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How Balanced Do You Think The Game is?

KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

How Balanced Do You Think The Game is? 66 votes

The game is mostly balanced with only a few slight tweaks with killers/survivors
BossSeducedByDaemonetteCakeDuty0h_DoctorPluLordCyphreAxX7891CJsDBDGrootDudeBoosted_DwightHailohPennosukeDustyDan31DicklayciagaydavidkingKa1roLeyoyo 17 votes
The game is very survivor sided and is very unbalanced
GibberishAltimaSR9619BlueberryYamiTheFurryDaddyTrappersGirlDolphin9192lunaticlifterDaGreenBoltrd_dexDarkskiesmusstang62NullSp3cJholla31pleasedontbetoxic117[Deleted User]Rin_is_my_waifuZackAndCodyDoctorShockBoi 18 votes
The game is very Killer sided and is very unbalanced
danielbird11InnCognitoMadmanmatt767 3 votes
The game is perfectly balanced in all regards.
KeezoAwakeyEndstille 3 votes
The game is all around unbalanced on both sides
SpacingLlamasarslaNBBQnDemogorgonJacoby2041Mert_MKAzurlynxDelsKibaraNuclearBurritoBenZ0DreskiAndreyu44StarMoralLittleLiamSome_Dood64SaitamfedIIRavenIIIjustarandyMrJack20252HellbentDarootLeafstorm 25 votes


  • BBQnDemogorgon
    BBQnDemogorgon Member Posts: 3,615
    edited October 2019
    The game is all around unbalanced on both sides

    Unbalanced on all sides.

    The first step to making a balanced game is not make an asymmetrical one. Especially one with a lot of RNG.

    I don't think DbD will ever be perfectly balanced due to what the game is. It could be made less frustrating by removing/nerfing insta and speed up mechanics like Toolboxes, keys,1 shot downs, Moris, Adrenalines insta heal and so on.

    That wouldn't make it more balanced though it would just remove some frustration you'd feel more in control because you wouldn't be hit by something that happens immediately.

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    I tend to agree an asymm is never going to be balanced which is okay. I agree with you mostly.

  • DaGreenBolt
    DaGreenBolt Member Posts: 453
    The game is very survivor sided and is very unbalanced

    I'll put my two cents forward, at first I was going to put unbalanced at both sides, and then I looked back a bit, and realized this game is still survivor sided as seen with a few controversial nerfs and actions by survivors.

    First point is that currently the power roles in the game SWF=Nurse > Killer > Solos.

    Second point is the DC epidemic, currently survivors will DC against anything they don't like (Yes, I know Killer does DC as well, but it's not as often or frequent as survivors DCing), which caused two controversial killers to be nerfed.

    Third point is the Legion nerf, this killer had two bugs/exploits that could be easily fixed. Instead, the DCs made by survivors and some wanting to gut legion completely, caused legion to replace Freddy at F tier.

    Fourth point was the PTB Plague nerf, the current plague is basically a B or C tier killer. Before the PTB nerf, Plague was considered an A tier killer or even a new high tier killer as she could end chases fast, to make up the lack of mobility and gen pressure such as Nurse, Billy, and Spirit. But then was nerfed based on survivors complaining how the plague moved too quick holding the puke, causing a nerf in movement speed while holding vomit.

    Fifth point was the introduction of MoM, that was basically old DS 2.0, with it being in almost every build. (Idk what went though the Devs heads when making this perk) Took about 3 months for MoM to be nerfed and become the MoM today, but by then the damage was already done to M1 killers.

    Sixth point is the current mentality that every killer should be able to be pallet looped. Currently every killer, except Spirit, Nurse, (and maybe Hag?) can be looped around pallets causing some survivors in thinking that this is the only defense along with windows. With this mentality, not many people like killers such as Nurse and Spirit, in which some survivors fail to use other tactics such as break line of sight, or mind gaming the killer to evade capture.This mentality is one of the main reasons for the nerf of Nurse, which I will talk about in my next point.

    Seventh point is the now impending Nurse nerf, many people know that the add ons for the nurse are the problem, not the base kit, yet there are survivors and swf claiming the base kit is op. Comparing the DCs nurse had too any other killer is very high ever since Nurse was released. Nurse's base kit was very balanced as she had only 2 blinks, 96% movement speed, you could break LOS while she is blinking or having a fatigue. The only problem with survivors is that the nurse can blink through objects making pallet looping not as effective against her.

    Eighth point is the current gen times, Gens go way too fast, but so far there is no concise way to balance gen times without making survivors holding M1 longer, or changing Gens completely (such as adding a second objective), there is currently debate going on what should be done. So far only Band-aids are being used to prevent the problem from becoming worse, like perks such as corrupt intervention, Surge, Pop goes the Weseal, Hex: Ruin, etc. Currently, at high tiers, you see mainly Nurse, Spirit, and Billy as the provide the mobility needed to pressure survivors. Lower tier killers are playable at Rank 1, but are super add on dependent, and require perfect play with survivors making mistakes.

    That's my current view on this, and I'll be back later to add on some points that I may have missed.

  • gaydavidking
    gaydavidking Member Posts: 158
    The game is mostly balanced with only a few slight tweaks with killers/survivors

    I don't think the game will ever really be balanced, or at least not to where either side is 100% happy, but i think it's pretty close as it is, mostly just some bug fixes and a few changes here or there would make the game pretty great.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246
    The game is perfectly balanced in all regards.


  • StarMoral
    StarMoral Member Posts: 938
    The game is all around unbalanced on both sides

    The game is indeed unbalanced in a lot of ways, but what really peeves me off is the fact that SFW, mainly the communication in SFW teams, is not IN GAME.

    The developers are aware it's a thing, they are aware that the communication lind of breaks the game, so if befuddles me that they haven't implimented the voice chat and balanced around it!

  • Plu
    Plu Member Posts: 1,456
    The game is mostly balanced with only a few slight tweaks with killers/survivors

    Overall the game is in a pretty balanced state especially compared to old dbd.

    Most of the future balance choices need to tweak some perks , huge map changes (maps are mostly what makes the game kind of surv sided currently) and some killer buffs, especially Clown and Legion.

  • Keezo
    Keezo Member Posts: 453
    edited October 2019
    The game is perfectly balanced in all regards.

    For survs, every pallet is safe, the unsafest being forklift pallets. You get 1, maybe 2 double pallets & the chute dropdown.

    For killers, it's super small & there's a few real good choke points.

    Edit: Forgot that for both sides there's good duke potential with all the walls.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,006
    The game is very survivor sided and is very unbalanced

    This poll is gonna be dictated quite a lot by what rank people are playing at.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807
    The game is all around unbalanced on both sides

    Addons and items exist.

    Even if everyone was balanced at basekit the game would still be unbalanced just by the nature of these things existence.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145
    The game is perfectly balanced in all regards.

    Maybe not perfect, but I've never had a problem.

  • aerafield
    aerafield Member Posts: 47
    edited October 2019
    The game is all around unbalanced on both sides

    Still huge generator imbalances in the game, a good group with toolboxes can zoom through generators at such a speed where you literally can't win.

    Inconsistent map layouts that still didnt get fixed, sometimes it's ridiculously unfair layout for survivors and sometimes it's pallet town.

    Overpowered perks and killers (after next patch mainly hillbilly)