Battle Pass renamed, what would you call it?

The word battle in DBD just don't fit. C'mon you know it doesn't...
Does it sound ok, or what would it sounded better as?
Love it!
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I think things should stick to their own meaning. So, it doesn't confuse anyone and become deceitful from what it actually is.
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I’d call it the 1337 pass cause only people who play it a lot will probably get it done. I can’t wait XD
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That said I play 64 hours a week or more =p
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The Rift?...
Its not called battle pass in DbD
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I just want the lore. Can we stop complaining yet?
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Pass of battle
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bubbas camp of passage
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The "Bang For Your Buck" Pass.
I'm tired of spending 10$ per outfit (I'm not).
So getting multiple outfits, charms etc, for the same price, plus my Auric Cells back is definitely some bang for my buck.
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I could see stage 70 being
hook and camp all 4 survivors in the basement at the same time with insidious bubba.
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Cosmestic pass?