts: 4,061

    Ummmm No.

    Honestly it's just basic respect. Criticizing the work of a group of people trying their best is just unfair.

    It's beyond pathetic to constantly throw a tantrum about people disagreeing with your 'overreaction'. Dbd Is just a game intended for fun, surely there is something to fill the void until the update lands?

    Seriously where is your creativity.

  • Member Posts: 162

    i’d rather have an assured, accurate release date rather than anticipating something that the devs did not dedicate much of their time to.

  • Member Posts: 4,061

    Delays happen deal with it. Do you realize how often these updates come, that's not to mention all the ptbs and tweaks along the way.

    So ungrateful.

  • Member Posts: 162

    so many true things stated here, definitely agree on how the hype is mainly for advertisement purposes, but it’s only negatively effecting them in the long term with the dissatisfaction.

  • Member Posts: 4,188

    Their building had a major power outage a day or so before they announced that. Perhaps they lost some work due to it and were forced to postpone it? We don't know what the problem was exactly, but just shouting on the internet isn't going to make them work any faster. They could've not told us at all and made us truly mad. It could've been a lot worse.

  • Member Posts: 7,314

    How lol, you're not making this easy to have a conversation.

    It's by default 1080 Auric Cells and it's always on a 10% sale, you literally lost 100 auric cells because the sale was wrong, you have no idea if that was even intentional or not.

    And again, you didn't explain what character you're referring to.

  • Member Posts: 7,314

    So what are you expecting to become of this cause... I don't see anything happening with that unless you seriously want to take action against it...

    I'm not being rude, i'm being realistic like does it really matter?

  • Member Posts: 3,535
    edited October 2019

    I mean, Peanits has been quoted several times talking about the game breaking bugs in the patch coming and how it would ruin everyone's games. Would yall rather have that?

    They could just cut support 100% and move on to other things. But no, they stick with us and try there best to give us all a game we enjoy. They work hard and have to deal with alot of the community bashing them no matter what. That's not fair and yall know it. Just be grateful they want to fix the game and keep supporting it so we can play it. Be grateful they want to make this better for us.

    They can't give us a date for the event cause they have NO IDEA how bad or in depth that bug is. You can't just roll your face over a keyboard and fix code. It takes time.

  • Member Posts: 7,314
    edited October 2019

    I think i'm done talking about this since 10% off (That's like 100 Auric Cells) being false or accidentally not added seems to really... mean a lot I guess?

    Again, nobody knows if it was intentional or not btw.

  • Member Posts: 724

    Good lord why are people so impatient? They found problems with the update that they needed to fix. It's not uncommon for problems to come up. "This is so frustrating! They told us about all this cool new stuff they're going to give us, and you know what they're making us do? They're making us wait here, for a little while longer!" Oh really, what's going to happen next? Will you still get all that stuff, for free? Personally I think it's pretty cool that the devs are giving us all this stuff, again, for free. They delayed the update to fix problems and work on it more, and you people are whining about it. Would you rather have an update with problems so you can whine even more, or an update without as many problems so you can have fun playing. I'd go with the latter.

  • Member Posts: 356

    its something out of their control, they dont mean to make us wait I dont get all this rudness towards the dbd team lately.

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    Hopefully we hear something today about it, if not, hopefully next week we get it or hear what is happening.

  • Member Posts: 186

    I don't consider this event as a Halloween one. I mean...this entire game could be Halloween themed since you're hunting down someone all year long with creepy killer costumes's just an event happening near Halloween, if they move the release date I honestly do not care. Yeah...if there's going to be Christmas event with Christmas lights after new years day, yeah, that's going tobe weird.

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