Could some of you hardcore survivor mains help me out?

I’ve always played an even mixture of killer and survivor, almost always leaning towards. And even though I know most of the survivor’s tactics and how they’re used sense I have to as killer. I can never seem to either find a place for them or successfully use them when I play survivor.

As killer I can understand loops and mind games pretty well. When survivors use them smartly they can usually waste a good amount of my time before I get a hit or down. But when I play survivor I can only use the loop once or twice before I get hit or downed, and usually don’t stay in the chase for long at all.

I’ve been playing lots of survivor hoping to get better, but it just isn’t happening

Also what’s the point of leaving the gate on 99?


  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    Incase you need to save a friend who's on hook or something, saves you extra time.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Blood warden is also a thing. So 99 a gate and you can escape or you can save a friend from the hook. All in all just a nice way to deny a killer either a perk or time.

  • martin27
    martin27 Member Posts: 696

    I prefer a stealth approach myself as i believe the best way not to be downed by a killer is not to be seen by them. It's never 100% fool proof and bad luck eaves me exposed as i'm not great in the running and loops. However there are times when i'm the obsession and the killer has gotten no tokens to dying light or 1 when there is only 1 gen left.

  • altruistic
    altruistic Member Posts: 1,141

    Chasing has been nerfed hard over time.

    Honestly, I would rather throw a pallet than take a hit.

    Keep this in mind. If you throw a pallet and aren’t hit, that’s worth it. The only exception is shack pallet.

    If you’re hit and throw the pallet, that’s a waste.

  • ASAPTurtle
    ASAPTurtle Member Posts: 968

    Here's a tip that saves a life. Standing on top of a survivor blocks the prompt for the killer to pick them up which can allow them to crawl out and escape through what ever if your in a situation like that.

  • Frosty
    Frosty Member Posts: 375
  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    Would you be able to record some gameplay of you so we can help you out more specific?

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    Do you have an idea what might be your problem? Several things come to mind:

    not knowing which route to run; not looking properly (getting surprised/"mindgamed" by the killer); miscalculating the distance to the killer; not running the loops tight enough

    Is it one of those maybe?

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    It's a massively strong perk if works, but if it doesn't go off a wasted slot. If its paired with NoeD it's a incredibly risky and destructive combo, but being denied both perks is a expensive blow that most killers wont be able to come back from.

  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,203

    If you don't have a friend to practice with then watch some streamers that play a good solo survivor game: Sal_gu, Brother Cope, Zubat, Fungoose. Watch how they play a certain tile then go ingame, burn a map offering and try to mimic their play. You're not going to get better by being immersed so try to get found and practice. Haddonfield does not count.

    Keep in mind that T walls/jungle gyms/rocks/etc can vary in length from realm to realm so what you're used to in one map won't work (as easily) in another map.

    Also, don't forget about bloodlust. Make them lose it by dropping pallets when you know they have it and then make them break it. Don't just drop a pallet at a safe loop and leave. Make the killer work for it.

    And of course, have an escape plan. So, if there's a window next to a loop try to get chased so that you have an easy path to it. At the very least, keep an eye open for where a nearby pallet or structure is so you can go there next.

    It all comes down to practice so learn them maps.

  • Frosty
    Frosty Member Posts: 375

    I've ran that combo, and even downing 3 by gates, you can usually only get two hooked at most. It seems way more powerful then it usually plays ou9t to be. I stopped running it because it let's ya down more often then it helps.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    prettttty sure that's an exploit of some kind. That being said, it doesn't always work, cause I've picked people up under others. Even funnier with Trapper, you set a bear trap down to move the person or trap them, then pick others up

  • aazimuth
    aazimuth Member Posts: 190

    If that's exploiting then so is body blocking as killer because that is literally all it is lmfao. Get a grip.

  • aazimuth
    aazimuth Member Posts: 190

    I'm not sure what build you run but I recommend iron will and and dead hard despite dead hard being a coin flip on dedicated servers right now. Don't throw down pallets at 5 gens, use windows and if you know the timing which it isn't hard after you know how to do it, when the killer vaults just run past him and that'll make a lot more out of a loop. Mostly works on regular jungle gyms and shack but you can really do it anywhere.

    Another thing would be to know when and when to not throw a pallet. Don't throw pallets when uninjured, it's really not worth it especially if you run dead hard. Always look behind you in chases granted you know you aren't going to run into anything because that is for sure a big problem people have. I have seen countless people just keep their camera straight forward and not be able to even make it to another pallet because they don't awareness.

  • aazimuth
    aazimuth Member Posts: 190

    I'm not sure what build you run but I recommend iron will and and dead hard despite dead hard being a coin flip on dedicated servers right now. Don't throw down pallets at 5 gens, use windows and if you know the timing which it isn't hard after you know how to do it, when the killer vaults just run past him and that'll make a lot more out of a loop. Mostly works on regular jungle gyms and shack but you can really do it anywhere.

    Another thing would be to know when and when to not throw a pallet. Don't throw pallets when uninjured, it's really not worth it especially if you run dead hard. Always look behind you in chases granted you know you aren't going to run into anything because that is for sure a big problem people have. I have seen countless people just keep their camera straight forward and not be able to even make it to another pallet because they don't awareness.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535
    edited October 2019

    Hmm? Oh no, Body blocking refers to two different things there. A Killer standing in a corner then hitting you allows you to run away. You should not have got in the corner without checking.

    The other is where the Killer traps you and holds you hostage. That is an exploit and bannable.

