Solution to Camping

Someissues Member Posts: 1,604

Camping is a massive issue especially for Solo Players for sure, SWF can deal with this easily with rushing gens since they can coordinate and tell their teammates to do gens

Why not give buffs for Solo Players too? Like in Identity V

Give messages for the players so they can send across to their team, to let them know that the Killer is camping and such

another idea is having perks, some survivors in Identity V have 60% increase time being on the Hook and there are even perks that can help make it slower. So why not in the future have a perk that makes you stay on the hook much longer? or simply rework it when killer is near but no teammates around

This is such an amazing feature and would destroy killers who camps

we already gotten the buff from DS claws this patch telling DS is being chased, so it is more leaning towards SWF balance


  • hMM
    hMM Member Posts: 121


  • Freudentrauma
    Freudentrauma Member Posts: 1,053

    I think it would help, if Survivors had a clear Yes and No Emote while on the hook. That might be enough to show people, if they should come to help or not.
    Besides that there aren't really any solutions against camping. Hooks are placed quite close to points of interest within the game like gens and loops. So you can't decrease the Hook process, depending on Killer distance. Surivors would just abuse it.
    The perk idea is nice. But it's like Bamboozle. A perk that helps with something that is broken within the games design, but because it's a perk that you need to equip. It doesn't solve it.

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604

    @1Handirl said:
    The survivors already let their teammates know if killer is camping the hook by flailing their arms up on down.

    Sometimes this is confusing when you don't know when they want you to save and whatnot, camping is a problem mostly for Solo Players in a nutshell, and what if they went to the second stage in struggling?

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    Camping is a massive issue especially for Solo Players for sure, SWF can deal with this easily with rushing gens since they can coordinate and tell their teammates to do gens

    Why not give buffs for Solo Players too? Like in Identity V

    Just, use, Kindred.

       The way I see the Survivor meta perk sets are Self-Care, Sprint Burst, and Borrowed Time for gen workers and Decisive Strike for Loopers. Both sets use only three perk slots so you can just shove Kindred in there. Now I understand that you might not have Kindred III yet and that's okay! So as 1Handirl said, wave your arms when the killer is nearby. Arm waving is a universally accepted message of camping so use that until you get Kindred III's aura reveal. 

       While we're on the subject of killers defending hooks I recommend you pick up Teachable Open-Handed at the shrine if you didn't buy the Of Flesh and Mud dlc. It stacks with Kindred III's aura reveal which means the killer's aura will be seen if they're within 16 metres of the hook. That'll show those pesky patrollers!

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104
    Sorry about the format strangeness, typed that on my phone.
  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823

    another day, another person dumb enough to think camping needs punishment.

    Camping might fairly punish the killer, but also punishes the camped survivor (if camped till death) just for being the 1st one on getting caught.
  • Larcz
    Larcz Member Posts: 531
    Killer already got aura perks like bbq or bitter murmur to find surv after hook somone.And don't mention about time of hang on hook like 3 gens in this time before sacrafice.But when somone is tbag you troll and make you angry then camping is real or when gens are done and gates open no point to leave surv on hook and try got other one.Better try secure kill.
  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104
    I'm a little suprised the Pig main didn't mention Make Your Choice as a perk to deter camping.
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    It is called waving their hands

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604

    @RemoveSWF said:
    Camping doesn't need a solution because it's not a problem.

    You are not entitled to a free rescue.

    If they buff Solo player's experience up to SWF then they will balance SWF, otherwise balancing SWF will never happen

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604
    edited July 2018

    @Peasant said:

    Just, use, Kindred.

    I ain't new, with over 2,8k hours, Kindred is trash cuz a killer can still camp outside of that radius,

    SWF u already dont need none of that since you can already tell if a killer is camping through voice comm

    you can't when you are playing solo, this puts solo players at a disadvantage compared to SWF, saying nothing needs to be fixed = nothing will be done to SWF

    in Identity V, they know SWF is stronger than Solo, so they gave Kindred by default for everyone, and Killers is still very strong in that game

    i am speaking this as a Killer main btw

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913
    Peasant said:
    Vietfox said:

    another day, another person dumb enough to think camping needs punishment.

