New ultra rare item for survivors


This would provide interesting gameplay (and probably a lot of betrayals)


  • BillCosby
    BillCosby Member Posts: 27

    @Doc_W__HOLLIDAY said:
    So Nea can FINALLY be a killer


  • KingArthanal
    KingArthanal Member Posts: 91
    Additional 2: nuklear strike and ion cannon
  • switch
    switch Member Posts: 489

    Yeah posts like "survivors are jerks"
    "a survivor shot me BabyRage" would be funny

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    Fire extinguisher, 4 nea's with these and dcing is probably your safest exit.
  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    Dwight with the dreaded stapler😱
  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    When killer downs 3 players, call a uav to reveal all survivors temporarily or 5 downs and call a care package and maybe get the doggos 🐕 to maul the nea.
  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    I wish there was a mod in which we could actually kill the killer. For completing specific objects we could get parts of a gun and then kill the killer. Of course, It should be more difficult than these generator repairing simulator matches. I bet it would be fun.

  • TigerKirby215
    TigerKirby215 Member Posts: 604

    Decisive Gun

    When the killer picks you up / hits you / enters your line of sight perform a skill check to ######### shoot at them. If successful, the killer is stunned / crippled for the rest of the game / ######### dies.

    I have joked about Decisive Gun being added if Syndey Prescot (from the Scream franchise) ever gets added. :tongue:

  • BillCosby
    BillCosby Member Posts: 27

    @TigerKirby215 said:

    Decisive Gun

    When the killer picks you up / hits you / enters your line of sight perform a skill check to [BAD WORD] shoot at them. If successful, the killer is stunned / crippled for the rest of the game / [BAD WORD] dies.

    I have joked about Decisive Gun being added if Syndey Prescot (from the Scream franchise) ever gets added. :tongue:

    This I like.
    I think Ash, from the evil dead series, would also go very well with this as new survivor.
    Get ready for that trusty boomstick and chainsawed killers.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    Guns plz