    Also, by your logic, then the people that run in front of you in a chase to block you from hitting there friend is also body blocking and punishable.

    Removing a prompt for an action feels like something that shouldn't be in the game, just for standing over someone. Much like if you are slugged and you go under the other hooked person so you can't be picked up.

    Please think out your response, and have fun in the Fog.

  • aazimuth
    aazimuth Member Posts: 190

    Uh hello, are you really going there. What I'm trying to say is neither of them are exploiting, both are fair game. Calling a survivor body blocking a prompt exploiting is really dumb.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    Excuse me. Have I insulted you? I was explaining what body blocking was, in reference to the rules of the game.

    Now, as I said, I feel that having the prompt be removed by someone standing over the other, or being under a hook for the slugging example, is an UNINTENDED bug. That is why I say "exploit" because it doesn't make much sense to me for it to be a thing other wise. Could you explain to me, why it makes sense to you that it happens?

    If we are going to continue this conversation, I ask that you do not insult me. Thank you.

  • aazimuth
    aazimuth Member Posts: 190

    Don't quite understand why you feel attacked right now when all I said was calling body blocking prompts sounds dumb. Look at it this way, if 3 survivors are standing on top of someone that was downed, you can't get anywhere near them why would you get the prompt for it? You can body block the hatch prompt as killer, this is intended. It's just how the game works. Same with wraith and blocking windows/pallets when cloaked.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    See? It's better when you explain, as text is hard to gather too much context from.

    Now, since you have explained, I was thinking the the terms of 1 survivor blocking the prompt. That was more along the lines of my thinking. If the WHOLE TEAM is standing on one guy, then yes, you would not be able to get to the prompt. Then again, you pointing that out still shows its not intended... though there isnt much to do about it in that situation so I'd likely just leave that to the Devs to figure out.

    Also, I've not been able to body block the hatch prompt before, but I have more of the habit to instantly close the hatch when I get to it.

    Your example of Wraith is solid, but that still feels more logical than everyone standing on one guy.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Well realistically how would you pick up a person if I'm standing over them. You wouldn't. You'd have to move me.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535
    edited October 2019

    Hmm, I suppose. Though, you do see what I mean right? A Killer has someone on the ground and you just stand over them like "ha ha." It doesn't seem like it makes much sense to me. They could just pick them up from under you, considering that they pick survivors up with one hand. They could just shove you outta the way with there side and pick them up, removing your ability to stop them as they pick them up. (which would be a different animation) While it's realistic that it would be harder (maybe), for a KILLER it wouldn't be impossible. They are much much stronger than survivors (or seem to be in lore, if not actual game balance at times *cries in Legion main*) so it wouldn't STOP them utterly.

    But we are getting into conjecture, so I will say that in the end, while it doesn't make sense to me personally (Which was mostly the point of it too me, not so much the "exploit" part to me other than you could easily use this to get your friend out the gate from a slugged position if you are healthy etc. which feels a bit cheap) the Devs have left it in, so it's not that big of a deal.

    Besides, I run STBFL on most of my Killers, and I already mentioned Trapper traps. I don't MIND if people do this, cause I can counter it due to my playstyle. I merely meant it felt silly and unintended.

  • Zertix
    Zertix Member Posts: 122

    I think you should look at pallets as limited resources. Early pallet drops and playing it safe burns pallets and create dead zones quickly which gives the killer the opportunity the snowball map pressure.

    There are many occasions that I would rather take a hit or go down than drop a certain pallet because dropping the pallet would hurt the team more than me going down. Examples:

    1. If dropping the pallet would create a dead zone. I would loop around the pallet and waste the killer’s time until I take a hit. 
    2. A pallet next to an unfinished generator.

    However, I would play it safe and drop pallets early to avoid going down if it is going to hurt the team really bad if I go down such as when there is 1 person on the hook and 1 person slugged and I am being chased.

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    wow, you just described the basics of survivors using resources, congratulations

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Right I'm saying you'd have to move them somehow. To me I'd just enjoy the free hit.

  • ZahmZaddy
    ZahmZaddy Member Posts: 54

    Start of the game, don't immediately jump on a gen. Get a feel of what RNG put into play and observe your surroundings.

    I'm sure you know that you can hide behind a generator to hide your aura from BBQ to have a good chance of not getting spotted by killer, i'm surprised a lot of survivors do not comprehend to do this. It's just 5 secs.

    Iron Will is your greatest companion.

    Throw out the offering that puts you as far as possible from killer, it helps.

    Where camouflage clothing, i'm not talking about claudette P3 either. Just nothing bright.

  • JiggleWiggle
    JiggleWiggle Member Posts: 329

    @BigFatClown the teachable perk of Kate "Windows of opportunity" could help you out in the beginning. You can see pallets and windows before youre getting chased so you can figure out some routes. I got better with looping by looking at good survivors (youtube, twitch just pick your favourite streamer)

    Learn how to move your camera that gives you a better feeling how far away the killer is. The rest is just practice and dont get me wrong but making mistakes will also help you fo example getting slow/medium/fast vaults at the right time.

    If you're running iron will plus quick and quiet you could also try for locker jukes but that could be more frustrating trying out then helping you survive.

    If you wanna burn some offerings then go for Ormond or Autohaven. Those two have good pallet set ups most of the time.

    You can also counter bloodlust (if the killer doesn't wanna break a pallet) by walking when you're on a good pallet loop (Fixated is great for that)