Flashlight's need a buff

Now before we go spamming hate comments and counter arguments try using a flashlight and then tell me they do not need a buff. currently flashlights are near useless without empathy the only real use you will get out of it is blinding at pallets and that is not even a good strategy not only that but flashlight's odd bulb is useless as well. all right people comment away!


  • Auron471
    Auron471 Member Posts: 1,310

    Well I would like flashlights so serve a bit more utility aside from chases, but what do you propose?

  • terumisan
    terumisan Member Posts: 1,293

    Just start using aftercare

  • Kikki
    Kikki Member Posts: 536

    I hope this thread should be a bait....

  • Esheon
    Esheon Member Posts: 568

    If you think flashlights need a buff, you're using them wrong. Personally, I'd rather not return to a time when the flashlight blind was so quick it could stop a Billy mid-chainsaw before he even reached you.

    As for "more utility", I'd be fine with that as long as that utility wasn't destroying yet another killer's power. I have a feeling the devs would decide "more utility" meant destroying Fred's pallets/traps and Doc's pallets/illusions. Maybe even reveal the aura of Trapper's traps for good measure. I'd rather not see that, either.

  • Tangero
    Tangero Member Posts: 119

    More like they need to be fixed

  • iBetClaudette
    iBetClaudette Member Posts: 299

    I have an inventory of like 25 flashlights because I refuse to take them into a match. They're pretty much useless

  • UberMorpth
    UberMorpth Member Posts: 97

    Flashlights are really only the worst items is due to killers (on average) being smart about counter playing them, perhaps more light burn killers should come into play as we only have had 3.

  • UltraBanana
    UltraBanana Member Posts: 100

    People who think they are weak don't know how to use them well enough.

  • Viracocha72
    Viracocha72 Member Posts: 207

    I just started playing the game a couple months ago and when reading up about it before buying it I thought flashlights we're going to be a much bigger part of the game. I was kind of disappointed they aren't but at the same time I'm kind of glad they're not because it does suck getting blinded. I would be okay with them having other effects like maybe just slowing the killer at times instead of fully blinding him.

  • Centrum
    Centrum Member Posts: 160

    As much as I don't want flashlights to be OP..

    Maybe a non-stacking (so no using 4 at a time!) slight slowdown pre-blind? Like, the killer raises their left arm/hand/eldrich tentacle (you never know!) to start shielding their face and incrementally slows down a bit as their screen whites out.

    As the blindness fades, they incrementally speed back up. Or it goes into full blind and they get all their speed back the moment of blindness.

    Note: This does not affect Lightburn; burning an invisible Killer will not slow them down. It ONLY slows down on Blind. Not Lightburn.

  • ZebragYT
    ZebragYT Member Posts: 6

    Even if flashlights got buffed, killers can still counter them by looking into a wall. So I don't see the point in getting buffed.

    Besides they can be used against Hag and they can stun Nurse and Wraith.

  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,204

    How about changing odd bulb so that it acts as a laser pointer at 32 meters- battery has to be at 80% and depletes flashlight after 1 use, hit or miss. Also, it does not burn or work through corn.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    Flashlights are still good. Not incredible nobrain anymore, but good.

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    I can't even use keys lol, they are just collecting dust in my inventory. I only find them useful in a swf group

  • Star99er
    Star99er Member Posts: 1,452

    I think they do need small buff but they need to be careful with how they go about buffing them. Odd Bulb Add-on needs a rework imo.