
Is it just me or does other people really hate immersed claudettes like they kill the last brain cells in my head watching them crouch about doing nothing and then u die on first hook
I think everybody hates them lol. Especially when i'm playing killer and I don't see them for almost the entire game.
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I don't know for low ranks, but in purple and red a survivor is just a skin, they will run the same loadout for any survivor so...
But yes, playing solo, regardless of if the teammate is using Claudette, a sneaky lazy lowlife is always a pain in T A
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Hey! Leave blendette in da booshes alone! Just because she's black geez. Freaking nazis.
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Playing Claudette is like painting a huge target on your back and your forehead. Killers love to tunnel Claudette even if you're not the immersed type.
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Ergo, not playing Claudette is for cowards.
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That's one way to put it.
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######### what I’m not racist im black myself pahahah calling me racist it’s just there playstyle even if I was being racist I’d include Adam and tapp but I don’t hate Claudette I love her but I hate some people who play her
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My immersed Claudette is perfect.
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Claudettes are a whole another spectrum altogether.
Any survivor being both toxic or non toxic can go about their business in the trial.
A claudette does the exact same thing (toxic or non toxic) and its game over.
I have and will continue to drop chases, let survivors escape via gates or hatch if i know that the other survivor alive is a Claudette. She just cant survive in my games.
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I love this.
I think you have some unresolved issues.
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And I know it’s not just Claudette who plays like this but 60% of the time it’s Claudette in my opinion
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I had an immersed laurie standing against the outside of one of the jungle gym walls on blood lodge against spirit. I pretended I didn't see her got close spun and whack.
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It's this really that common?
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So, what's your solution? No black people? Imagine the outrage then!
Maybe Adam needs more black clothing....hrmmm
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It's not fully common, but even into the purple ranks you'll find one or two imo.
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I mean, would I legitimately have an easier time surviving if I were playing someone other than Claudette? My perspective is warped, because she's my main, and I have all my perks stacked on her. I've never known any different, outside of playing other survivors for dailies (and never using optimal builds, because their perk inventories are lacking).
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I'd say no. If it were true then you'd see all claudettes running anti-tunneling perks / chase extensions...which they don't. As a killer I honestly don't aim to tunnel a survivor, just aim for one who's literally in my sights / in a bad position before worrying about who they are. The only outlier to this is "hey I just got unhooked totally don't go after me" survivor *dashes into locker*
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I play Claudette, no way you will find me urbaning around the map, I got gen rushing to do!
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The other 40% of the time it's Nea.
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It is in my experience. It doesn't happen all the time, but I've noticed my games got a lot easier when I switched from Claudette to Feng Min as my main.
There's a lot of hate for Claudette in the community, and reducing the chance of being tunneled is a big deal. Claudette isn't the only one affected by this, but I think she gets the brunt of it.