So since Myers is getting a Spine Chill and premonition nerf, will his EW2 be buffed?

hear me out..

They said they want All stealth killers the same right?

So EW1 = No terror radius but can be detected by spine chill and premonition.

Does this also mean EW2 = No Terror radius?

Because, he doesn't have a secondary power to be fully stealthy like the other stealth killers (Wraith has Bing Bong, Pig has Crouch, Ghostface has his stalk) So, Does this mean Myers won't be able to be heard until EW3?

Because if not this will be a HUGE nerf to Myers.

Cause in his current state before the PTB

His terror radius is:

EW1 = 6

EW2 = 16

EW3 = 32

But now in the PTB

EW1 = 0

But he is now detectable with Spine chill and premonition.

So my huge question up for discussion is this:

Will we see his EW2 and EW3 Terror Radius decrease to compensate to his new unneeded nerf?

(Example EW1 = 0, EW2 = 6, EW3 = 16)


  • Micheal_Myers
    Micheal_Myers Member Posts: 1,147

    Well then again if no one is safe from spine chill or Premonition alot of people will use it.

    And then maybe we could keep EW3 with it's 32 radius but we should definitely buff EW2 to be the original 6 or at least half of it's current radius (which would be 8 meters)

  • Micheal_Myers
    Micheal_Myers Member Posts: 1,147

    But here's the issue, how's he a stealth killer if they removed the only stealth he had. (The undetectable of all perks)

    He doesn't have a second ability. He easily is brought down to a C or a B tier. (Instead of staying an A tier).

    They got to do something to compensate with his unneeded Nerf.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,362

    The change to his T1 is a sidegrade, and they dont really need to buff his T2 to compensate for a "nerf" when his T2 wasnt affected at all.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Having T2 at 8M's isn't really that bad of an idea I suppose? But than the argument can be said that M&A would make it literall 0, so idk if buffing Tier ll would really be... a good idea.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    More like 0 - 10 - 24. 16 metres TR with Monitor is scary for T3.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    Well, he is still a stealth killer... but only in EW1. As always we build Myers up to if we want to do more stealth or not. Maybe they'll reduce his TR at EW2? I don't know. Having no EW2 TR with M&A would be a lot of fun, and since you need to use a perk to do it it's not so bad.

    Do we know what his TR will be when the new patch hits?

  • GunDemNoobs
    GunDemNoobs Member Posts: 45

    I mean, i don't see a lot of difference here.. Maybe you will struggle a little bit more if survivors are using spine chill to get to Evil 2. Lets be real tho, you will never see 4 people running spine chill at high ranks, so you still have at least a minimum of 2/4 survivors if not more to surprise.

  • Micheal_Myers
    Micheal_Myers Member Posts: 1,147

    In the new patch:

    EW1 = 0 (Has no terror radius, but cannot counter S.C. or P)

    EW2 = 16 (Normal)

    EW3 = 32 (Normal)

    I just think Myers needs something to by quote of the devs: "Be The same as all of the other stealth killers"

  • Micheal_Myers
    Micheal_Myers Member Posts: 1,147

    I would say:

    0, 12 and 24 would be more fair.

    12 + MA = 4

    24 + MA = 16 (which could be OP..)

  • Micheal_Myers
    Micheal_Myers Member Posts: 1,147

    But then I could argue it did.

    Since the devs want "All stealth killers to be the same"

    Then why not litterally make them close to the same?

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Well lets see, when you add M&A to Myers it subtracts 8 meters of Terror Radius from his overall TR when he isn't in a chase.

    So if you give him M&A with 12 TR, than he'll only have 4 meters of Terror Radius...

    I've played Myers with Dead Rabbit and M&A plenty of times to know that 8 with just M&A and 6ish with Dead Rabbit doesn't really make that much of a difference I suppose?

    Like, you'll still be RIGHT on top of them when you go to hit them, so it doesn't really make a difference if its 8, 6, or 4.

    So I guess that could work?

  • Corrupted
    Corrupted Member Posts: 157

    1)Myers ain't A tier. He's like a mid-high B.

    2)Myers will be absolutely fine, his EW2 doesn't need buffing. Spine chill is fairly used but isn't exactly meta. His add ons could use some love tbh.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    It's an incredibly small nerf in 99% of cases.

    Someone MAY be running Spine Chill or Premonition which means it might takes you like 3-5 seconds longer to get to tier 2 IF you happen to be stalking that person at the start of the match.

    THAT'S IT.

    In terms of Mirror Myers they don't provide much benefit anyway as knowing he's near is nowhere near a counter to a stealth killer who sees every move you make.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,873

    I can't even understand the basis for the OP's argument. It's like if someone were to say that if 2+2=4 then 1+1 should = spoon. Can someone translate for me?

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238

    The problem with Myer's EW1 conversion to the new mechanic is that he cannot choose to just disable the negative parts of his stealth in EW1, unlike the other Stealth killers.

