I love being left on the hook to die

Crouch behind a rock 10 feet away for a half minute to make sure the killer really is gone or unhook the survivor when the killer is 10 feet away. There is no in between.
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You love being left on the hook?!? Wow, you’re a rare breed indeed!
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To play solo survivor is to suffer.
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@yobuddd It ends my suffering.
@TragicSolitude Every match is a different kind of suffering when you're solo.
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haha that's why I use an up the ante every game to prevent being left behind
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Shows how ballzy they are right? Love it.
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I don't like playing killer too much, but when my survivor games overall start going south, I break out a killer and and say hi to the survivors with my knife. It's like the perk, Solidarity, but we share each other's pain. Lol.
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While I do save people if I feel it’s safe.
remember you don’t deserve a save.
and if they got noed.. I’m dipping it’s as simple as that.
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You could try running kindred so the survivors can see if the killer is near you AND see that non of them are moving their butts to save you lol its a decent solo play perk tbh. But only solo play obvs.
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Solo survivor gang. I feel you.
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Love those matches when you solo a gen or two, get a few saves, get your 1st hook and your team is like nope to far away so you die.
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I had Kindred and still died because my teammates are potatoes.
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I feel this pain so much as a primary solo survivor. Since I know how awful it is, I will always go out of my way to try and prevent a survivor from going into the struggle phase even if it means I have to get hooked next. There is nothing worse than getting 2 hooked or even 1 hooked. Feels so bad.
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Deliverance is helpful in this situation...I use it when playing Solo, I've usually made a couple of safe rescues before I'm hooked and I don't like having to rely on team mates to unhook me.
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I've had worse.
I've been left on the ground to bleed and die.
Killer decided I wasn't worth his time, chased someone else, they literally ran all the way around the map, other two survivors were near me, decided to run away to a far away gen and try to finis it together.
Spoiler: the killer downed the guy he was chasing, found the other two (probably had discordance) and they never finished the gen. third survivor goes down, I bleed out as the fourth one is being hooked.
I mean, seriously, there has to be a limit to stupidity. Though I guess Einstein knows better than I do.
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Or you can be a decent teammate and cleanse the noed and get them.
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I love being left on the hook until I have to struggle then my mind can't wonder because I have to focus on the x button I mean cross button 😕
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Too bad you enjoy being hooked
Because I want my unhook bp and wglf stack ;)
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I guarantee that dying on hook or losing a state WITH kindred is 10x more infuriating and just spoils the game more. I know from experience. It’s not a fail safe perk.
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It’s those times when your allies assume that someone else is already coming to get you. Turns out nobody is, and they died on their first hook.
The worst part is that I was one of those people at some point. 😖
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Doing gens, you?
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Sometimes doing gens is more important, or not wasting your Sprint Burst as a braindead Meg slowly walks across the map and makes you hit struggle while the killer is in a chase with someone halfway across the map :)
I will tell you now if you ever, ever play solo survivor, put that perk on that allows teammates to see you and your teammates auras on. It'll show them everything and also show which gens have been worked on, and where the killer may be. That's not really necessary the higher in ranks you go, as the higher in ranks you go the more likely you'll run into people that put priority on saving quite often.
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They left a Dweet to die? Monsters!!!!
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If you're playing solo don't feel bad, I have been on the other side without BT thinking "I'll get this gen done, somebody is obviously gonna unhook him" and it actually never happened and they died on the hook. It's not being selfish, it's the lack of being able to communicate with the team. If it was on first hook, then yes, feel bad, If I see someone get to second stage on hook I think "I can't believe nobody's gonna unhook him" and I go for it.
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Kindred can really help in the solo queue.
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Yes, i do.
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Take solace in the fact that with other survivors like this you were probably looking at a 4k anyway and your soul is now free...to try again in another trial.
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There were two gens left and 4 people still alive before I was the 1st one to die. The killer had bbq and they probably didn't wanna make the effort to get me and then be seen. We probably could have all survived but I didn't see how the match ended.
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Had a game yesterday where our teammate bleed out on the ground. The game bugged and refused to let me or another guy help them up. I felt so bad for that person.
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Yeah that's happened to me too, on both sides as healer and as to-be-healed, but I don't feel so bad in such a case because at least my team cared enough to pick me up.
Only once ever have I played a game where my entire team AND the killer completely ignored me the moment I was downed. I had enough time to heal myself to full then crawl into a safe corner. And they were still ignoring me. I had 3 crows flying around my head before I bled out and I posted quite a few things here on the board -- I like Alt-Tabbing and posting here while on hook.
I never regretted not bringing No Mither more than I did that day.
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Huh. I assume the killer wasn't using knock out?
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This happened to me earlier. Two people died, we had one gen left. David gets caught doing nothing. Against my better judgement I saved him. I go back to my gen and Fred finds me. I get hooked for the first time and David runs to the other side of the map and hides until I die and then opens a gate after hatch is closed.
It’s ok, they were a similar survivor level as my killer level. I’ll have my revenge.
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@Well_Placed_HexTotem Sometimes I think about revenge, but then I read on here on another post that seeking revenge as killer is petty. I'll be petty then. LOL.