I am not angry at the delay, I am angry at the way you announced the delay

Just wanted to rant a bit of how this situation is in my eyes
9 October - Halloween event gets announced for October 22nd - November 1st
21 October- It's announced the delay
Now this really upsets me, since the delay was announced 1 DAY before the event start, and if you knew the event was going to be delayed sooner why didn't you announced? Because 1 day before the event starts it's a really bad move on the communication part.
24 October- Announcement regarding the delay, pretty vague without anything
25 October- Finally some proper explenation on why it got delayed. but it still came to late, and it confirms there isn't a possibility of it coming next week.
I don't have anything against the devs, but the way this delay was handled made me really upset
I dont think its fair to patronize the devs for this (theres a lot better things to patronize the devs for instead). But this delay was either out of their control, i.e the power outage, or they want to make some more adjustments and changes to make the next patch/archives/event better.
"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad"
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Nobody likes delays though, just announce the release date later just in case things come up.
Even at a 5 Star restaurant if my meal is taking a long time I start wondering what’s going on.
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From their statement today it’s obvious they knew they wouldn’t have it ready by the 22nd, so I don’t know why they waited until the very last minute to announce the delay... just seems very unprofessional imo. Overall I’m still excited for it, I just really hope we get it before Halloween.
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OP is referring to the delay announcements/communication to the community, not the delay itself but I do agree with the quote.
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@PrincessPoop the way the delay was announced also made it look like they knew it wouldn't release it on time. Hopefully the devs learn from this exprience for future stuff
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Laughs in Duke Nukem Forever
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Well i think that they are aware of it but rather than take time to explained clearly there are in a rush to relase this update out ( i hope so T_T )
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You know peanits doesn't actually do code right?
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Honestly I'm annoyed at linking the event with the Rift.
I get it you're a business.
People who were planning on buying the battle pass were going to buy it anyway.
Adding the Bright Nurse to the premium pass instead of the store selection was just to sweeten the premium pass deal.
Having the serum in the free section gives a reason for people to constantly keep going back and checking the battle pass so they're more likely to notice something on the corresponding premium clear that they've unlocked that they probably want to get so they buy the premium.
Fine whatever I could take it, it's nowhere near as insidious is the stuff in EA Ubisoft and Activision have all done.
Not happy about is that the delay of the Chapter has now delayed the Halloween event.
Even if it was basically a pseudo bloodpoint event at this stage I was still looking forward to the hype of it now this just really not much point.
Hype has died down and we're most likely going to get the Halloween event after Halloween which is kind of sad considering we already missed the summer event
Post edited by Volfawott on13 -
Even they still don't know when it'll be ready.
LMFAO classic BHVR
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Yeah his job is to do the com but the team need to have a com strategy and be sure how to handle this uptade which i assume they don't
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Don't get me started on the Rift. With the recent revelation (to me at least) that you can only earn about half of the fragments needed to unlock the entire Battle Pass from Archive challenges (and the challenges themselves end up being borderline unbeatable towards the end.. not to mention having time-gates on them) means that there's no ######### way a normal player can unlock the entire Battle Pass without buying tiers.
Hopefully they won't take inspiration from Fallout First.
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You were just low-key flexing that u went to a 5 star restaurant 😂😂 jk though
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What stings the most is the reasoning they gave for the delay. They didnt say it was due to anything unexpected raised from the PTB (rift fragments, challenge difficulty, nurse, medkits, etc) or even the power outage causing loss of work. All they said was general bugs. Which makes me even more bitter that with some obvious issues clearly raised by the community are being ignored.
The patch should have been ready weeks before the due date. And leaving it to the day before the event to tell us is total BS.
Even if the patch isnt ready to go they could still do the event but have the serums separate (still on the rift). That way those of us who had planned a few days for the event arent completely screwed... Heck - even if reusing some old skins/offerings is too much for them the very least they could do at this stage is a double BP event to try and make it up to the community.
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I agree it's disappointing, but one small correction - they didn't confirm that the release wouldn't be next week. On the contrary, they reiterated that they were still hoping to get the patch out next week, small though that hope may be, it's not impossible.
I don't think anything OP said was patronising at all. He was just expressing disappointment at the way the whole thing was handled.
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Yea I was in no way patronising anyone, just wanted to share my concerns
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It was a big mistake for them to tie such a time-sensitive holiday event to the launch of a major new system. And yes, they really fumbled with their communication timeline.
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guys - you really gotta learn to move on with your lives
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I couldn't care less honestly. If it's out its out, if not it's not. The event isn't going to change my whole life. And actually, it's playing into my hands that the event gets delayed, it gives me more time to play nurse and use up my insta heals till the latch drops.
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There is no need for that comment