    Camping might fairly punish the killer, but also punishes the camped survivor (if camped till death) just for being the 1st one on getting caught.
      The survivor deserves to be punished. We get a heartbeat, footsteps, breathing, some intense music, and a red glow telling us where the killer is. If you hear the heartbeat just hide. If you see the red stain in a doorway hide in a blind spot. The survivors have tools to use to prevent being caught, just learn how to use them.
    Not every killer has a huge terror radius, footsteps, or breathing by the way. The Wraith, Freddy, and Myers can sneak up on you quickly. I mean Wraith and Freddy aren’t powerful at all but I’m just saying, you can’t hide from every will be FORCED into a chase sometimes. That is part of the game, don’t take this a complaint...just saying that you will not be able to hide from every killer. Myers can easily pull you off of a generator from the very beginning and you can be camped just like that simply because you were the unlucky one to be caught first. Most of the time I hear Myers breathing before the heartbeat in Tier I.

    Camping is a bad strategy on the killers part, it shows in their de-pip and how they BARELY got as many points as the only survivor they killed by facecamping. 
  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913
    RemoveSWF said:

    Camping doesn't need a solution because it's not a problem.

    You are not entitled to a free rescue.

    The killer is also not entitled to a kill by sticking their face into the survivors crotch and standing their doing nothing all game and the proceeds to complain about gen rushers. The only time camping should be necessary is if the exit gates are powered and you want at least one kill.
  • GT_Legend2
    GT_Legend2 Member Posts: 845
    @WhateverIGuess either he’s a douche OR he has dying light for whatever reason
  • monkdee702
    monkdee702 Member Posts: 8

    lol I run dying light on Michael cuz Michael is a d bag killer

  • DarkGGhost
    DarkGGhost Member Posts: 1,072

    @Someissues ok let's say we buff the solo surrs with one perk that make the hook longer ( any other buff will be too op). So in what way will work and in what range will be active because kill can "camp" in 16-24 meters away from the hook.( i am main killer)

    BLUE_APE Member Posts: 282

    @RemoveSWF said:
    Camping doesn't need a solution because it's not a problem.

    You are not entitled to a free rescue.

    And your not entiteled a free kill either

    BLUE_APE Member Posts: 282

    Identity V is so much fun.

    Becareful buddy, Camping is a very touchy subject against killers.
    Don't listen to their trash about killers being weak, because if killers are so weak, how come I see killers who are hunt down everyone just fine and kill without camping?

    But yeah your right this would be good. I also think D-strike (For the obsession only) should let the survivor stab the killer (make it like the coordinator's flare gun) stun them for a sec, and paired with borrowed time would be mean.
    But killers have bitter murmur (is stronger then dark sense too by the way killers got the long end of the stick there) and BBQ chili, there is no excuse to camp if you can see where other survivors are. Though it aint camping if the killer is chasing a survivor who they knew where waiting. (just saying)

    Over all yeah.

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604

    Facecamp in this game makes you lose 4 gens yes, bear in mind on the latest patch they already buff Solo Players by letting them know when a obsession is being chased

    if they buff solo players up to or close to SWF standards then they can balance SWF which is the biggest problem for us Killer mains

    please don't say it won't work cuz it work on Identity V and reach top 100 Killers already

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @BLUE_APE said:

    @RemoveSWF said:
    Camping doesn't need a solution because it's not a problem.

    You are not entitled to a free rescue.

    And your not entiteled a free kill either

    Free kills don't exist. The Killer has to find and hit a Survivor twice, then carry them to a hook while dealing with bodyblockers and flashlights, before the Survivor is even in a situation where they can be camped.

  • BillCosby
    BillCosby Member Posts: 27

    Best solution for survivors:

    1. Right-Click 'Dead By Daylight' in Steam Library
    2. Left-Click 'Uninstall'
    3. Play Civ5
  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913
    BillCosby said:

    Best solution for survivors:

    1. Right-Click 'Dead By Daylight' in Steam Library
    2. Left-Click 'Uninstall'
    3. Play Civ5
    If all the survivors left you wouldn’t have a damn soul to kill in the first place
  • BillCosby
    BillCosby Member Posts: 27

    @MegMain98 said:
    BillCosby said:

    Best solution for survivors:

    * Right-Click 'Dead By Daylight' in Steam Library
    * Left-Click 'Uninstall'
    * Play Civ5

    If all the survivors left you wouldn’t have a damn soul to kill in the first place

    That's fine, I like playing with myself more anyway ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Envees
    Envees Member Posts: 370

    @RemoveSWF said:
    Camping doesn't need a solution because it's not a problem.

    You are not entitled to a free rescue.

    There was a time not so long ago i thought differently with the amount of changes killers were getting. Swivel unhooks, no traps at the hook anymore, no traps on any stairs in the basement anymore, BT changes.

    It felt like our power to decide life and death in the game were being taken away. Still are. Just cos somebody is on the hook and you are camping does not mean they are dead. Far from it.