    • Pig: can just stand up, disabling her stealth.
    • Ghostface can stand up anytime and still be undetectable, but it slightly increases his risk to be revealed.
    • Wraith doesnt care and just whooshes next to the survivor anyways, like he always did, he has to uncloack anyways to attack.
    • Myers in EW1 needs to ambush survivors to tier up, he cant just "nope gonna chase normally".

    Myer's is the only Killer who actively LOST something in that conversion. If he cant ambush them in EW1, he is screwed, while the other 3 just go M1.

  • Micheal_Myers
    Micheal_Myers Member Posts: 1,147

    Exactly, So I want something to buff myers to compensate. Like if we changed all of his EW terror radiuses then he could be viable like the other stealth killers. Cause then it would be harder to tell where he is coming from.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,873

    You make it sound like he got a major nerf. He didn't. If they didn't put the change in the patch notes 99% of players wouldn't realize anything even changed. So 2 perks that see minimal play are effective against him during the first minute of the game when they previously wouldn't have been. Whoopty Doo. Any decent Shape will still get to EW2 in a decent amount of time. Your asking for compensation for something that you already got compensation for. You now have 0 terror radius baseline in EW1. You got a minor buff in place of a minor nerf.

  • Micheal_Myers
    Micheal_Myers Member Posts: 1,147
    edited October 2019

    False. (As a P3 Level 42 Myers That has seen Purple and Red ranks) Here's My opinion of the facts:

    before PTB Myers:

    • Has 6 meter terror Radius. (M&A makes this 0, which also reduces EW2 to 8 meters, with the dead rabbit addon this also makes EW2 only 4 Meters.)
    • Could not be detected with ANY detection perks to compensate with his slow speed in everything.

    After PTB Myers:

    • Has 0 meter Terror radius (Which technically he already had.)
    • Can now be countered by Spine Chill and premonition.
    • EW2 and EW3 are the same
    • His Slow sloth speed is the same in EW1
    • Technically has NO stealth mechanic whatsoever

    Every Stealth Killer except Myers has:

    • A 2nd Killer Ability to make them completely silent. (Myers doesn't have any stealth abilities when in EW2 or EW3)
    • If they can't chase them in stealth then they can get out of stealth mode. (Myers can't he is forced to keep stalking)
    • They have 100% movement speed, unless specifically using their Main killer power (Myers is a sloth in EW1 and can be easily juked.)

    Therefore Myers is NOT a stealth killer if they nerf him.

    He would become a plain old killer that would be easy to predict.

    In his current form before the PTB, he had unpredictability. Now he can become more and more predictable.

    The reason why no one runs Premonition or spine chill often is because they know if it's a myers it is useless information if he stays in EW1. But after this nerf more and more people will likely use it more often since EVERY killer can be seen by them. Which makes Myers even more predictable.

    This post is to make an Idea that Myers should get a better buff than the 0 Terror radius which is technically the same as a 6 meter one. (It doesn't have much of a difference)

    So i was suggesting that maybe buff his EW2 and if needed his EW3.

    Or just buff his base kit after all. Like add an Endurance effect to D.S. and or pallet stuns. (Obviously start out low and with each tier increase the effect)

    So if they truly want Myers to be like all the other Stealth killers:


    -The Pig

    -The Wraith

    Then they should at least buff him a little bit more to meet their quota of by quote of the Devs: "the same as all other Stealth Killers"

    Because at this stage he is THE WORST stealth killer in the game and shouldn't be classified as so if he doesn't get any buffs to compensate, so to end my comment:

    This Nerf (Aka the so called buff in your comment) drastically weakens Myers even if YOU don't think it does.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,873

    That is a very large number of words to say nothing of merit. Michael doesn't need or deserve a buff because of 2 rarely used perks. It's not like those perks make them immune to being stabbed. Even when I'm playing Michael I don't care if survivors use those perks. That is one less perk slot for DS, Adreneline, BT, SC, Balanced Landing, etc.

  • Micheal_Myers
    Micheal_Myers Member Posts: 1,147

    "Even when I'm playing Michael I don't care if survivors use those perks."

    You will be when you get spotted before you even see a survivor.

    Just let that sink in..

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,322

    Myers is said to be one of the killers on the list of add-on reworks and I completely agree with it. Myers biggest issue is that he spends like the first minutes of the game being a crippled M1 killer. If you ask very good players, many player will say that the first minutes of the game are often most important and Myers applies almost no map pressure in those first minutes. Currently, there's like no reason to stay in T1 Myers unless your playing scratch mirror Lery. The other irony behind Myers is that he's suppose to become "More" powerful as he goes from T1->T2->T3 but this isn't expressed very well. I think his Tiers should be play-styles and add-on should encourage you to stay in a particular tier to fit that playstyle. For example, T1 should be like full stealth myers with 115% movement, No red glow but bad lunge range. He can keep current T1 add-on that increase lunge range and give like 32 meter aura reading and maybe there are some other bonuses that he could use in T1 like Nurse calling add-on that nurse has could be benefit a full stealth killer play-style. The add-on in Tier 2 should be like normal killer, but better statistics that other killers don't have access to. I can see a lot of creativity here like bigger lunge range add-on, faster pallet breaking add-on, faster vaulting+Faster pickups add-on, Lower terror radius(Dead Rabbit). Just like Tier 1, there isn't much reason to stay in T2, It's almost like "get me out of this tier" and hence majority Myers players use J.Myers+Memorial flower as their add-on of choice to spam Tier 3. Tier 3 is suppose to be like God mode, however when you use Tier 3 a lot, most players will just spam very safe pallet drops because they'll be scared of his extend lunge+Instant down+potential forced Mori, So the common strategy is to 99% your T3 to pop it in middle of a chase, but other killers instant down killers such as Billy are way more efficient at punishing bad positioning than Myers is.

