What is the point of the PTB when this happens?

Honestly, we tested out the stuff in the PTB and while it was probably one of the most buggiest and broken PTB's in recent memory it was still playable.
Some game-breaking bugs existed like Huntress hatchets and the weird regions of dedicated servers. But you could load in and play the game.
It seems like BHVR added more bugs to the build of the game than they removed and that is why it got delayed. But if that was the case then why even have us test it if they are just gonna break it all over again and this time even worse than what we played.
My suggestion for a while has been that BHVR needs more time to make updates. They are a respectable company in the fact they don't over work their developers by having mandatory overtime, unless they want to lose their job. At BHVR they don't let people sleep at work, don't require any overtime hours and I think they even limit the amount of overtime they can work. But this leads to rushed updates that are extremely buggy and leave the game in a sorry state about 60% of the entire year.
My suggested schedule would be to instead of having 4 chapters every 3 months with mid chapters in between. Have 3 chapters every 4 months with mid chapters in between. This leaves 1 extra month per chapter to fix and develop the game could even allow for more interesting ideas to be added into the game. And while this would increase dead time in between patches I believe the game would only be really buggy about 30% of the year, maybe even less.
Either way, the fact we tested a patch and within 2 weeks the devs some how broke it even more just goes to show that 2 weeks is definitely not enough time to fix the bugs in the game, let alone do meaningful and well thought out balance changes.
I can't wait till someone will copycat this game. If he will be competent enough this game will die quickly because it doesn't even work
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Good idea, but I don’t think they are changing course.
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lets not be like that, please.
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We got the Archives, a Nurse rework, medkit changes, dedicated servers, and an Unreal Engine update within the PTB. Something was bound to go wrong that couldn't be fixed on time for release. I do agree with your idea though OP, having another month to develop a killer would definately avoid situations like Ghostface.
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The ptb creates an ILLUSION of testing.
THAT is the point of ptb.
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They probably wouldn't have realized they have this issue they need to fix without ptb.
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I've wanted this for a while, cut the chapters by 2 so the game can be in a much healthier spot, and have a weekly patches too make sure the quality is at a good standard, because right now they simply rush content for the sake of content, when many people just want a good game.
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The PTB exist to create hype for upcoming content, that's it. If the developers used our feedback from the PTB to improve their game, they'd overhaul the Archive challenges and reduce the fragment grind for the rift. Which they won't.
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But hes not wrong, this game has gone downhill within the past year. The game just isn't as great as it used to be because the amount of bugs that make the game unfun to play just keep piling up. Add dedicated servers to that mix and it's just terrible. Not even trying to be rude to the developers but good grief.
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At this point, i'm not sure if they did read our PTB feedbacks or not... (for example, nurse rework feedback)
I wouldn't be surprise if they release PTB nurse without any change..