How to grind more than 1M bloodpoints

So for the people who is not agree with the million cap, let me explain you the way to get more before prestige.
-First, you need the million bloodpoints, obviously, to reach this number, just waste the best bloodpoints offering you have always. You're going to prestige the character so there's no point to save them to lose them.
-Then, do NOT claim the daily rituals. Claim them after spending the million bloodpoints. With this method you can get up to 180,000 extra points by saving three mori rituals. If a day is going to pass, claim the ritual which gives the less amount of bloodoints to save later another which gives more. This time I have the luck to save this:
-If you're not interested in buying cosmetics with shards, then you also have the option of buying teachables in the shrine which you already unlocked to get more points after the million waste.
-Finally, the new method coming soon: using the archives. When you're almost hitting the million bloodpoints, save two challenges without claim, so you can take those blodpoints later, just like the daily rituals.
That's all! Hope you learnt this and try it, so there is no more need to ask to remove the cap in the forums. Cya!
I used to do this. But now there's a bug where your daily can just randomly change on it's own. If that happens when it is already complete, then the completed daily will be deleted and the bloodpoints are lost.
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hmmm well, honestly it's not hapening to me. I hope that get's fixed in the next path
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Sorry this is a bit off topic but, I am going to reach 50 very soon with my first killer, 🎭 question is: prestige my killer will just give me skin part for him? Thanks
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If you Prestige the killer you lose every perk and offering on him, he restarts at level 1 with a piece of bloody skin (Prestige 1 give the weapon) and trough the bloodweb you get slightly more rare things
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If you have all the teachables and don't want to spend them on anything else you can also try to save up the shards to buy out the Shrine of Secrets immediately when you need it.
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How to farm alot of BPs
Step alot
And were done
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I forgot that xD thanks
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@Starbricks19 I have over 1700 hours and never prestiged. I rather keep the perks I earned. The grind is hard enough without that and you will need many millions just to get all perks all killers. So far I have earned almost 190 million bloodpoints and spent them all without prestige.
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Happens to me aswell
@Peanits is this bug known in the office?
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Like Zixology pointed out, I too have that bug. I'll start a match working on one daily and finish only to find I've made no progress because it is a completely different daily now.
I don't recommend saving dailies like we used to do. With all the changes they are making to the game in 3.3.0, and the bug that is breaking them at the moment, you could easily just lost that effort.
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Shrine thing feels pointless for bloodpoints I got most perks on PS4. on switch I have a few teachables. If I spend my shards on perks I will get garbage perks in the blood web not worth it. With switch version I'm able to be more smarter after playing it on PS4. For switch I only get good perks in the shrine so better blood web and screw everything else.
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Prestige survivor:
P1 = Bloody torso cosmetic "default skin"
P2 = Bloody pants cosmetic "default skin"
P3 = Bloody face/head cosmetic "default skin"
Prestige Killer:
P1 = Bloody weapon "default skin"
P2 = Well it gets weird here as its not always the same. Sometimes its Mask/head other times its lower/upper torso. It seems killer dependent unlike survivor.
P3 = Whatever you didn't get from P2
When you prestige a survivor or killer you instantly return to "Level 1" on that character, loose all you perks/add-ons/items/offering (aside from the 3 character specific perks) and start at Bloodwed level 1.
In my opinion unless you really like the bloody cosmetic or want to get the achievement for getting P3 lvl 50 it is NOT worth doing. Sadly as more and more perks are added into the game it becomes a bigger burden to get the perks you want on your newly prestige character making the grind much longer.
TLDR: Prestige 1 character to P3 lvl 50 for achievements then never do it again...EVER.
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Excuse me?
I have about 1200 hours and prestiged about two thirds of the killers to P3, the rest is at level 50. You should be about done with getting all perks on all killers if you never prestiged, right?
My reasoning is that, sooner or later I will run out of things to buy with bloodpoints, so I might as well P3 a killer before I start collecting all perks for him, or all is lost when I do prestige after all.
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@Milkymalk I play survivor too so I have invested quite a bit there as well. My nurse still does not have the newest perks. I also spend points on killers I enjoy to get their add ons even if I have them max perks.
I have not even bought stranger things yet, and still have plenty of things to spend bp on.
I will eventually prestige Claudette, but that is only if I have everything else I want.
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yes i'm in two minds whether to prestige cos more than likely you won't get the perks you want and, the more charactors you have opened, the longer it takes! takes avery long time.
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just out out of interest do you get any more skins for after p3? sorry i didn't see your post before i commented, said the same thing, lol
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No you cannot prestige after P3 and will just continue to grind for perks.
If you manage to get all the perks on a specific character then you will simply have items replace where perks "would" be in your Bloodweb.
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On ps4 my daily rituals auto claim
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The new bloodweb changes seem to make the rare items more likely to pop up imho
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Excuse me, how can you find out your total ammount of bloodpoints? Sorry but I couldn't find anything on the internet.
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The main exception here is that, for Ash, his p1 cosmetic is torso and face. Then pants, then his cybernetic hand.
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This is pretty interesting because prior to the BW change, P3-50+ bloodwebs had 6 green, 3 purple, and 0 or 1 red. P2 and under could have less green and purple. I wonder if prestiging now is actually worth it, if they changed the algorithm for rarities.
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Vro yessssss i thought i was the only one to get salty when i trash one to get one I like just to see it get switched with some random one. Main menu ritual check, trash for new, close ritual menu then to double check it to see if it said but get nay nayed when it doesn't
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This was roughly my second or third blood web after the new system sadly I had all previous perks. It seems to of been semi consistent to this bloodweb. Just didn't pay attention cuz these addons were nuts.
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btw ash is the only survivor with a different prestige p3 is hand
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If I can remember, I'll try to keep an eye out for it because for me, I use way more purple addons than red. Before, I would have said prestiging wasn't worth it, but with the rework, it may be if it ups the "very rare" count considerably like it should have all along.
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I can check next time we get a dlc if you want.
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Thank you very much dude ❤️
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Lose your acc progress then email bhvr.
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The "slightly more rare things" bit has been debunked with extensive data, numerous times.