Goodbye DBD

So I decided that the last thing I would do involving this game is to say goodbye I guess. This game has been a good run for the past 2 years, but I think it's time to call it a day. I'm mainly quitting bc of my attitude for it. Last weekend I played an SWF with one of my best friends. I was rank 5 and she rank 14. We played against a clown who decided to face camp me and I was kind of pushy. And then when we all died and she was complaining to me I just snapped and told her off. I never ever get mad at a friend like that unless I play this game. I could play GTA 5 or Fortnite and never get that mad at someone. This game has a cost and only some people can handle what it offers. I can't. The only thing I'll miss from this game is Nurse, Freddy, Ace and Kate. Nothing else. The devs never really address the core issues in the game, and they rather put out perks to deal with issues like generators and loops. No more. Good-bye dbd. I'll miss it.
Yeah this game can tilt a lot. Hopefully you will find a better game. Try out Apex, much more fun with friends. Or dark souls if you like difficult but fair games.
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Sounds like you're the problem, not the game.
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You'll be back you cannot avoid the curse. They always come back...
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If you feel the need to announce your leave from a game like this on its forum page, you'll be back within a week. It's attention seeking.
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GTA 5 and fortnite are super casual games unless your a professional streamer so of course you aren't going to be upset on those games
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Ummm cool i guess? But like, why did you want to go on a forum where people would see this as attention seeking and make fun of you for it? Like, I don't understand the logic here.
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No question about that. I take long breaks at times but always come back
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it’s a general discussion forum?? i’m glad he spoke abt this and i don’t think the purpose of it was anything you suggested. if you don’t like it, then i don’t understand your logic of getting negatively involved in the first place?
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Ok bye.
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Farewell, see you soon, we know you'll be back.
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Well, have fun in another game. This game can be tilting. Maybe one of these days you can come back who knows. Anyway hopefully you have fun with a different game. Death Stranding is coming out, there's Apex Legends, um...... Haha i only play Apex and Dbd soooo...Code Vein is an anime Dark good luck and goodbye. Stay safe.
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See you next week!
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Taking a break from DBD is a good thing. I took an 8 month break, played a few months, then took another break. I am now playing again until the next game distracts me.
This game is frustrating by design, so I try to only play a few hours at a time to keep things fresh.
I am sure you will be back, but when you do, please try to go into matches without any expectations of victory. It is the way to keep your sanity.
If you "let things slide" this game gets a lot more fun.
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Bye dont let the door hit you on your way out
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Hope you have fun in other games
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Remember, it's a game and not real life! Don't sweat it and have fun!
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Hey, I can't play either due to their godawfu! Servers now.
I have been playing warframe, DCUO and Warcraft (don't flame me!) Because I can actually get in and play those games.
Don't quit because ppl are garbage ( the real world...8 billion of em), quit because the game blows.
Welcome to life after dbd!
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While many people are just snarky about this, the smarter ones see this for what it is.
Someone is loudly leaving the game due to the issues they feel are ignored by the devs.
For every one person who leaves loudly, how many leave quietly?
This game bleeds players which is why the average player count doesn't stay elevated after special events.
This is probably also why we got the archives and the rift. So the game artificially retains players through short term shiny things rather than long-term fun and balanced gameplay...
but we'll continue to see this sort of thing until the core game changes or the majority of players leave for other games.
I wouldn't celebrate or mock people who feel passionately enough about the game to explain why they can't play the game anymore. Whatever you say says more about you than the writer and they probably love the game more than you.
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Please don’t let a video game ruin your real life relationships. It’s just not worth it.
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Why are you on this forum then?
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Goodbye Kate :(
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I’ve been waiting for a new game to sway me away from this horror personally. I find myself angry more than happy playing it, which just isn’t healthy. Every month, I continue to play it less and less. It’s just a matter of time, hopefully (unless the game gets more balanced, engaging and less toxic... I have my doubts), a new game will pull me through a different light.
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How about you just play solo?
If you get mad at others, you can still play alone and probably learn to be less sweaty. It is just a game, have fun and fool around a little. Learn how to not get mad at others or how to not really care at all. I mean in this game you cant really loose at all. Even if you die in the first three minutes, you'll still get some bloodpoints, there's literally nothing you can loose at all. If you're worried about items, don't take them with you, look in chests.
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I play competitive on Fortnite.
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At least Coconut understands. I played this game for the fun. Not to get mad at it everytime I try. As I said, there's just so much bull in the game I can't have fun with it anymore. I was trying to have fun but it wasn't appealing to me like it used to. And I'm not going to sit around in green ranks to win. I play to be competitive, not take the easy way out and derank.
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I get stronger with the tilt. An the devs are actually trying to balance the game to give everyone sum good moments. Not like some other devs (looking at you Blizzard).
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Sounds like you need a much needed break For your own sanity
good luck to you.
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Sorry you've experienced that. This game can be tilting sometimes.
Have a good time with different games!
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To be fair, isn’t everyone that makes a post seeking some attention? I don’t see why that’s a bad thing. Also, this community will make fun of you for just about anything.
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You are not wrong, on both counts.
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Take a break from this game. We'll see you after the archives or in 24 hrs.
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Plus there no point in ranking up except getting a different color number.
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We need a new game mode. Something less competitive and more forgiving.
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And a double killer mode. My bf won't play this game anymore because it's so toxic but he'd be willing to play it with me if we could both be killer. Also it would be so cool to see the killers in the same match interacting. Mashing a bunch of super-powered killers together against a bunch of survivors? Sounds very fun.
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I would probably block my friends and delete them in real life if they ever asked me to play Fortnite! Ewww..
but I do see what you are getting at in a way. My friend actually just started getting into DBD and after matchmaking change, she doesn't want to be ranked with ranks 5 and under. She is like rank 15. I get mad at her when she doesn't have the balls to unhook me when exit gates are open and I've ran killer all 5 gens, just for her to point at other survivors to come get me.
It's a good laugh tho after the match. I can call her chicken poo.
That's why I like to solo.
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Haha. byeee. " Throws hands in air " You deleted. XD