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    @Someissues said:
    Camping is a massive issue especially for Solo Players for sure, SWF can deal with this easily with rushing gens since they can coordinate and tell their teammates to do gens

    Why not give buffs for Solo Players too? Like in Identity V

    Give messages for the players so they can send across to their team, to let them know that the Killer is camping and such

    another idea is having perks, some survivors in Identity V have 60% increase time being on the Hook and there are even perks that can help make it slower. So why not in the future have a perk that makes you stay on the hook much longer? or simply rework it when killer is near but no teammates around

    This is such an amazing feature and would destroy killers who camps

    we already gotten the buff from DS claws this patch telling DS is being chased, so it is more leaning towards SWF balance

    Identity V ? You mean the game where infinites are back because they need it to make the marketing abusive enough to work, like they did for dbd ?
    Sounds like a nice example.

    I'll just say "no" tho. Camping/not camping is one of the only mindgame left to a lot of killers, especially stealth ones.

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604
    edited August 2018

    @Runiver said:
    Identity V ? You mean the game where infinites are back because they need it to make the marketing abusive enough to work, like they did for dbd ?
    Sounds like a nice example.

    I'll just say "no" tho. Camping/not camping is one of the only mindgame left to a lot of killers, especially stealth ones.

    Only few spots are similar to semi-infinite, just like DBD, there is Bamboozle in the game which blocked the window for 20 seconds, impossible and way enough time to stop them from looping

    i had close to 98% win rate as Killer main, on the highest rank on the server and top 100 on ranking

    It's proven even that survivors have build-in kindred, ability to write messages killers are still able to do well

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    @Someissues said:

    @Runiver said:
    Identity V ? You mean the game where infinites are back because they need it to make the marketing abusive enough to work, like they did for dbd ?
    Sounds like a nice example.

    I'll just say "no" tho. Camping/not camping is one of the only mindgame left to a lot of killers, especially stealth ones.

    Only few spots are similar to semi-infinite, just like DBD, there is Bamboozle in the game which blocked the window for 20 seconds, impossible and way enough time to stop them from looping

    i had close to 98% win rate as Killer main, on the highest rank on the server and top 100 on ranking

    It's proven even that survivors have build-in kindred, ability to write messages killers are still able to do well

    From what I've seen, there's a LOT of true infinites. And yes, there's a bamboozle like, still a band-aid tho.

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604

    @Runiver said:
    From what I've seen, there's a LOT of true infinites. And yes, there's a bamboozle like, still a band-aid tho.

    Every map has like 2 spots, but that's about it. some hunters have abilities that can help them catch up to survivors, and killers can pick ability like teleport/ blink which fixs this issue without using bamboozle

    i have 70% winrate as Survivor and 95% as hunter on ranked. should tell you enough that killers are doing well in this game even with build-in kindred and chat- comms

    i am rank 87 as Hunter in the whole global version and top 100

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    @Someissues said:

    @Runiver said:
    From what I've seen, there's a LOT of true infinites. And yes, there's a bamboozle like, still a band-aid tho.

    Every map has like 2 spots, but that's about it. some hunters have abilities that can help them catch up to survivors, and killers can pick ability like teleport/ blink which fixs this issue without using bamboozle

    i have 70% winrate as Survivor and 95% as hunter on ranked. should tell you enough that killers are doing well in this game even with build-in kindred and chat- comms

    i am rank 87 as Hunter in the whole global version and top 100

    Only 2 infinites, wow! They just need to rework 2 of them per map then. Better than the 5-7 than dbd had at release then I suppose.

    I don't play the game nearly enough anyway, what I know is, people were able to have a high win rates back then on dbd with 5 infinites per map, it doesn't say much except that people are just possibly even dumber on this game than they were on dbd, especially since it's a mobile game.

  • Envees
    Envees Member Posts: 370

    @Vietfox said:
    AlexAnarchy said:

    another day, another person dumb enough to think camping needs punishment.

    Camping might fairly punish the killer, but also punishes the camped survivor (if camped till death) just for being the 1st one on getting caught.

    For alot of us setting up a tent is only after they have made us do their dance. The dance of running in circles and pallet slamming, followed by the near compulsory tbag and blind. Then come the jungle gyms cos they know that in open field the juking is nearly impossible. Yeah, at that point i make sure they die.

    You had your fun. Ill have mine when yours is over.

    No changes to camping needed but ######### loud enough and you might get the i-frames which give you yet more lives than a cat which has 9.