The how do YOU feel series episode 4: prayer beads spirit

I can already see this post turning into a minefield so without further ado let's get this party started! And as usual how do YOU feel about prayer beads spirit?
The how do YOU feel series episode 4: prayer beads spirit 82 votes
Can we just remove spirit instead?
spirit can kiss my ass
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Needs to be nerfed obviously
spirit isn't op its just the hardest killer to counter play honestly and far too many people don't realise you have to play completely against how you normally would especially when she's phasing.
In my opinion prayer beads should bring a downside such as considerably reduced recharge speed of her ability as then you'd be very strong at sneaking up on people, but wouldn't be able to use your power as much in chases, so your sacrificing chase potential for stealth
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I cant vote :(
I just got spirit and havent yet progressed far enough in her bloodweb to see prayer beads..
I also dont play survivor so its not like i have any input on that perspective either.
Feeling left out. Sad panda.😢
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Needs to be nerfed obviously
All they need to do is remove the ability of the spirit to grab survivor in the post phase state if they have the prayer bead Addons. It'd be a solid add on that can scare survivors but it's not an instadown every time someone touches a Gen.
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I like it
Survivors: Nerf prayer beads. There is no counter to it
Spine chill: Am I a joke to you?
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It gives spirit no counterplay
Spirit, 1 out of 17 killers in the game
Prayer Beads, 1 out of 20 of Spirit's add-ons
Need to take Spine Chill EVERY SINGLE GAME just in case you get this one specific killer using this one specific add-on, and if you don't have Spine Chill you will not win
Then people say Spine Chill countering PB makes it balanced
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I like it
I like it because its fun, but it is overpowered. The problem is it can't really be nerfed, it either works as it does or its useless. If its changed at all, it would have to be a full rework of whats its designed to do.
My own vote would be just make it an ultra rare. I know that won't change it much, but its not like you see prayer beads spirit in every single game as-is. It's like irri-head huntress or pinky-clown, the ridiculously op add-ons are fun to use now and then, its a bit sweaty to stockpile and rely on them, but the majority of players dont use them each and every game. Unless they are, just very competitive, but thats fine too/
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Can we just remove spirit instead?
People that defend this add on are killers who have barely played survivor.
And if they do play Survivor, they mostly run perks like Premonition, Spine Chill, Urban, Self Care together and are being mostly useless to the team.
What are you gonna do without Spine Chill? Accept there is nothing you can do except hope she won't phase to your generator? Waste a lot of time checking the map and see where she is before you continue/work on the gen?
You shouldn't have to run a perk to somewhat stand a chance against a killer/specific add on.
I main Spirit but would rather have her removed honestly but i know it won't happen. So at least remove/balance this add on.
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I hate it but it is not THAT powerful
I don't see a lot of spirit's when I play survivor, and I was at red ranks before last reset. I used to main spirit and I almost never use beads. Can't say I know how hard it is to play against, but I do know that when using them, they become useless after the first grab. Once survivors know you have it, you never get any use out of it.
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Thank you all for your opinions these past few opinion surveys have really brought my attention to how diverse this community is. I wish you all a happy day.
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Needs to be nerfed obviously
Seems reasonable actually
Highly doubt you are honestly just from the way you talk. Otherwise you would know that prayer beads are the biggest issue. Other issues are survivors refusal to adapt to her as well. She has counter play, but if you dont know the counter play you'll never notice it honestly.
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I like it
Just switch its rarity with Father's Glasses and MAYBE add make it so Spirit's phasing sound is reduced to 5 meters.
It'll still work the way it does now, but give a little bit more reaction to Gen Grabber Spirit.
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I hate it but it is not THAT powerful
I think it removes a huge chunk of skill needed to play Spirit, but I don't find it particularly strong, maybe because it can't do much against stealth and in chases it doesn't add much.
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Needs to be nerfed obviously
deserves to be Nerfed
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Even immersed Claudettes have to touch a gen at some point.
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Can we just remove spirit instead?
Doubt i am what? That i main Spirit?
Prayer Beads are the biggest, but not the only issue yes. She can still remove the only somewhat reliable counterplay with IW by just using Stridor and/or Father's Glasses.
Then there is the standing still "mindgame" where you can basically accept you're getting downed or a free hit for the Spirit. And all the other problems people have mentioned countless times on this forum. I don't want her to get nerfed too much, but right now she is way too frustrating to play against unless the Spirit is really bad.
Sorry for off topic.
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Needs to be nerfed obviously
It needs a nerf. Upgrading it to UR befits its strength but it wouldn't really change anything. What it really needs is a drawback because it has NONE. It adds so much potential for grabs and stealth but doesn't take away from the power's baseline strength in the chase and map pressure / presence.
It's up there as one of the strongest addons in the game.
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Needs to be nerfed obviously
It's counterable, but insane against solos. More bad designed than overpowered tho.
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Needs to be nerfed obviously
killers: nerf instaheals their OP
Franklins demise: Am I a joke to you?
Yea nice logic isn’t it
don’t act like ima bring spine chill every game
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Eh seems overrated
I don't really care about it since I rarely see spirit anyway but when I do go against it it ain't super difficult outside the first hit also it's not useful outside gen grabs and when you figure out that it's beads spirit just start gen tapping
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Eh seems overrated
What are you smoking? Franklin's doesn't counter Insta heals since you can pick it back up especially if your in a swf but spine chill does counter beads spirit since the icon goes off and you can't hear the terror radius
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Needs to be nerfed obviously
True but it’s a semi counter ad you can’t use it while being chased. Also I don’t smoke
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Eh seems overrated
It's barely a semi counter since it takes more than 2-3 hits to destroy the item so it's always in play for later and also it depends on where you get hit for example if you slam a safe pallet and get hit you can pick it up and use the Insta heal and start running to another area opposed to getting hit in an open area and having to abandon it while leaving a mental note on where you got hit
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Eh seems overrated
I'm going to say that either the addon may need a drawback.... or a complete overhaul....
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Eh seems overrated
I just unlocked her last night and I'm testing out whether I can pull off a "barely in terror radius" gen grab...sadly I'm not good at distances yet in this game.
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I hate it but it is not THAT powerful
With some game sense you can guess when she is coming to your gen (except at the start of the match when you don't know who's the killer)