Okay, how is this matchmaking okay?

Look at this! It's not even within the 6 rank gap. The other three survivors, sure. But I was the first one to enter the lobby. Meaning the game matched a Rank 12 Survivor with a Rank 20 Survivor.
Did BHVR change the matchmaking overnight or something? Because this is even worse than before. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the matchmaking supposed to max out within 6 ranks above or below?
seems like every few weeks someone turns it off
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Maybe there were not enough people around your rank online, so the game allowed for this lobby to be created instead making you wait forever?
I would rather this instead of waiting a long time for a "perfect" lobby to come about
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That looks even more atrocious.
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I don't know about you, but if I was a killer/survivor I wouldn't want to be matched with someone who would decimate me in game.
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i just want to play =D
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ouch. that doesn't seem right at all.
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They say between rank 16-20 are apart from that 6 rank difference rule. To give them faster lobbies. But this match I had yesterday doesn't fit any of the rules to my knowledge. Still happened.
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I went up against a rank 20 yesterday. I was rank 14 or something. The other survivors were ranks 15 and 14, I think.
It was not okay. I felt bad for that killer. They got a few hooks because they camped and people kept throwing themselves at the hook, but in the end they got no kills. It was a Trapper with either one tier 1 perk or no perks. I can't remember. Either way, rank 20s shouldn't go against anything above rank 17. Total newbies aren't equipped to go against anyone with even a modicum of map knowledge.
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I had the same experience yesterday. Good thing that everything is working fine here...
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I just burst out laughing...bet that was a fun game xD
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I posted about this the other day. Peanits said they currently have a problem with matchmaking and are working on it.
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Why are people still going on about this? There has to be at least 250 forums on this one subject.
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God I bet that game was infuriating lmao
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Who's saying it's okay?
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@VSLl How does a killer even have fun in that?
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It's not. I would imagine they have a system in place that puts people together to shorten queue times. I've been waiting for archives to launch before playing again. I played a day or two before they were supposed to launch and decayed back down to like rank 19 on killer. I was in queue for like 7 minutes trying to find a game before giving up. It's likely to make sure ranks 17-20 players don't take ages to find games
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I think when the Gap is that massive, the points need to be adjusted. Since it's expected that the killer would annihilate those survivors, the survivors should get pip protection and double or triple bloodpoints. Whereas the killer? At Max should just get a safety pip.
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Impossible. Can't happen. Devs wouldn't lie to us, would they?
September 2019 Developer update, "If a match of the same rank is not available, the system will gradually expand the acceptable range until it finds a match. This has a hard limit of 6 ranks above or below your rank."
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Peanits said in another thread that theres currently a problem with the matchmaker that they're trying to fix.
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Matchmaking has always been wonky, always will be it seems.
Just gout out of a match same as yours except the killer didn't get bullied, I'm Rank 7 and got a bunch of yellows in my game, the match was definitely just me messing around and everyone else kind of suffering. I even got out with a key and didn't even need to use it.
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This happens to me all the time. I thought they were trying to fix this?? I understand that ranks 20-16 are exempt from the matchmaking update, but there has to be a limit on even that. I shouldn't be getting rank 10's in a rank 20 killer lobby.
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What ranking system?
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Seems fair?
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I’m not funny because of the match, the match was really very boring. I'm funny because of the rank system. These are 2 different things.
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That's what I dislike about this game. It throws new players under the bus. So many players have been lost because they just didnt wanna deal with the grind of getting good perks to survive and they get slaughtered because matchmaking is broken. I say give brand new accounts 3 free perks.
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they have been trying to fix a lot of things for the past 3 years , matchmaking , totem placements , and loops . Here we are 3 years later and people still act surprised that these issues are still around …
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Oooof, had the reverse of that for 3 days straight...my swf just did the adept for all the survivors and I always messaged them sorry because it was just so bad (The match making) I was so worried that so many new players would get discouraged because of how broken the match making system was (and still kinda is)
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Most of the time, this is just someone playing with their noob friend. It should definitely balance itself out. That rank 1 vs low ranks is a problem.
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It isn't even funny anymore or so. I feel just bad for killers like this huntress. Image you want a nice gaming experience and all you got is nothing. This huntress didnt even hook anyone.
Please fix your matchmaking finally. Like srsly.