How to grind more than 1M bloodpoints

Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,551
edited October 2019 in General Discussions

So for the people who is not agree with the million cap, let me explain you the way to get more before prestige.

-First, you need the million bloodpoints, obviously, to reach this number, just waste the best bloodpoints offering you have always. You're going to prestige the character so there's no point to save them to lose them.

-Then, do NOT claim the daily rituals. Claim them after spending the million bloodpoints. With this method you can get up to 180,000 extra points by saving three mori rituals. If a day is going to pass, claim the ritual which gives the less amount of bloodoints to save later another which gives more. This time I have the luck to save this:

-If you're not interested in buying cosmetics with shards, then you also have the option of buying teachables in the shrine which you already unlocked to get more points after the million waste.

-Finally, the new method coming soon: using the archives. When you're almost hitting the million bloodpoints, save two challenges without claim, so you can take those blodpoints later, just like the daily rituals.

That's all! Hope you learnt this and try it, so there is no more need to ask to remove the cap in the forums. Cya!

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