    In any case, Myers is great licensed killer and I like his concept, but I think he's highly overrated. Hopefully when they improve Myers add-on's, The spine chill nerfs won't really matter.

  • DeathEscape
    DeathEscape Member Posts: 313
    edited October 2019

    myers power is recycled resulting to ghost face, BHVR says Uniqueness.

    Atleast other stealth killers are unique, but this two is obviously........

  • DeathEscape
    DeathEscape Member Posts: 313

    I don't think myers needed a change

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425

    I dont think just because he doesn't have literally 0 TR means he's not a stealth killer. He's just not as stealthy. 16 meters isn't much, 8 with M&A is basically right on top of you. Considering its always on with no way to counter it, he's fine as is in the stealth department imo.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    This is all stealth killers. Myers is not special, he will follow the same rules for what "stealth" means.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited October 2019

    OP, what do you think makes a stealth Killer a stealth Killer, if you don't mind me asking?

  • Micheal_Myers
    Micheal_Myers Member Posts: 1,147

    the ability to do this:

    At any time.

    (And yes in this part of the movie he was technically in EW2 / EW3 NOT EW1)

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Being susceptible to Spine Chill and Premonition does not prevent you from doing that.

    Source: Every other Stealth Killer pre-Undetectable.

  • Micheal_Myers
    Micheal_Myers Member Posts: 1,147
    edited October 2019

    But here's the thing.. Myers doesn't get any benefit from changing his TR in EW1 to 0.

    Other People: "But it's 6 Meters Less!!!!"


    Either way you have to be RIGHT on top of them to be able to know you are there.

    So they nerfed him making it look like his EW1 TR got buffed. Which isn't the case.

    And guess what the other stealth killers have to combat this? (To combat: Spine chill and premonition) That's right!

    A second Killer ability to guess what? GO BACK IN STEALTH.

    What does Myers Have?


    All I was suggesting is that either his EW2 or his EW3 TR gets reduced to compensate for this awful change.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    That is a scene from a movie, not a game mechanic. In mechanical terms, a stealthed killer:

    • Has no terror radius.
    • Has no red stain.
    • Cannot have their aura revealed.

    That's the extent of it. Myers' tier 1 Evil Within falls into this category. Ghostface's stealth, Wraith's cloak, Pig's crouch, and Demogorgon's warp will all fall into this same bucket. The entire point of Undetectable was to create a quantifiable definition of what "stealth" means in terms of game mechanics.

  • Micheal_Myers
    Micheal_Myers Member Posts: 1,147

    So what's the difference between him and ghostface? Answer that. and maybe I'll give you a cookie for being a good sport.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    I'm not sure what you're getting at, and I didn't pose an argument involving Ghostface. I'm just telling you what Undetectable is supposed to do.

  • Micheal_Myers
    Micheal_Myers Member Posts: 1,147

    And my post was to get a buff for Myers because this change nerfs him?

    And I asked what difference does myers have with ghostface because with this change they are pretty much 95% identical.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    Aside from having different stalk mechanics and different stealth mechanics entirely, you mean?

    I get what you're saying: They both stalk survivors to build meter for a one-shot down. They go about this very differently, though; Ghostface focuses and picks off survivors one at a time, and Myers pushes a berserk button and has to quickly disable as many survivors as he can. Ghostface also has a tactical on-demand stealth power, while Myers grows out of it (unless you're doing a weird add-on build).

    Someone mentioned this in another thread, but think of the "nerf" this way: It's more of a "sidegrade." While Myers triggers Spine Chill and Premonition, he also now has zero terror radius at T1 without needing to bring Monitor & Abuse, which means you now have an extra perk slot for your T1 build. You also can't just assume every survivor is going to bring these perks, that'd be silly (and for any matches where no one is using those perks, this change is a buff to him).

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    Also @Micheal_Myers -- bear in mind that other killers are "hard-countered" (and I use that term with a grain of salt) by specific meta perks and items. You've gotta be realistic and consider that the Shape's vulnerability to Spine Chill is an edge case, just as much as any of these are.

    • Flashlights vs. Wraith
    • Urban Evasion vs. Hag
    • Object of Obsession vs. Nightmare
    • Iron Will/Spine Chill vs. Spirit
  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    You not liking the 0 meters doesn't really mean that he wasn't buffed in some way (in addition to being nerfed).